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1、2022海船船员考试真题及详解6篇2022海船船员考试真题及详解6篇 第1篇 电动除锈机除锈率高除厚锈使用齿轮锤除薄锈使用钢片锤头除粉状锈使用钢丝轮。此题为判断题(对,错)。正确答案: 前庭蜗神经属于_神经。A.感觉性B.运动性C.混合性正确答案:A 值班水手在操舵时,执行船长、驾驶员或引航员的舵令当达到操舵效果后必须_。A.复诵舵令B.回令C.询问D.保持沉默正确答案:B 船舶发生_及以上机损事故时,船长应尽快将情况报告船舶所属单位的机务与调度部门。A.轻微事故B.一般事故C.大事故D.重大事故正确答案:C我国黄海、渤海冬季盛行()。A、东北风B、西北风C、西南风D、东南风参考答案:B 当直

2、升机接近难船时,船长应亲自操船,使船首在2030顶风,船速为:A.510节B.1015节C.1520节正确答案:B 弃船后救生艇筏应迅速离开难船,但不应远离失事地点。此题为判断题(对,错)。正确答案: 劳动合同法规定,订立劳动合同,应当遵循()、协商一致、诚实信用的原则。(1)合法;(2)公平;(3)平等自愿;(4)双方都能接受。A.(1)+(2)+(3)+(4)B.(1)+(2)+(3)C.(1)+(2)+(4)正确答案:B Any extra expense incurred in place of another expense which would have been allowab

3、le as general average shall _ general average and so allowed without regard to the saving if any,to other interests,but only up to the amount of the general average expense avoidedA.deem to beB.deem beingC.be deemed to beD.be deemed being正确答案:C2022海船船员考试真题及详解6篇 第2篇 抛出一定链长的单锚泊船,当外力增大时,该锚泊船所拥有的锚泊力将_。A

4、.增大B.不变C.减小D.因走锚而降为零正确答案:C 结构简单、体积小、开闭迅速省力和具有调节能力。一般货油多用此类型的阀。该阀是-。A.蝶阀B.球阀C.闸阀正确答案:A 液压装置的维护管理注意事项中,不正确的是:A.工作时油温应控制在6065B.检修后应彻底排除污染C.控制油液污染D.定时检查密封、管系、阀件的状况正确答案:A航速对运输效率有很大影响,它综合反映了:()、营运的经济指标、船舶的技术状况、船员的技术水平A、+B、+C、+D、+参考答案:A 在船舶消防水带的保养中,下列错误的是:A.每三个月检查一次,排开按原折痕重卷。B.平时放置于消防拴箱内,随时可用。C.使用受潮后,可阴干。D

5、.在寒冷地区应放尽余水,注意防冻。正确答案:A 400总吨及以上非油轮向海里排放油类或油性混合物,未经稀释的排出物的含油量不得超过()。A.15ppmB.10ppmC.5ppm正确答案:A在1月份海平面平均气压场上,存在的典型高压系统有()。A、蒙古高压、北美高压B、澳大利亚高压、非洲高压、南美高压C、蒙古高压、澳大利亚高压D、北美高压、南美高压参考答案:A 每月需对ODME系统进行一次试验(test running )运行并详细记录到-内A.甲板LOG BOOKB.机舱LOG BOOKC.油类记录簿的第二部分正确答案:C 对于具体船舶,其进水角随船舶吃水的增大而_。A.增大B.减小C.不变D

6、.以上均可能正确答案:B2022海船船员考试真题及详解6篇 第3篇 以下单位中,_是国际单位制的单位。A.转/分B.卡C.毫米汞柱D.牛顿?米正确答案:D ARQ链路在连续_个周期未能建立,则呼叫自动停止,并返回到预备状态。A.4B.8C.16D.32正确答案:D 气胀式救生衣应设有能自动充气的装置,使其浸水后能自动充气,并能用嘴充气。此题为判断题(对,错)。正确答案: 下列船舶在互见中追越他船,适用追越条款的是:A.机动船B.除失去控制的船舶和操纵能力受到限制的船舶外的任何船舶C.除失去控制的船舶、操纵能力受到限制的船舶和非机动船外的任何船舶D.任何船舶正确答案:D 根据船员条例,船员享有在

