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1、名人生平事迹(个人总结)jazzdrum1. Roosevelt (罗斯福) 在面对big depression 采取有效的经济措施 比照可为 Adolf Hitler 他却发动战争2. 托马斯 爱迪生(Thomas Edison) 创造电灯泡so that the digital and electronic era3. Noimans idea of computer4. Nixons Watergate scandal ,Bill Clinton sexual scandal 可用于描写政治家5. Van Gogh 不能被contemporary appreciate and compr

2、ehend6. Churchill 在二战时作出自己的明智的选择不过大多数英国人的反对和苏联,美国联盟7. Karl Benz produce the automobile8. Homer(荷马)整理前人的作品 可用于类似于issue759. Aristotle利用点很多10. Archimedes (阿基米德) when taking a bath, he found the principle of buoyancy11. Dante(但丁) 艰苦的环境下为了自己的理想和信念 作品 Divine comedy12. Joan of Arc (贞德) French military lead

3、er and heroine 为了独立和国家人民13. Columbus(哥伦布) 利用点 那篇目的和中间的发现14. Da vinci(达芬奇) Mona Lisa 蒙那里莎15. Copernicus(哥白尼) 利用点很多16. Socrates(苏格拉的) Greek philosopher the teacher of plato, 最后被迫害, 利用点 Thinker cant be paid enough attention17. 孔子 Confucius 利用点同上18. Michelangelo(米开朗基罗)19. Magellan(麦哲伦)20. Cervantes(塞万提斯

4、) create the works of Quixote(唐吉诃德) 利用点 艺术家需要资助,艺术家被迫害21. Shakespeare( 莎士比亚) 利用点很多22. Bacon(培根) knowledge is the power23. Newton found the law of the classical physics24. Rousseau卢梭 被迫害25. Gorge Washington 华盛顿 领导美国独立战争,并成为第一界总统26. Watt 改进蒸气机27. Jefferson the drafter of the declaration of independenc

5、e 知识渊博, once said the knowledge is the power, the knowledge is the happiness, the knowledge is the safety28. Adam Smith(亚当 史密斯) advocate the idea of the competition impelling the development of the society29. Goethe(歌德) spend nearly sixty years on the works of Faust (浮士德), 利用点,个人兴趣和执着的目标指导一个人奋勇向前30.

6、 Beethoven(贝多芬) the glorious and outstanding symphonies of the Hero, Fate31. Hegle (黑格尔) the contradiction drives the society as a whole ahead32. Robert Owen(欧文) who is the utopian socialist33. Faraday(法拉第) who discovered the law of the electromagnetic34. John Brown 开始是理想主意者,后来变成realist,主张用暴力废奴35. L

7、incoln (林肯) who led the civil war or the war between the states to emancipate the slave36. Darwin(达尔文) his great work Origin of species37. Pasteur(巴斯德) famous and renowned doctor who even taste the law of the virus by himself38. Einstein(爱因斯坦) who is the founder of the modern physics and the relativ

8、ism39. Galileo 都被用烂了,利用点我就不说了最后写一下自己对用名人事迹的心得, 关键是记住他们的名字和相关背景,其他不用记得太多,到具体写的时候在根据具体情况现遍,屡试不爽.如还有什么不清楚的咱们再交流,Roosevelt (罗斯福) 在面对big depression 采取有效的经济措施 比照可为 AdolfHitler 他却发动战争2.托马斯 爱迪生(Thomas Edison) 创造点灯泡so that the digital and electronicera3.Noimans idea of computer4.Nixons Watergate scandal ,Bil

9、l Clinton sexual scandal 可用于描写政治家5.Van Gogh 不能被contemporary appreciate and comprehend6.Churchill 在二战时作出自己的明知的选择不过大多数英国人的反对和苏联,美国联盟7.Karl Benz produce the automobile8.Homer(荷马)整理前人的作品 可用于类似于issue759.Aristotle利用点很多10. Archimedes (阿基米德) when taking a bath, he found the principle of buoyancy11. Dante(但丁

10、) 艰苦的环境下为了自己的理想和信念 作品 Divine comedy12. Joan of Arc (贞德) French military leader and heroine 为了独立和国家人民13. Columbus(哥伦布) 利用点 那篇目的和中间的发现14. Da vinci(达芬奇) Mona Lisa 蒙那里莎15. Copernicus(哥白尼) 利用点很多16. Socrates(苏格拉的) Greek philosopher the teacher of plato, 最后被迫害, 利用点 Thinker cant be paid enough attention17.

