2、简单的输送设备上,二级减速器是不二的选择。螺旋输送器由槽体、转轴、螺旋叶片、轴承及传动装置组成,主要分为水平螺旋输送器和垂直螺旋输送器两种,适用于枯燥的小颗粒物料的输送作业。通过对螺旋输送机传动部的设计不仅可以锻炼自己的动手设计能力,而且为今后的工作积累了珍贵的设计经验。关键词:螺旋叶片 减速器 Abstract Screw conveyor is a common component does not have traction flexible continuous conveyor, that is, to make use of the components of the rotati
3、ng spiral movement to forward the delivery of materials, modern production and logistics and transport an important and indispensable one of mechanical equipment. Screw conveyor of the various departments in the national economy has been a wide range of applications, mainly used to transport bulk ca
4、rgo materials, such as coal, ore, grain, sand, fertilizer, food, etc. Parts of the screw conveyor drive reducer drive 2. There are two commonly used reducer: cone gear reducer, cylindrical gear reducer, bevel gear reducer gears spin to the contrary, the axial force cancel each other out, the structu
5、re of the complex. Cylindrical gear reducer greater axial stiffness, load uniformly distributed along the tooth width, high-speed gear-level, difficult to give full play to the capacity, speed reducer in the machine configuration is not flexible. As a variety of mechanical transmission of the reduce
6、r, the growth rate and variable-speed devices, especially in those large, low-speed, simple transportation device, the secondary reducer is the choice of phrase. By the screw conveyer trough body, shaft, spiral blades, bearings and gear components, the main level is divided into vertical spiral conv
7、eyor and two spiral conveyor for dry transportation of small particles of materials operation. Department of screw conveyor drive design can not only exercise their ability to do design, but also for the future work of the design of accumulated valuable experience. Key words: spiral blade, reducer目录
8、摘要.一Abstract.二前言.11 绪论.21.1 运输机的作用和意义.21.2 连续运输机的开展及分类.41.3输送机的工作原理及应用范围.5 气垫带式输送机.5 埋刮板输送机.6 板式输送机.7 滚筒输送机.9 振动输送机. .101.4 螺旋输送机. .11 概述.11 GX型螺旋输送机.15 LS型螺旋输送机.172 总体设计.222.1 减速器的选择.232.2 电机的选择.242.3 螺旋体的选择.242.4 叶片的选定与设计.243 传动装置的设计.263.1 设计参数.263.2 传动方案.263.3 选择电机.263.4 传动比分配.283.5 传动装置的运动和动力参数.
9、283.6 传动零件设计.30 齿轮设计.30 初算轴径.40 轴承的润滑方式选择.40 轴的设计计算.40 滚动轴承的选择及校核计算.45 键联接的选择及校核计算.483.7 箱体及其附件设计.503.8 减速器的润滑及保养.504 螺旋输送机的设计计算.534.1 螺旋输送机各零部件构造分述.53 螺旋叶片.53 4.2螺旋轴的设计及校核.57 轴的总体设计.57 校核轴的强度.60 轴的刚度校核计算.61 4.3 前轴的设计及校核.62 按扭转强度条件计算.62 轴的扭转刚度校核. .64 4.4 中间轴承处轴的设计及校核. .64 轴的结构设计. .64 按扭转强度校核. . .64
10、轴的扭转刚度校核. .65 45 尾部轴的设计及校核. .66 轴的结构设计.66 轴的强度校核.66 轴的刚度校核.67 4.6 头节装置与尾节装置的结构.68 悬挂轴承装置.68 机槽机壳.695 螺旋输送机的操作要点与故障处理.69 5.1 操作要点.69 5.2 常见故障处理.71总结.73致谢.74参考文献.75QQ: 1750950887内有全套CAD图纸,外文翻译,中期检查表。出售毕业设计资料,另代写机械毕业论文。前言 高等教育的目标是德智体全面开展,培养能够解决各种技术性问题的技术人员。学生应该具备必须的理论根底,扎实的专业知识和较强的工程实践能力。毕业设计是对大学学习的一次综合检验,也是大学学习中的最后一次设计,能在很大程度上提高我们的设计能力,他是实现工科大学生培养目标的实践性,综合性教学的必经环节。毕业设计的主要目的是培养学生综合运用所学知识和技能去分析和解决本专业范围内的一般工程技术问题,并将其有机地连为一个整体;帮助我们掌握工程设计中的一QQ: 1750950887内有全套CAD图纸,外文翻译,中期检查表。出售毕业设计资料,另代写机械毕业论文。