1、20212021 年年 6 6 月大学英语四级考试真题参考答案月大学英语四级考试真题参考答案20212021 年年 6 6 月英语四级阅读答案:选词填空(卷一)月英语四级阅读答案:选词填空(卷一)26.C)crawling27.F)hunt28.E)extreme29.K)species30.G)literally31.M)thick32.J)removed33.N)tiny34.0)unique35.A)adaptings20212021 年年 6 6 月英语四级阅读答案:选词填空(卷二)月英语四级阅读答案:选词填空(卷二)26.1)implication27.B)appointments2
2、9.0)touches28.D)debating30.C)consequences31.L)sparked32.F)friendly33J)pushing34.N)survey35.K)severely20212021 年年 6 6 月英语四级阅读答案:选词填空(卷三)月英语四级阅读答案:选词填空(卷三)26.E)experience27.B)commonplace28.J)routinely29.D)desperate30.H)prompted31.)roughly32.K)shining33.0)wonder34.C)confess35.G)option20212021 年年 6 6 月英
3、语四级阅读答案:信息匹配(卷一)月英语四级阅读答案:信息匹配(卷一)36.EItisworthstressingthattheseanumericpeoplearecognitively normal,well-adapted to the surroundings they have dominatedfor centuries.37.H Compared with other mammals,our numerical instincts are not asremarkable as many assume.38.EItisworthstressingthattheseanumericp
4、eoplearecognitively normal,well-adapted to the surroundings they have dominatedfor centuries.39.BBut,in a historical sense,number-consciouspeople like us arethe unusual ones.40.KResearch on the language of numbers shows,more and more,thatone of our species key characteristics is tremendous linguisti
5、c(语言的)and cognitive diversity.41.DThisandmanyotherexperimentshaveledtoasimpleconclusion:When people do not have number words,they struggle to makequantitative distinctions that probably seem natural to someone like you orme.42.G None of us,then,is really anumbers person.We are not born tohandle quan
6、titative distinctions skillfully 43.A Numbers do not exist in allcultures.43.l So,how did we ever invent unnaturalnumbersin the first place?The answer is,literally,at your fingertips.44.FThisconclusionis echoedby work with anumericchildreninindustrialized societies.20212021 年年 6 6 月英语四级阅读答案:信息匹配(卷二)
7、月英语四级阅读答案:信息匹配(卷二)36.GOne straightforward reason close losers might outperform narrowwinners is that the two groups have comparable ability37.DOthers in the US have found similar effects with National Institutesof Health early-career fellowships launching narrow winners far ahead ofclose losers.38.K
8、n sports and many areas of life,we think of failures as evidence ofsomething we could have done better.39.BOneway socialscientistshaveprobedthe effectsof careersetbacks is to look at scientists of very similar qualifications.40.He said the people who should be paying regard to the Wang paperare the
9、funding agents who distribute government grant money.41.FIna study publishedin Nature Communications,North-westernUniversity sociologist Dashun Wang tracked more than 1,100 scientistswho were on the border between getting a grant and missing out between1990 and 2005.42.JFor his part,Wang said that i
10、n his own experience,losing did light amotivating fire.43.CA2018 study publishedin the Proceedingsof the Nation-alAcademyofSciences,forexample,followedresearchersintheNetherlands.44.He said the people who should be paying regard to the Wang paperare the funding agents who distribute government grant
11、 money.45.EThis is bad news for the losers.20212021 年年 6 6 月英语四级阅读答案:信息匹配(卷三)月英语四级阅读答案:信息匹配(卷三)36.EIn addition,studies find the first year of high school typically showsone of the greatest increases in depression of any year over the lifespan.37.GIn one recent study,we examined 360 adolescents belie
12、fs aboutthe nature of smartness-that is,their fixed mindsets about intelligence.38.JThese findings lead to several possibilities that we are investigatingfurther.39.CIn the new global economy,students who fail to finish the ninthgrade with passing grades in college preparatorycourseworkare veryunlik
13、ely to graduate on time and go on to get jobs.40.HWe also investigated the social side of the high school transition.41.EIn addition,studies find the first year of high school typically showsone of the greatest increases in depression of any year over the lifespan.42.DThe consequences of doing poorl
14、y in the ninth grade can impactmore than students ability to find a good job.43.AThismonth,more than 4 million students across the nation willbegin high school.44.Experimentresults showed that students who were not taught thatpeople can change showed poor stress responses.45.FGivenallthatsridingonha
15、vingasuccessfulninthgradeexperience,it pays to explorewhat can be done to meet theacademic,social and emotional challenges of the transition to high school.20212021 年年 6 6 月英语四级阅读答案:仔细阅读(卷一)月英语四级阅读答案:仔细阅读(卷一)46.C)Theyhelp studentsacquirethe skillsneededfor theirfuturesuccess.47.A)By blending them wi
16、th traditional,stimulating activities48.B)By playing with things to solve problems on their own.49.C)Encourage them to make things with hands.50.B)Develop students creative skills with the resources available51.B)It does not appeal to him.52.C)Many employees are deeply frustrated by iT.53.D)Employee
17、s become more confident in their work.54.D)Think about the possible effects on their employees.55.A)By designing systems that suit their needs.20212021 年年 6 6 月英语四级阅读答案:仔细阅读(卷二)月英语四级阅读答案:仔细阅读(卷二)46.B)They turned public attention away from the health risks of sugar tofat.47.D)Nearly all of them serve
18、 the purpose of the funders.48.A)Exercise is more important to good health than diet.49.C)It rarely results in objective findings.50.D)Think twice about new nutrition research findings.51.C)How people viewed success in his fathers time.52.B)It was a way to advance in their career53.A)They are often
19、regarded as most treasured talents54.C)What kind of people can contribute more to them.55.D)It will bring about radical economic and social changes.20212021 年年 6 6 月英语四级阅读答案:仔细阅读(卷三)月英语四级阅读答案:仔细阅读(卷三)46.A)It facilitates innovative thinking.47.A)A need to be left alone.48.C)It may preventpeoplefrom d
20、evelopinga genuinesenseofcommunity.49.B)Reflect on how they relate to others.50.D)Devote themselves to a worthy cause.51.A)Calorie consumption had fallen drastically over the decades.52.A)People s calorie intake was far from accurately reported.53.B)They overlook the potential causes of obesity.54.B)The potential causes of snacking.55.B)Make sure people eat non-fattening food.