11、孔子 Confucius 利用点同上18. Michelangelo(米开朗基罗)19. Magellan(麦哲伦)20. Cervantes(塞万提斯) create the works of Quixote(唐吉诃德) 利用点 艺术家需要资助,艺术家被迫害21. Shakespeare( 莎士比亚) 利用点很多22. Bacon(培根) knowledge is the power23. Newton found the law of the classical physics24. Rousseau卢梭 被迫害25. Gorge Washington 华盛顿 领导美国独立战争,并成为第一

12、界总统26. Watt 改进蒸气机27. Jefferson the drafter of the declaration of independence 知识渊博, oncesaid the knowledge is the power, the knowledge is the happiness, the knowledge is the safety28. Adam Smith(亚当 史密斯) advocate the idea of the competition impelling the development of the society29. Goethe(歌德) spend

13、 nearly sixty years on the works of Faust (浮士德), 利用点,个人兴趣和执着的目标指导一个人奋勇向前30. Beethoven(贝多芬) the glorious and outstanding symphonies of the Hero, F收藏 分享 评分 issue6The most effective way to understand contemporary culture is to analyze the trends of its youth年轻人.这个很有道理, 不过我刚看一眼把its youth 理解成国家的“年轻时,就是想要

14、了解现在的国家可以去去分析它的过去晕了I agree,这个倒是符合梁启超的少年中国说1young people represent the new culture and new era, they are liable to accept new technologies and culture.like more young people are familiar with computer,mp4,they celebrate foreign festivals and make it popular.2 on average, they they are more creative t

15、hat the old generation, they can make a unique culture of their own.3.but they are capriciousissue13Many of the worlds lesser-known languages are being lost as fewer and fewer people speak them. The governments of countries in which these languages are spoken should act to prevent such languages fro

16、m becoming extinct.萨该就是说小语种应该受到保护,以为语言是文化的表达所以也归为一类这个我不同意,不知道从哪里听到故事说不同的语言是上帝对人类的忌讳,怕人们在统一交流的情况下,进步得太快1,the most important effect of language is communication and record, thats the reason why it exists.2.if without this meaning, many languages are unnecessary to devote financial and people to keep i

17、t.wasteissrue81 Patriotic reverence for the history of a nation often does more to impede than to encourage progress. 对国家历史的带有爱国主义色彩的崇敬往往对国家开展起阻碍作用,而不是推动作用这个问题很麻烦,我不同意这个观点以日本来说就是最好的例子1,patriotic reverence for the history is like the cohesion of a big family, which make every member work hard for its

18、 better future.2.what a pity if there is not any respect of patriot in their nation, the nation may break up easily.3.Patriotic reverence for the history also should be guided in right direction, and educated in a proper way, or else it willmislead the nation. bad results like terrorism andmilitaris

19、m.issue10 Governments must ensure that their major cities receive the financial support they need in order to thrive, because it is primarily in cities that a nations cultural traditions are preserved and generated. 05/27; 06/1政府必须要确保主要城市开展所需的财政支持,因为一个国家的文化传统主要是在城市中得以保存和开展。disagreethe big cities hav

20、e already developed better, with prosperous economy and life standard, than small towns and countryside.though the major cities keep the more ancient palaces and building, but the people in bid cities who have a faster living rhythms and pay few attention to the old culture and custom. in china, the

21、 village save more traditional culture and festivals.63 To truly understand your own culture - no matter how you define it - requires personal knowledge of at least one other culture, one that is distinctly different from your own. 意思也就是说,要更好的了解自身文化应该了解一些完全不同的外来文化。I basically agree1.only one culture

22、 always make people just stay inside ,and take for granted any the parts they know as the defination of culture.2.in the era of globlization, it is possible cultures will cross the boundary of each other.we need to adapt the difference of other cultures,3 pare between the different aspects make one

