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1、流程操作 Run Time The time it takes to produce one piece.裝置時間和運行時間應考慮周到地保存在每一操作的流程文件之中,而且一般上占總生產交期時間的1020%Setup and run times are maintained discreetly within the routing file for each operation and typically make up about 10-20 percent of total manufacturing lead time.等待時間-指的是材料的轉運,倉存,和工 作中心等待所需的時間.Que

2、ue Time The time the material spends in transit,storage,and at each work center waiting to be worked on.等待時間隨工廠布局,制造工藝和排期作業而定.等待時間是一個非制造時間,在大多數公司,據統計等待時間占到總生產時間的80%90%.我們的目標是盡可能減少甚至消除等待時間以降低成本.等待時間是一種額外的成本,它不能增加產品的價值.Queue time is a function of plant layout,the manufacturing process,and the scheduli

3、ng process.Queue time is non-productive in the manufacturing process.In most companies,it accounts for about 80-90%of the total manufacturing time.The goal is to reduce queue time to as low a value as possible,or even eliminate it.Queue is an added cost.It adds no value to the product.如何使用流程如何使用流程 H

4、ow A Routing Is Used 流程由工程部門開發并應用于公司內很多部門:Routing are developed by Engineering and are used in many departments within a company:工程部-制訂開發新零件的生產工藝.Engineering To develop mfg.processes for new items.2 生產-正確地生產每種產品 Manufacturing To correctly produce each product.車間控制-跟蹤生產制造過程 Shop Floor Control To keep

5、 track of the sequence of production 成本核算-確定生產一件產品的實際成本.Cost Accounting To determine the actual cost to produce a product.流程的用處流程的用處 Routing Uses:確定生產程序的流程也有如下的用處:The routing along with defining the manufacturing processes to be performed,has several other uses:1.1.控制點控制點/發貨點發貨點 Point of Control/Dis

6、patching 依據由工作中心/流程文件和工作中心資料,可以制 定一個日排期表或者工作中心優先發貨單.工廠或部門管理人員可利用此排期表去決定工作的優先順序.From the work center/routing file along with work center information,a daily schedule or work center priority dispatch list may be created.This schedule is utilized by the factory or area supervisor regarding work priorit

7、ies.財務方面-計算產品的標準成本.Finance To calculate the standard cost of the product.生產控制/物料-確定如何安排生產程序.Production Control/Material To determine how to schedule the manufacturing processes3工作中心優先調度表Work Center Priority Dispatch List 2.2.制訂排期制訂排期 Scheduling 標準時間的總和就成了交貨周期.此交貨周期可用于以時間為基準的排期.Time standards are rol

8、led up into lead times to used in time-phased scheduling.日期 Date:6-30-x3.3.成本成本 Costing 不論使用標準的,實際的或是當前的成本系統,時間標 準提供了生產零件的成本數據的基準點(典範借鑒).Whether standard,actual or current cost system is used,time standards provide benchmark costing data for the manufactured item.4流程文件生產零件編號總的等候時間總的計劃時間總的運行時間零件總表文件生

9、產零件編號零件等待時間零件備機時間零件運行時間產品成本文件生產零件編號額外的費用裝 置費 用運 行費 用生產交期積累模塊 產品成本積累模塊流程流程文件對產品成本的影響文件對產品成本的影響Routing File Influence On Product Routing File Influence On Product CostCostRouting fileMfg.ItemNo.Queue Time SummarySetup TimeSummaryRun TimeSummaryItem Master FileMfg.Item No.Item QueueTimeItem SetupTimeIt

10、em RunTimeLeadTime Roll upUtilityProduct Cost FileMfg.Item No.Overhead CostSetupCostRunCostProductCostRoll upUtility5 4.4.產能計劃產能計劃 Capacity Planning 操作順序,時間標準和工作中心資料可以制定產能計劃(粗略的和詳細的).典型的報告包括所需的工作中心或機器的產能.流程流程文件對產能計劃的影響文件對產能計劃的影響 Routing File Influence On Routing File Influence On Capacity PlanningCa

11、pacity Planning流程文件生產零件編號零件總表文件生產零件編號總排期和物料計劃程序操作順序計劃和運行時間零件交貨周期排期報告工作中心產能報告工作中心發送報告The operation sequence,time standards and other work center detail permit capacity planning(rough cut and detail).Typical reports include required capacity by work center or machine.6 如何創建及管理流程如何創建及管理流程 How to Create

12、 and Manage Routings(1)工程部決定用最適當的方法和生產資源(工作中心)生產產品.Engineering determines the best methods and manufacturing resources(work centers)to build the product.(2)工程部應和生產部一起開發新的流程.The Eng.Dept.may initially work with Manufacturing to develop new routings.(3)當新的流程在生產中實施時,流程的改變和改進必須用文件存檔使每個人都知道這種變化.As new ro

