1、欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网整理,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档!书山有路勤为径;学海无涯苦作舟 届高考英语必考词汇 90 天复习案:第 65 天 pany.他催促我加入他们公司 4.If you reach a target,treat yourself.达成一个目标就款待一下自己。5.Man is a thinking animal.人是会思维的动物。IV.词汇练习 1.She is a _ worker at the hospital.2.Ones _ directs ones actions.V.短语练习 1._ the house were knock
2、ed down in the earthquake.A A great many B The number of C A great many of D A great deal of 2.They urged the library _ open during the vacation.A must be kept B is kept C would be kept D be kept 3.-When did the accident happen?-_ when I was walking in the street.A The other day B Some day C Another D Other day 4.-I am afraid I cant return the book to you before Friday.-_.A Dont be afraid B Be careful C Not at all D Take your time 专注下一代成长,为了孩子