1、舟6舟白防抗台纳矢口Instruction for defend-typhoon1 .船舶防台应贯彻“以防为主,防抗结合,适时早避,留有余地”的方针,在船长指挥下, 确保船舶平安。VessePs defend-typhoon should carry out the rule Prevention is first, Defend combines with resist, Avoid early, margin Enough”. Ensure the ships safety under the command of captain.2 .在港口防台指挥部的统一指挥下做好防台工作,并加强与岸
2、上其它有关部门的联系。 Under the command of port defend-typhoon headquarters, take measure to defend typhoon, strengthen the communication with other relevant department.3 .船长应主动多渠道了解港口防台规定和当地防台的历史经验教训I,因地制宜采取预防措 施。凡检修主机,必须征得当地港口主管机关同意。Captain should get the defend-typhoon regulations of port and local experie
3、nces, take precaution accordingly. Before overhaul main engine, should get the approval of local port authority.4 .当港口悬挂台风一号风球(或对本港有影响)时,应立即通知上岸船员回船,积极做好 防台准备,宁可防而不来,不可来而无备。船长应亲自检查各部门防台准备工作情况, 真正做到思想,组织和技术措施“三落实”。When no.l wind ball is hung, should inform crew onshore to come back and prepare for de
4、fend-typhoon. Captain should check all departments preparation in mental, organizing, technicology.5 .有关防台措施,现场观察资料及遇到的重大问题,应认真记入航海日志,每次防台工作 都要按公司要求认真总结,改进缺乏之处。Defend-typhoon measure, observing data and encountering important matter should be filled in log book. Summarize the defend-typhoon work aft
5、er typhoon based on the demand of company and improve the shortage.6 .锚泊防台Defend-typhoon in anchorage6.1. 锚泊防台应选择底质好,有足够水深,并能遮蔽最大施虐风向及长浪的锚位,应与附 近船只及障碍物保持足够的平安距离,应尽量防止在风口和水流湍急之处下锚防台。Place for anchorage: good quality seabed, sufficient water in depth, countering against winds and waves, enough distanc
6、e with dangerous obstructive objects and other vessels. Avoid drop anchor in wind mouth and turbulent current.6.2. 由港方指定的防台泊位,假设船长认为该泊位不能保障平安时,应及早向港方提出调整。 移泊的时间应主动与港方商量,留有余地,防止措手不及。If captain think the anchor position ordered by port authority is unsafe for defend-typhoon, should connect with port a
7、uthority for adjustment.63锚泊抗台应尽量减少受风面积,尤应尽量减少首部的受风面积,稍有首纵倾也好。Defend-typhoon in anchorage should reduce the area to bear wind, especially reduce bows to bear the wind even if a little of fore-and-aft lean.1.4. 一点锚法(单点抛双锚法)一点锚法即双侧锚同时抛下,松同样长锚链,应好似两个锚抛在一点上一样(实际两锚的距 离等于两锚链孔间的距离)。据我国各地防抗御大风、急流和台风是一种很好的锚泊
8、方式, 几乎在防抗台风中是被推为首选的锚泊方法。操作方法是:船脑迎着风流同时抛下双侧锚,待双锚向前渐渐伸开始吃力时,双侧锚链缓松 下放长,左右描链松放的速度要一致,锚链长度要一样,松至所需节数时双链刹住,在这期 间配合车舵,使锚链到预定长度船也同时停住,两锚链均匀受力为妥,抛锚的时机选择很重 要,注意风流的方向,要防止抛锚过程中风流合力的作用,使船艄横移而造成双锚链绞缠。 起锚也同起单锚一样,双锚同时绞,当快离底前,停绞一锚,继续绞另一锚直至出水,再绞 被停绞的一锚。One-point anchor (one point two anchors)One-point anchof, means
9、dropping two anchors simultaneously. Send same length of two anchor chain as if two anchors are dropped to one point. Based on our countrys experiences, this way is a recommended way which defends heavy wind, turbulent current and typhoon.1.5. 锚抛妥后,锚机刹车带应旋紧,制链器应合上,可用钢丝绳将锚链固定,防止锚链滑出。 After anchors dr
10、opping, close the windlass brake belt, shut chain break, fasten chain with wire-rope, prevent chain slip out.1.6. 无论“八字锚”、“一点锚”或单锚加止荡锚抗台,都应在台风中心经过风力明显减小那 个间隙时间,绞起一个锚,适时再抛,防止两链纠缠。Regardless of open hawse anchor, one-point anchor or single anchor plus yaw-checking anchor, should wind one anchor, then
11、drop again appropriately, to avoid tangling of anchor chains, after center of typhoon passed and wind reduced.1.7. 用雷达选择附近显著的目标或岸形,用以监视本船有无走锚,是一种有效的方法,值 班驾驶员应划出本船回旋范围锚位,对正横目标测其方位,对首尾目标测量其距离, 以求及早发现本船有无走锚,对周围船舶应标出其位,注意其变化防止意外事故。Select obvious object or shore type by radar supervise drag anchor or not
12、. It is an effective way. Duty officer should line out the scope of anchor involution, measure the position of object in abeam, measure the distance of object in stern, in order to find in time drag anchor or not. Mark the surrounding ships position and heed their change to prevent accident.1.8. 当风力