23、truely understand ones own culture111The worldwide distribution of television programs and advertisements is seriously diminishing the differences among cultures. I basically agree1. nowadays tv programs is a connection among different areas, nations and cultures. you can watch it very conveniently

24、and simultaneously. 2.it represents almost the real world with recording the cultures, views or different life styles 3.though it still has limited after people changed for some certain reasons such commercial attention ,art or just for image manipulation207Rituals and ceremonies help define a cultu

25、re. Without them, societies or groups of people have a diminished sense of who they are. agree这个很好说,先说为什么要守,好处再说为什么不能不守,害处平衡一下26Most people would agree that buildings represent a valuable record of any societys past, but controversy arises when old buildings stand on ground that modern planners feel

26、 could be better used for modern purposes. In such situations, modern development should be given precedence over the preservation of historic buildings so that contemporary needs can be served.很多人认为建筑代表了一个社会过去的历史价值,但是当现代城市的规划者想要利用老建筑占用的地盘做新的规划时,就会引起很多争辩。在这样的情况下,现代的开展应该优先被考虑,以使当代的需要得到满足。 can you ima

27、gine london without the big ben, paris withoutthe triumphal arch?1.some historic buildings are not just the architecture represent the ancient structure and history, and also becomes the symbol of the country and nation.2.they are art and bequest from our predecessor.issue48 the study of history pla

28、ces too much emphasis on individuals. The most significant events and trends in history were made possible not by the famous few, but by groups of people whose identities have long been 政治课本上说过的,历史是人民群众所创造感慨一定很多1. In science history,maybe some theories were created by several individuals. but the we

29、nt though generations to fix them, as EINSTeIN said, i m just lucky to stand on the shoulders of two giants.非原文2. In social history,The leaders have to obey peoples wills.issue 54 History teaches us only one thing: knowing about the past cannot help people to make important decisions today.以古鉴今,我们从前

30、人的错误或者是成就上来建设更好的今天,History is useful for societyHistory is useful for sciencesHistory is useful for individual person.Admittedly, there are new occasions we have to cope with our own without any precedents in history to refer to. In this situation we should use our Imagination, creation to deal with

31、 them. Then what we do becomes a part of history and we contribute our humble effort to the development of human beings.103 The study of history has value only to the extent that it is relevant to our daily lives. 研究历史的价值只表达在这种研究和我们的日常生活相关时。110 When we concern ourselves with the study of history, we

32、 become storytellers. Because we can never know the past directly but must construct it by interpreting evidence, exploring history is more of a creative enterprise than it is an objective pursuit. All historians are storytellers. 当我们研究历史时,我们变成了讲故事的人。因为我们无从直接知道过去发生的事情,必须通过一些证据来构建,所以历史研究是一个有创造成分的领域,而

33、并非一个客观的学科。所有的历史学家都是讲故事的人。 120 So much is new and complex today that looking back for an understanding of the past provides little guidance for living in the present. 现代生活是崭新、复杂的,认知过去对现在没有指导价值。 125 The past is no predictor of the future. 过去并不能预示将来。 这个和前面的54可以看成是一个189 If people disregard the great wor

34、ks of the past, it is because these works no longer answer the needs of the present. 如果人们无视了过去的伟大成就,那是因为这些成就已不能再回应目前的需要。 226 People are mistaken when they assume that the problems they confront are more complex and challenging than the problems faced by their predecessors. This illusion is eventuall

35、y dispelled with increased knowledge and experience. 人们总是错误地认为自己面临的问题要比前人来得更复杂和更具有挑战性。不断增加的知识和经验最终消除这种假象。(现在和过去)221 The chief benefit of the study of history is to break down the illusion that people in one period of time are significantly different from people who lived at any other time in history

36、. 研究历史最明显的好处就是消除了这样的错觉,某个时代的人们与历史上另一个时代的人们有重大的差异1.it appears that during different times people often were different.However, history tell us the conclusion is wrong.2.history has many other functions, thus its hard to judge which is more important.such as conseving the culture, seek the origin of t

37、he society and culture, finding examples, teach a lesson, summarize the law, 历史类的题似乎考得很多,背几个自己熟悉例子几乎就可以通用比方下面是摘得,比拟著名的可以灵活利用compound v.混和 adj.复合的类soldier?army=element?compound 士兵?军队=元素?混合物前者组成后者反compoundseparate 混和 分开compound elemental 复合的 根底的compress vt. 压缩to reduce in size or volume as if by squee

