1、2022年开封市九年级中考英语一模试题卷考前须知:L*试卷共8页,六个大量.总分值120分,考试时间100册.2.本试卷上不要答墨.请按答墨卡上考前须知的要求,直接把答案填写在答奥卡上.假设在试卷 上的答案无效.一、听力送贸(20小建,才小至1分,共20分)算一十听下面5段对话,寻经对话且有一个八思.&墨u并好的a. B、C三个选项o送日盘俵冬灵,寻殷 对话淀商遵.1. XVhere does the talk take place?A. At tkw mbwsv Haion.B.Atabuistop,C.Ate tiaiL itsiioii.2. How many points did Ci
2、s:5 5 get in e school spoiti attLgnA. 80.A. 80.B.85.3. Hoy will they go to the 3kpMtC.Bybu.C.Ts3ef-,C. Her pafeLti are sciaft, too.C.Bybu.C.Ts3ef-,C. Her pafeLti are sciaft, too.A. By plane.B. ByTsxi.4. Who are sent toAfticar coimttieB every year)AEngiien.B. Docton.5. XV13tdj th/ gid mean,A Her pare
3、nt- are strict, too. B. Her parents are careless, too.:Szt皆下面几知话式也之寻软对话或独m色可几个仆建.从更匚务处的a、E. C三小三五任三盘佳苔灵总会对话或独m走冷听F面一段对话.回假设芸6三看8三个小翌.6. Where are the two spoken talking?C. Ai the hotel.C. Mr. Wanz didnt eo to wo.9A. At home.B.Attka office.7. XMy was e bov late for school?A. Became he mim纪d tbebu.8.
4、BecaLie the school bo didnt come.9. Beca厘 he walked to the bus stop.S. What do you know about Mr. V/ang?A Mr. N;亚m was late.E. k. Wsum was hsiv.听下面一段对话.回答竺9三竺10两个小建.9. Why catt tbe man m 苦 thig! ddy?A Becsnia te cant slp well.B. Because Hm eye! were hnt by hi 丘iec出.C. Becaoe he 宣arched e films on th
5、m 8clpliter the whole Hght.10. XVta 6d the doctor advise e man to do?A. To tee tkxp tx iwsy to relmTo don hi eyes Sjd let them hr/e a good test.B. To wed: film ftoa 8:30 p. m. to 7:30 mq aonurg.耳下面一或独E.回答莞UM莞12沔个小奥.IL Whu does the speaker probably talk about?A. Fmcus dues ir Heun.B. WeU-kDOur food M
6、 Heun.C .24-bouf wBsrbef ix Hemi.12. Which two dries will be nxcy?A. S snmeuiia and LdovselB. ZhHzhou and XirxiHg.折下面一或过话,回答第13 N芟15三个乙速.13. How many people are there irJacie 色Ely?C. PxzdiS3E3Dd Zhaszhou.WvAAA/VsAAAA.A. FoulB.Fke.C.Six.14. Whst do vou Imou- about Lim? A She5 a goodjob.B. She dceitt
7、live m 皿止3 twn C. She s the ycmgest child tr thefimily.15. VMm does Sam do?A. Anvtbt.B.AteacberC.Aitudect二三干所f玩工包盘N獐茏你”圻X容的乏等织?涔丁三匡才排?史又土更漫.二三干所f玩工包盘N獐茏你”圻X容的乏等织?涔丁三匡才排?史又土更漫.ABCDE16.II IB.19.20.二, Q至理制CO小建.每小建2分.共40分)受京二正白邕比言开匕.钟号按工号W求包建Which bookyov should read depends onyoarnext tnvel plu.If your
8、e vniiarg N” Yak City; read the book -The Cref in the Rye which matiou pknty ofNYC IndciMks.64The Cucber in the R” is & dasiic (金黑的)noy of a Im: twcagef i ixpLscMd trip to Nev Yak City; In the g eL Hoktea 、”也 a Eightdub in the East Villiga. goe tee BkitiLsin Rock 113 Che sed uka hslister totheCeLtia
9、lPsk Zoo.wMidrighti CHldfffi is a fsntastic wei that ibows sone oftbehistedes ofladia.Salaa Rusbaes it(xy begin st cuizht. on the night cf Iixiiis iMependM说 whet the lf 001 childra: boci thsi boir re fomd to own magical peum The book is 闫 dimrg XthYETay Iixha Kith pl w of magi cal pans.W3W . ” W八 .
