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1、二。二二年齐齐哈尔市初中学业考试英语试卷第一局部语言知识运用(共计55分)1.西明(每舞1分,共10分)从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一mmx空白处的最正确选项。()I.MybrodwTomcanplayping5xxig well but he cant playvidm.A. the,/B. the. theC./,the( )2.-Could)oupleaietdlinehow Icanmakemorclhcnds?Sure. 1 dunk bai honest is the fint.A. stepB. scoreC. sense()3 .ln muscun. there ar

2、c many old things frorntwyean ago on show.A. thousandsB. thousands ofC. thousand(4.- Have you heani Shovhou XIV maimed spacecraft 假人 E船)wisent up successfiilly0 Wow. that soundsHw great our country is!Ainteresti 隼B. excitingC. relaxing( )5. Ill go to semochii school soon. I cant bclicvr how fes the

3、time !A.wmtbyB.wtnionC. went off()6.5G tedmoky has entered exeones life It wll beused soon.A. hanHyB. exactlyC. widely( )7 - Father, Im afiBkl I cant win the Englisdi compctiuoaBebnv in younwlf my grL and tell jvunsdf.A.dontgicupB. net Io give upC. Io give up()8,- Wh), do you have time to look after

4、 the htxnclcss dopiQ-_the ,double rcduebon policy (, I hare more fire timeA. Because ofB. Even thou)C.As for()9. So f jr, rod tounsm (Skiiik)quickly and its becoming mote and more popular.developedB. will developC. has developed( 10. Learning to uiitc is learning to thmk. you wont know th晔 clearly.A

5、.lfyouwntethemdonB. Unless you write them downC. If you wont write them down英语试卷(备齐哈尔市)第(共8直) 可分|怦在人II.完形填空(每小颗1分,共15分) 阅读短文,从每,JS所给的A B. C三个选项中,选出一4? mean?Evoytody makes nustaka in hs I tic. Apologizing is a good 17 ofadmoung (成认)your miskes. In lace its very difficult to say sony io tXhere. Most o

6、f the people thuik 邺逾 sony nxans fretting wha Iheyvc done. But as long as you decide to conwt your rnistakcx you should _I9_. Its bdiexxd that a goal apoky needs to show that youre tmly sorry, you want to be rcsponsbte for uhai you do and get fbqpvcncss(MiwO.What if0) if s not your mistukc?Sometimes

7、 the metakes haw 20 to do with you. but another pencn inay force you K)say sorry. Be sure to Uy uilknig about why you uruc at first, if 2i of you still can agree “讪 exh othet. what should youdo?Kcep 22 and asi a parent or a teacher for kip.Dow apologising always worli?As far as I know, an apology it

8、sdf _23 be cnouj. so try to ask someone else how he fdl whik you “rrc arguing. Explain your side too. and tnake _24 elair that youH tty to avoid making the same mistake again. An apology isnt a magic stick, it maypeople time to understand and forgive.()11. A PerhapsB. RecentlyC. Instead()12. A. what

9、B. whereC.how()13. A. andB.orC.so(B. similar ioCaswell as()15.A.happB. boredU angry()16.A.sohB. refuseC. complain(B. wayC. reason()!8.A.nexa,B. nearlyC.eva-()19. A. go awayB.uy your bestC. talk back()20. A. somethingB. anythingC. nothing(B.neitberC. either()22. A. coolB. relaxedC. crazy()23.A.m2itB.

10、mayncxC. neednt()24.A.thB.thisCi()25.A .spendB.takeCcost英语试卷(齐齐哈尔市)W 2页(具X页)/in.短文雌(每,1分,灿错误和改IE错0洛0.5分,共io分) 阅读短文,从原文的每T亍中找出Tb期拼改正,不加词,不8桐.(00: M)mother ften go shopping on weekench. go-gots )With the desdopment of China, Iocs of foreigner move to China because26.they have a slwiJy mlez in its cult

11、un:. As long as a person 山 intcresL he can turn ii into love. William, who ts an Auaralia. has already bved in Giina for 35 ya(s. He has a Chinese name calling Wang Aihua and his friends call him Aihux In the 1980. Ik came to China and woited as a teacher at a college. He gradually fHI in love of Ch

12、ina after he took a 2-monrti dnve around it The beautiful places attnided Aihua. He was such intereited tn (?hinaxhit he wanted to &prad Chinese traditicMial cuhuv. But he wrote about 15 books on the devebpment ofChina in diflerem penods. Aihua was pnde ofwljat he does. In the tuture. ht?tor China w

13、ill ne er chaise.IV.交际运用(共20分)根据对话内容,从A到F选项中,选出献入空白处的最正确选项,每个选 项只使用一次,选项中有一项为多余项.(每题2分,共10分)A: Hello. Mike. How was year -aca6on?得分评卷入B Ils across from Fu-Mart You can find h easily.A: Lets make il six oclock ths evening.B. AU 吧!t see you later.(Ai 6 (M) PM in the restaurant IC:(44)?B: Yes, Id like

