1、人与自然英语课件人与自然英语课件Dependence stage:Before the industrial revolution,human beings understanding of nature was unclear,which caused fear,worship and dependence on nature.Conquest stage:After the industrial revolution,due to the manufacture of large machines,human beings have increased their dependence o
2、n energy,so they are demanding and slaughtering from nature,in an attempt to conquer nature.Coordination stage:In modern times,due to the arbitrary slaughter of nature by mankind,it has caused damage to nature.Nature has begun to retaliate against human life,and human beings have begun to coordinate
3、 the relationship between man and nature and put forward the slogan of sustainable development.CONTENTSCONTENTS01Primitivecivilizationperiod原始文明(Dependencystage)02Agriculturalcivilizationperiod农业文明(Developmentandusestage)03Earlyindustrialcivilizationperiod早期工业文明(Conqueststage)04Modernindustrialcivil
4、izationperiod现代工业文明(Coordinationstage)PartOneIn primitive civilization periodIn primitive civilization periodIt is known to all that human beings and the natural environment are interdependent and mutually restricting.The change of natural environment had a strong influence on the life and behavior
5、of ancient people,especially in the primitive society.Because of our low level of productivity,poor production tools,limited production experience and low labour skills,our knowledge of nature was still superficial.We lived in a very primitive life and was very ignorant of what was happening around
6、us.With an attitude of awe,adoration,fear towards the natural world,we believed that there was a God who ruled and arranged everything.So in ancient China,heaven,the worlds master,referred to the will of God.In that time,people lived mainly on gathering and hunting.Stone-hammering was used to make s
7、tone tools.People also used wooden spears(矛)and javelins(标枪)with sharp stones or bones attached to the tip of a stick to capture the beast.Therefore,our behaviour had a limited impact on nature and we adapted to nature in a passive position.But I think the relationship between man and nature was als
8、o the most harmonious at that time.PartTwoThen,when human beings entered the age of agricultural civilization and the birth of self-sufficiency(自给自足)economy,they gradually began to get food from the transformation of nature rather than simply from the nature.The sunrise and sunset life sounds very h
9、armonious and quiet,but at the same time,transformation inevitably brings change and destruction.Environmental problems also began to emerge from this time.Humans farming on the land destroyed the original distribution of nature.Economic plants were planted in large quantities,and waste land was app
10、eared.At this time,the contradiction with the environment was not sharp,we can still live in harmony with nature.But it also inevitably sets the stage for the destruction of nature by the following industrial civilizationIn agricultural civilization periodIn agricultural civilization periodPartThree
11、http:/ pollutionWhite pollutionhazehazeWater pollutionWater pollutionPartFour In modern industrial civilization period Thus,after many years of exploration and practice,the concept of sustainable development has been put forward.Sustainable development is the task of the whole era and the world.With
12、 the environmental problems gradually exposed in various regions,sustainable development has been confronted with an unprecedented crisis.Human beings have many potential crises,but they must be clearly aware that the most important thing for economic development and sustainable economic development
13、 is to protect the environment.So what should be done?First,we can use some renewable、clean energy,such as wind,solar,water and so on.Second,make full use of resources,we can use wine tanks(酒槽)to raise fish,use mud from fish ponds to fertilize(施肥)grapes,use grapes to make wine.Third,do not waste res
14、ources,we could save water,turn off lights when you leave,use shopping bags instead of plastic bags.In recent years,the reason why the issue of sustainable development has attracted so much attention is that it is not only related to the development of our present human,but also about our later gene
15、rations.This makes us pay more attention to sustainable development.Wehavealreadyexperiencedenvironmentalproblemsandtheentireecosystemhasbeguntorunintoproblems.Everyoneknowsthatifwecontinuetodevelopwithoutrestraint(节制),thelivingenvironmentofmankindwillbedestroyed.Atthattime,ifhumansdidnotdevelopthea
16、bilitytocolonizespace,theywouldundoubtedlyfollowthedestruction.Thesamelikethecancer,fromthebeginning,theyfirstexpandtheirrangeofactivities,whichisliketheearlyhumansociety.Oncecancercellsfeelthatresourcesarenotenough,theybegintomigrate.Intheprocessofmigration,expansionanddevelopment,humanbeingscontinuetoevolveandatthesametimehaveahugeimpactontheenvironment.Thanks for your Thanks for your attention!attention!结束结束