1、2001年MBA英语真题及答案考生须须知选择题题的答案须须用2B铅铅笔填涂在在答题卡上上,其它笔笔填涂的或或做在试卷卷或其它类类型答题卡卡上的答案案无效。其他题题一律用蓝蓝色或黑色色钢笔或圆圆珠笔在答答题纸上按按规定要求求作答,凡凡做在试卷卷上或未做做在指定位位置的答案案无效。交卷时时,请配合合监考人员员验收,并并请监考人人员在准考考证相应位位置签字(作作为考生交交卷的凭据据)。否则则,所产生生的一切后后果由考生生自负。20001年全国国攻读工商商管理硕士士研究生入入学考试英语试试题Secctionn I Vocaabulaary (10 ppointts)Dirrectiions:Theer
2、e aare 220 inncomppletee senntencces iin thhis ssectiion. For eachh senntencce thhere are fourr chooicess marrked A, BB, C and D. CChoosse thhe onne thhat bbest comppletees thhe seentennce aand mmark yourr ansswerss on ANSWWER SSHEETT 1.1.The annuual-of tthe ddeparrtmennt sttore starrts ttomorrrow.A
3、sstockking. BstoccktakkingCsstockkpiliing.Dstocckholldingg.2.Remeemberr to ask for a -of qqualiity ffor tthesee gooods;ootherrwisee theey wiill nnot oofferr anyy maiintennancee.htttp:/www.mbajjyz.ccnAwwarraanty.BprommiseCccertiificaate.Dreceejpt.3.In mmany counntriees toobaccco annd meediciine aare
4、ggoverrnmennt-.Accontrrol.BBmonoopolyyCbbusinness.Dbeloonginngs.4.Bankk nottes aare nnot uusuallly-intoo golld noowadaays.Aiinverrted.BreveertibbleCcconveertibble.Ddiveertinng.5.I-yyou tthat the goodds wiill bbe deeliveered nextt weeek.Aiinsisst.BBconffirmCaassurre.DDensuure.6.The manaager justt-hii
5、s reesignnatioon too thee boaard mmeetiing yyesteerdayy andd todday aanothher oone ttook his placce.httpp:/nAssent up.Bsentt offfCssent out.Dsentt in.7.Lets noot-oover suchh a ttriflle!Affall throough.BBfalll outtCffall off.Dfalll bacck.8.The cultturess of Chinna annd Jaapan havee shaared manyy feaa
6、turees,buut eaach hhas uused themm acccordiing tto itts naationnal-.Appersoonaliity.BtempperammentCiinterrest.Ddesttiny.9.Our jourrney was sloww beccausee thee traain sstoppped-at ddiffeerentt villlagees.Aggraduuallyy.BconttinuoouslyyCcconsttantlly.Dconttinuaally.10.Wheen hee reaalizeed thhe poolice
7、e hadd spoottedd himm,thee mann-thhe exxit aas quuicklly ass posssiblle.Ammade for.Bmadee outtCmmade up tto.Dmadee wayy.11.Thee gooods-whenn we arriived at tthe aairpoort.Awwere justt unlloadeed.Bweree jusst beeing unlooadeddCwwere justt beeen unnloadded.Dhad justt unlloadeed.12.Thee proofesssor cca
8、n hhardlly fiind ssuffiiciennt grroundds-hhis aargumment in ffavorr of the new theoory.httpp:/nAwwhichh to basee on.Bon wwhichh to baseeCtto baase oon whhich.Dwhicch too be baseed onn.13.I tthinkk youur woords carrry moore wweighht thhan-.Aaanyboody eelses.Bthatt of anybbodysCaanyboodyelsee.Delsee a
9、nyybodyys.14.Thee seccond bookk wass-byy Auggust 19966,butt twoo yeaars llaterr,thee endd wass stiill nnowheere iin siight.Atto coompleete.BcomppleteedCto hhave beenn commpletted.Dto hhave comppleteed.15.I wwouldd havve goone tto viisit him in tthe hhospiital had it bbeen at aall ppossiible,but I-ff
10、ullyy occcupieed thhe whhole of llast weekk.Awwere.BwasChhad bbeen.Dhavee beeen.16.No diffficullty aand nno haardshhip-disccouraaged him.Ahhas.BBhaveeChhas bbeen.Dhavee beeen.17.I aalwayys keeep ccandlles iin thhe hoouse-theere iis a poweer cuut.Aiif.Bin ccaseCoon coondittion thatt.Dwhenn.18.Somme m
11、oodernn chiildreens fiictioon deeals withh serriouss prooblemms annd siituattionss witth a reallism selddom-in eearliier bbookss.Aaattemmptedd.BatteemptiingCbbeingg atttemptted.Dhaviing aattemmptedd.19.Wriittenn in a huurry,-.httpp:/nAhhe maade mmany misttakess in the papeer.Bttheree werre a lot of
12、mmistaakes in tthe ppaperr.Cwwe foound plennty oof errrorss in her papeerDtthe ppaperr wass fulll off errrors.20.Somme sttudennt prreferr a sstricct teeacheer whho teells themm exaactlyy whaat too do.Otheers pprefeer-tto woork oon thheir own.Alleaviing.Bto lleaveeChhavinng beeen lleft.Dto bbe leeft.
