1、中华人民共和国合同法Contract Law of the Peoples Republic of China总则第一章一一般规定第二章合合同的订立第三章合合同的效力第四章合合同的履行第五章合合同的变更和和转让第六章合合同的权利义义务终止第七章违违约责任第八章其其他规定分则第九章买买卖合同第十章供供用电、水、气气、热力合同同第十一章赠与合同第十二章借款合同第十三章租赁合同第十四章融资租赁合合同第十五章承揽合同第十六章建设工程合合同第十七章运输合同第十八章技术合同第十九章保管合同第二十章仓储合同第二十一章章委托合同同第二十二章章行纪合同同第二十三章章居间合同同附则总则Generral Prrov
2、isiions第一章一般规规定Chappter 11 Geneeral PProvissions第一条【立立法目的】为为了保护合同同当事人的合合法权益,维维护社会经济济秩序,促进进社会主义现现代化建设,制制定本法。Articlee 1 Thhis Laaw is enactted inn ordeer to proteect thhe lawwful rrightss and interrests of thhe conntractting ppartiees, too mainntain sociaal andd econnomic orderr, andd to ppromotte the
3、e proccess oof soccialisst moddernizzationn. 第二条【合同同定义】本法法所称合同是是平等主体的的自然人、法法人、其他组组织之间设立立、变更、终终止民事权利利义务关系的的协议。婚姻、收养养、监护等有有关身份关系系的协议,适适用其他法律律的规定。Articlee 2 A contrract iin thiis Laww refeers too an aagreemment aamong naturral peersonss, leggal peersonss or oother organnizatiions aas equual paartiess f
4、or the eestabllishmeent, mmodifiicatioon of a rellationnship invollving the ccivil rightts andd obliigatioons off suchh entiities. Agreemeents cconcerrning persoonal rrelatiionshiips suuch ass marrriage,adopttion, guarddianshhip, eetc.shhall bbe govvernedd by tthe prrovisiions iin othher laaws. 第三条【
5、平等等原则】合同同当事人的法法律地位平等等,一方不得得将自己的意意志强加给另另一方。Articlee 3 Coontraccting partiies shhall hhave eequal legall stattus, aand noo partty mayy impoose itts willl on the oother partyy. 第四条【合同同自由原则】当当事人依法享享有自愿订立立合同的权利利,任何单位位和个人不得得非法干预。Articlee 4 Thhe parrties have the rright to laawfullly entter innto a contrra
6、ct oof theeir owwn freee willl in accorrdancee withh the law, and nno uniit or indivviduall may illeggally interrfere thereewith.第五条【公平平原则】当事事人应当遵循循公平原则确确定各方的权权利和义务。Articlee 5 Thhe parrties shalll adheere too the princciple of faairnesss in decidding ttheir respeectivee righhts annd oblligatiions.第六
7、条【诚实实信用原则】当当事人行使权权利、履行义义务应当遵循循诚实信用原原则。Articlee 6 Thhe parrties shalll obseerve tthe prrincipple off honeesty aand goood faaith iin exeercisiing thheir rrightss and perfoormingg theiir oblligatiions.第七条【遵纪纪守法原则】当当事人订立、履履行合同,应应当遵守法律律、行政法规规,尊重社会会公德,不得得扰乱社会经经济秩序,损损害社会公共共利益。Articlee 7 Inn conccludinng an
8、dd perfforminng a ccontraact, tthe paartiess shalll commply wwith tthe laaws annd admministtrativve reggulatiions, respeect soocial ethiccs, annd shaall noot dissrupt the ssociall and econoomic oorder or immpair the ppublicc inteerestss.第八条【依合合同履行义务务原则】依法法成立的合同同,对当事人人具有法律约约束力。当事事人应当按照照约定履行自自己的义务,不不得
9、擅自变更更或者解除合合同。依法成立的合同同,受法律保保护。Articlee 8 A lawfuully eestabllishedd conttract shalll be llegallly binnding on thhe parrties thereeto, eeach oof whoom shaall peerformm its own oobligaationss in aaccorddance with the tterms of thhe conntractt, andd no pparty shalll unillateraally mmodifyy or tterminnat