10、., rWeLLknowi: J等皿三三 author Haruki Murakami craies a novel called 1084 tere LotkinE XAA/VWV VWXAAAAAA+一色Is right and evafythirg is a litfle dinerent. Set in Tokyo, J乎 this novel is sie to tuterest you greatly dnii-g your trip.A- voifre ttaveltLE arouzd Anuterdm read *Tbe Fault tr Oux S皿三 Therms also
11、 a film from this book.Made into a film tr 2014. John Gieai s itoiy of two ixlucb, tearagers indudeB a trip to Acufifdani. Tbs Aixe Fiank House acd The Riik- Musem are mentioned in 心 book. ADd the bench ir tbefihn 京)m this gvelkas even bacome in most popuhf plaze for the tourists to take photoi根据对料充
12、容近推最正确苔契A. A mous NYC LandaaikB.The lostteacasef.C.Theuiitefs sister.D. The Sliter of the novel.22. Which book may you choose to ead if you believe in magic?A The Cw 丽 in the RyaC.Md饰 S C出勃i23. What does mean in tbe last tact?B. 27第 Faid!in Olt SiwD. 103 important Hvi理 tkirgi Life could not go on if
13、 there were s plants. Thii is bacaoe plants can make food from 缸 water and simlt it. Arimah and man csm)t make food from ait water and sunli it. Animals set theix fixxiby tirg plants and other anicials.Asa result, animals and man 工刈i plants tr wder to live. Ths is why we fird3t therm are io many pla
14、nts aroixd us.If you look carefully 3t tbe plants aroixd you, you will ficd that th也 are two kirds of plants flwerirg plants: 皿i EOE-flwerirz plants.Fb-ering plants can make seeds Tbe seads are protected by the fiuiu. Sane fiuiti have one some have two. thr or ftin and Lava dsny -eada. But a few fru
15、its have s sd at all. Ar example of a fiuit withoutseadi is the banana fruit.Mastplants do not grow from 好edr They grow from wpor壬(胚芽) Spore: are verj* small. Sonespore- are so small and liatt that thev, can float in the ak. We asy that jpoies are quite -amea- meeds.幕上工 these spore! are all on wet a
16、nd mhady places, they usually growmto ev plants.椁据材料为容之券最使苔灵31. What? the mail: idea of the fint paragxaph?A Plants are important for life.C. Thee 肛 many plants tr tbe wodd.32. H5V zsl plants oake food?A Froni flower, water atd aii.33. What? the mail: idea of the fint paragxaph?A Plants are importan
17、t for life.C. Thee 肛 many plants tr tbe wodd.34. H5V zsl plants oake food?A Froni flower, water atd aii.B. Planu cannot ErsvKithmak.D. We can not live without waterC. FiomaiL water 311d soil.33.Whst cat we infer :三饪)firom thep3H.e ?B. Ffcmwater sunlight acdairD. Ffom 血 nx ac4 lightA. Of all e liirg
18、things, admah are e most impoitait.B. Spoies are 3加.C. All fiuits of flwerirg pLsnts tr,E sesd-.D. Vathoa plants: mr willdiw out.34. The ixdedtMd Ed pfotectecT tr the tkiid paragxph can be ieplazedby.A discoveradB.polkiedC. stoppedD. guardedWhat kird of book may this pa-sage be taken from?A Amedidwb
19、ook.B.Asvel.C. A Kt axe magaziM. D. Afipon.DEverv vear, thouiands of students choose to Etudv ir 0ther coixtrv for a tern, e or a v53r. SmASnE ov-eoeas (海 外)皿 be exciting experienca a many people.36 Living ir 亚other coimtiy can bslp you to lean: a language, and about anotber culture. 37 Ch engs stud
20、y asy also look good on your fctuie iesme 3用).Many compaEies tod- want staff who spaak a second language hr/e experienced livi里 ofwoddug m Hotter 81mtxy.Here are kmzb tip工Making the right chokeOree you decide to niidy oven汹、you have to make some chokes. To choose e right coixtty w school, ask yyuxs4
21、f Where do I want to go acd why? How much do I want to pay? 38 Do I aw to li with a hostKiMKiMily Kith foommte!. of alone?Girting ready to goGet youi paispoft a&d vha eady! 39 Learn about e money. Brirg som of it sad a credit (恬 弓)cardwith you.Once vou are there w3Li tbe ways of doing 由鸟支 40 When yo