13、uting are implemented in Mfg.,changes and improvements to the routings must be documented so everyone will be aware of changes.(4)這些部門然后一起討論改善流程的準確性.流程文件應達到99%以上的準確度.These departments then work together to improve the accuracy of the routings.Routing documents should achieve 99%plus accuracy level.總

14、的來說,如果流程是準確的而且被正確地使用,它們將成為公司的溝通網絡中的一個重要環節,從而能更有效地生產產品.In summary,if routings are accurate and used correctly,they will be an important link in a co.s communication network to efficiently produce a product.Routing FileMfg.Item No.Item Master FileMfg.Item No.Master Scheduling&Mat.Planng ProcessesItem

15、LeadTimesScheduling ReportsOperationsSequencesSetup&RunTimesWork CenterCapacity ReportWork CenterDispatch Report7流程開發流程開發 Routing Development依公司組織而定,一般來說,流程是制造工藝部的職責.According to company organization,generally,routing is the responsibility of manufacturing process department.定義工作中心定義工作中心 Defining Wo

16、rk Centers 一些大的生產地區可以被分為幾個生產單位,例如制造,裝配和檢驗.工作中心產生于細分這些生產單位或部門為更小的區域性單位.在一個依工作性能而排列的生產地區,工作中心一般依機器種類或工藝性能來決定,例如:焊接,機械加工,線路板裝配.在流水作業的生產部門,部門及工作中心應依產品和產品組合來確定.工作中心被賦予一個唯一的號碼和名字,這些號碼和名字反映了工作中心在制造過程中所扮演的角色.每一個工作中心的詳細信息包含在工作中心主文件內.Some large production areas may first subdivided into departments,such as fa

17、brication,assembly and test.Work centers are created by dividing these production areas or depts.into smaller geographic units.In production areas that are functionally organized,work centers are typically defined around types of machinery or around process function,such as welding,machining,or circ

18、uit board assembly.In production areas that are organized for flow manufacturing,departments and work centers are given unique numbers or names reflecting their role in the production process.Detailed information about each work center is contained in the Work Center File.Unit 9:流流 程程 RoutingsLesson

19、 2:流程開發流程開發 Routing Development8 流 程 開 發文件:生 產 布 局 確定:生產部門定義:生產工作中心部門 A部門 C部門 B工作中心#1工作中心#2工作中心#3標準化工作中心操作 操作 操作順序號 說明 10 切割 20 焊接 30 機加工定義時間標準和工藝規格1.1.順序號順序號 Sequence Nos.在一個工作中心內,工作活動的類型被賦予一個操作順序號.順序號一般以10或100為單位遞增,以便于號碼的更改或允許增減臨時或特殊的操作號碼.例如一個電路板裝配的工作中心:Within a work center,types of work activity

20、are assigned operation sequence numbers.Sequence nos.are typically assigned in increments of 10 or 100 in order to allow for changes and to permit temporary or special operations nos.For example,a work center defined for circuit board assembly:10 配件準備 Component preparation20 電路板的裝配 Board loading 30

21、流水焊接 Flow soldering 40 檢查及修改 Inspection&touch up 50 性能測試 Functional testing9 2.外部加工外部加工 Outside Processing 當創建一個生產零件的完整生產流程時,要用文件記錄全部工藝在過程中物流不能間斷,這一點相當重要.一些零件需要從外部供應商進行加工處理如:電鍍或機械加工.這些需要經常表達為一個特殊定義的工作中心.大多數軟件系統通過起動點來確定外部加工工作的發貨及收貨活動.When creating a complete routing for a manufactured item,it is impo

22、rtant to document the uninterrupted flow of material through the entire conversion process.Some items require processing from outside vendors,such as plating or machining.This requirement is usually reflected as a specially defined work centers by allowing trigger points for shipping and receiving a

23、ctivities.Routing Development Document:Manufacturing LayoutIdentify:Production Depts.Dept.A Dept.B Dept.CDefine:Production Work Centers work center#1 work center#2 work center#3 Standardize:Work Center Operations OperationSequence OperationNumber Description Define Time10 Cut-off Standard and20 Weld

24、 Process30 Machine Specifications103.3.時間標準時間標準 Time Standards 在流程文件中的標準時間有兩個目的:(1)提供交貨周期的基本數據,用于詳細的生產排期中.(2)為評估產品的成本.標準時間應能準確反映實際平均與依工藝改善活動而更新.Time standards within the routing file serve two purposes:(1)Serve as baseline data for rolling up lead times,which are used in detailed production scheduli

25、ng.(2)For assessing product cost.Time standards should accurately reflect actual historical average and updates are done according to any process improvement activity.臨時和代用的流程臨時和代用的流程 Temporary and Alternate Routing 在生產排期的過程中,當某一工作中心超負荷時-即排期要求的生產能力超過生產期間的實際能力,一個可能的行動方案便是使流程工程部與排期取得同意,以采用其他物流來生產正受影響的

