1、21年海船船员考试题库精选5卷21年海船船员考试题库精选5卷 第1卷 自然通风系统中常见的通风筒有:烟斗式通风筒排风筒菌型通风通鹅颈式通风筒A.B.C.D.正确答案:D遇柴油机发生飞车时,必须立即采取停车措施,并迅速关掉柴油机油、水、气。()此题为判断题(对,错)。参考答案:错误热带气旋在我国沿海登陆最多的月份是()A、56月B、67月C、78月D、89月参考答案:D When oily ballast has been pumped overboard,an entry must be made in the _.A.Oil Record BookB.Official LogbookC.de
2、ck rough logD.engine rough log正确答案:A 船舶航行中水手在驾驶员值班的时间是_。A.04:0008:00,16:0020:00B.00:0004:00,12:0016:00C.08:0012:00,20:0024:00D.与所跟驾驶员的值班时间相同正确答案:D STCW规则A部分主要给出了海员_。、最低适任标准;、特殊培训和专业培训;、海员值班标准;、船员权益标准。A.+B.+C.+D.+正确答案:D 材料:The benefit to commerce of allowing stevedores and terminal operators to compl
3、etely limit their liability is often put forward by supporters on their partSuch reasoning,however,ignores the fact that in the commercial world it is preferable for persons who cause damage to cargo to be held responsible for that damageOtherwise they will continue to be negligent and will do nothi
4、ng to alter their practicesTransferring the loss to the underwriters of cargo from the underwriters of the stevedores does not merely shift the cost of insuranceIf the stevedores and terminal operators who have the care and charge of cargo do not act carefully when carrying out their duties,then res
5、ponsibility for loss and damage to cargo will not only be shifted but that loss and damage will be increased as wellNor are all cargoes or risks fully or even partially insured.Therefore,the premium of cargo insurance is so high that it has been estimated that not much more than fifty percent of shi
6、pments by sea on the North Atlantic are actually insured at all It is a fundamental principle of GOOD business practice and of efficient,fair and low-cost insurance that persons who are responsible for losses should be held accountable,in some way,for those losses问题:According to the passage,limiting
7、 the liability on the part of the stevedores will _A.transfer the loss suffered by underwriters of cargo to the underwriters of stevedoresB.transfer the loss suffered by underwriters of stevedores to the underwriters of cargoC.not transfer any liability in practice of shippingD.increase the liabilit
8、y on their partThe author of this passage is a supporter on the side that _A.the liability on the part of the stevedores and terminal operators should be completely limitedB.transferring the loss to the underwriters of cargo from the underwriters of the stevedores is impossible in shipping practiceC
9、.transferring the insurance cost to the underwriters of cargo from the underwriters of the stevedores is necessary in the eyes of shipping lawsD.persons who are responsible for losses should be held accountable,in some way,for those lossesIf the persons who are responsible for losses and damages are
10、 not held accountable,in some way,for those losses and damages,that losses and damages will _A.be increasedB.be decreasedC.be preventedD.not happenedIn the authors opinion,the insured cargo accounting to fifty percent of total shipments by sea on the North Atlantic is _A.reasonably practicableB.norm
11、alC.too muchD.too little请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!问题 1 答案解析:B问题 2 答案解析:D问题 3 答案解析:A问题 4 答案解析:D 符号“”在车钟记录簿中所表示的意思为:A.后退一B.前进一C.完车D.微速前进正确答案:A On an anchor windlass,the wheel over which the anchor chain passes is called a_A.brake compressor wheelB.devils clawC.wildcatD.winch head正确答案:C在起锚机上,锚链越过并通过它的轮子被称为持
