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1、商务英语2备课笔记Unit,4ni 4 1、 ogitiv Inrmaion(认知信息):Consuer Satiscti 、 Lanae Focu(内容重点) Key Word: 、 bagai, trk, xtort, silly, inocnt, ovely, wherepon, rush, breathti, ipertinence, plead, utrg, sane, trifle, xavagn, lo, sticky; 、 prsade, rtioal, chkout, oner, thug-out, vulnerbl, eonomy, depeail, convience,

2、ock(musc), nutitus, pcage, ntllige Pse:、 t sat ith, igt a well, for the ake of, in oe’ defense, as houg, o one’ life time, ple up, ll for, serve b、 rig, al the same; 、 at othr tmes, or pleasure Wo Stuy:accuse, offr, esis, fade, phibit Ueful Stuctures:、 tat niatr lef 、lle les lw tI eve th

3、ouh 、 boj dog a od rmar: Sujnctive Mod f ebs () 3、 municative klls(交际技能) Expressions: Expressons of laiing Prcicl eading:Advrtisments of Brgins 4、 Lexica Knwedge(词汇学学问)::sexiffS able/ ible, al, n/ ent, ry/ ory, n/ an bargainu ot sretsuc egarucne ot eqnhcet elas teffe hae gaage sle 现场旧货出售 chain store

4、 连锁商店 店商价廉 rot m/erots tnec-tdna-evfroey sre 杂货店 易交上网 tenretnI eht ni ssnisub-espermarket 超级市场 auion mart 拍卖市场 k market 露天市场 lea mket 跳蚤市场(旧货与廉价商品市场) nit maket 夜市 场市售零品产农 tea edor clbupsee mark 路摊 场市货旧 teka dnhdnsaiwor:Discss it your patn the following uestios、 、o yo te barain with shop ssists whn y

5、o buy thigs? 、Do ou often look aond he shop for again? 、Whr or wn are ou mst liely o find a bargan? 4、Hav you eve ough nythin a you di’ need ust because yu thought i as a bagain? 5、Wht wa h bst bargi u have fun? Desribe it to you classmates、 1、 efiition of conumer satiscnume tisfacin s a buses

6、 ter usd to aptur h ia measg w stifed an etrpris’s consums are with te oganzios’ efos n a arketlac、 very oganization hs cnmers of some kin、 The ogniztin roides proucts (gods and/o srvice)of sme knd to its consumes rouh the mechanis o a aepce、 he prodcts the organizain rovdes are subjec o

7、 petiio hther imilar produts or y sbsitution pduts、 The reason a organizaton i intretd in the atiscon f ts cnumers s caus consuer prchase th rgization’s prucs、 e organizaton is ieested i retainin its xistig onsr nd icreasin the ube of its onsmers、 onume satifcin is a ambiguus、 bstrct cncept an

8、 e actual mifestat of the sta o stisacio will vary fro pers to peson、 The state o stisacin depnds o numer bot psoogical n phyical vribe、 e lv of satifcion can also ary depending on oher optis he conumer may ha ad othe prducts aginst hic h consume a pare the organizt’s products、 Buse stifacin i

9、s baical a psychoogica tae, it is difficu to mesur uantiatiel、 I her wors, there re no nis f satisaction ha hae been efned、 Th sual masur f onsum satisacto inole ure nsuent wit a set of tements uing a scae、 Th consue is sed o evauate ah stament and tn eect fr a sle how mch th cosumer agees or diagre

10、es wit th ment、 2、 Bneft o consumer satisfactin :remusnc eht n ecefn iisop sah oitcfsitas rmsnoChe perception o te rsk th reced the prcase diappers; te conumer’s ef-concept igh iprove becase the puae ws aplished sucesfuly; a posiive nfron freently spontaneusly muncated to other consmes、 If a c

11、onsuer i satisfed with a prduct, o he would i utur buy ha partcular rut more onfdent、 Bran loalty might dee a resul、 e benefit onsme atisaco t enterpses i hat the ha mnaed o povi proucts to the mrk that atisfy th need o coners、 Tis oud i ur enure the connued eistence nd growh of e nterprie, articlrl

12、y if te oumer is atisfid t such an xent hat he or h hares th eeee wit her consumer、 Tereore, sucessful purhas is not only beficial to th consumer, but as o th othe aries nvolved (the retiler ad the pucer tat ld e reprete a brnd or trad name)、 3、 Factrs iluencng coser saisftioConumer satisfacti is om

13、mes defined as a cnsmer’s evaluation of the acual eformance of a purhase (prout r serve) in s f prforulated obcties an expectations、 Consumr saiatn es when a pcas i evauate in the corse f its us an h cone oncus ha mees or xed is or er niia xpctatins、 The nteratin betwen exectation of poduct nd

14、 he eventual erformance of th productteroe leds to eier cosmersatisfacn or consmer dssataction、 Apart ro h fact ha dvdul haractrisics of cnsumrs (suc as age, ee of eduaon, fcial tatus) nd prsonlity difrences have a influene on he exerience of cnsumr aisfaci ad te ntensity of the experiene sbent to p

15、rcase, onsumer satisfacton s sc is lx ad iffcut to pedit、 t ws secatd hat cosme sisfi i influeced by: h prouct eats, taking due aount of preious erence, brand-ame pereptins nd smli elment; h onte he rchase, hich ncudes the influen of slespeople n soia rfernces; nvidual charactrisics tt entil peruadb

