1、Unit 5 The Power of NaturePeriod 2 Learning Language2Reading for words&phrases1.短语积累compare.with.burn to the groundfast asleep take notice of make an effort make ones way(to.)be enthusiastic aboutbe amazed at与比较烧毁 熟睡注意努力前往对充满热情;热爱对感到惊异1.equipment n.U 设备设备;装;装备备【原原 句句】Sometimes working outdoors,somet
2、imes in an office,sometimes using scientific equipment and sometimes meeting local people and tourists,I am never bored.(P34)(我我们们)有有时时在在室室外外工工作作,有有时时在在办办公公室室里里,有有时时工工作作中中要要用用科科学学仪仪器器,有有时时要要会会见见当当地地百百姓姓和旅游人士。但是我从来不感到我的工作和旅游人士。但是我从来不感到我的工作烦烦人。人。The computer is the most important piece of equipment in
3、 our classroom.计计算机是我算机是我们们教室里最重要的一件教室里最重要的一件设备设备。英英语语中中有有部部分分名名词词只只用用作作不不可可数数名名词词,除,除equipment外,外,还还有哪些?有哪些?【思思考考提提示示】fun,advice,news,information,luggage,clothing,furniture,homework,weather,progress,等。等。7The little pig feels b_with this b_ book,that is to say,the book b_the pig absolutely and it wa
4、nts to get rid of this b_.boredboringboresboredomv.使使adj.令人令人adj.(人人)感到感到n.exciteexcitingexcitedexcitementamazedamazeamazingamazementtiredtiretiringtirednessMr Smith,_(amaze)at the _(excite)sights,is absolutely _(satisfy)with this trip.amazedexcitingsatisfied1.I was appointed as a volcanologist work
5、ing for the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory(HVO)twenty years ago.(P34)二二十十年年前前,作作为为一一名名火火山山学学家家,我我被被委委派派到到夏夏威威夷夷火火山山观观测测站站(HVO)工作。工作。2.appoint vt.任命;委派;安排,确定任命;委派;安排,确定(时间时间、地点、地点)appoint sb.as/to be.任命某人为任命某人为appoint sb.to do sth.委派某人做某事委派某人做某事appoint a time/.place for sth./to do sth.(为某事为某事)确定确定(日期、场
6、所日期、场所)We have not yet appointed a time for the next meeting.我我们还们还没安排下次会没安排下次会议时间议时间。Id love to go there with you,but I have an appointment with my lawyer.我我很很想想和和你你一一起起去去那那里里,但但我我要要约约见见我我的的律律师师。appointment n n.任命;约会Have/make an appointment with sb.与某人约会keep/break an appointment 守/违约12 evaluate vt.
7、评估,评价评估,评价没见过他的工作,我无法评估他的能力。没见过他的工作,我无法评估他的能力。I cannot _ without seeing his work.evaluation n.C,U评估,评价,评估报告评估,评价,评估报告evaluate his ability5.burn to the ground 全部焚全部焚毁毁【原原句句】Unfortunately,we cannot move their homes out of the way,and many houses have been covered with lava or burned to the ground.(P34
8、)遗遗憾憾的的是是,我我们们不不可可能能把把他他们们的的家家搬搬离离岩岩浆浆流流过过的的地地方方,因因此此,许许多多房房屋屋被被熔熔岩岩淹淹没没,或者焚或者焚烧烧殆尽。殆尽。unluckyunfortunately_,manyhouses_.Unfortunatelywere burnt to the ground.3.wave n.C波波浪浪;波波涛涛;挥挥手手 vi.波波动动;起伏;起伏;挥挥手手【原原句句】The lava that flows slowly like a wave down the mountain causes far more damage because it b
