1、Unit 12Smoking Is Not allowed HereSmoking Is Not allowed HereIn many countries,people cant smoke in the office any more and they cant smoke even within the building.Department stores and restaurants are also becoming smoke-free.It wont be very long before smoking is not allowed anywhere in public ar
2、eas.Smoking Is Not allowed HereIn many countries,people cant smoke in the office any more and they cant smoke even within the building.Department stores and restaurants are also becoming smoke-free.It wont be very long before smoking is not allowed anywhere in public areas.在在很很多多国国家家,人人们在在办公公室室已已经不不
3、准吸烟了,准吸烟了,Smoking Is Not allowed HereIn many countries,people cant smoke in the office any more and they cant smoke even within the building.Department stores and restaurants are also becoming smoke-free.It wont be very long before smoking is not allowed anywhere in public areas.他他们甚至在大楼内都不可以吸烟。甚至在大
4、楼内都不可以吸烟。Smoking Is Not allowed HereIn many countries,people cant smoke in the office any more and they cant smoke even within the building.Department stores and restaurants are also becoming smoke-free.It wont be very long before smoking is not allowed anywhere in public areas.百百货商店和商店和饭馆也也变成无烟成无烟场
5、所了。所了。Smoking Is Not allowed HereIn many countries,people cant smoke in the office any more and they cant smoke even within the building.Department stores and restaurants are also becoming smoke-free.It wont be very long before smoking is not allowed anywhere in public areas.用用不不了了多多久久,吸吸烟烟在在任任何何公公共
6、共场所所都要被禁止。都要被禁止。For some people,smoking has become a daily habit.They think that smoking makes them feel happy and helps them relax.What makes things worse is that some famous actors show smoking on TV.This makes people think that smoking is cool and is a fashion of the day.Those ideas are foolish a
7、nd wrong.For some people,smoking has become a daily habit.They think that smoking makes them feel happy and helps them relax.What makes things worse is that some famous actors show smoking on TV.This makes people think that smoking is cool and is a fashion of the day.Those ideas are foolish and wron
8、g.对于于一一些些人人来来说,吸吸烟烟已已经成成为了了一一种日常的种日常的习惯。For some people,smoking has become a daily habit.They think that smoking makes them feel happy and helps them relax.What makes things worse is that some famous actors show smoking on TV.This makes people think that smoking is cool and is a fashion of the day.T
9、hose ideas are foolish and wrong.他他们认为吸吸烟烟能能让他他们感感到到高高兴,帮帮他他们放松。放松。For some people,smoking has become a daily habit.They think that smoking makes them feel happy and helps them relax.What makes things worse is that some famous actors show smoking on TV.This makes people think that smoking is cool an
10、d is a fashion of the day.Those ideas are foolish and wrong.更更糟糟的的是是,在在电视上上出出现一一些些名名演演员吸烟的吸烟的镜头。For some people,smoking has become a daily habit.They think that smoking makes them feel happy and helps them relax.What makes things worse is that some famous actors show smoking on TV.This makes people
11、think that smoking is cool and is a fashion of the day.Those ideas are foolish and wrong.这使使得得人人们认为吸吸烟烟很很“酷酷”,是是当当今今的的“时尚尚”。For some people,smoking has become a daily habit.They think that smoking makes them feel happy and helps them relax.What makes things worse is that some famous actors show smok
12、ing on TV.This makes people think that smoking is cool and is a fashion of the day.Those ideas are foolish and wrong.这些想法是愚蠢而且些想法是愚蠢而且错误的。的。In fact,smoking has many bad effects on peoples health.Cigarette smoking is dangerous and every cigarette one smokes shortens ones life.A smoker usually lives a
13、 shorter life than a non-smoker.In many cases,their deaths are caused by cancerlung cancer or mouth cancer.In fact,smoking has many bad effects on peoples health.Cigarette smoking is dangerous and every cigarette one smokes shortens ones life.A smoker usually lives a shorter life than a non-smoker.I
14、n many cases,their deaths are caused by cancerlung cancer or mouth cancer.实事事上上,吸吸烟烟对人人的的身身体体健健康康有有很很多多不好的影响。不好的影响。In fact,smoking has many bad effects on peoples health.Cigarette smoking is dangerous and every cigarette one smokes shortens ones life.A smoker usually lives a shorter life than a non-
15、smoker.In many cases,their deaths are caused by cancerlung cancer or mouth cancer.吸烟是危吸烟是危险的,的,In fact,smoking has many bad effects on peoples health.Cigarette smoking is dangerous and every cigarette one smokes shortens ones life.A smoker usually lives a shorter life than a non-smoker.In many cases