22、u feel -ad of hocB-ick. tn- to talk to others, or iite about youx felirgj in a rotebook.根揖叫x容.从二百三介专项入丈u立求处的最正确送项.使三至元思日里内容三要.A. Py do lots of people stixiy oveneas?B. Hwlocg do I want to rtuiy ovenaai?C.You wilhee the wodd in a new wav. and lean: mot about vomdfD. Remember that it takes time to get
23、 u-ed to a mw place, school. 3Dd cultuxe.三,三衫1亘U5小器.寻小至1分,共15分:去左京云工.系旦其大想告从A.B. C. D 口个比至匚比三一个可以填入走它亘自生的最遑苔灵My mother liked e/enthirg to be ti, and couldnt 41it七工 it wasnt. So did my brotber. Tom. I wastbs 42 .Ididhsvwabadlbitofthewirmmydothesoiithwgf.kmadmnim由elai comfortable a: a cat in a cupboar
24、d.One day- my mm looked 43 my badfoom and sbe 封 d, Thafs it! Cathy your food waj like a: anta nest. If vou dont 44this room. I Rill thxow ermikirm on the floor out of the 不好&埠:” My mm ofta said - so 45 she wver carried them out. so I didnt take anv notice. Butl was wohe. 1 5 I was at wccer piactice
25、after school so Tocxaffhed home 46 me. He was SLipriied to 3釜 my tbrgs all over tbs 屈工停用.A woman looked over e fence Garage s3le (三粉三等)止三 asked. Tom thought for juit a 4,and then be aid, Yes. it is? He put a sign on 心 gate and before long 48 were loti ofpeople catchiiig st my clothes like gready (空婪
26、囱历也When I came home, I couldnt aot believe my ejes. My floor was dean. cV.lere are my dotbes?711 shouted. On the -aid my mua 349 them out. Hooked out of the wiidow 50.1 couldnl see any dothawbut my brothm Ton 51 monev!Wben Mum foixd out what Lad hpened. she was 52.How could you do thhT: -he asked Tc
27、cl BuiTom said he thou剪 my dothea must be mbbish. looking st all tbs money he had made from 53,1 was maihcutinE M screamiiiE that I had rothinE to war 54 Tom had sold all my dothes.41. A. standB.mderjtsEdC.ptck42. A poofB. blindC. angry43. A. outBJuC.foi44. A1加三B.lhwClock45. A asB. mdC.binB. afterC.
28、 aroucd4 7. A. miErteB.dsyC. wei48. A hereB.thevC. ther?49.A madeB. tbrevC. cut50. A. sinceB. BOfeC. stocce51. AB. psyirzC. wantinz一52.A0pyC.madAfter that. I was 55 quite so midy agair.D. washD. oppositeD. upD. tidyD. orD. towardD. monthD.aUD. wantedD. j5E/OWD. countingD. worried53.AHmB.tbemC.himsel
29、fD. me54A ifB. thauiC.whenD. becauseAcevefB,谭illC.hardlyDever四、语篇澳空U5 t important ttiri If you ever a由 tbek 3fgm皿 mm vio田(券力 的),dont be aftaid to bring it up with your teaer of another adiJt vou61, Tbev Billkcow whst to do.XfikeFuhnuB Dear Ctystti,Tiy to be relaxed. Saiiesi csnt solve snythi建.That-
30、e 62 Ive leaired from my own experiences. My parents aha argue over trivial (琐碎的)things. Fx example, they often woric lare Hd are too busy to make &um. My tathef wotri警 about me md often blames my meter 63this.rm ttyiig to lean: hwto cook on ay own and do other staple cboces, like64ay room. Thia can
31、h4p to 16Vm tbeit 打.But if our parents fight, we can also ask our neighbor or gfaEdpafenu toi help. Ybu can alio watch some talk shows or sitcomj to mke y(yuxs4f feel mixh65.肛 JL 59.60.55. 当二十阅读短M糙揖比遂式求学包.使殖天注尊 W思三婺.胃空谩缜一过Pandas return to China for bambooDa Mao aid Er Shim are two ziant
32、 际s that have made the Calgary Zoo 把 Cstaia thek Ixrae 3M 2018.They were expected to li牝mi 2023.66, they will head bai to China 苗dier than expected.The zoo axonced the newm 夕 Aky 12,即市噂而 decision was made beause of COXID-19 tiavel 但trictim (/刮)The restfictioiu have made it more challei理 6m e zoo to
33、get bamboo for the panca- to 却.Accotdiiig to e zoo. 9$ percent of a gim psDds s diet is made 印 of fresh bamboo. Ea adult giant paq esu 68 40 ke of bamboo 岭 day.Ra believe the best md -afeat place for Er Shix and Da Mao to be dMrw ee challenEicz times vw- s砒型 bamboo ii 耶 t。幽“城d Dr *题现蛔 preside of e Cal Zoo.三,补金对话(5小段.寻小组2分.共10分)六.书面表达(20分)A: Good morniz! What 皿 Idofof vou?B:L. This is ay receipt 砥据),Here you are.A: Let meses - Misi jxm can achanze it here. 72.?B: Well it was a gift from myI like 心 design(段计)but I t