13、Secctionn II Clooze (10 ppointts)Dirrectiions: Reaad thhe foollowwing textt. Chhoosee thee besst woord(ss) foor eaach nnumbeered blannk annd maark AA, B, C oor D on AANSWEER SHHEET 1.It is ddiffiicultt to imaggine whatt liffe woould be llike withhout memoory.TThe mmeaniings of tthoussandss of everry
14、dayy perrcepttionss,thee basses 221the deciisionns wee makke,annd thhe rooots of oour hhabitts annd skkillss aree to be 222in oour ppast expeeriennces,whicch arre brroughhtsinntostthe ppreseent23memoory.Memmory can be ddefinned aas thhe caapaciity tto keeep 224 avvailaable for lateer usse.Itt incclu
15、dees noot onnlyrrememmberiingtthingg likke arrithmmeticc or histtoriccal ffactss,butt alsso anny chhangee in the way an aanimaal tyypicaally behaaves.Memoory iis25whenn a rrat ggivess up eatiing ggrainn beccausee he has snifffed someethinng suuspicciouss in the graiin piile.MMemorry iss alsso innvol
16、vved wwhen a siixyearrold chilld leearnss to swinng a baseeballl batt.Memmory26not onlyy in humaans aand aanimaals bbut aalso in ssome physsicall objjectss andd macchinees.Coomputters,for exammple,conttain deviices for storring dataa forr latter uuse.IIt iss intteresstingg to comppare the memoorysto
17、rrage capaacityy of a coomputter27thatt of a huuman beinng.Thhe innstanntacceess mmemorry off a llargee commputeer maay hoold uup too 1000,0000worrdsreaddy foor28use.A naaveraage AAmeriican teennagerr proobablly reecognnizess thee meaaninggs off aboout 1100,0000 wwordss of Engllish.Howeever,thiss is
18、 but a frractiion oof thhe tootal29of iinforrmatiion wwhichh thee teeenageer haas sttoredd.Connsideer,foor exxamplle,thhe nuumberr of factts annd pllacess thaat thhe teeenagger ccan rrecoggnizee on sighht.Thhe usse off worrds iis thhe baasis of tthe aadvannced probblemsolvving inteelliggencee of hum
19、aan beeingss.A llargee parrt off a ppersoons meemoryy is in ttermss of wordds annd30of wwordss.21Aof. Bto. Cfor. Don22Akeptt. Bfounnd. CCsougght. Dstorred23Aby. Bfromm. Cwithh. Din24.Aexpeeriennces. BbaseesCobseervattionss. Dinfoormattion.25Acallled. Btakeen. CCinvoolvedd. Dinclludedd26Aexissts. Bap
20、peears. Caffeects. Dseemms27Ato. Bwithh. Cagaiinst. Dfor28.Aproggresssive. BinsttructtiveCinsttant. Dprottectiive.29Adeall. Bnumbber. Cmounnt. DDamouunt30.Acombbinattionss. BcorrrectiionsCcoorrdinaationns. DDcolllectiions.Secctionn IIII Reeadinng coompreehenssion (40 poinnts)Secctionn ADirrectiions:
21、.Theere aare 55 passsagees inn thiis paart.EEach passsage is ffolloowed by ssome quesstionns orr unffinisshed stattemennts.FFor eeach of tthem therre arre foour cchoicces mmarkeed A,B,C,and D.Yoou shhouldd deccide on tthe bbest choiice aand bblackken tthe ccorreesponndingg lettter on tthe AAnsweer S
22、hheet withh a ppenciil.Queestioons 331 too 34 are baseed onn thee folllowiing ppassaage:Thee staabiliity oof thhe U.S. bbankiing ssysteem iss maiintaiined by mmeanss of supeervission and reguulatiion,iinspeectioons,ddepossit iinsurrancee,andd loaans tto trroublled bbankss.Forr oveer 500 yeaars,tthes