7、船上每工作2个月不少于5日的年休假。此题为判断题(对,错)。正确答案: 外派船员的职业特点中占首位是_。A.劳资雇佣关系明确B.具有更高的语言交流能力C.船员文化背景的多样化D.船员来自五湖四海正确答案:A 先探明火情,后采取行动是灭火指挥原则之一。此题为判断题(对,错)。正确答案: 在海上,当你看到来船的号灯仅为红、红、白垂直三盏灯,则来船为。A.搁浅船舶B.操纵能力受到限制的船舶在航对水移动C.失去控制的船舶不对水移动D.失去控制的船舶在航对水移动正确答案:D I did find a lot of damage _ respect to the inward cargoA.onB.byC

8、.forD.with正确答案:D2022海船船员考试真题及详解6篇 第4篇 航海日志重大记事栏内应记录的内容包括_。 、应急演习的情况;、船员严重失职和违纪现象;、检查消防、救生设备的时间和情况;、船舶厂修的重要项目检查。A.、B.C.D.、正确答案:B 导缆孔的周边做成唇型的目的是保护舷墙板免被船缆磨损。此题为判断题(对,错)。正确答案: 下列哪种船舶不属于国际海上避碰规则的“一般定义”中所指的“从事捕鱼的船”?A.正在用拖网捕鱼的船舶B.正在用曳绳钓捕鱼的船舶C.正在用延绳钓捕鱼的船舶D.正在用绳钓捕鱼的船舶正确答案:B 救生艇上所配备的淡水可供满_。A.二天之用B.四天之用C.七天之用正

9、确答案:C Where is the GMDSS Radio Logbook kept aboard ship?A.Attached to the Deck LogbookB.At the principal radio operating locationC.In the Chief Mates officeD.In the Masters office正确答案:B 当活塞环工作表面干燥、发黑,缸壁也有大面积的干燥、发黑的表面,这说明由于_引起燃气泄漏所致。.搭口间隙过大;.平面间隙过小;.平面间隙过大;.缸套磨损;.活塞环安装不良。A.B.C.D.正确答案:D 海员在国内遗失海员证,需报告

10、,由所在单位或派出单位向报告并申请补发;在国外遗失,应由所在船船长持书面报告向申请补发。A.到达港港监,我国住外使领馆B.原发证港监,我国住外使领馆C.到达港港监,公司住外机构D.原发证港监,公司住外机构正确答案:B 下列不是400总吨以上非油轮必须配备防污染设备是_。A.装设标准排放接头B.装设过滤系统或油水分离设备C.装设排油监控装置D.以上都对正确答案:C 以下说法中正确的是_。A.只要追越船驶过被追越船以后,即可免除追越船让开被追越船的责任B.只要追越船与被追越船保持平行并驶,即可免除追越船应承担的让路责任C.A、B都对D.A、B都不对正确答案:D2022海船船员考试真题及详解6篇 第

11、5篇 没有围油栏的船舶可用能漂浮的化纤缆绳代替,以控制溢油和吸油材料的漂散,方便吸油作业和回收吸油材料。此题为判断题(对,错)。正确答案: 材料:MV UNISOL GroundedWith the engines on stand-by,orders were given to cut the remaining forward lines at 0755 hours,the starboard engine was put on slow astern and the helm to hard a starboardWhen the forward lines were cut,the b

12、ow was blown off and swung away from the quay under the influence of the wind and,combined with the effect of the engine going astern on the after spring,canted the bow to port,until a heading of North was reached with the vessel&39;s stern approximately 15 meters off the dock face.The engines were

13、put to half astern at 0810 hours and with the bow continuing to swing to port,the after back-spring parted with the stern about 20 meters clear of the wharfOrders were given to cut the remaining 5 stern linesThis was accomplished by 0818 hours,at which time the end of the pier was abeam of the bridg

14、e and the vessel was heading in a NW&39;ly direction.Both engines were placed to full astern with the shaft turning 80-90 revolutionsAs the UNISOL was unable to gain sternway and with high seas at the end of the breakwater,the Pilot feared that the vessel&39;s starboard quarter was in danger of stri

15、king the breakwaterHence the engines were stopped at 0827 hours,and orders were given to let go port anchor to 2 shackles in the water,but about 4 shackles ran out before the brake could be fully applied.At 0828 hours,orders were given to shorten up on the anchor cable,the telegraph put on full ahea

16、d and the helm to hard to portWhen the engines responded at 0829 hours,the anchor chain was seen to be stretched out on the port beam with a great deal of weight on it and the ship&39;s head was 220 gyro with the vessel swinging to portThe anchor was hove short to 2 shackles in the water by 0835 hou

17、rs,and the vessel continued to drift westwards with 80-90 (full ahead) revolutions on the EngineAt this stage,orders were given to pay out the cable,which was paid out to 5 shackles in the water by 0838 hours,but that too failed to arrest the westward drift of the vesselAt 0840 hours,December 7,1983

