1、“迎世博学英语习礼仪”队会策划书一.活动目的: 为迎接2023世博会学英语习礼仪二.活动主题: 迎世博学英语习礼仪三.活动形式:小品、抢答赛四.时间:10分钟五:活动过程: (一)活动起先: 主持人:迎世博学英语习礼仪队会现在起先! (二)活动内容: 主持人:2023世博会离我们越来越近了,到那时会有好多外宾来到上海,初来乍到的外宾确定不熟识上海。假如遇到外宾问路,我们该怎么办呢?请看小品问路 with the coming of the world expo 2023,there will a great deal of foreign guests who come to shanghai
2、 first times. the foreign guests don’t know shanghai very well. what shall we do if foreign guests ask the way. 1.详细内容: 旁白:在繁华的外滩有两位外国旅游者正在拍照,他们不知不觉掉队了。 外宾(甲):how beautiful shanghai is!do you know where our travel team is? 外宾(乙):i don’t know.oh,my god,we lost our way! 旁白:at the moment,an
3、 old grandma is coming. 外宾(甲):hello grandni .could you tell me the way to the oriental tv tower? 老奶奶:你说什么,你会说中国话吗?哎呀真急死人。 旁白:at the moment,a group of students are coming. 小挚友(1):hello,can i help you? 外宾 (乙):could you tell me the way to the oriental tv tower? 小挚友(2):噢,oriental tv tower什么意思啊? 小挚友(3):i
4、 know its means东方明珠。 小挚友(2):我知道怎么到那儿可是我不会用英语回答怎么办? 小挚友(3):you tell me, then i can translate. 小挚友(2):你告知他笔直走,然后乘地铁在陆家嘴站下来就可以了。 小挚友(3):please go ahead and take an underground then get off at lu ja zui station. 外宾(全):thank you very much,how friendly you are!we love shanghai! 小挚友(全):welcome to shanghai!
5、 主持人:大家看懂英语是多么重要啊,让我们来做一个小导游,把上海闻名景点用英语介绍给来参与世博会的外宾,评一评谁是最佳导游。 how important for us to know english well.let us become a young guide to introduce shanghai’s famous scenes with english to foreign guests who will attend the expo and see who will be the best. 嬉戏抢答赛: (1)南京步行街 (key:nanjin walk stre
6、et) (2)金茂大厦 (key:jinmao building) (3)豫园 (key:yu garden) (4)上海海洋水族馆 (key: shanghai ocean aquarium) (5)上海科技馆(key:shanghai science &technology museum) (6)上海大剧院 (key:shanghai grand theater) (7)外滩 (key:the bund) (8)上海体育馆(key:shanghai stadium) (9)龙华庙(key:longhua pagoda) (10)周庄镇 (key:zhouzhuang town) (答对一题
7、发星一张,结束后依据所得星的张数来颁发星级导游证书) (三)结束 主持人:让我们用welcome to shanghai.的歌声来迎接世博会的到来。 let’s say a chant welcome to shanghaito wait for coming of expo. 全体合唱:hello, hello, hello, hello everybody welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome to shanghai welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome to world expo hello, hello, hello, hello everybody welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome to shanghai welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome to world expo