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1、一、命题原则大学英语四级考试大纲(2006 修订版)的作文命题原则是,写作选用考生所熟悉的题材,考生根据规定的题目和所提供的提纲、情景、图片或图表等,写出一篇不少于l20 词的短文;思想表达准确、意义连贯、无严重语法错误。考试时间30 分钟。考纲同时指出,大学英语四级考试写作部分要求考生达到教学要求中的一般要求,即“能完成一般性写作任务,能描述个人经历、观感、情感和发生的事件等,能写常见的应用文,能就一般性话题或提纲在半小时内写出至少l20 词的短文,内容基本完整,用词恰当,语意连贯。能掌握基本的写作技能。”那么,新考纲实施来的五次考试又采用了哪些命题形式呢?二、命题形式根据内容和结构,命题形

2、式可以分为三类:1.正反阐释题;2. 阐释原因、方法,描述危害题;3. 通知、书信题。1.正反阐释题正反阐释题就是在两种思路观点始终对立的情况下,作者自己权衡利弊得出一个自己的结论。简单地说就是:一些人认为,另一些人认为,我认为。以这种思路为主要套路的文章总是在正反论证,有很多书籍也把它单独称作正反阐释文。2006 年12 月23日的作文就是此类:Spring Festival Gala on CCTV;1.许多人喜欢在除夕观看春节晚会。2.有些人提出取消春节晚会。3.我的看法。6 月份刚考过的四级作文Recreational Activities也可以归为此类。2. 阐释原因、方法,描述危害

3、题阐释原因、方法,描述危害题就是围绕一个突出的社会或校园现象,来解释这一现象背后的原因,或其造成的危害及解决这一问题的方法等。改革后的五次考试中,有三次采用此种作文题型,08 年6 月的这一次作文可以看成是1-2 两种方法的变异体。2006 年6 月24 日On Students Selecting Lecturers 1. 有些大学允许学生自由选择某些课程的任课教师;2.学生选择教师时所考虑的主要因素; 3. 学生自选任课教师的益处和可能产生的问题。2007年12 月22 日What Electives to Choose 1.各大学开设了各种各样的选修课;2.学生因为各种原因选择了不同的选

4、修课;3.以你自己为例;2008 年6 月21 日Recreational Activities1.娱乐活动多种多样;2.娱乐活动可能使人们受益,也可能有危害性;3.作为大学生,我认为。3. 告示、书信题。告示、书信题就是围绕某一个相关的主题说明其原因,具体步骤或者过程。这类题看起来像应用文的书信、告示和演讲,但是他们的格式都不在考试项目之内。这类题和第二类阐释原因、方法,描述危害题有很多相似之处。2007 年6 月23 日的Welcome to Our Club 1.本社团的主要活动内容;2.参加本社团的好处;3.如何参加本社团。三、写作思路与技巧四级作文一般由三部分组成,开头(introd

5、uction),正文(body) 和结尾(conclusion)。开头提出作文需要讨论的问题,正文从不同的方面展开主题(事例、原因、方法等),结尾一般是个人对该问题的看法。这三部分构成一个框架,就像人体的三大部分头、身和脚不可分割一样。而具体的原因和个人看法的语言描述就像血和肉,把骨架的三个部分不同的特点展现出来。所以通过对考题的研究,人们对于上面的三种作文命题方式,推出了不少“诱人的”写作框架,把血肉(具体内容)留出来让使用者自己往里面填,以便写出“杰作”获得高分。这样写作文就像完成填空练习,在别人的骨架上填上自己的血肉,创造出一个优于自己的“化身”,这就是我们常说的模板作文。不过,同一个模

6、版使用的人太多,就不吸引人了,也写不出“杰作”了,但是其思路值得我们借鉴。正反阐释题: 正反阐释题是要描述问题的两个相对立的方面,所以开头就要提出X主题,然后介绍人们对X 问题持不同的看法。开头:1.简单的开头:In China today, X(争论的焦点)is a controversial issue. Some peoplebelieve that (观点1), while others maintain that (观点2);2.复杂一点的开头:When it comesto X (争论的焦点), people vary in their opinions. Some people

7、hold the view that (观点1),while others take an opposite stand, firmly believing that(观点2)。上面开头的框架的用词、句型和上下文的衔接手法比较正式,它避免了一些简单词的重复,如:some think; others think, 而使用了believe, maintain 这些比较正式的语言。此类的词还有believe, maintain, hold, claim, contend, argue, point out,短语be of the view,hold the opinion that 等,这些词可以让

8、作文读起来有“水平”。正文主要展开正反两方对立的原因,一般是先陈述正方的理由2 点就够了,然后再陈述反方的理由。正文:1. A. The reasons why some people maintain(观点1)can be listed as follows. First,(论据1). Whats more, (论据2). B. However, those who hold(观点2)also have theircompelling reasons. They claim that (论据1). They also argue that (论据2)。2. A. Those who main