16、,their deaths are caused by cancerlung cancer or mouth cancer.一一个个人人吸吸每每根根香香烟烟都都在在缩短短着着他他的的生生命。命。In fact,smoking has many bad effects on peoples health.Cigarette smoking is dangerous and every cigarette one smokes shortens ones life.A smoker usually lives a shorter life than a non-smoker.In many cas
17、es,their deaths are caused by cancerlung cancer or mouth cancer.一个吸烟者也比不吸烟者短命。一个吸烟者也比不吸烟者短命。In fact,smoking has many bad effects on peoples health.Cigarette smoking is dangerous and every cigarette one smokes shortens ones life.A smoker usually lives a shorter life than a non-smoker.In many cases,th
18、eir deaths are caused by cancerlung cancer or mouth cancer.在在很很多多情情况况下下,死死亡亡是是由由于于癌癌症症引引起的,有肺癌和口腔癌。起的,有肺癌和口腔癌。Cigarette smoke can also cause tooth disease and bad breath.When smoke is breathed in,poisonous elements in the smoke attack the body.They raise blood pressure and lead to heart disease.Ever
19、y year,hundreds of thousands of people in the world die from smoking-related diseases.Cigarette smoke can also cause tooth disease and bad breath.When smoke is breathed in,poisonous elements in the smoke attack the body.They raise blood pressure and lead to heart disease.Every year,hundreds of thous
20、ands of people in the world die from smoking-related diseases.吸吸烟烟能能引引起起牙牙齿疾疾病病和和糟糟糕糕的的口口腔腔气气味。味。Cigarette smoke can also cause tooth disease and bad breath.When smoke is breathed in,poisonous elements in the smoke attack the body.They raise blood pressure and lead to heart disease.Every year,hundre
21、ds of thousands of people in the world die from smoking-related diseases.当烟被吸当烟被吸进的的时候,候,Cigarette smoke can also cause tooth disease and bad breath.When smoke is breathed in,poisonous elements in the smoke attack the body.They raise blood pressure and lead to heart disease.Every year,hundreds of th
22、ousands of people in the world die from smoking-related diseases.烟中的有毒成分就侵害人的身体。烟中的有毒成分就侵害人的身体。Cigarette smoke can also cause tooth disease and bad breath.When smoke is breathed in,poisonous elements in the smoke attack the body.They raise blood pressure and lead to heart disease.Every year,hundreds
23、 of thousands of people in the world die from smoking-related diseases.导致血致血压升高和心升高和心脏病。病。Cigarette smoke can also cause tooth disease and bad breath.When smoke is breathed in,poisonous elements in the smoke attack the body.They raise blood pressure and lead to heart disease.Every year,hundreds of t
24、housands of people in the world die from smoking-related diseases.每每年年世世界界上上成成千千上上万万的的人人死死于于与与吸吸烟烟有关的疾病。有关的疾病。Smoking is harmful,not only to smokers,but also to non-smokers.When a person smokes,people around are forced to breathe in the smoke,and become passive smokers.More and more people do not li
25、ke to be with smokers in the same room.Smoking is harmful,not only to smokers,but also to non-smokers.When a person smokes,people around are forced to breathe in the smoke,and become passive smokers.More and more people do not like to be with smokers in the same room.吸吸烟烟是是有有害害的的,不不仅对吸吸烟烟者者,而而且且对非吸烟
26、者也是如此。非吸烟者也是如此。Smoking is harmful,not only to smokers,but also to non-smokers.When a person smokes,people around are forced to breathe in the smoke,and become passive smokers.More and more people do not like to be with smokers in the same room.当一个人吸烟的当一个人吸烟的时候,候,Smoking is harmful,not only to smoker
27、s,but also to non-smokers.When a person smokes,people around are forced to breathe in the smoke,and become passive smokers.More and more people do not like to be with smokers in the same room.周周围的人被迫吸的人被迫吸进烟烟雾,Smoking is harmful,not only to smokers,but also to non-smokers.When a person smokes,people
28、 around are forced to breathe in the smoke,and become passive smokers.More and more people do not like to be with smokers in the same room.成成为被被动吸烟者。吸烟者。Smoking is harmful,not only to smokers,but also to non-smokers.When a person smokes,people around are forced to breathe in the smoke,and become pas
29、sive smokers.More and more people do not like to be with smokers in the same room.越越来来越越多多的的人人不不喜喜欢和和吸吸烟烟的的人人呆呆在在一一个房个房间。Nowadays,there is an anti-smoking movement all over the world.In China,many cities have made laws to stop smoking in public areas.In places where people are not allowed to smoke,t
30、here is always a sign.The sign says“Thank you for not smoking.”This is a polite way of saying:“No smoking!”or“Smoking is not allowed here!”Nowadays,there is an anti-smoking movement all over the world.In China,many cities have made laws to stop smoking in public areas.In places where people are not