13、增至六级时,全船进入航行值班,备好主机,派人到船头值锚更,注意观察锚 链受力情况,随时向驾驶台报告,为防止锚链过度受力并尽量减少偏荡,可适当用车用 舵。When the wind force reaches Beaufort No.6, navigation duty should be arranged, stand by main engine, assign crew to anchor watch, heed to observe the condition of chain, report to bridge momentarily, reduce yawing in order t
14、o avoid chain being over forced, may use engine and helm appropriately.1.9. 切忌在大风浪中绞锚,因为弄得不好,就会引起急速走锚,难于控制。如果必须绞动 锚时,应备好车,车、舵、锚一起协调动作,必要时先动车后绞锚,或者一边动车 一边绞锚。总之,必须严防在绞动锚时被风一下压向下风。No tangling of anchor chains in high wind and wave. Tt maybe brings drag anchor. It is difficult to control. If winding anc
15、hor is necessary, should stand by engine. Engine, helm, anchor should coordinate. If necessary, should start engine before winding anchor or start engine as soon as winding anchor. In summary, should prevent ship being blown to lee side when winding anchor.1.10. 假设走锚搁浅已不可防止,应尽量防止船尾搁浅,而且要千方百计使船固定,为台风
16、过 后脱浅减少困难。If drag anchor and grounding is inevitable, should to the greatest extent avoid grounding stern, as much as possible fix ship, make refloating more easier after typhoon.1.11. 不仅应该注意本船的平安,亦应防止船外事故,一旦被碰,除了尽量防止要害部位被 撞和尽量减少损失之外,应取得被碰的第一手证据和资料。Except that heed own vessePs safety, should prevent
17、 accident arising from outside. If being collided, should get first hand testimony and information besides avoid important part being collided and to the greatest extent reduce the damage.7 .码头防台Defend-typhoon at berth.7.1. 确定在码头防台时,船长应与码头主管部门商定好防台系带方案及遇紧急情况时之协 同方法。Captain should negotiate with port
18、 authority to decide defend-typhoon scheme and coordinate way in emergency.7.2. 在码头防台应及早加强系缆,对最大施虐风向的系缆应加足够,该带在防台缆桩的应 及时带上。在导缆孔、导缆滚筒等易磨擦的地方加垫物。十分重要的一点,务使在一 个方向系带的缆保持受力均匀。At berth should strengthen mooring lines earlier, strengthen enough mooring lines to wind. If mooring lines need to tie defend-typ
19、hoon bollard, should tie in time. Put fenders on mooring hole, fair leader and other friction places. It is very important that make mooring lines have balances pressure.7.3. 要注意检查码头固定的碰垫是否完好,有无异常突出的东西,防止在风浪中损坏船壳, 必要时应增加碰垫或浮垫。Check fixed fender is good or not. Prevent ship body is damaged by abnorma
20、l things. If necessary, add fender or floating fender.7.4. 倘两轮并靠防台,要求不能倾斜,船与船之间有足够的浮垫,并准备好碰垫,对于伸 出舷外的东西,必须收进固定好。If two vessels alongside defend typhoon, no lean, enough float fender, be prepare for collide fender. For the reached part, should place them in position and fix.7.5. 风力增加到8级时,全船应按靠离码头部署,各
21、就岗位,看管好系缆。When the wind reaches 8 level, should be arranged as sailing from berth. Every crew get in position and look for mooring lines.8 .船厂防台Defend-typhoon in shipyard8.1. 当台风季节船舶进厂修理,特别是对四机一炉或船上影响防抗台一些设备的修理工 程,必须把在船厂防抗台的具体方案制订在修船计划内,要把防抗台的工作做为整个 修理工种的一个组成局部,在修船合同中应明确厂方和船方在防抗台工作中的责任和 义务,双方予以确认,并认
22、真执行。In typhoon season, if ship in shipyard for repair, especially repairing main engine, auxiliary engine, steering gear, windlass and boiler which influence defend-typhoon, repair plan needs include the shipyards defend-typhoon scheme which is part of entire repair. In repair contract, shipyard and
23、 owners should define responsibility and right in defend-typhoon and execute accordingly.9 .通讯及气象报告Communication and weather report9.1. 船舶防台甚高频无线 必须保证通讯畅通,GMDSS操作员保持通讯畅通,值班驾 驶员负责VHF保持不间断的开通。Keep defend-typhoon VHF smooth. GMDSS operator should keep GMDSS smooth. Duty officer is responsible for VHF smooth.