9、tain(观点1)clarify their point by the fact that(论据1) 。They alsoargue that(论据2)。B. Nevertheless, people who contend(观点2)defend their point withthe undeniable fact (论据1)。They also point out that(论据2)。结尾:一般是个人对争论的焦点发表自己看法。通常有两种方法,一种是支持一方并阐述自己的理由;另一种是折中的方法,肯定双方都有道理,然后提出自己不同的见解。A. 支持一方: Based on the above

10、discussion, it seems to me that the former/latter opinion holdsmore weight in that(论据1), and that(论据2). Therefore, we may safely come to theconclusion that (支持的观点).B.折中: After pondering on the above discussion, I have to admit that there are some merits toboth sides. 1. Therefore, I would like to ta

11、ke their advantages by absorbing (针对观点1 有益的部分)and(针对观点2 有益的部分)so that we can (最终目标).。2. But to absorb the benefitsof both sides, I believe that (自己的解决方案)is the key. Only in that way, can we (最终目标).。从三部分的结构来看,框架是我们的作文连贯,使用时我们应注意,开头点题要推敲;正反两方要有主题句;结尾总结要有个人的观点。阐释原因、方法,描述危害题: 详细地讨论正反阐释题作文后,下面我们简单讨论一下由此演

12、变的出来的阐释原因、方法,描述危害题。此类题涉及到正反阐释题的一个方面,正的可能是好的; 反的可能是坏的; 有时好坏难辨,需要作者自己证明。问题提出后,就是分析原因,表达自己的观点。所以这类作文的写作步骤是:开头引入题目中提到的现象,略作说明;正文就提纲中的要求说明原因、方法或危害;结尾给出解决问题的方法或是展望未来等。重点的写作部分是正文的原因、危害或解决方法(参照第一部分的内容)。如:2008 年6 月21 日的Recreational Activities 1.娱乐活动多种多样;2.娱乐活动可能使人们受益,也可能有危害性;3.作为大学生,我认为。本提纲中的第二点类似正反阐释题,但是第一点

13、提出了一种现象,所以说它是1-2 类的混合型。根据上面的框架、论据思路和注意的问题我们来讨论如何完成一篇作文。从标题Recreational Activities 我们可以得到主题、介绍背景和提出问题。开头:As we know, nowthere is a rich variety of recreational activities for us to choose from, but people vary in theiropinions about the benefits and harms that these activities may bring us. One of th

14、em is playingcomputer games,这样我们完成了开头。下面的益处和危害性可以从大的和小的两方面展开。Some people hold the view that playing computer games can benefit the players and ourcountry. First, playing computer games can focus us on something exciting and improve ourresponse to rapidly changing situations, thus helping reduce our

15、stress and anxiety in work andstudy. Besides, more consumers in computer games can promote the development of computerentertainment industry in China, closing the gap between China and other developed countries inthis field. However, the potential hazards cannot be neglected. Playing games all the t

16、ime caninduce the players to ignore their study and work, and even harm their physical and mental health.Whats more, some young players may copy the violence in the games, which has caused greatconcern for parents, schools, and even the whole society.正文我们花了比较长的篇幅(128words),下面的结尾我们采用折中,提出自己的看法。Throug

17、h the above discussion, I have to admit that there is some reason to both sides. Forcollege students, self-discipline is the most important and no matter what creational activities wetake, we should remember that they are only one means to serve our end to work and study moreenergetically and effici

18、ently.告示、书信题: 本题型与阐释原因、方法、描述危害的作文考题有许多相同之处,都是以说明一些原因或细节为主干的。告示开头点题,正文描述原因(好处或害处)和方法步骤,结尾呼吁和落款。书信的开头自我介绍提出写信目的,正文解释原因或描述过程,结尾表示感谢和期待回信等等。思路可以参考上文提到的大原因和小原因。下面以2007 年6 月23日的Welcome to Our Club 1.本社团的主要活动内容;2.参加本社团的好处;3.如何参加本社团。Welcome to Our Club开头点题:Dear fellow students,This summer, the Bicycle Tour

19、Club has planned to organize a DIY bicycle tour to Beijing insupport of the 2008 Olympic Games.正文描述原因(好处)和方法步骤Also through this tour, we hope to spread the concept of Green Olympics and raise peoplesawareness of saving energy, being close to nature and protecting our environment. During the tour,we

20、college students can see and experience the changes of China both in the city and in thecountryside with our own eyes and on our own physical strength and deepen our understanding ofthe reforms and the achievements accomplished in China in the past 3 decades. Also in this way,we can improve our temp

