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1、银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识题库一 , 单选题 (每题1分,选项中,只有一个符合题意)1、 各种账务处理程序之间的主要区别在于()。A.账务处理程序的种类不同B.总账的格式不同C.登记总账的依据和方法不同D.根据总账编制会计报表的方法不同【答案】 C2、资料:Business,academic and civic leaders in Cambridge have warned that one of Britains major economic growth cities is under threat unless the government acts quickly to restor

2、e trust post-Brexit.A.Serious unemploymentB.WarsC.Foreign talents drainD.Social instability【答案】 C3、 记账以后,如果发现账簿记录的错误,是因记账凭证中的应借、应贷会计科目或记账方向有错误而引起的,应用( )进行更正。A.借贷登记法B.补充登记法C.划线更正法D.红字更正法【答案】 D4、资料:The hop flower has been used in beer-making at least since the eighth century. Traditionally it was a pr

3、eservative, but it also imparts flavor. To some, the taste is bitter and unpalatable, and thus many brewers use only minimal amounts. But, depending on variety, growing conditions, and other factors, hops can impart a range of flavors that connoisseurs say rivals that of wine grapes. Starting in the

4、 nineteen-seventies, small brewers on the West Coast began dramatically upping the amount of hops in their brews. One of their most popular products was the India pale ale, or L.P.A., a brew that has been around since the late eighteenth century. The story goes that necessity drove the British to ad

5、d large quantities of hops in order to preserve the beer they shipped to India, to quench the thirst of the Sahibs managing the Empire there.A.Because connoisseurs said its flavor rivals that of wine grapesB.Because there were different varietiesC.Because it helped preserve beerD.Because only some p

6、eople didnt like the taste【答案】 A5、In Western Australia,there are around 450 aircraft maintenance engineers,most of_work in the Perth metropolitan area.A.themB.whomC.whichD.they【答案】 B6、资料:Procrastination comes in many disguises. We might resolve to tackle a task, but find endless reasons to defer it.

7、 We might prioritize things we can readily tick off our to-do list- answering emails, say- while leaving the big, complex stuff untouched for another day. We can look and feel busy. while artfully avoiding the tanks that really matter. And when we look at those rolling, long untouched items at the b

8、ottom of our to-do list, we cant help but feel a little disappointed in ourselves.A.The natural function of our brainB.The other ways to make the benefits of action feel bigger and realC.The other ways to make the benefits of action feel smaller and unrealD.The perils of procrastination【答案】 B7、上海证券交

9、易所上市交易的某只股票,2009年末的每股税后利润为0. 2元,市场利率为 2.5%。A.4B.5C.8D.20【答案】 C8、某银行因特殊情况集中办理业务,导致窗口出现排队现象。假定每分钟来办业务的顾客增长数量相等,粗略估计,要让排队现象消失,在同时开设4个窗口的情况下需要25分钟,在同时开设6个窗口的情况下需要12.5分钟。则如果需要在10分钟内让排队现象消失,则至少应当开()窗口。A.7B.8C.6D.5【答案】 A9、甲乙两人相约同时从AB两地相向而行,10个小时后相遇。但实际上甲先从A地出发,2个小时后乙才出发,乙出发60分钟后,双方之间的距离是两人走过的距离的三倍。已知甲比乙每小时

10、多走10公里,则AB两地之间的距离是多少公里?()A.200B.100C.250D.150【答案】 A10、由某一个人或某一集团通过购买两家或更多的银行多数股票的形式,形成联合经营的银行组织制度属于( )。A.持股公司制度B.连锁银行制度C.分支银行制度D,单一银行制度11、【答案】 B12、在我国货币层次划分中,M。通常是指()。A.企业单位的活期存款B.流通中的现金C.居民储蓄存款D.银行全部存款【答案】 B13、资料:You can not go forward by going backward. Take the current debate about trade and glob

11、alization, for instance, while the impulse to erect trade barriers is understandable given the pain experienced in recent years, it is not the way to create lasting growth and shared prosperity.A.CriticalB.DoubtfulC.IndifferentD.Approving【答案】 D14、边城是沈从文的代表作。此作品主要描绘了哪个地区风土人情()。A.湘西B.武汉C.长沙D.婺源【答案】 A1

