1、版高中英语-Module3My-First-Ride-on-a-TrainPeriod-5课时讲练通课件-外研版必修1 今今天天(2010年年10月月6日日)你你与与几几位位好好友友讨讨论论寒寒假假去去哪哪里里旅旅游游。其其中中一一位位朋朋友友叫叫Wang Wei,他他坚坚持持要要去去西西藏藏。因因为为他他渴渴望望去去经经历历一一个个自自己己不不熟熟悉悉的的地地方方。其其他他几几位位朋朋友友并并不不赞赞同同,一一则则因因为为他他们们还还太太小小,再再则则,他他们们也也没没有有足足够够的的时时间间和和金金钱钱。几几 位位 朋朋 友友 想想 要要 说说 服服 Wang Wei,可可 Wang We
2、i太太 倔倔 强强(stubborn),什什么么也也不不能能使使他他改改变变主主意意。请请你你以以日日记记的的形形式式记下这次讨论并表达你的观点。记下这次讨论并表达你的观点。词数:词数:100左右左右 Wednesday,October 6th,2010 Sunny_【参考范文】【参考范文】Wednesday,October 6th,2010 Sunny Today,several friends of mine and I had a discussion on where to travel in the winter holiday.One friend,whose name is Wa
3、ng Wei,insists on going to Tibet since he is eager to have the experience of being in a place he is not familiar with at all.However,the other friends dont think it is a proper place to go.For one thing,we are too young.For another,we dont have enough time or money.They try to persuade him,but he is so stubborn that it seems nothing can change his mind.As far as I am concerned,Tibet is a beautiful and mysterious place,which is worth visiting as soon as possible.I agree with Wang Wei.此课件下载可自行编辑修改,仅供参考!此课件下载可自行编辑修改,仅供参考!感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!谢谢感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!谢谢