26、工作中心的產品,臨時的或其他的流程應提前認可,以維持產品的質量和維持工作中心發貨的準確性.During the process of production scheduling,when a certain work center is overloaded the schedule requires capacity in excess of what is available during the scheduling period,a possible course of action is for process engineering and scheduling to agree

27、on an alternative flow to produce some of the product being across the affected work centers.Temporary or alternate routings should always be pre-approved in order to maintain product quality and in order to maintain the accuracy of work center dispatching.11Unit 9:流流 程程 Routing Lesson 3:生產布局和生產流水線生

28、產布局和生產流水線 Plant Layout&Product Flow 檢討檢討 Review 流程的設計依賴于工廠的布局.制造工藝類型和對生產流程的影響.The design of a routing depends on the layout of the plant,the type of manufacturing process,and the resulting production flow.生產布局生產布局 Manufacturing Layout生產布局是一個關于在生產場地如何放置生產資源的圖表.它通常包括生產場地的大小,機器的尺寸,工作中心或生產資源和它們放置于地面的位置.

29、The manufacturing layout is a plan of how the mfg.resources are positioned in the mfg.area.This usually includes the dimensions of the mfg.floor,the relative size of the machines,work center or mfg.resources,and their location on the floor.一個以生產功能的生產布局將機器或資源聚合在一起.生產流水線由如何利用生產資源來制造產品來決定.A functional

30、mfg.layout has like machines or resources grouped together on the mfg.floor.The product flow is determined by how the mfg.resources are used to produce the product.一個流水線產品的布局應合理地按順序布置機器或生產原料以便利于產品的生產.A flow mfg.layout has machines or mfg.resources arranged tin the sequence they are used to product t

31、he product.在一個以工作功能型的工廠布局中,資源根據不同的功能和部門而進行聚合.在某一機器上完成的固定數量的工作將傳遞到下一個部門.在這種布局中,不同部門間的物料和移動延長了總的生產時間.因為每個部門的物料不得不獨立地安排,所以等待時間是總的生產交期的重要部分.In a functionally oriented layout,resources are grouped according to their functions or depts.Jobs on the machines are usually completed in fixed quantities in each

32、 dept.and then moved to the next dept.In this layout,the movement of material between depts.Increases the total manufacturing time.Since each mfg.Resource has to be scheduled independently,queue time is a significant portion of the total mfg.lead time.12 在一個流水作業的環境中,資源排成流水線,產品按流水順序生產.這里制造活動以連續線或流水線的

33、方式進行.當一個零件完成后被移至下一工作中心,如此循環下去.In a flow environment,resources are placed at a flow line where the product is produced in a structured process.Here,manufacturing activities occur in a continuous line or flow.When one part is completed,it is moved to the next work center and so on.順序化的流水線布局 Structured

34、 Flow Layout 磨 床 鋸 切 車 床 磨 床 鋸 切 車 床 車床 衝壓 車床 衝壓1A2B熱處理流水生產布局的優點流水生產布局的優點 Advantages of a Flow Mfg.Layout流水線布局比功能型布局有以下的優點:A flow layout has the following advantages over a functional layout:(1)更少的等候時間(2)Less queue time功能型布局 Functional Layout鋸切鋸切鋸切車床車床車床磨 床磨 床衝 壓衝 壓 熱處理 12345613 在流水線的布局中,減少裝配時間就變得很重

35、要了,因為機器和各種活動彼此相連以產生一個需要的產品.等候時間也能大大地減少或者消除,這是因為物料是在流水線上進行小數量加工.移動時間也因為產品是在工廠以直線型來移動而減少.在流水線布局下,運行時間占了生產交期中最高百分比.這樣就產生了一個產品的附加值.所以,一個工廠流水線生產的設計比一個功能的工廠設計更有效益.In a flow layout,reducing setup time becomes important because machines and activities are linked together to the required items.Queue time can

36、 also be substantially reduced or eliminated because materials are produced in a flow line and smaller lots.Move time is reduced since the product moves through the factory in a relatively straight line.In a flow layout,the run time accounts for the highest%of the total manufacturing lead time.This

37、produces a value added to the product versus a cost added when materials are held in queue.Therefore,a plant designed with flow production with flow production will be more efficient than a functionally oriented plant.(2)更少的生產周期時間 Less manufacturing cycle time(3)更少庫存和工序間的庫存 Less inventory in the sto

38、ckroom and work-in-process(4)更容易和更快地更改設計 Easier and quicker engineering changes(5)降低成本和更好地為顧客服務 Lower costs and better customer service overall流水線布局的目的是物料在最短的時間內及最低的成本.這是通過減少物料在生產工位等候所浪費的時間而達到目的.The goal in a flow layout is to get the material through the factory in the shortest time and at the lowe