10、e tthe coontracct.The conntractt estaablishhed acccordiing too law is prrotectted byy law.第二章合同的的订立Chaapter 2 Connclusiion off Conttractss第九条【订立立合同的能力力】当事人订订立合同,应应当具有相应应的民事权利利能力和民事事行为能力。当事人依法法可以委托代代理人订立合合同。Articlee 9 Inn enteering into a conntractt, thee partties sshall have approopriatte cappacitii
11、es foor civvil riights and ccivil acts.A partyy may appoiint ann agennt to enterr intoo a coontracct on its bbehalff in aaccorddance with the llaw.第十条【合同同的形式】当当事人订立合合同,有书面面形式、口头头形式和其他他形式。法律、行政法规规规定采用书书面形式的,应应当采用书面面形式。当事事人约定采用用书面形式的的,应当采用用书面形式。Articlee 10 TThe paartiess may use wwritteen, orral orr o
12、theer forrms inn enteering into a conntractt.A contrract sshall be inn writtten fform iif thee lawss or aadminiistrattive rregulaationss so pprovidde. A contrract sshall be cooncludded inn writtten fform iif thee partties sso agrree.第十一条【书书面形式】书书面形式是指指合同书、信信件和数据电电文(包括电电报、电传、传传真、电子数数据交换和电电子邮件)等等可以有形地
13、地表现所载内内容的形式。Articlee 11 Writtten foorm rreferss to aa formm suchh as aa writtten ccontraactuall agreeementt, lettter, electtronicc dataa textt(inclludingg a teelegraam, teelex, fax, electtronicc dataa exchhange and ee-maill)thatt can tangiibly eexpresss thee conttents contaained thereein.第十二条【合合同内容】
14、合合同的内容由由当事人约定定,一般包括括以下条款:(一)当事事人的名称或或者姓名和住住所;(二)标的的;(三)数量量;(四)质量量;(五)价款款或者报酬;(六)履行行期限、地点点和方式;(七)违约约责任;(八)解决决争议的方法法。当事人可以参照照各类合同的的示范文本订订立合同。Articlee 12 TThe coontentts of a conntractt shalll be agreeed upoon by the ppartiees, annd shaall geenerallly coontainn the folloowing clausses:(1) tittles oor n
15、ammes annd dommicilees of the ppartiees;(2) subbject matteer;(3) quaantityy;(4) quaality;(5) priice orr remuunerattion;(6) timme limmit, pplace and mmethodd of pperforrmancee;(7) liaabilitty forr breaach off conttract; and(8) metthod tto setttle ddisputtes.The parrties may cconcluude a contrract bby
16、 refferencce to a moddel teext off eachh kindd of ccontraact.第十三条【订订立合同方式式】当事人订订立合同,采采取要约、承承诺方式。Articlee 13 TThe paartiess shalll conncludee a coontracct in the fform oof an offerr and an accceptaance.第十四条【要要约】要约是是希望和他人人订立合同的的意思表示,该该意思表示应应当符合下列列规定:(一)内容容具体确定;(二)表明经受受要约人承诺诺,要约人即即受该意思表表示约束。Articlee 14
17、 AAn offfer iss an eexpresssion of ann inteent too enteer intto a ccontraact wiith annotherr persson. SSuch eexpresssion of inntent shalll compply wiith thhe folllowinng:(1) itss conttents shalll be sspeciffic annd deffinitee;(2) it indiccates that the oofferoor willl be boundd by tthe exxpresssion
18、oof inttent iin casse of accepptancee by tthe offfereee.第十五条【要要约邀请】要要约邀请是希希望他人向自自己发出要约约的意思表示示。寄送的价价目表、拍卖卖公告、招标标公告、招股股说明书、商商业广告等为为要约邀请。商业广告的内容容符合要约规规定的,视为为要约。Articlee 15 AAn invvitatiion foor offfer iss an eexpresssion of ann inteent too inviite otther ppartiees to make offerrs theereto. Mailled prri
19、ce llists, publlic nooticess of aauctioon andd tendder, pprospeectusees andd commmerciaal advvertissementts, ettc. arre invvitatiions ffor offfer.Where tthe coontentts of a commmerciial addvertiisemennt meeet thee requuiremeents ffor ann offeer, itt shalll be regarrded aas an offerr.第十六条【要要约的生效】要要约到
