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1、2009学年第一学期八年级英语单元检测卷Unit Four 班级_ 姓名_一、 词词汇(220分) A) 根根据句意意,用括括号内所所给词的的适当形形式填空空。(110分)1. SShe seees aa fiilm _ (onne) a mmontth. 2. TTom wass _ (iillnnesss) yyestterdday, soo hee diidnt ggo tto sschoool. 3. DDoinng eexerrcisse ccan hellp uus sstayy _ (hheallth). 4. LLi HHua hadd a _ (quuickkly) brre

2、akkfasst aand theen wwentt too woork. 5. DDont _ (worrrieed) aboout youur EEngllishh. II caan hhelpp yoou.6. IIt ttakees mme aan hhourr (gett) tto sschoool eveery dayy.7. WWilll yoou ggo cclimmbinng wwithh uss iff itt (nott snnow) neext Sunndayy?8. IItss teen (miinutte) ridde ffromm myy hoome to sch

3、hooll.9. TTherre iis aa giirl (ddraww) aa piictuure undder thee trree.10. Stuudennts of Engglissh wwilll fiind thee boook verry . (usee) B) 根根据句意意及首字字母提示示,完成成下列单单词拼写写。(110分) 11. Theey aare waiitinng ffor youu att thhe bbus s_. 12. Beiijinng iis iin tthe n_ off Chhinaa. 13. I oofteen gget up at h_ pa

4、ast sixx inn thhe mmornningg. 14. Theere aree s minnutees iin aan hhourr. 15. Its aabouut ttwo k_ frrom herre tto ttherre.16. A ssmalll nn off sttudeentss taake carrs tto sschoool.17. Traavellingg byy aiis vveryy exxpennsivve.18. On thee Innterrnett, wwe ccan knoow tthe thiingss inn ottherr p of the

5、e woorldd.19. Whhen do youu waant to go forr a piccnicc, oon SSundday or Satturdday?I aam ffreee booth dayys. It alll doon yyou.20. Li Leii taakess thhe ss too scchoool eeverry mmornningg. 二、 选选择填空空(155分) ( ) 21. Mrr. WWangg iss leeaviing _ Guaangzzhouu neext weeek. A. tto B. witth CC. iin D. foor (

6、 ) 22. -_ iss itt frrom youur hhomee too scchoool? -Thrree milles. A. HHow farr B. Howw muuch C. Hoow ssoonn D. Howw loong ( ) 23. Itt wiill takke tthe menn haalf a yyearr _ thhe wworkk. A. ffiniish B. fiinisshinng CC. tto ffiniish D. fiinisshess ( ) 24. I oftten go to worrk _. A. rridee myy biike B

7、B. bby bbikee CC. bby aa biike D. on bikke ( ) 25. Goood heaalthh deepennds _ goood ffoodd. A. oon B. forr C. at D. froom( ) 266.Siixtyy maakess ann hoour.A. seccondds BB. mmilees CC. mminuutess DD. mminuute( ) 277. PPleaase waiit ffor thee buus aat tthe .A. traain staatioon B. buss sttatiion CC. ss

8、ubwway staatioon D. herre( ) 288. IIt iis nnot farr hiss hoome.A. to B. froom CC. wwithh D. andd ( ) 299.I usuuallly wwalkk too scchoool, soomettimees II riide a bbikee.A. soo BB. aand C. butt D. /( ) 300. doo yoou ddo ssporrts eveery dayy? -Foor aabouut aan hhourr.A. HHow manny B. Howw loong C. How

9、w faar D. Howw sooon( ) 311. WWhatt abboutt _?A. ttakee a taxxi B. takkingg a taxxi C. to takke aa taaxi D. by a ttaxii( ) 322. HHe ggetss upp eaarlyy annd _ breeakffastt. A. hhavee a quiick B. hass quuickk a C. hass a quiick D. haave quiick ( ) 333. TThe lasst ttraiin hhas lefft, so I _ staay hhere

10、e unntill toomorrroww. A. mmustt B. havve tto C. stoop D. liive ( ) 344. LListten, a smaall nummberr off sttudeentss _ iin tthe claassrroomm. A. ttalkk B. tallks C. is tallkinng D. arre ttalkkingg ( ) 355. _ shee iss illl, _ shhe ggoess too scchoool. A. AAlthhouggh; / B. Altthouugh; buut C. Butt; aa

11、lthhouggh D. Beecauuse; / 三、 用用方框中中所给词词或词组组的正确确形式填填空,每每个词或或词组只只用一次次(100分)be ddifffereent froom; hellp. wwithh; ttakee thhe ssubwway; thhinkk off; gget to; lookk affterr; mmovee; hhavee a piccnicc; sstannd ffor; grrow up 36. My mottherr waas oout, soo I hadd too _ myy liittlle ssistter at homme. 37.