14、some beef cgctablcs andC:An)thmgeisc?一,A:(Xa bowl of Korean noodlesC:(45)?A: Large, pleaseC; W an a mmute. Your food will be ready soon.第二局部阅读理解(共计50分)V.阅读理解(A、B、D每题I分.C、E、F每小J82分)(A)阅读下面文字,从A到F选项中为每个段落选出合的桶8(每小贬I分,共5分);/ :III :/ i / :III :III :/ :/ / 装/得分评卷人/ /B: I really had a good time.A: (36)Ive

15、 been to a foretf near my uncles fann.A: (37)B: I went there with my thend.A: (38)B: Fur 3 cfavs. I expect io go there 4mi1 A. Haw long did you stay in the foresf * B What do you (hink of the people there? C. Who did you go there with? D. Whcrcdidyougo? E Where have you been? F. You need to ukc more

16、 thick clothes.A: Lucky you I had to May al home. BiM Im planning io uaxel to Mxint Cliaibai.B: Oh, thats a good place I went there three years ago.A: Cam you give some advice on my trip to Mount Chingbai?B:(39)OK.II do as you tell me. (40)A: They air friendly and you will enjoy youredf there(B)纳台此题

17、所设置的情境,在每个空白处填入适当的内容频下歹时话.(每小超2分.共10分)(A: Sun Lan B: Li Yue C: Waiter)Hi! This is Sun Lan. May I speak to Li Yue?A: Hi, Sun Lan! (41). Arc you in Qiqihar itow?A: Yes. I came bode las night.B: Thats great I miss)5 to face emirOTncinal problems around the world Whai are people domg to prcxoct our home

18、 - die canh Most people arc changing their shoppmg habits On the one himd, secondhand clothes may be a sman choice People arc willing to buy the scoondlnnd ones co wear in special shinbons because they oriy wear英语试卷(齐亦哈尔木)第页(其8页):内不 订:要/ / / III Ilf / /III5/ m /: Ill线/III/ / III /III-rEnglish Study

19、Augment (评价)SelfKsesMtmtGrade: 8 Name: AmyListening12 3 4由 1 can understand the xeacters insovctions 3nd finish the Ivacnmg tasks in cla$s.Speaking skiH:由 1 can ansutr the questions kxxfly and dearly. 在 1 can discuss quesbons aixl cxprcjs mclf in simple Diglblt Reading skill:* I can find waslc life

20、is that people lianlly ovale any mbbidt Adusne mk provides a numberofeventlav, pnicbcal and pleasant zenwaste pnxkicts. The storc helps people start on u one-stop, zero-waste life journey. A zeno-waste life follows the 6R principle (原 -Refijse. Reduce. Reuse. Repair. Rccydc aid RotAll in all the ear

21、th is our home and Ms our duty lo protect it.根据文章内容,为IK句子正(T).误(F).每小!0M分,共5分)()51. Feu people an)und the worid arv trywig diflawt kinds of “ays lo fiicc the cnvirumKmal ptvblans.()52 In order to saw money and protect the environment people can not only buy secondhand clochesbut also rent ckxhcs.()5

22、3. la噌e companies have developed paper bodes successfully and pu them mto use.()54. People can buy many everyday, practical and pleasant zerowaw things in every store.()55. You arc playing a pan in paMexung our earth while fbUowing the OR princc.阅读以上信息.从每小所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出琏项。(喇徽2分.共10分) ()56.11us tenn

23、. Ainy can impruc kitxh of skill、in English cti.A. fiveB. sixC. seven()57.have assessed (评价)Amy.A. Amy. her English teacher and her parentsB. Amy. gnwp members and her English teacherC. Hct English teacher, her parent and group member;( )58. Amy is the weakest inand she slwuJd wu(k harder al it next

24、 termA. speakingB. wri 睡C. washing()59. The comment for Amy should be “二A.Wdldonc!B. Keep it up!C.Tiyhfcr()60. Why do the students uv “English Study Aessmenr?A. To explain why they have passed ite exam.B. To check how much progress they have made.C. To tell their paraits what theyve done at school.(

25、D)阅读短文,根据首字母或所给词的适当形式填空,使文章语义通% (每题1分,共10分)Have you etr seen pop-ups (弹出面 11) when you go online?Iliese days its common tor you tu gd a fxp-up which lets you (61) (put) the App in teen mode (模式r ey tuiw you begin to use Appe like QQ or Tiktok? A lot of Apps cspevully video Apps, have added this fixi

26、tuiv (功能)to protect teenage区 Its said that it will briig tocnairs (62)(gp(.xj)experiences than before and make sibv theyre using the Apps in a healthier way. For example, App like Tiktok have the fcatun: lo prevent teenagers from watchmg videos for long and with the feature, they might only be allow