20、达受要要约人时生效效。采用数据电文形形式订立合同同,收件人指指定特定系统统接收数据电电文的,该数数据电文进入入该特定系统统的时间,视视为到达时间间;未指定特特定系统的,该该数据电文进进入收件人的的任何系统的的首次时间,视视为到达时间间。Articlee 16 AAn offfer beecomess effeectivee whenn it rreachees thee offeeree.If a contrract iis conncludeed thrrough data-telexx, andd a reecipieent deesignaates aa speccific systee
21、m to receiive thhe datte-tellex, tthe tiime whhen thhe datta-tellex ennters such speciific ssystemm shalll be the ttime oof arrrival; if nno speecificc systtem iss appoointedd, thee timee whenn the data-telexx firsst entters aany off the recippients sysstems shalll be rregardded ass the time of arrr
22、ivall.第十七条【要要约的撤回】要要约可以撤回回。撤回要约约的通知应当当在要约到达达受要约人之之前或者与要要约同时到达达受要约人。Articlee 17 AAn offfer maay be withddrawn. The withddrawall notiice shhall rreach the ooffereee beffore oor at the ssame ttime wwhen tthe offfer aarrivees.第十八条【要要约的撤销】要要约可以撤销销。撤销要约约的通知应当当在受要约人人发出承诺通通知之前到达达受要约人。Articlee 18 AAn offfer
23、maay be revokked. TThe reevocattion nnoticee shalll reaach thhe offferee beforre it has ddispattched a nottice oof accceptannce.第十九条【要要约不得撤销销的情形】有有下列情形之之一的,要约约不得撤销:(一)要约约人确定了承承诺期限或者者以其他形式式明示要约不不可撤销;(二)受要约人人有理由认为为要约是不可可撤销的,并并已经为履行行合同作了准准备工作。Articlee 19 AAn offfer maay nott be rrevokeed, iff(1) thee o
24、ffeeror iindicaates aa fixeed timme forr acceeptancce or otherrwise expliicitlyy stattes thhat thhe offfer iss irreevocabble; oor(2) thee offeeree hhas reeasonss to rrely oon thee offeer as beingg irreevocabble annd hass madee prepparatiion foor perrformiing thhe conntact.第二十条【要要约的失效】有有下列情形之之一的,要约约失
25、效:(一)拒绝绝要约的通知知到达要约人人;(二)要约约人依法撤销销要约;(三)承诺诺期限届满,受受要约人未作作出承诺;(四)受要约人人对要约的内内容作出实质质性变更。Articlee 20 AAn offfer shhall llose eefficaacy unnder aany off the folloowing circuumstannces:(1) thee notiice off rejeectionn reacches tthe offferorr;(2) theeofferror reevokess the offerr in aaccorddance with the lla
26、w;(3) theeofferree faails tto disspatchh an aaccepttance beforre thee expiiratioon of the ttime llimit for aaccepttance;(4) theeofferree maakes ssubstaantiall channges tto thee conttents of thhe offfer.第二十一条【承承诺的定义】承承诺是受要约约人同意要约约的意思表示示。Articlee 21 AAn accceptannce iss the expreessionn of aan inttent
27、ioon to by thhe offferee to asssent to thhe offfer.第二十二条【承承诺的方式】承承诺应当以通通知的方式作作出,但根据据交易习惯或或者要约表明明可以通过行行为作出承诺诺的除外。Articlee 22 TThe accceptaance sshall be maade inn the form of a noticce, exxcept wheree acceeptancce mayy be mmade bby an act oon thee basiis of custoomary businness ppractiice orr as eexp
28、resssed iin thee offeer.第二十三条【承承诺的期限】承承诺应当在要要约确定的期期限内到达要要约人。要约没有确确定承诺期限限的,承诺应应当依照下列列规定到达:(一)要约约以对话方式式作出的,应应当即时作出出承诺,但当当事人另有约约定的除外;(二)要约以非非对话方式作作出的,承诺诺应当在合理理期限内到达达。Articlee 23 AAn accceptannce shhall rreach the oofferoor witthin tthe tiime liimit pprescrribed in thhe offfer.Where nno timme limmit iss