12、链轮。21年海船船员考试题库精选5卷 第2卷 一粒火星,一个未熄灭的烟头,会造成人的思想麻痹,但往往又是造成火灾的根源。此题为判断题(对,错)。正确答案: 海船船员值班规则规定,值班人员在值班前()h内禁止喝酒,其值班期间血液中酒精含量(BAC)不得超过()-。A.8008B.4008C.8001D.4/0.01正确答案:B十字头式短裙部组合活塞适用于弯流扫气柴油机。()此题为判断题(对,错)。参考答案:错误柴油机压缩压力偏低会引起排温过高。()此题为判断题(对,错)。参考答案:正确 The perforated,elevated bottom of the chain locker,whic
13、h prevents the chains from touching the main locker bottom and allows seepage water to flow to the drains,is called a _A.cradleB.draftC.harpingD.manger正确答案:D 急救箱使用注意事项有()放置固定位置使用前必须要消毒物品名称书写清楚用时务必认清,防止差错A.B.C.D.正确答案:D 单锚泊时,锚的总抓力是_。锚爪抓力卧底锚链与河床底的摩擦力悬垂锚链的重力锚爪的重量A.B.+C.+D.+答案:B 油船舷梯口有一块不涂油漆的钢板,其用途是。A.消除
14、人体静电B.接地C.装饰品正确答案:A金属表面的_不均匀可以构成微观电池。A.表面膜B.结构C.强度D.硬度参考答案:A21年海船船员考试题库精选5卷 第3卷铜质螺旋桨一定要有厂方提供的材料试验单,下列哪项不属于该内容:()A、动、静平衡试验B、化学成分C、机械性能D、锻造比参考答案:A在航次租船条件下,承租人应提供满舱满载的货物,所谓“满舱满载”指的是()。.若是重货应满舱;.若是轻货应满载;.若是轻货应满舱;.若是重货应满载。A.,B.,C.,D.,参考答案:A if there is no obstruction around the anchor before anchoring, w
15、hat do you report?正确答案:The bow is clear. 船舶一旦搁浅触礁后,白天水手应悬挂两个垂直黑球。(船长较小的船)此题为判断题(对,错)。正确答案:对机舱天窗的启闭装置按规定应做()试验。A、内外侧做启、闭B、外侧做启、闭C、外侧做关闭D、内侧做启、闭,外侧做关闭参考答案:D 法定检验展期期限一般不超过_。A.3个月B.5个月C.6个月D.12个月正确答案:A SHIFT OF WIND DIRECTION IN AN ANTICLOCKWISE MANNER, FOR EXAMPLE FROM NORTH TO WEST ( OPPOSITE OF VEERI
16、NG ) defines _.A.Backing (of wind)B.Veering (of wind)C.Shifting of windD.altering of wind正确答案:A风使逆时针旋转的,例如北到西,定义为反转。 下列说法哪个正确?A.互见中,除帆船外的任何船舶向交叉相互驶近构成碰撞危险,适用交叉机遇局面条款B.互见中两艘限于吃水的船舶航向交叉相互驶近构成碰撞危险,适用交叉相遇局面条款C.三艘机动船同时航向交叉相互驶近构成碰撞危险,适用交叉相遇局面条款D.互见中三艘机动船同时航向交叉相互驶近构成碰撞危险,其中任两船之间适用交叉局面条款正确答案:B轮机长根据()制定轮机部的“
17、船舶年度维修计划”。、CWBT体系、循环检验计划、设备说明书、分工明细表A、+B、仅仅是C、+D、参考答案:D21年海船船员考试题库精选5卷 第4卷1978年海员培训、发证和值班标准国际公约的生效,打破传统的高级船员适任职务的框子,而采用职能发证。()A、对B、错无无参考答案:A 船舶在中华人民共和国管辖海域发生污染事故,或者在中华人民共和国管辖海域外发生污染事故造成或者可能造成中华人民共和国管辖海域污染的,应当()。A.立即启动相应的应急预案,采取措施控制和消除污染,并向船公司或管理公司的有关部门报告。B.立即启动相应的应急预案,采取措施控制和消除污染,并就近向有关海洋管理部门报告。C.立即
18、启动相应的应急预案,采取措施控制和消除污染,并就近向有关海事管理机构报告。正确答案:C 73/78MARPOL规定,船舶机舱污水排放为距离最近陆地12海里外不大于()。A.15ppmB.30ppmC.60ppm正确答案:A油漆作业基本顺序是()先上后下;先难后易;先里后外;留有退路A、B、C、参考答案:C 一般纤维绳子的安全负荷为断裂强度的:()A.1/2B.1/4C.1/6D.1/8正确答案:C 容易被皮肤吸收的物质应具有。A.水溶性、颗粒小的物质B.脂溶性C.水溶性和脂溶性正确答案:C当活塞在上、下止点位置时,活塞在气缸中均向同一侧倾斜造成这种情况的原因可能是_。A.曲柄销纵向锥度B.连杆
19、大端轴承上瓦偏磨C.曲柄销单面锥度D.曲柄销纵向锥度或连杆大端轴承上瓦偏磨参考答案:D 船舶上()都应确保其居住区、值班区域、工作区域或所在区域的防火安全。A.大副级船员B.高级船员C.每位船员正确答案:C对营运船舶来说,下述说法正确的是:()A、经济转速即是经济航速B、经济航速即是最佳转速C、最低燃油费用航速即最佳航速D、最大盈利航速即是最佳航速参考答案:D21年海船船员考试题库精选5卷 第5卷 舵机液压主泵不能回中时,会造成( )。A.冲舵B.跑舵C.滞舵D.A、B任何一项正确答案:A 无论何种应急情况,船员应首先保证旅客的安全。此题为判断题(对,错)。正确答案: Under normal
20、 weather and sea conditions when securing a stack of containers with non-locking fittings,lashings are required when the tier exceeds what height _A.Lashings are always requiredB.One containerC.Two containersD.Three containers正确答案:A改进喷射和燃烧技术有()。、缩短喷油持续角、提高喷油压力、提高喷油率、采用分级喷射A、+B、+C、+D、+参考答案:D 在航不对水移动中
21、从事疏浚作业的船舶,操纵能力受到限制时,且存在障碍物,在夜间应显示。I、红、白、红垂直三盏环照灯;II、可通过的一舷,垂直两舷盏环照绿灯;III、存在障碍物一舷,垂直两盏环照红灯;IV、桅灯、舷灯、和尾灯A.IB.I、II、IIIC.II、III、IVD.I、II、III、IV正确答案:B A pilot vessel on pilotage duty at night will show sidelights and a sternlight _.A.when at anchorB.only when making wayC.at any time when underwayD.only when the identifying lights are not being shown正确答案:C 柴油机吊缸时对活塞环进行检查和测量的项目有_。I径向厚度(磨损)测量II搭口间隙测量III天地间隙测量IV环背隙测量V环弹力检查VI表面损伤检查A.I+III+VB.II+III+V+VIC.I+II+III+V+VID.I+II+III+IV+V+VI正确答案:C 作为腰斧的太平斧,其斧柄套有绝缘胶套,具有防滑、绝缘的作用。此题为判断题(对,错)。正确答案: 我国抗沉性规范规定,船舶最小的干舷值必须保持_mm。A.300B.450C.76D.80正确答案:C