12、5、下列关于公文分类的说法正确的是()。A.党政机关公文处理工作条例按适用范围将公文分为17种B.按公文的来源。可分为收文和发文两种C.按涉及机密的程度,保密公文分为绝密件、秘密件、普通件D.按办文时限要求,分为紧急件、加急件、平件【答案】 B16、下列历史事件中,最接近“朱门酒肉臭,路有冻死骨”所描述的时期的是()A.玄武门之变B.永贞革新C.安史之乱D.黄巢起义【答案】 C17、Passage 2A.To keep clients data safeB.To close down the poor servicesC.To give up their data monopolyD.To d

13、isclose their sources of profits【答案】 C18、货币流通规律是()。A.关于流通中所需货币量的规律B.关于货币本质的规律C.关于通货膨胀的规律D.关于通货紧缩的规律【答案】 A19、Although some of these projects have been recently completed,the majority of projects will _ in the fall of 2019.A.initiateB.originateC.manipulateD.commence【答案】 D20、In low and middle income co

14、untries, heart disease and cancer get much of the attention given to_diseases.A.contagiousB.transparentC.chronicD.immune【答案】 C21、实践作为检验真理的标准具有不确定性,是指()。A.实践标准是不可能的B.实践不是检验真理的唯一标准C.实践具有历史局限性,它对真理的检验需要一个过程D.科学理论也是检验真理的标准【答案】 C22、We have experience in loading data _ several A/C-manufacturers such as Bo

15、eing,Airbus,British Aerospace,Fokker,De Havilland and ATR.A.inB.toC.besideD.from【答案】 B23、资料:Job Responsibilities:A.every monthB.every two weeksC.every weekD.every day【答案】 B24、一次化妆舞会中,男士戴着蓝色的帽子,女士戴着红色的帽子。每个男士看见的蓝色帽子比红色帽子的2倍还多6个,每位女士看见的蓝色帽子是所见红色帽子的3倍。那么房间里一共有()人。A.37B.27C.39D.29【答案】 A25、How often _ yo

16、ur teeth examined?A.are you havingB.do you haveC.have you getD.you have【答案】 B26、The title page identifies the airplane model in airline _ the manual was prepared.A.toB.forC.whichD.for which【答案】 D27、Passage 1A.It is much better than that of their European counterpartsB.It has been on the decline ever

17、 since the turn of the centuryC.It has not improved as much as reported by the Census BureauD.It has not been accurately assessed and reported since mid-2000s【答案】 C28、 属于银行自制的、无限期的、不可辨认的且不可转让的无形资产是指( )。A.专营权B.土地使用权C.商誉D.商标权【答案】 C29、()in computer technology are allowing users to reach into any part o

18、f the world by just clicking a mouse.A.AdvancementB.AdvancesC.AdvancingD.Advance【答案】 B30、我国的金融债券最主要的发行主体是()。A.商业银行B.中国人民银行C.政策性银行D.证券公司【答案】 D31、人民币汇率形成机制改革坚持主动性、可控性、渐进性的原则,2005年7月21日,人民币 汇率形成机制改革启动,开始实行以市场供求为基础、参考一篮子货币政策进行调节、有管理 的浮动汇率制度。自汇率形成机制改革以来,人民币汇率弹性逐步扩大,并形成双向波动的格 局,呈现稳中有升的态势。A.货币局制B.传统的盯住汇率制C

19、.事先不公开汇率目标的管理浮动D.单独浮动【答案】 A32、The chairman of the board()on me the unpleasant job of dismissing good workers the firm can no longer afford to employ.A.compelledB.posedC.pressedD.tempted【答案】 C33、 为会计核算提供了必要手段的会计假设是()。A.会计主体B.持续经营C.会计分期D.货币计量【答案】 D34、在期权交易中,如果你预测某种股票的价格会上涨,则应( )。A.买人看涨期权B.卖出看涨期权C.买人看跌

20、期权D.买入双重期权【答案】 A35、Recently,Xiangning started to communicate with Mike,the contact person of Monsell.A.admittedB.acceptedC.receivedD.announced【答案】 A36、我国首家金融衍生品交易所是( )。A.上海期货交易所B.中国金融期货交易所C.大连商品交易所D.深圳证券交易所【答案】 B37、资料:Britain is facing a “crisis of fatherlessness” in which almost half of all childre

21、n born today will not be living with both parents by the time they are 15, the new chief executive of the thinktank founded by Iain Duncan Smith has warned.A.Politicians should call on a parenting revolutionB.Government may have failed to keep families stableC.Only rich parents can offer their child