27、ed (63) (watch) tor 40 mmwes. The videos that tccnagcn; can watch arc made sure tobe sale and even educational. Then: arc no ach-crtBoncnts and teenagers cannot pay any (fr4) mfortle xfcos_ In QQs teen mode, tccnagcni can only Ulk to people on Jheir contact 曲(65) (they) dial rucunis sltou /wnt/j, wh

28、ich is usclul for piinwy school stuiicub.However, the teen mode does no wok far al! Apps, (66) a to a recent report by the NaliomlConsumer Council. There arent any (67)(different) between the teen mode and the normal mode in some Apps And in some video Apps. the teen mode wont start (68) u users wat

29、ch videos far 40mmutes. But uscr can get past it (69) b clicking (点.击)T know and continue watching.Thot4fh you can kam a krt from shon videos, its (70) nto control the nmc.(E)Once there were four beggars (乞丐).CMc day. they md at an okl lanplc ut night. They ”rre voy upset because none of them had mu

30、ch to eat-1 only got this piece of meat uxfay “ the fina sax! I alnxva gowxn er. the fint beggar thought. T donl want u ihare. Ill just pretend to throw my meat into the pot They 11 never know and英语试卷(齐齐哈尔市)第6页(共X页)Ill cat my nxm alone later: So he pretcndol to put the meat into the pot And at the s

31、ame time the other beggnn had similar ideas to hm At tlui tunc ihe temple was too daik for the beggan io see what the udm woe doing.Finally, one ofdrm suggested that the dish should be read),and. in turn, cadi of them helped himseiito rt. The%-drank the IxxuatCT in sikncc. learning that selfishness

32、(6 &) doesnt taste ail that good.忸读短文,回答下游时 (每题2分,共10分)71 tiow did the lour beggare (eel when they met one day?72 . Wha did the second beggar get dwmg the da)?73 . Who warned to share with otfien m the end?74 Did they have a tasty dish?75 . What do you learn firm the stay?(F)The nauv is full of mj-s

33、iencs. When autunm amts in the United States and Canada, you can see one of natures greatest scenes -thesvsaiy migraOoo (迁徙)oftbc monarch bunerflies(帝王蝶XNo odwr txtfterfly in the wodd migrates like the orange and black monarch bunerfbes of Norf) .America. (A) They cannot live for long periods in col

34、d weaiher. So each autumn around (ktobec ihe bunaflics travel up to 3,000 kilometets south to (B). Some even fly to the mountains of Mexico. Plenty of tnoiorch buaerfltes ahnoa block out the sky. And you can hear thetr wings bearing.m buttertbes usually spend two months reaching Mcoco. After five mo

35、nths of stay, they head back north in spri咯 But not ok butterfly finishes the whole nxnxkrip. They (C).qjgs along the wayand die. Three generations of butterflies will live and dk during the spring journey akme. The fourth and final gcnciutxxis of the)xsir itrv bum in carty uutumn But the butterflie

36、s hardly rest before starting the long journey south again to Mcxku. The most amazing thing abom these monarch bunertbes is thai they always return io the (D)trees in Mexico that their greac-greai-gwdparents used the winter before.Whal mysteious monan bunerftes! They remind us of our nation MiDicns

37、of people. generation after generation use their blood and livvs to build 叩 our happj bfe So as teenagers, we should (E). iWim,楣艇目要概成网ft条(刎强2分,共10分).用英文写出文中(A)处g 所指代的内容,76 .为文中(B)处选择一个适合的短语,使句意完整:A. see natural scenesB. enjoy the wami sunshineC. spend winter in warmer places.在文中(C)处和(D)处各填上一个适当的词,使文

38、章的意思完整a(Q (D) .在文中找出一个与所给英文释义相匹配的单词.:al) tie incmbosofa family ofabout the same age. Comple!e( E)aHer you read the passage 英语试卷(齐齐哈尔市)第7页(共8页)第三局部书面表达(共计15分)得仆I赢人. I VI.书面领(4共15分,其中A题5分,B题10分) (注意文中不能出现考生真实姓名、校名和老薜名,否那么不给分)A:2022北京冬奥会的成功举办,掀起了全民对冰雪运动的热段。SOS儿童村为了给孩子们进行冰,专朔*凤招聘10 %工限%,访力SOS)疝村出出聘招聘条件:

39、I,擅长冰雪运动(滑冰,储蜀)2.善于和孩子们相处3.周六上午工作联系人:丁老师( 号码0812-59852H)要求:I.字迹工整.表达清楚,语法正做:2.诩: 30-50is).VbliDKcn Wanted tor SOS VillageB;中国庆产主义i?年团已经走过了百年历程。作为新时代年中的一员,未来夙于我们,希里寄予 我勺工奋斗的青春更美丽,请次HmtoMakcMysdfBcM为题,谈谈你融啊塑造更好的自己。 要求:L字缸整.段海群机我达清楚.语法正确,行文连氨1思雄导图中的视示词,可适当发挥:3.词故:80-100词。英语试卷:齐市哈尔市)品8页(其X真):; : : : : : 装; ; ,尸 心屋 : ;小; 。不 , :要A A : :SAA:;


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