9、uries everything in its path under the molten rock.(P34)然然而而,顺顺着着山山坡坡往往下下流流的的像像波波浪浪一一样样的的火火山山熔熔岩岩所所造造成成的的损损失失却却大大得得多多,这这是是因因为为火火山山岩岩浆浆所所流流经经的的地地方方,一一切切东东西西都被掩埋在熔岩下面。都被掩埋在熔岩下面。完成句子1.The popular singer _(向向挥挥手手示示意意)his fans.2.Children swam and played _(在在波浪中波浪中).waved toin the waves My mother cried wh
10、en I waved goodbye to her.我向母我向母亲挥亲挥手告手告别时别时她哭了。她哭了。Having finished my homework,I went to bed.做完作做完作业业后,我就上床睡后,我就上床睡觉觉了。了。Having bought our tickets,we went into the theatre.我我们买们买好票后,就走好票后,就走进剧场进剧场。“be about to.when.”表示“正要这时(突然)”。when 在此为并列连词,意为“就在这时(突然)”。I was about to go out when Tom came in.我正要出去
11、,我正要出去,这时汤这时汤姆姆进进来了。来了。He was about to leave when the telephone rang.他正要离开,突然他正要离开,突然电话铃电话铃响了起来。响了起来。lavaThe hot lava was_ hundreds of metres into the air.fountainingUp to the airfountainfountainn.1.The _of Rome are famous for their beauty.2.The water_ into ten meters into the air.fountainsis founta
12、iningThe lave came to the townAll the houses_.caught fire.4.suit n.一套外衣;套装一套外衣;套装 vt.适合;使适宜适合;使适宜 Our manager seldom wears anything other than a business suit whatever the season.不不管管什什么么季季节节,我我们们的的经经理理总总是是穿穿西西服服,很很少少穿穿其他衣服。其他衣服。It is almost impossible to find a time that suits everybody.要想找到适合所有人的要
13、想找到适合所有人的时间时间几乎是不可能的。几乎是不可能的。归纳总结:suit n.一套外衣;套装;vt.适合;使适宜suit sth.to sth.使某物适合于另一事物suitable adj.适合的 be suitable for sb./sth.适合于某人/某物be suitable to do sth.适合做某事 The film is not suitable for young children.这这部部电电影少儿不宜。影少儿不宜。用用fit,suit,match填填空空1.Does this skirt _ me?2.Her clothes dont _ her age.3.I t
14、ried the dress on but it didnt _.It was too small.suitmatchfitunfortunately adv.不幸地(反)不幸地(反)fortunatelyunfortunate adj.不幸的不幸的(反)(反)fortunatefortune n.运气,命运;财富,巨资运气,命运;财富,巨资make a fortune 发财,致富发财,致富come into a fortune 继承一大笔财产继承一大笔财产6.make ones way(1)前往,向前往,向走去走去(后接后接 to/towards+地点地点)【原原句句】It was not
15、easy to walk in these suits,but we slowly made our way to the edge of the crater and looked down into the red,boiling centre.(P35)穿穿着着这这些些衣衣服服走走起起路路来来确确实实不不容容易易,但但我我们们还还是是缓缓缓缓朝朝火火山山口口的的边边缘缘走走去去,并并且且向向下下看到了那看到了那红红红红的沸的沸腾腾的中央。的中央。make ones wayThefiremen_totheplacewhichcaughtfire.go tomadetheirwayfeel
16、ones way摸索着前行fight ones way 打开一条血路find ones way 找到路,设法达到lose ones way 迷路force ones way out 挤出去;冲出去push ones way 挤过wind ones way 蜿蜒前进7.potential(1)n.U潜在性;可能性;潜能潜在性;可能性;潜能【原原句句】Having studied volcanoes now for many years,I am still amazed at their beauty as well as their potential to cause great damage.(P35)虽虽然然我我从从事事火火山山研研究究很很多多年年了了,但但是是我我对对火火山山的的美美以以及及它它那那潜潜在在的的巨巨大大破破坏坏力力至至今今仍仍然然感感到到惊愕不已。惊愕不已。He is a young singer with great potential.他是个非常有潜力的年他是个非常有潜力的年轻轻歌手。歌手。Shehasactingpotential,butsheneedstraining.她有表演潜力,但需要训练。