1、宠辱不惊,看庭前花开花落;去留无意,望天上云卷云舒。洪应明其身正,不令而行;其身不正,虽令不从。论语5B 练习卷二(2)(5-8 单元)一、单词中译英(每个 1 分)40.扫地 41.洗碗 42.整理床铺 43.洗车 44.擦桌子 45.洗衣服 46.种植葡萄 47.在他的花园里 48.一场足球比赛 49.烹饪肉 50.做一些番茄汤 51.做土豆炖肉 52.找,寻找 53.一个伟大的厨师 54.赶走 55.春节 56.中国农历新年 57.团聚 58.端午节 59.赛龙舟 60.粽子 61.中秋节 62.月饼 63.重阳糕 64.母亲节 65.父亲节 66.去购物 67.一个生日蛋糕 68.吃面
2、条 69.开一个派对 70.玩一些游戏 二、中译英(每个 2 分)43.做早餐 44.在厨房里 45.在客厅里 46.在他的卧室里 47.做晚饭 48.一些害虫 49.在葡萄上 50.走了,离开 51.在厨房里做饭 52.洗一些蔬菜 53.在冰箱里寻找一些果汁 54.很多害虫和瓢虫 55.山姆手上的两个瓢虫 56.很生气 57.七个斑点 58.从葡萄上抓了一只瓢虫 59.重阳节 60.与家人团聚 61.吃一顿丰盛的晚餐和饺子 62.赛龙舟 63.吃粽子 64.赏月 百川东到海,何时复西归?少壮不尽力,老大徒伤悲。汉乐府长歌行谋事在人,成事在天!增广贤文65.吃月饼 66.看望父母和祖父母 67
3、.爬山 68.吃重阳糕 月 11 日 70.玩得很高兴 71.在家里开一个派对 72.一起吃生日蛋糕 73.玩得很开心 74.一出戏里的英雄 75.在门上的一些数字 76.第一个数字 77.开始打架 78.逃跑 79.从一个房间出来 5B 练习卷二(2)答案卷 古之立大事者,不惟有超世之才,亦必有坚忍不拔之志。苏轼勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为。刘备一、单词中译英(分)the floor the dishes the bed the car the table clothes grapes his garden football game meat some tomato soup meat
4、with potatoes for great cook away Festival New Year together Boat Festival boat race dumpling Festival cake cake s Day s Day shopping birthday cake noodles a party some games your right left the doctor cold bedtime a rest water sweets medicine ones teeth at +形容词+to do sth 40.二、中译英(分)breakfast the ki
5、tchen the living room his bedroom dinner pests the grapes away dinner in the kitchen some vegetables for some juice in the fridge lot of pests and ladybirds ladybirds on Sams hand angry spots a ladybirds from the grapes Ninth Festival together with family a big dinner and eat dumplings dragon boat rice dumplings at the moon moon cakes parents and grandparents mountains rice cakes the eleventh of May a great time a party at the birthday cake together a lot of fun hero in a play numbers on the door first number fighting away out from a room