21、erament and character and show to the world how we Chinese collegestudents reduce our “carbon footprint” and display the concept of Green Olympics.结尾呼吁和落款All of you are welcome to join us. If you are interested in this tour, please contact us beforeJune 30. For more details, click on www.diy-bicycle

22、-.Thank you.DIY Bicycle Tour Club由于,提纲只是给我们提供了要点,而没有提供论据。有些学生考试时,打不开思路,写不出原因;还有些学生不知道如何把要点变成主题句,为此我们提出以下建议。提纲变成主题句的技巧:1.如果是疑问句,变成陈述句;2.如果是短语,变成完整的句子。如:Reading Selectively or Extensively? 1.有人认为读书要有选择;2.有人认为应当博览群书。在这个提纲中“读书要有选择”和“博览群书”就是两个短语,变成完整的句子就必须按英语句子结构补全主语和谓语。如果按照Some people believe that (观点1)

23、, while othersmaintain that (观点2)来套用的话,Some people believe that we should read selectively, whilothers maintain that we should read extensively, 加上we should 后才构成完整的句子。如果照原文翻译,Some people believe that read selectively, while others maintain that read extensively 最后的分数可能在五分以下。当然也可用其他的变通方式,如:Some peopl

24、e believe that we can benefit more from reading selectively, while others maintain that reading extensively canbring us more profits. 论据不好展开时,可以从两个方面入手:1.环境,国家,社会,集体的利益和需求;2. 个人或普通百姓的利益和需求。环境和国家需要可持续发展(sustainable development); 和谐社会建设(construction of a harmonious society; social harmony); 全面建设小康社会的目

25、标(the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects)等大的层面来考虑;个人可以涉及身体和身心健康(physical health; psychological / mental health);素质和能力(quality;capability);社会责任和需求(social commitment;social requirements); 职业规划与竞争(career planning;competition)等来切入。结尾拿不定把握时,可以从三个方面来考虑。1.坏现象,写采取什么措施来解决。国家的措施有

26、法律,制度和政策(policy);个人的措施涉及教育,提高意识(awareness),自己从我做起等(take the lead in doing);2.好现象,发扬光大,展望未来,锦上添花;3.好坏看法不一致的时,发表自己的看法,折中或偏向一方,参照一、二点。如果作文的提纲出现两点写不动时,按照上面的三部分要求来写,一段写现象(situation)提出问题(topic), 二段分析写原因(causes), 三段写建议(measures)。框架和内容的问题解决后要注意词汇和句型的多样化。从句,短语和同义词汇交替使用体现多样化。词汇不要把一个词从头用到尾,如:“获得”可以用:obtain; ga

27、in; acquire; achieve等,不要使用get 这类口语化很浓的词;观点的表达可用Many people believe / hold; others argue/claim; In my opinion/view,;或It is acknowledged by many people that ; It is also believed by other people that; As for me, 。要使自己的作文上档次,还要注意避免几种低级错误:1.三个一致(主谓一致;时态一致;单复数一致);2.句子的主语和谓语是否完整;3.拼写错误:词性success n. succee

28、d vi.;错拼studying studing*;opinion opion*。以上我们对新考纲实施以来的五次作文命题的分析的目的,是希望同学们注意作文整体的连贯性、思路的开放性和语言结构的多样性;框架的讨论不是为了让大家去套用,而是启迪大家在写作实践中完善自己独特的“创新框架”, 在考试中取得满意的佳绩。下面是范文,写的时候不需要那么完美,关键是把握重点.标注的要重点背.* 一、求学信/求职信Dear Sir /Madam,(开头称呼不要遗漏,有名字就写Mr.or Ms.;没有名字就如上写的.)I am a senior(毕业生) from the Department of Busine

29、ss Administration. I am writing the letter in purpose of(表明目的,相当于to) applying for a position of a staff member(职员) in your company .I am sure that I am qualified(有资格的,能胜任的) for it. First, enclosed with this letter(随信附上的附件) is my resume(求职简历), which further details(进一步地详细介绍了) my previous(之前的) academi

30、c qualifications(学历) and work experience. Second, not only do my qualifications and experience make me a perfect candidate(完美的候选人) for it,but my cheerful (乐天派的) personality(性格) is well suited to(很适合与.to在这里是介词) studying in your prestigious(尊贵的) university/working as a staff member. Last, my hobbies(h

31、obby复数,爱好) include(包括,代替are) sports and music.I would highly(代替very) appreciate(表示感激最正式的词) for(我会对.很感激的) your prompt(快速的) and favorable(友善的) attention to(关注) my inquiry(询问) Yours sincerely,(结尾的套话)Li Ming(署名也别忘了)句型:first,second,last. ;not only ,but (also);I would appreciate for./if you could do .核心词汇

32、:apply for(申请),applicant /candidate (申请人),accademic qualifications, working experiences,personality(性格)上文用了cheerful,还可用diligent(勤奋的),helpful.二、开幕词Ladies and gentlemen,Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Beijing! To begin with, I would like to make a brief introduction to myself. I am the