16、ilty and peptua dstrtion、 、 Sigs and sympos of pulsie oppinga yord ,egarm etaert ac gniohs evislu ,tsrow ti tAfamily’ credt ag and oprdize is finncial tur、 o aue our opping hat, go ver th ollown lis of sgns and sympoms o plsive hopig、 Eerincg ur or mo o thse sitons can nicate prbl with shoppn

17、and speing、 Shoppin or seng mony as a esl of eig dsainted, ngry or scd、 pendi abts tha caue emotonal distres or chos o’s ife、 guing wih others regadig soppi or spnding haits、 ein lost io cdi cards、 Buyig items o redit that wuld n b boght ith cs、 Feeling a uh f euphora n axiey at the ae tie whe

18、n pending mony、 Feeling hat spndig o shopping s ckles or foridden ac、 lig uilt, shaed, embarrased or cnfuse t shoppig r spendin oney、 aig an puchases tat r ev sd、 Lyin to ohs bout what was bought or ho u money wa pet、1、 et勒 )、b orf( staerht o ecrf y )、ts( iat ot、v索 、 inocent a、得单简脑头 ddnim-elpms3、 or

19、d 、 gro of directos elcted by te shaholers o run a pa 董事会 4、 decenta、fair 公允得 5、 ovlty物事奇新 niht sunu d e、n、 fdev、to aus o lose o, reshnes 褪色 7、 heeuo 、jn as resul of wich 因此 、 breng a、vy surpriig o socin 令人惊讶得 、 impertinnc n、当适不 eairorppa gnieb t10、 eioner n、a peo wo i receiig n amount o moey pai re

20、uay a goernmn r a pay euse o o age 领取养老金者 11、 ause、to chae b、 with oing wrong, a ime tc、 指控 12、 pladn ytliug si eno rehhw giys ,erah a rewna ot 、v 认(罪) 、g、 plead gilty 13、 utgev、t e soebdy temely gry o ue 激怒 1、 efee 、n the act of protecting someoe gainst atck 辩护 1、 iular 得圆 duor 、a1、 aw drah ituc ro

21、f egde e no hteet fo wo a htiw ot 、nmaterials 锯 、 seenly ad、apently 好像 、 saea、at in ind 心智健全得 19、 persian 、a of Pesa ( Now clled an) 波斯得 20、 tiflea、点有;量少eltil a ;nuoma las a21、 xtrvgant 、a stf of mney 奢侈得 2、 cop骨排 eob a o tam o ecep llm a 、3、 trmedosa、very gea in ize, mont or dre 巨大得 24、 lo n、avator

22、y 盥洗室 2、 pil v、堆 rehtona no eno niyl sgni f rebmun ekam ot2、 que n、寻探 gnhtms dif tpmett na27、 sicky a、joini i lue or pas 粘性得 8、 rhibiv、止禁 ur ro wa y dibrof ot1、 to sar with t the bging; iniily 首先;起初 2、 might/ay s wld( t’dluos )eno( yh nosar on i ereht sh、)还就是(做)得好 3、 o he sae of故缘得为 o egtnavd

23、ro dog eh ro4、 in on’ ense o protect sobdy against aac 为辩护 、 houh乎似 i a、 fo on’s eimevla s eno ciw niu it eh rof一生 7、 pile up积堆 ytitnaq eal sa a oni mrf sua t8、 serve sb、 rigtto be go pishment for sebody 活该 9、 l h amei spite of his尽管如此 10、 fall oreur on si taht gnihteos niil on dekcir e

24、ot上得当 1、 rge ike: a Hugarian write wo lived in Brtain、 h paage i fro、rop eb woH krow sih2、 、 take the followi lines:des things in t wys mentiod belw 3、 、 e ttraction of the noelty soo fads: So, peol loe eirtrest in this new chep roduct an longer hav the enthsism to buy it、 、 One ght as wel buy t ny

25、cheapr: The is no goo on y one shou not by it a enn cheap、 e、g、 Ther i noing wort wahing on the televiin, o we ight we go、deb ot5、 pengo :the i mntary nt of Hugay、 、 shilling:British monery uni sed til 11、 A shillig is equal o 12 pence, /20 pond in he ol Engl monetary sytem、 After the adption of 、es

26、u regnol on si tinu sih ,171 mesys wen ht7、 a shilling ee 、 a hilig there: Money gt bit b bit ill graduall umule a bee oiderable amout、 8、 new sh onetary stem: sytm tha as be usd since 197 in whih, ne poun is ual o 1 ence、 9、 rvide: on condton tha; if and onl 、 (只要) 1、 rller-kte: frme wt 4 whee or f

27、itting nder a sho or a he wth om na no gnsu rof no eif seehwt surfac in te wayta diay sae are sdn ice、 (旱冰鞋) 11、 、 has en a tile travgant:has wast uit a su of ony o somethg tha is unecesary i one’ daily life、 ere a trifle meas a lite、 12、 ill nevr ocr to her ht、:She wll neer reale or hin f ha、

28、 13、 、 he culd mke a livn out o it: 、 she cold save a cosrable um f money wich wil be quie no t coer her aily xpns、 14、 、 (the ss)wold feel ather strage wnev hey wre offere sua put into the ofee: Pple ually pt lp o ugar ito cofee and te ather han granlted sugar (砂糖)、 That i wh er gues would feel strange en they ee ffrd gar t ut int te fee、 Hwve, to ad grulaed sugar to cee is a mon pactice in the US、 、 、 fal f hs trik:ar ceated b the clevr ct whch maes someone bleve oething ha is no te、


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