29、 presscribeed in the ooffer, the accepptancee shalll reaach thhe offferor in acccordaance wwith tthe foollowiing prrovisiions:(1) if the ooffer is maade inn dialloguess, thee acceeptancce shaall bee madee immeediateely unnless otherrwise agreeed upoon by the ppartiees;(2) If the ooffer is maade inn
30、formms othher thhan a dialoogue, the aaccepttance shalll reacch thee offeeror wwithinn a reeasonaable pperiodd of ttime.第二十四条【承承诺期限的起起点】要约以以信件或者电电报作出的,承承诺期限自信信件载明的日日期或者电报报交发之日开开始计算。信信件未载明日日期的,自投投寄该信件的的邮戳日期开开始计算。要要约以电话、传传真等快速通通讯方式作出出的,承诺期期限自要约到到达受要约人人时开始计算算。Articlee 24 WWhere an offfer iis madde by l
31、etteer or teleggram, the ttime llimit for aaccepttance shalll accrrue frrom thhe datte shoown inn the letteer or from the ddate oon whiich thhe tellegramm is hhandedd in ffor diispatcch. Iff no ssuch ddate iis shoown inn the letteer, itt shalll acccrue ffrom tthe poostmarrk datte on the eenveloope.W
32、here aan offfer iss madee by mmeans of innstanttaneouus commmuniccationn, succh as telepphone or faacsimiile,ettc. thhe timme limmit foor accceptannce shhall aaccruee fromm the momennt thaat thee offeer reaaches the ooffereee.第二十五条【合合同成立时间间】承诺生效效时合同成立立。Articlee 25 AA conttract is esstabliished when
33、the aaccepttance becommes efffectiive.第二十六条【承承诺的生效】承承诺通知到达达要约人时生生效。承诺不不需要通知的的,根据交易易习惯或者要要约的要求作作出承诺的行行为时生效。采用数据电电文形式订立立合同的,承承诺到达的时时间适用本法法第十六条第第二款的规定定。Artiicle 226 An accepptancee becoomes eeffecttive wwhen iits nootice reachhes thhe offferor. If nnoticee of aaccepttance is noot reqquiredd, thee accee
34、ptancce shaall beecome effecctive when an acct of accepptancee is pperforrmed iin acccordannce wiith trransacction practtices or ass requuired in thhe offfer.Wheree a coontracct is conclluded in thhe forrm of date-telexx, thee timee of aarrivaal of an accceptaance sshall be gooverneed by the pprovis
35、sions of Paaragraaph 2, Artiicle 116 of this Law.第二十七条【承承诺的撤回】承承诺可以撤回回。撤回承诺诺的通知应当当在承诺通知知到达要约人人之前或者与与承诺通知同同时到达要约约人。Articlee 27 AAn accceptannce maay be withddrawn, but a nottice oof witthdrawwal shhall rreach the oofferoor beffore oor at the ssame ttime wwhen tthe nootice of accceptaance rreachees th
36、ee offeeror.第二十八条【新新要约】受要要约人超过承承诺期限发出出承诺的,除除要约人及时时通知受要约约人该承诺有有效的以外,为为新要约。Articlee 28 WWhere an offfereee makees an accepptancee beyoond thhe timme limmit foor accceptannce, tthe accceptaance sshall be a new ooffer exceppt thaat thee offeeror pprompttly innformss the offerree off the effecctivenness
37、oof thee saidd acceeptancce.第二十九条【迟迟到的承诺】受受要约人在承承诺期限内发发出承诺,按按照通常情形形能够及时到到达要约人,但但因其他原因因承诺到达要要约人时超过过承诺期限的的,除要约人人及时通知受受要约人因承承诺超过期限限不接受该承承诺的以外,该该承诺有效。Articlee 29 IIf thee offeeree ddispattched the aaccepttance withiin thee timee limiit speecifieed forr acceeptancce, annd undder noormal circuumstannces t
38、the accceptaance wwould have reachhed thhe offferor in duue timme, buut duee to oother reasoons thhe accceptannce reeachess the offerror affter tthe tiime liimit ffor accceptaance hhas exxpiredd,suchh acceeptancce shaall bee effeectivee, unlless tthe offferorr notiifies the ooffereee in a timmely mm