33、president of Motorola (China) Electronics Ltd.The following is my introduction to the conference. First, it is my great honor to be here with all of you and declare(宣布) open the Conference of International Trade Cooperation. Second, on behalf of(代表) our company, I would like to express my heartfelt

34、welcome to all the guests and delegates(代表们). Last, I believe our cooperative(合作的) efforts are sure to be productive(有好处的,代替good).I wish all of you enjoy yourselves during this conference and hope the above(以上的) information will help you. If you have any question for me, please feel free to(毫不拘束的) a

35、sk at any time. Thank you for your attention.* make a brief introduction to myself 也可写作 introduce myself briefly.句型:to begin with,the following is ,first ,second,last;I would express my heartfelt welcome to .(表达衷心的欢迎,感谢gratitude,歉意apology)* 四、通知Directions:The Students Union of your department is pla

36、nning a Chinese Speaking Contest(竞赛). Write an announcement which covers the following information:1) the purpose of the contest,2) time and place of the contest,3) what is required of the candidates,4) details of the judges(评审老师) and awards.Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use De

37、partment of Chinese Language and Literature at the end of the announcement.(看清题干的要求)Chinese Speaking Contest (标题)February 3, 2007(日期)To improve students ability to speak Chinese and enrich(v.丰富) after-class activities(指出purpose), the Students Union of Department of Chinese Language and Literature is

38、 organizing(组织) a school-wide(全校的) Chinese speaking contest to be held on Saturday next week (10 February) at the Students Auditorium(指出time and place). Those who are interested in taking part in(参与) it may sign up(登记) with the monitor(班长) of their classes before Tuesday next week(指出想参加的人要做什么). Five

39、 professors will be invited to be judges. The first six winners will be given awards(judges and awards). Everybody is welcome to be present at(出席,在这里就是观赛) the contest.The Students UnionDepartment of Chinese Language and Literature词汇:enrich,organize,take part in,sign up with sb.,be present at.after-c

40、lass,school-wide;句型:those who.定语从句,作文里至少用上一次题干有要求的情况,一定要全部完成,漏掉一个分数就会大打折扣,所以看清题目再下笔.五、邀请信Directions: You want to invite some friends to a party. Write an invitation letter to them individually:1) Invite them to the party,2) Elaborate on(详细说明) the reason why such a party should be held,3) What activi

41、ties will be arranged for them.Dear Snoopy,I am greatly honored to formally invite you to participate in my 20-years-old birthday party to be held at Beijing Grand Hotel from 8 to 10 p.m. on April 1, 2007.As you are my close(亲密的) friend , I would like you to attend the celebration and share my joy.b

42、all,dinner,games.(可以用first ,second,last.串起来)If you do not have any prior appointment(先前的约会) on April 1, we look forward to the pleasure of your company(n.陪伴). Yours sincerely,Li Ming词汇:参与 participate in = take part in ;prior =previous (之前的);appointment(约会) 也可以换成 arrangement(安排) 现象分析题:六、考试Directions:

43、 For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic My Views on Examinations. You should write at least 120 words and base your composition on the outline below:1、 大学都用考试来衡量学生的成绩2、 考生可能带来的副作用3、 我对考试的看法In most colleges and universities the examination is used as a chief mean

44、s of deciding whether a student succeeds or fails in mastering(掌握) a particular(特定的) subject. Although it does the job quite efficiently(有效率地), its side effects (副作用)are also enormous(巨大的,也可用can never be neglected).To begin with, examinations lower the level of teaching. Since teachers are often jud

45、ged by examination results, they are reduced to training their students in exam techniques(考试技巧).However, no subjects can be taught successfully merely(代替only) through this way.In addition, the most undesirable(不好的,代替bad) effect is that examinations encourage bad study habits. As the examination sco

46、re is the only standard for his academic performance, a student is driven to(被驱使着) memorize mechanically rather than think creatively.In fact, few of us admit that examinations can contribute anything really important to the students academic development. If that is the case, why cannot we make a ch

47、ange and devise(设计,发明) something more efficient and reliable than examinations? 句型:衔接:although/but从一个方面转到另一个方面;若是几个方面是并列的,则用to begin with,in addition,最简单就是first,second,last.;是否,用whether/if 从句;围绕一个论点提出论据时用:because,since,as从句,或者due to ,owing to,with the result of后接短语;提出建议时,可由why not.?词汇:同义词组:effective

48、 and reliable,scientific and efficient,practical and productive;反义词组:succeed or fail,mechanically or creatively 同义词组连用重复加强语义,反义词组连用形成对比更有说服力. 七、最难忘的人Directions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic The most unforgettable Person I ever Know. You should write at least 120 words and base


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