38、zing类constrict?diametercompress?size 收缩?直径 = 压缩 ?尺寸减少关系反increase in volume 数量增加 distention 膨胀compromise n. 妥协,折衷to come to agreement by mutual concession类mediation?compromise=prosecution?conviction 调停?折衷=起诉?定罪目的关系implacable?compromise=honest?swindle 不缓和的?妥协=老实的?诈骗 反intransigent open to compromise 顽固

39、的 乐于妥协polemical compromising 好争论的 妥协的temporize unwilling to compromise 见风使舵 不愿意妥协记com互相promise承诺互相承诺妥协compulsiveadj. 强迫症的,被强迫的,压抑不住的compulsory adj. 必需做的, 必修的, 被强迫的compunction n. 懊悔anxiety arising from awareness of guilt反compunction absence of misgiving 懊悔 没有疑虑记com+punc刺不断被刺痛懊悔concatenate v. 连结to lin

40、k together in a series or chain;articulate反concatenate separate 连结 分开concave adj. 凹的hollowed or rounded inward like the inside of a bowlv. 凹陷记cave n. 洞穴SCOOP: CONCAVE 勺:凹的tongs: hollow spatula: flatbeater: tinedcleaver: indentedskewer: rounded钳子:空的抹刀:平的搅拌器:尖齿状的切肉刀:锯齿状的串肉杆:圆的 答案:(B)conceal v. 隐藏to pr

41、event disclosure or recognition of反unearthconceal 挖出隐藏同hide,bury, cache, coverconcede v. 成认to grant as a right or privilege,让步反concede refuse to grant 成认 拒绝成认 concession aggress 让步 侵犯同admit, acknowledge, avow, confess, grantconcentrate v. 集中focus,浓缩to make less dilute反concentrate dilute solution 浓缩

42、稀释溶液deploy concentrate 展开 集中记con共同centra中心一起到中心来集中concession n.让步conciliatev. 安抚,调和to overcome the distrust or animosity of; appease类sop?conciliatory=subsidy?supportive 安抚物?安抚的=补助金?支援性的 反conciliate安抚 vex使恼怒nettle激怒 rile激怒discontent conciliate 不满 调和contentious conciliatory好争吵的 调和的belligerent concilia

43、tory 好战的 调和的同appease, assuage, mollify, placate, propitiateconcor n一致,和睦 a state of agreement;harmony类inconsonant?concord=scatter?overlap不一致的?一致=分散?重叠反义反dissension纠纷 dissonance不一致 schism分裂 enmity敌意 rancor怨恨记concord绑在一起一致concurvi. 意见相同,一致to act together to a common end or single effect反naysay反对dissen

44、t不同意同coincide, concert, concur, harmonizecondignadj. 应得的,恰当的deserved, appropriate反condign undeserved/unmerited 应得的 不应得的/ 不配的同just, appropriate, deserved, merited, requisite记con加强+dign= dignity尊严,高贵做事情非常有尊严的恰当的condole vi. 表达同情或悲伤to express sympathetic sorrow类condolence?sympathy/compassion=gibe?derisi

45、on表示同情?同情=嘲笑?嘲笑记con一样dole悲哀一样悲哀表达同情 参考:doleful / dolesome悲哀的 区别:condole 不及物:表达慰问之情 I condoled with him in his loss. 我对他的损失表示同情console 及物:抚慰,慰问某人console a friend in grief 抚慰一个正处悲伤的朋友condone vt. 宽恕to pardon or overlook voluntarily类bristle?anger=vacillate?unresolution 发怒?愤怒=忧郁不定?不坚决动名同义干扰:condone?mercycondemn?warning反denounce 谴责exact 强求同excuse, pardon, forgiveconducive adj. 有益的,有促进的tending to promote or assist 类conducive?foment=tonic?invigorate 促进的?促进=鼓励的?鼓舞形动同义【注】foment :to promote the growth of; incite.促进的开展;鼓励confident adj. 有信心的,自信的self-reliant类confident?timid=open?shy 有信心的?


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