23、ee preecauttionss havve prrevennted bankking paniics.HHowevver,ttheree havve beeen ssome closse caalls.The colllapsee of Conttinenntal llliinoiss Bannk & Trussted Comppany of CChicaago iin 19984 ddid nnot bbringg dowwn thhe baankinng syystemm,butt it certtainlly raattleed soome wwindoows.In the late
24、e 19770s,CContiinenttal ssoareed too a lleadeershiip poositiion aamongg Middwesttern bankks.Paarts of iits ggrowtth sttrateegy wwere riskky,hooweveer.Itt madde maany lloanss in the enerrgy ffieldd,inccludiing bbilliion tthat it ttook overr froom Peenn SSquarre Baand oof Okklahooma CCity.To oobtaiin
25、thhe fuunds it nneedeed too makke thhese loanns,Coontinnentaal reeliedd heaavilyy on shorrttermm borrrowiing ffrom otheer baanks and largge,300day certtificcatess of depoosit-hott monney,in bbankiing jjargoon.Att leaast oone CContiinenttal oofficcer ssaw ddangeer siigns and wrotte a warnning memoo t
26、o her supeeriorrs,buut thhe meemo wwent unheeededd .Allthouugh tthe CCompttrolller oof thhe Cuurrenncy iinspeectedd Conntineentall on a reegulaar baasis,it ffaileed too seee loww serriouss itss prooblemms weere ggoingg to be.Pennn Sqquaree Bannk waas cllosedd by reguulatoors iin Juuly 11982.Whenn en
27、eergy pricces bbegann to slipp,mosst off thee billlionn in loanns thhat CContiinenttal hhad ttakenn oveer frrom tthe ssmalller bbankss turrned out to bbe haad.Otther loanns too trooubleed coompannies suchh Chrrysleer,lnnternnatioonal Harvvesteer,annd Brranifff loookedd queestioonablle.Seeeingg thees
28、e pprobllem,hot moneeyowwnerss beggan tto puull ttheirr funnds oout oof Coontinnentaal.By the spriing oof 19984,aa runn on Conttinenntal had beguun.Inn Mayy,thee bannk haad too borrrow .5 bbilliion ffrom the Fed to rreplaace oovernnightt funnds iit baad loost.BBut tthis was not enouugh.TTo trry too
29、steem thhe ouutfloow off deppositts frrom CContiinemttal,tthe FFDIC agreeed tto guuaranntee not justt thee firrst ,000 of eeach depoositoors mooney but all of iit.Neeverttheleess,tthe rrun ccontiinuedd.httpp:/nFedderall reggulattors trieed haard tto fiind aa souund bbank thatt couuld ttake overr Con
30、ntineentall-a ccommoon waay off resscuinng faailinng baanks.But Conttinenntal was justt tooo bigg forr anyyone to bbuy.BBy Juuly,aall hhope of aa priivatee secctor resccue wwas ddasheed.Reegulaatorss facced aa staark cchoicce:Leet Coontinnentaal coollappse,oor taake iit ovver tthemsselvees.Letttingg
31、 thee bannk faail sseemeed tooo riisky.It wwas eestimmatedd thaat moore tthan 100 otheer baanks had placced eenouggh fuunds in CContiinenttal tto puut thhem aat riisk iif Coontinnentaal faailedd.Thuus,onn a rrainyy Thuursdaay att thee endd of Julyy,thee FDIIC inn efffect natiionallizedd Conntineenta
32、ll Illlinoiis att a ccost of .5 biillioon.Thhis kkept the bankks dooors openn andd preeventted aa chaain rreacttion.Howeever,in aall bbut aa tecchniccal ssensee,Conntineentall hadd beccome the bigggest bankk faiiluree in U.S.histtory.31.In the spriing oof 19984,CContiinenttal eexperriencced-.Aaa fas
33、st grrowthh perriod. Ba sttabillity periiodCaa runn. Dan ooil ppricee deccreasse.32.By Julyy,alll hoppe off a pprivaate ssectoor reescuee wass-.Addestrroyedd. BabsuurdCddespeeratee. Ddamaaged.33.Thee nattionaalizaatin of CContiinenttal-.Assavedd itBmmadehot moneeyowwnerss conntinuue too pulll thheir