12、Whaat aabouut _ iin tthe parrk oon SSundday? 38. Misss GGao oftten _ to worrk. 39. Thee weeathher in Chiina_ _thaat iin AAmerricaa. 40. Thee twwinss weere borrn iin NNew Yorrk, butt thhey_ iin LLonddon. 41. He _ schhooll att 7:30 eveery dayy. 42. -Whaat ddo yyou _tthe Chiinesse ppeopple? -Theey aare

13、 verry ffrieendlly. 43. Jimm, llets _ tthe stoone, itts danngerrouss onn thhe rroadd. 44. UN_ tthe Uniitedd Naatioons. 45. Shee offtenn _ mee _ myy Enngliish. 四、 完完形填空空(100分) Whatt doo yoou ddo aat wweekkendds? Somme ppeopple likke tto _466_ at homme, butt ottherrs llikee too goo foor aa waalk _447_

14、 haave a ppicnnic. Myy frriennd JJackk woorkss haard in a ffacttoryy duurinng tthe _448_. AAt wweekkendds hhe aalwaays _449_ thhe ssamee thhingg. OOn SSatuurdaay hhe _500_ hiss caar aand on _551_ hee taakess hiis ffamiily to a nnearrby villlagge. Hiss unnclee annd aauntt haave a ffarmm thheree. IIt

15、iisnt aa _52_ oone, buut ttherress allwayys _533_ to do. Thhe cchilldreen hhelpp wiith thee annimaals andd giive theem ttheiir _544_, Jaack andd hiis wwifee heelp in thee fiieldds. At thee ennd oof tthe dayy, ttheyy arre aall _555_ annd JJackks aunnt ggivees tthemm a bigg meeal. ( ) 46. A. pllay B.

16、livve C. sttay DD. llikee ( ) 47. A. annd B. or C. butt D. soo ( ) 48. A. daay B. timme C. auttumnn D. weeek ( ) 49. A. dooes B. makkes C. borrrowws D. haas ( ) 50. A. waatchhes B. driivess C. seellss DD. wwashhes ( ) 51. A. Moondaay BB. SSundday CC. SSatuurdaay DD. WWednnesdday ( ) 52. A. smmalll B

17、. bigg C. haard D. shhortt ( ) 53. A. muuch BB. llitttle CC. ffastt DD. ffar ( ) 54. A. cllothhes B. pllacees CC. ffoodd D. waaterr ( ) 55.A. cleean B. latte C. anngryy D. friienddly 五、 阅阅读理解解(300分)APeteer wwantted verry mmuchh too bee a solldieer wwhenn hee waas aa chhildd. SSo hhe jjoinned thee ar

18、rmy(军队) whhen he wass eiightteenn, aand forr seeverral monnthss hee waas ttaugght howw too bee a goood ssolddierr. HHe ddid quiite welll iin eeverrythhingg exxceppt sshoootinng. Onee daay hhe aand hiss frriennds werre ppraccticcingg thheirr shhoottingg(射击击), andd alll oof tthemm weere doiing quiite

19、welll eexceept Petter. Affterr hee haad sshott att thhe ttargget(靶) ninne ttimees aand haddntt hhit it oncce, thee offficcer whoo waas ttryiing to teaach thee yooungg sooldiierss too shhoott saaid, “YYou aree quuitee hoopellesss, PPeteer. I ddont wwastte yyourr laast bulllett! GGo bbehiind thaat wwa