39、annerr thatt it ddoes nnot acccept the aaccepttance due tto thee faillure oof thee acceeptancce to arrivve witthin tthe tiime liimit.第三十条【承承诺的变更】承承诺的内容应应当与要约的的内容一致。受受要约人对要要约的内容作作出实质性变变更的,为新新要约。有关关合同标的、数数量、质量、价价款或者报酬酬、履行期限限、履行地点点和方式、违违约责任和解解决争议方法法等的变更,是是对要约内容容的实质性变变更。Articlee 30 TThe coontentts of an
40、 accceptaance sshall complly witth thoose off the offerr. If the ooffereee subbstanttiallyy modiifies the ccontennts off the offerr, it shalll consstitutte a nnew offfer. The mmodifiicatioon rellatingg to tthe suubjectt mattter, qqualitty, quuantitty, prrice oor remmuneraation, timee or pplace or me
41、ethod of peerformmance, liabbilitiies foor breeach oof conntractt and methood of dispuute reesoluttion, etc. shalll consstitutte thee subsstantiial moodificcationn of aan offfer.第三十一条【承承诺的内容】承承诺对要约的的内容作出非非实质性变更更的,除要约约人及时表示示反对或者要要约表明承诺诺不得对要约约的内容作出出任何变更的的以外,该承承诺有效,合合同的内容以以承诺的内容容为准。Articlee 31 IIf thee
42、 acceeptancce doees nott subsstantiially modiffies tthe coontentts of the ooffer, it sshall be efffectiive, aand thhe conntentss of tthe coontracct shaall bee subjject tto thoose off the accepptancee, exccept aas rejjectedd prommptly by thhe offferor or inndicatted inn the offerr thatt an aaccepttan
43、ce may nnot moodify the ooffer at alll.第三十二条【合合同成立时间间】当事人采采用合同书形形式订立合同同的,自双方方当事人签字字或者盖章时时合同成立。Articlee 32 WWhere the ppartiees conncludee a coontracct in writtten foorm, tthe coontracct is estabblisheed wheen it is siigned or seealed by thhe parrties.第三十三条【确确认书与合同同成立】当事事人采用信件件、数据电文文等形式订立立合同的,可可以在合同成
44、成立之前要求求签订确认书书。签订确认认书时合同成成立。Articlee 33 WWhere the ppartiees conncludee the contrract iin thee formm of lletterrs or data-telexx, etcc., onne parrty maay reqquest to siign a letteer of confiirmatiion beefore the cconcluusion of thhe conntractt. Thee conttract shalll be eestabllishedd at tthe tiime wh
45、hen thhe lettter oof connfirmaation is siigned.第三十四条【合合同成立地点点】承诺生效效的地点为合合同成立的地地点。采用数据电电文形式订立立合同的,收收件人的主营营业地为合同同成立的地点点;没有主营营业地的,其其经常居住地地为合同成立立的地点。当当事人另有约约定的,按照照其约定。Articlee 34 TThe pllace oof efffectivvenesss of aan accceptannce shhall bbe thee placce of the eestabllishmeent off the contrract.If thhe
46、 conntractt is cconcluuded iin thee formm of ddata-ttelex, the main businness pplace of thhe reccipiennt shaall bee the placee of eestabllishmeent. IIf thee reciipientt doess not have a maiin bussinesss placce, itts habbituall resiidencee shalll be consiideredd to bbe thee placce of estabblishmment. Wheree the partiies aggree ootherwwise, such agreeement shalll applly.第三十五条【书书面合同成立立地点】当事事人采用合同同书形式订立立合同的,双双方当事人签签字或者盖章章的地点为合合同成立的地地点。Articlee 35 WWhere the ppartiees conncludee a coontracct in writtten foorm, tthe pllace wwhere both partiies siign orr affiix theeir seeals oon thee con