34、 fundds ouut off Conntineentall.Caalmosst brroughht doown tthe bbankiing ssysteemDffiredd manny hiighrankking offiicerss.34.Bannkingg pannics may be ppreveentedd by meanns off-.Addepossit iinsurrancee.Bgrowwth sstrattegyCllongtermm borrrowiing.DDwarniing mmemo.Queestioons 335 too 38 are baseed onn t
35、hee folllowiing ppassaage:If susttainaable comppetittive advaantagge deependds onn worrkforcce skkillss,Ameericaan fiirms havee a pprobllem.HHumannresoourcee mannagemment is nnot ttradiitionnallyy seeen ass cenntrall to the comppetittive survvivall of the firmm in the Unitted SStatees.Skkill acquuis
36、ittion is cconsiidereed ass an indiividuual rrespoonsibbilitty.Laabor is ssimplly annotheer faactorr of prodductiion tto bee hirred-rrenteed att thee lowwest posssiblee cosst-muuch aas onne buuys rraw mmaterrialss or equiipmennt.httpp:/nThee lacck off impportaance attaachedd to humaanresoourcee mann
37、agemment can be sseen in tthe ccorpooratiion hhieraarchyy.In an AAmeriican firmm thee chiief ffinannciall offficerr is almoost aalwayys seecondd in commmand.The postt of headd of humaanresoourcee mannagemmentss is usuaally a sppeciaalizeed joob,offf att thee edgge off thee corrporaate hhieraarchyy.T
38、hee exeecutiive wwho hholdss it is nneverr connsultted oon maajor straategiic deecisiions and has no cchancce too movve upp to Chieef Exxecuttive Offiicer(CEO).By way of ccontrrast,in JJapann thee heaad off hummanresoourcee mannagemment is ccentrral-uusuallly tthe sseconnd moost iimporrtantt exeecut
39、iive,aafterr thee CEOO,in the firmms hiierarrchy.Whiile AAmeriican firmms offten talkk aboout tthe vvast amouunts spennt onn traaininng thheir workk forrces,in ffact theyy invvest lesss in the skilll off theeir eemplooyeess thaan doo thee Jappanesse orr Gerrman firmms.Thhe mooney theyy do inveest ii
40、s allso mmore highhly cconceentraated on pprofeessioonal and manaageriial eemplooyeess.Andd thee limmitedd invvestmmentss thaat arre maade iin trrainiing wworkeers aare aalso muchh morre naarrowwly ffocussed oon thhe sppeciffic sskillls neecesssary to ddo thhe neext jjob rratheer thhan oon thhe baas
41、ic backkgrouund sskillls thhat mmake it ppossiible to aabsorrb neew teechnoologiies.As a reesultt,prooblemms emmergee wheen neew brreaktthrouugh ttechnnologgies arriive.IIf Ammericcan wworkeers,ffor eexampple,ttake muchh lonnger to llearnn howw to operrate new flexxiblee mannufaccturiing sstatiions
42、thann worrkerss in Germmany(as tthey do),the effeectivve coost oof thhose stattionss is llowerr in Germmany thann it is iin thhe Unnitedd Staated.Moree timme iss reqquireed beeforee equuipmeent iis upp andd runnningg at capaacityy,andd thee neeed foor exxtenssive retrrainiing ggenerratess cossts aan
43、d ccreattes bbottlleneccks tthat limiit thhe sppeed withh whiich nnew eequippmentt cann be emplloyedd.Thee ressult is aa sloower pacee of techhnoloogicaal chhangee.Andd in the end the skillls oof thhe boottomm hallf off thee poppulattion affeect tthe wwagess of the top halff.If the botttom hhalf cant efffecttivelly sttaff the proccessees thhat hhave to bbe opperatted,tthe mmanaggemennt