20、lll annd sshooot yyourrsellf wwithh itt!”Peteer ffeltt asshammed(难为情情).HHe wwentt beehinnd tthe walll aand a ffew seccondds llateer, thee offficcer andd the othher solldieers heaard thee sooundd off a shoot.“Oh, deear!” tthe offficeer ssaidd. “Hass thhat sillly mann reeallly sshott hiimseelf?” HHe r

21、ran behhindd thhe wwalll ass quuickkly as he couuld, buut PPeteer wwas alll riightt. “Imm soorryy, ssir,” hhe ssaidd, “butt I Misssedd aggainn.”( ) 56. Peeterr jooineed tthe armmy iin oordeer tto ?A. bbe aa sooldiier BB. bbe ggoodd att shhoottinggC. mmakee frriennds D. geet aa goood jobb( ) 57. Thhe

22、 ooffiicerr thhougght Petter wass hoopellesss beecauuse .A. hhe ddidnnt knoow hhow to usee a gunn.B. hhe ddidnnt gett allongg weell witth ootheer ssolddierr.C. hhe wwas pooor aat sshoootinng. D. hhe ccoulldnt ddo aanytthinng wwelll.( ) 58. Whhat thee offficcer saiid aat tthe endd off thhe ffirsst pp

23、araagraaph(段落) shhowss thhat .A. tthe offficeer rreallly wanntedd Peeterr too diie B. thhe ooffiicerr waas vveryy anngryy wiith Petter CC. tthe offficeer wwas nott a kinnd-hhearrtedd maan DD. tthe offficeer wwas afrraidd thhat Petter wouuld shooot himmsellf( ) 59. Thhe ooffiicerr feelt whhen he heaa

24、rd thee sooundd off a shoot. A. asshammed B. friightteneed CC. eexciitedd D. diisapppoiinteed (失望) ( ) 60. Whhat happpenned at thee ennd oof tthe stoory? A. Peeterr beecamme aa goood solldieer. B. Peeterr kiilleed hhimsselff beehinnd tthe walll. C. Thhe ooffiicerr waas ppleaasedd wiith Petter in the

25、e ennd. D. Peeterr miisseed tthe tarrgett foor tthe tennth timme. B WWe ccan nott liive a mmodeern liffe wwithhoutt trraveelinng. Thee faasteest wayy off trraveelinng iis bby aair. Wiith a pplanne oone cann trraveel iin oone dayy too pllacees wwhicch iit ttookk a monnth or morre tto gget to a hhundd

26、redd yeearss aggo. TTravveliing by traain is sloowerr thhan by plaane, buut oone cann seee tthe couuntrry hhe iis ttravveliing thrrouggh. Moddernn trrainns hhavee coomfoortaablee seeatss annd ddinnningg-caars. Thhey makke eevenn thhe llonggestt joournney enjjoyaablee. Soome peooplee prrefeer tto ttr

27、avvel by seaa whhen posssibble. Thheree arre llargge lluxuury linnerss(客轮轮) oor rriveer bboatts. Theey aare nott ass faast as traainss orr pllanees, butt trraveelinng bby ssea is a vveryy plleassantt waay tto sspennd aa hoolidday. Manny ppeopple likke tto ttravvel by carr. TTheyy caan mmakee thheirr

28、 owwn ttimeetabble. Thhey cann trraveel hhunddredds oof mmilees aa daay, jusst aas ttheiir wwishh. TTheyy caan sstopp whhereeverr thhey wannt tto ssee sommethhingg innterresttingg orr too ennjoyy a goood mmeall att a goood rresttaurrantt, oor tto sspennd tthe nigght at a hhoteel. Thaat iis wwhy peoo

29、plee chhoosse ttravveliing by carr foor ppleaasannt ttripps, whiile theey uusuaallyy taake traainss orr pllanees ffor bussineess.( ) 661. Acccorddingg too thhe ppasssagee, tthe fasstesst wway of traavellingg iss _. A. bby ccar B. byy trrainn CC. bby pplanne D. by seaa ( ) 622. IIf wwe ttravvel by ca

30、rr, wwe ccan _. AA. eenjooy tthe lonngesst jjourrneyy BB. ttravvel onlly ffiftty mmilees aa daay CC. mmakee ouur oown timmetaablee D. traavell too a verry ffar plaace in a ffew minnutees.( ) 633. WWhenn peeoplle ttravvel on bussineess, thhey usuuallly ttakee _. A. a bboatt orr a traain BB. aa caar o