22、ren whats the bestD.Parenting advice is often inaccessible to poor families【答案】 D38、资料:Tencent Holdings Ltd has announced that it will fully open up its big data platform and machine learning technology in a move to build a sharing economy based on cloud services. Enterprises will be able to use a s

23、et of big data analysis tools developed by Tencent, helping them gain a better understanding of their clients and improve their products.A.Tencent is offering cloud services as a separate businessB.Smaller companies fail to build their own data centerC.Cloud services slightly increased the operating

24、 costsD.Cloud technology is widely used in every Chinese enterprise【答案】 B39、资料:(一)A.the money paid by the insurersB.the cost of administering insuranceC.the money paid by the insuredD.the amount of each premium【答案】 C40、银行最需要考虑的风险是()。A.信用风险B.流动性风险C.市场风险D.操作风险【答案】 A41、由于挤兑风波导致商业银行倒闭的风险属于()。A.国家风险B.流动性

25、风险C.法律风险D.操作风险【答案】 B42、Much of Canadas forestry _goes towards making pulp and paper.A.productionB.introductionC.orientationD.multiplication【答案】 A43、资料:From:prornoA.Instructions for entering a competitionB.chance to try a new productC.An apology for an errorD.Thanks for completing a customer survey【答

26、案】 B44、 Advertising has long been viewed as a method of mass _ in that a single message can reach a large number of people.A.promotionB.permissionC.fantasyD.popularity【答案】 A45、In low and middle income countries, heart disease and cancer get much of the attention given to_diseases.A.contagiousB.trans

27、parentC.chronicD.immune【答案】 C46、Air fares will be _on July 20. Domestic flights will go down by 10 percent, but international flights will go up by .A.revisedB.residedC.reshapedD.reserved【答案】 A47、下列各项不是戏剧的是()。A.蝶恋花B.桃花扇C.窦娥冤D.西厢记【答案】 A48、While they mainly have _Japanese tourists previously,luxury st

28、ores in Paris now employ Mandarin-speaking assistants for custormers from China.A.amounted toB.referrde toC.adhered toD.catered to【答案】 D49、Passage 3A.They have to cancel their vacations in New EnglandB.They find it unaffordable to dine in mom-and-pop restaurantsC.They have to spend more money when b

29、uying imported goodsD.They might lose their jobs due to potential economic problems【答案】 C50、Despite his Catholic background, Kennedy also became a strong advocate of_rights and later, a supporter of same-sex marriage.A.wasteB.removalC.autonomyD.abortion【答案】 D51、为贯彻落实房住不炒的政策,各地政府纷纷出台措施,对首套房和套房的信贷政策进行

30、差异化处理,如提高二套房的首付比例。这样的举措属于()。A.间接性货币政策工具B.一般性货币政策工具C.选择性货币政策工具D.直接性货币政策工具【答案】 C52、按组合键()可选定整个Word文档。A.AIt+PB.Ctr1+AC.AIt+F4D.AIt+Esc【答案】 B53、资料:Star Airways, Mumbais dominant airline for the past five years, has reported it is planning to replace its entire aircraft fleet with European-produced Skyst

31、ream jets. Starting with an initial purchase of 90 jets, Star Airways expects the changeover to take a decade to complete. The new planes will enable the airline to expand its international routes as well as provide replacements for its aging fleet of jet planes. Star Airways and Skystream, in a joi

32、nt announcement at the Brussels Air Show on Thursday, said that the order included seventeen of the new AWB85O aircraft. This will make Star Airways the first Indian carrier to fly the AWB850, an aim it has had since the powerful jets were first produced.A.Seventeen yearsB.Ten yearsC.Five yearsD.Thr

33、ee years【答案】 B54、It is advisable that some warm clothing ( ) with you, as the weather can change quite suddenly in the mountainous area.A.is takenB.will be takenC.be takenD.has been taken【答案】 C55、资料:In the United States of America, banks are categorized into the federally-chartered bank which receiv

34、ed their charter from the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency(OCC); these are referred to as “National Banks”; and also the states-chartered banks which receive their charter from the superintendent to as “State Banks”. Banks are allowed to register either with the federal or the state authori

35、ty. Let us now look at the organizational structure of Commercial Banks, which include unit banking, group banking and branch banking.A.The Fed banks, the State banking and group bankingB.The Fed banking, the state banking and group bankingC.Unit banking, group banking and branch bankingD.Specialize