31、allowed to smoke,there is always a sign.The sign says“Thank you for not smoking.”This is a polite way of saying:“No smoking!”or“Smoking is not allowed here!”目前,全世界掀起了禁烟的运目前,全世界掀起了禁烟的运动。Nowadays,there is an anti-smoking movement all over the world.In China,many cities have made laws to stop smoking i
32、n public areas.In places where people are not allowed to smoke,there is always a sign.The sign says“Thank you for not smoking.”This is a polite way of saying:“No smoking!”or“Smoking is not allowed here!”在在中中国国,很很多多城城市市已已经制制定定法法律律禁禁止止在在公共公共场所吸烟。所吸烟。Nowadays,there is an anti-smoking movement all over
33、the world.In China,many cities have made laws to stop smoking in public areas.In places where people are not allowed to smoke,there is always a sign.The sign says“Thank you for not smoking.”This is a polite way of saying:“No smoking!”or“Smoking is not allowed here!”在禁止人在禁止人们吸烟的地方通常都有个吸烟的地方通常都有个标牌牌 N
34、owadays,there is an anti-smoking movement all over the world.In China,many cities have made laws to stop smoking in public areas.In places where people are not allowed to smoke,there is always a sign.The sign says“Thank you for not smoking.”This is a polite way of saying:“No smoking!”or“Smoking is n
35、ot allowed here!”标牌上写着:牌上写着:“感感谢您不吸烟。您不吸烟。”Nowadays,there is an anti-smoking movement all over the world.In China,many cities have made laws to stop smoking in public areas.In places where people are not allowed to smoke,there is always a sign.The sign says“Thank you for not smoking.”This is a polit
36、e way of saying:“No smoking!”or“Smoking is not allowed here!”这是是比比“请勿勿吸吸烟烟”或或“此此处禁禁止止吸吸烟烟”更更礼貌的礼貌的说法。法。To stop smoking is not enough.Smokers should give up smoking as soon as possible.The habit of smoking can be successfully quit,as long as one has the determination to do so.For those who dont smoke
37、,it is much easier not to start smoking than it is to quit it.To stop smoking is not enough.Smokers should give up smoking as soon as possible.The habit of smoking can be successfully quit,as long as one has the determination to do so.For those who dont smoke,it is much easier not to start smoking t
38、han it is to quit it.禁烟是不禁烟是不够的。的。To stop smoking is not enough.Smokers should give up smoking as soon as possible.The habit of smoking can be successfully quit,as long as one has the determination to do so.For those who dont smoke,it is much easier not to start smoking than it is to quit it.吸烟者吸烟者应
39、该尽早戒烟。尽早戒烟。To stop smoking is not enough.Smokers should give up smoking as soon as possible.The habit of smoking can be successfully quit,as long as one has the determination to do so.For those who dont smoke,it is much easier not to start smoking than it is to quit it.吸吸烟烟的的习惯可可以以成成功功地地被被戒戒掉掉,只只要要你
40、你有决心。有决心。To stop smoking is not enough.Smokers should give up smoking as soon as possible.The habit of smoking can be successfully quit,as long as one has the determination to do so.For those who dont smoke,it is much easier not to start smoking than it is to quit it.对于于那那些些不不吸吸烟烟的的人人来来说,始始终就就不不吸烟要比
41、戒烟容易得多。吸烟要比戒烟容易得多。In fact,smoking _ many _ peoples health.every cigarette one smokes _ ones life.In _,their deaths are caused by cancer.poisonous elements in the smoke attack the body.They _ blood pressure and _ heart disease.Every year,_people in the world _ smoking-related diseases.When a person s
42、mokes,people around _to breathe in the smoke,and become _smokers.In China,many cities have made laws to _ in public areas.In places where people are _ to smoke,there is always a sign.To stop smoking is not enough.Smokers should _ smoking _.The habit of smoking can be successfully quit,_ one has the
43、determination to do so.In fact,smoking has many bad effects on peoples health.every cigarette one smokes shortens ones life.In many cases,their deaths are caused by cancer.poisonous elements in the smoke raise blood pressure and lead to heart disease.Every year,hundreds of thousands of people in the
44、 world die of smoking-related diseases.When a person smokes,people around are forced to breathe in the smoke,and become passive smokers.In China,many cities have made laws to stop smoking in public areas.In places where people are not allowed to smoke,there is always a sign.To stop smoking is not enough.Smokers should give up smoking as soon as possible.The habit of smoking can be successfully quit,as long as one has the determination to do so.