31、or aa trrainn C. a plaane or a ccar DD. aa trrainn orr a plaane ( ) 664. havve ccomfforttablle sseatts aand dinnninng-ccarss. A. Carrs B. Moddernntrrainns C. Pllanees D. Buusess ( ) 665.IIf pposssiblle, peooplee liike traavellingg byy seea bbecaausee .A. iit iis aas ffastt ass trrainns aand plaaness

32、 B. itt iss a pleeasaant wayy too sppendd a hollidaayC. iit iis vveryy chheapp D. itt caan sstopp whhereeverr thhey likke CMikee iss a facctorry wworkker. Hee iss offtenn veery tirred aftter a ddays wworkk. HHis wiffe, Jennny, haas nno jjob, soo shhe sstayys aat hhomee too coook thee meealss. EEverr

33、y dday he cann haave hiss diinneer wwhenn hee geets homme ffromm hiis ffacttoryy. One dayy, MMikee caame homme vveryy laate beccausse hhe wwas verry bbusyy inn thhe ffacttoryy. HHe wwas verry hhunggry wheen hhe ggot homme. He wwas nott haappyy whhen he fouund hiss diinneer wwas nott reeadyy. HHe wwa

34、s verry aangrry wwithh hiis wwifee. HHe sshouutedd att heer, Im ggoinng oout to eatt inn a resstauurannt. WWaitt foor ffivee miinuttes, ssaidd hiis wwifee. Whyy? DDo yyou thiink thaat ddinnner willl bbe rreaddy iin ffivee miinuttes? aaskeed MMikee. Of couursee noot, shhe aanswwereed. Buut II caan bb

35、e rreaddy tto ggo wwithh yoou iin ffivee miinuttes. ( ) 66. Miike worrks in_. A. aa faactoory B. ann offficce CC. aa scchoool D. a hosspittal ( ) 67. Jeennyy sttayss att hoome beccausse _. A. sshe likkes coookinng B. shhe llovees hher hussbannd vveryy muuch C. sshe doeesnt hhavee a jobb DD. sshe doe

36、esnt wwantt too woork ( ) 68. Onne dday, Miike camme hhomee veery latte bbecaausee_. A. hhe wwantted to havve ddinnner in a rresttaurrantt BB. hhe hhad a llot of worrk tto ddo C. hhe wwas anggry witth hhis wiffe D. hiis wwifee diidnt ccookk diinneer ( ) 69. Miike wass_wwhenn hee fooundd hiis ddinnne

37、r wass noot rreaddy. A. hhapppy B. glaad C. hunngryy D. noot hhapppy ( ) 70. Whhichh seenteencee iss coorreect? A. JJennny ccoulld hhavee diinneer rreaddy iin ffivee miinuttes. B. JJennny wwantted to go to thee reestaauraant witth hher hussbannd. C. JJennny ddidnnt likke tthe dinnnerr att hoome. D.

38、JJennny ddidnnt lovve hher hussbannd. 六、写写作(115分) 根据下列列上海普普陀中学学八年级级(1)班学生生上学方方式的调调查表,用英语语写一篇篇短文。不少于于70 个单词词。 上学方式式BusBikeeCarWalkkinggSubwway学生人数数151301012八年级(上) UUnitt4单元测测试参考考答案一、词汇汇(200分)A) 11. ooncee 2. illl 3. heaalthhy 44. qquicck 5. worrry 6. tto gget 77. ddoessntt snnow 8. miinuttes 99. ddra

39、wwingg 10. ussefuulB) 111. stoop / sttatiion 112. norrth 113. hallf 144. ssixtty 155. kkiloometterss 16. nummberr 17. aiir 188. ppartts/pplacces 119.ddepeendss 20. suubwaay二、选择择填空(15分)21-225:D AA C B AA 226-30:C BB B C BB 31-35:B CC B D AA三、用方方框中所所给词或或词组的的正确形形式填空空,每个个词或词词组只用用一次(10分)36. loook aafteer 337.hhaviing a ppicnnic 38. ttakees tthe subbwayy / toook tthe subbwayy


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