36、d banks, group banking and unit banking【答案】 C56、上海证券交易所上市交易的某只股票,2009年末的每股税后利润为0. 2元,市场利率为2.5%。A.Y X rB.Y/rC.r/YD.Y X (1 + r)【答案】 B57、在我国,全国人民代表大会通过法律须经( )。A.到会代表的过半数同意B.全体代表的过半数同意C.到会代表的2/3多数同意D.全体代表的2/3多数同意【答案】 B58、某班级组织春游,班干讨论后规定获得贫困助学金的同学交25元的活动费,其他同学交50元的活动费,班上共有60名同学,最后共收取春游费2700元,该班有()名同学获得贫困

37、助学金。A.10B.12C.14D.16【答案】 B59、Word文档的默认扩展名是()。A.docB.x1sC.txtD.wps【答案】 A60、Starting with the_that there is life on the planet Mars, the scientist went on to develop his argument.A.foundationB.presentationC.premiseD.pretext【答案】 C61、The world economy develops rapidly. As a result, longevity and life _

38、have increased worldwide.A.expectedB.expectationC.expectingD.expectancy【答案】 D62、商标权的有效期为10年,自( )起计算。A.商标使用之日B.商标注册申请之日C.商标核准注册之日D.公告之日【答案】 C63、When a company discontinues and disposes of an operation,the action is considered:( ).A.a cumulative effect of a change in an accounting principleB.a prior p

39、eriod adjustmentC.an extraordinary itemD.separately and shown net of taxes on the income statement【答案】 C64、我国农村信用社改革采取成立( )三种模式。A.村镇银行、农村合作银行、以县市为单位统一法人B.农村商业银行、贷款公司、农村合作基金会C.农村合作银行、农村商业银行、小额贷款公司D.农村合作银行、农村商业银行、以县市为单位统一法人【答案】 D65、Hurricanes are severe cyclones with winds over 75 miles an hour()origi

40、nate over tropical ocean waters.A.whichB.whoC.whereD.how to【答案】 A66、下列关于国内信用证办理和使用要求的表述中,符合支付结算法律制度规定的是( )。 A.信用证结算方式可以用于转账,也可以支取现金B.开证行应向申请人收取不低于开证金额30%的保证金C.信用证到期不获付款的,议付行可从受益人账户收取议付金额D.申请人交存的保证金和存款账户余额不足支付的,开证行有权拒绝付款【答案】 C67、资料:What attracts customers? Obviously the quality of a product does, but

41、 visual images contribute a great deal. It is not only the image provided by the packaging that counts but the whole corporate identity of the company.A.the examples of logos which are emotive and can inspire loyaltyB.the examples of giving people idea of the products by using the imagesC.the exampl

42、es of logos which fit in with contemporary designD.None of above【答案】 A68、公文应在( )装订。A.左侧B.右侧C.上面白边区D.下面白边区【答案】 A69、Recently,Xiangning started to communicate with Mike,the contact person of Monsell.A.singleB.individualC.formerD.savings【答案】 B70、Human survival has been based on unrivaled adaptation to t

43、he environment,but plants and animals will and are inevitably succumbing()subtle changes in the climate.A.inB.withoutC.withD.To【答案】 D71、同时同地,一根长1米的标杆的影长0.6米,一名修理工要爬至48米高的电视塔上修理设备,他竖直方向爬行的速度为0.4米/秒,则此人的影子移动的速度为()米每秒。A.0.56B.0.24C.0.48D.0.36【答案】 B72、资料:“I wouldnt be here today if not for the generosit

44、y of strangers,” said Michael Moritz, while announcing a major donation to Oxford University. A former Time Magazine reporter, Mr. Moritz left journalism to become one of the most successful venture capitalists in Silicon Valley. Through Sequoia Capital, the firm he joined in 1986 and has led for ma

45、ny years, Mr. Moritz was an early investor in Google, Yahoo, PayPal and LinkedIn. His personal fortune is estimated at well over $1 billion. Oxford University announced last Wednesday that he and his wife, the novelist Harriet Heyman, donated 75 million, or $115 million, to fund a new scholarship pr

46、ogram aimed at providing financial aid to students from low-income backgrounds. Behind the headlines about the size of the gift was a family story of immigration, education and a sense of obligation that transcended generations.A.showed how scholarship changed his family members lifeB.gave him the motive to study hard to be successfulC.illust


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