18、,with the ship&39;s head on 180,the UNISOL grounded on a rocky bottom,forward of the main engine on her star board side,in approximate position 4820305 North,644002WestA spout of water mixed with oil about 60 centimeters in diameter and 25-3 meters high above the engine room bottom plating was obser

19、ved,and at which time the main engines seemed to slow down问题:the wind was blowing _A.WestB.EastC.NorthD.southThe vessel had _A.one engineB.two enginesC.three enginesD.fore enginesAccording to the passage, _A.The bow of the vessel parted the pier firstB.The stern of the vessel parted the pier firstC.

20、The beam of the vessel parted the pier firstD.It can not tell which part of the vessel parted the pier firstIt can be concluded that _ A.the vessel was lying portside along the pierB.the vessel was lying starboardside along the pierC.the vessel was lying at a buoyD.the vessel was anchored请帮忙给出每个问题的正

21、确答案和分析,谢谢!问题 1 答案解析:A问题 2 答案解析:B问题 3 答案解析:A问题 4 答案解析:B 需要对ODME校正及反冲洗。A.使用后B.每周C.每月正确答案:A If a full cargo is not loaded, the Charterer must pay not only freight on the goods actually shipped but also _ A.broken spaceB.dead weightC.constantD.dead freight正确答案:D 选用的修复工艺应保证零件修后的耐用度至少应维持_。A.一个修理间隔期B.一年C.半

22、年D.一个季度正确答案:A根据螺旋桨水动力特性可知,当扭矩为零,推力为(),当J等于零,推力系数和扭矩系数()。A、负值/逐渐变小B、接近负值/逐渐增加C、负值/最大D、零/最大参考答案:C 湿空气的( )和水蒸气的分压力在本质上是同一参数。A.绝对湿度B.相对湿度C.含湿量D.过热度正确答案:C Who must be familiar with the Masterlist and Emergency Instructions onboard?_.A.The captain onlyB.The officers onlyC.All crew members and other person

23、nel onboardD.Passengers only正确答案:C谁必须熟悉船上总清单和应急说明?所有船员和其他在船上的人。 净空高度是指_。A.从船底平板龙骨下缘至船舶最高点之间的垂直距离B.某一吃水线水面至船舶最高点之间的垂直距离C.从船底平板龙骨上缘至船舶最高点之间的垂直距离D.满载吃水线至船舶最高点之间的垂直距离正确答案:B2022海船船员考试真题及详解6篇 第6篇 STCW公约规定,正在值班的轮机员。A.不再分派其他工作B.可再分派其他工作C.只执行轮机长的命令D.只执行船长的命令正确答案:A简述国际海事组织理事会选举A类、B类、C类理事国的原则和各自数量?参考答案:8个A类理事国

24、选自在提供国际航运服务方面具有最大利害关系的国家;8个B类理事国选自在国际海上贸易方面具有最大利害关系的国家;16个C类理事国选自在海运和航海方面具有特别利害关系的世界不同地区的国家。 指出下述单体式气缸盖的优点中不正确的是:A.气缸盖密封性好B.制造、拆装方便C.有利于缩短柴油机长度D.容易解决热变形正确答案:C 船舶空调装置的空气处理柜控制送风的相对湿度方式实现湿度调节只采用_。A.比例调节B.双位调节C.比例积分微分调节D.比例微分调节正确答案:A将主轴颈下沉量视为主轴承下瓦的磨损量是由于_。A.主轴颈无磨损B.忽略曲轴主轴颈的磨损量C.二者磨损相同D.主轴承下瓦磨损量大参考答案:B 下列关于机舱进水原因的说法中,不正确的是_。A.应急阀及其固定螺栓锈蚀穿孔B.分油机高置水箱漏水C.海水管、海水滤器锈蚀穿孔D.其他使用海水的设备损坏泄漏正确答案:B 某调节器输出量为p,输入量为e,输出量随时间的变化规律如图所示,则这是_。A.PID调节器B.PI调节器C.PD调节器D.P调节器正确答案:A 泵铭牌上一般标注( )功率。A.有效B.配套C.水力D.轴正确答案:D 港务监督人员在执行调查任务时,下列述说错误的是_。A.应当向被调查人员出示证件B.可以令当事船舶驶抵指定地点接受调查C.可以查阅、摘录或复制海上交通事故调查材料D.可以使用录音、照相、录音等设备正确答案:C


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