39、st cost.This is done by reducing the time materials sit idle in queue on the manufacturing floor.14 時 間 移 動 範 圍 收 發 接 觸 降低成本的5T方針減少生產成本 記錄工廠布局和生產流水線 用示範項確認簡化的生產設計 生產設計提高目標 流程等同于 生產設計工藝技術的挑戰 The Process Engineerings Challenge對生產改善的影響對生產改善的影響 Impact of Manufacturing Improvements:在一個高效率的制造環境里,工藝技術部有兩個主

40、要的挑戰:In a high performance mfg.environment,process engineering is presented with 2 major challenges:1.創建和維持一個流程數據庫,它能準確地反映當前的生產布局和設計.Create and maintain a routing database which accurately reflects current mfg.layout and design.2.運用準確的流程數據產生概念,從而簡化及降低生產布局和設計的成本.這方面,工藝技術部可不斷做改善.Use accurate routing d

41、ata to generate ideas to simplify and reduce the cost of the manufacturing layout and design.This is the continuous improvement aspect of the process engineering job.Prove simplifiedmfg.design withpilot projectsPlant layout&productionflow documentedRouting equalmfg.designMfg.design improve-ment obje

42、ctives15在一個功能型的環境里,基于產品系列或生產線組合,工藝技術部應重新評估可否對生產線重新設計.在一個流水線環境里,工藝技術部應尋找機會去提高倉存的速度以減少等待(排隊)時間.在以上兩個環境中,進行物流分析進而轉到產品成本的“5T”上將有利于以顧客為本的生產的提高.In a functional environment process engineering should begin evaluating mfg.Redesign based on product family or product line grouping.In a flow environment,proces

43、s engineering should look for opportunities to increase the velocity of inventory through the process to reduce queue time.In both environments,analyzing material flow and conversion with respect to the 5 Ts of Production Cost will help identify customer-focused mfg.improvements.所有的布局和物流的改善必須準確地反映在流

44、程數據庫.All improvements in layout and flow must be accurately reflected in the routing database.時 間 移 動 範 圍 收 發 接 觸 降低成本的5T The 5 Ts of Cost Reduction減少生產成本 Reduced Mfg.CostTimeTravelTerritoryTouchesTransactions16應用題應用題 Application Questions:1.你如何描述你們公司的總體的生產程序,功能型還是流水 線?對你的公司來說,那一種方法是最適當?為什么?How woul

45、d you describe your overall manufacturing process,functional or flow?For your company,which method would work best?Why?2.如果你能改變生產資源和允許改變這些資源的布局方法,你將采取哪些改變?改進后的主要優點是什么?If you could change the manufacturing resources and the way they are laid out in your manufacturing facility,what changes would you m

46、ake?What are the major advantages of these changes?17量度概論量度概論 Measurement Overview對流程的準確性進行常規檢查的理由是:The reasons for routinely measuring the accuracy of routing are:(1)流程必須反映生產程序設計 Ensure routings reflect manufacturing process design(2)支持有效的排期和放單 Support valid scheduling&dispatching(3)使零件交貨周期和成本累計都能準

47、確 Enable accurate lead time and cost roll-ups(4)一致性的程序標準的溝通 Consistent communication of process standards(5)保持創建和維持製程的工藝的完整性和有效性 Ensure the integrity and effectiveness of processes used to create and maintain routings流程量度流程量度 Routing Measurement 流程準確性的量度是一個定期性的審核工作,它從三個方面評估數據庫與實際:The Routing Accurac

48、y measurement is a periodic audit which evaluates the database against actual practice in three categories:A.工作中心定義-每個工作中心的定義準確嗎?每個工作中心的詳細數據準確嗎?Work Center definition are all work centers accurately defined and is the detailed data for each work center accurate?Unit 9:流流 程程 Routing Lesson 4:表現量度表現量度

49、 Performance Measurement 18 物料清單/流程審核 BOM/Routing Audit 零件編號:描述:車間定單號:審核人:物料清單和物料清單和流流程審核表程審核表 BOM and Routing Audit FormB.操作的順序-所有的操作包含在流製程中嗎?操作是否照 文件中順序進行?Operation Sequence Are all work centers accurately defined and is the work center performed in the documented sequence?C.方法和標準的準確性-方法和標準是否反映了工程

50、規格?生產有根據這些工程規格嗎?標準時間是否反映了同一時 期的實際平均值?Methods and Standards accuracy Do documented methods&standards reflect the engineering specification and are they followed by production?Do standard times reflect actual historical averages at the time of last roll-up?19 檢查表應對到上面提到的三個方面對流程進行實際的審核.比較流程中與實際操作相矛盾的地方


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