1、写给男朋友分手信 写给男挚友分手信 篇1 我等待、我期盼、我怀念、但是在我的内心深处、隐隐的有一一个念头。或许这段感情就这样结束了、我不在乎多花时间、也不吝啬金钱、当然我也没有太多的钱、对于一个男人来说、都有几个面的、对你的依恋只是我的一个面、更多的是、我也须要尊严、须要理解、可能、对于感情我不是很成熟、或许我没有遵守一个月不打搅你的诺言是错的、但是我关切你、我爱你有错吗?我想约你见面、出来玩有错吗?我爱惜你、敬重你有错吗?可能、对于你来说、是错的、但是我对我的付出和选择不会懊悔。呵呵、现在都结束了、我心里有一块已经死了、或许时间可以渐忘与复原、或许这就存在于我深深的记忆里、我早说过、我会敬重
2、你的选择的、我自身也有许多毛病、不是每个人都能接受的、或许、我们真的不合适。就象我说过、关切则乱、投入的越多、或许损害就越大、一个挚友说过、失恋让人成长、或许正像他说的那样、我会成熟的、可能过个几年。换个角度来看、一切都是可以品位和接受的、其实九月以来、我是始终试着挽回、或许成见已经太深、爱情的魔箭已经折断、多想说一句:神啊。再多给我点时间。相识不是很久、只有半年不到、但是我还是感谢你、与我相知相恋的这半年、要知道、这半年里、我的世界不再是阴冷的、都是阳光和雨露、人生的路还很长、要做的事情还许多、我只是你人生里的一个匆忙过客、但是还是希望你华蜜、希望你快乐。 写给男挚友分手信 篇2 :敬爱的,
5、电脑旁走到厨房,拥抱我一下,或者赞美一下我的手艺。如此而已。我不情愿出去吃饭,只是因为我不想你乱花钱。北京消费并不低,你总该为自己和父母准备一下将来。 写给男挚友分手信 篇3 1、转弯只为遇见你,却遗忘了,你也会转弯。2、总以为,在最初的地方,有一个最原来的我,就也会有一个最原来的你。3、你有新欢了,我连旧爱都不是。4、或许有一天,你回头了,而我却早已不在那个路口。5、结局和过程都有了,再去纠缠,连自己都觉得贪欲。6、遗忘你,是为了证明我可以遗忘你。7、你突然点醒我,我们相识的时间能够以年计算了,你找到了你爱的,而我,还在原地徘徊着。8、我们再也不会像以前那样,以彼此为不行替代;我们再也不会像
6、以前那样,那样用力的爱,直到哭了出来。9、一天,我最终不再思念他,因为他离开太久了,我的习惯已经不再是习惯。10、我们都这样离散在岁月的风里,回过头去,却看不到曾经在一起的痕迹,尽管,曾今那么用力的在一起过。 写给男挚友分手信 篇4 1、最浪漫的情话,是当那个已经跟你分手了的情人打电话来问:你好吗?你稀松平常的回答:我很好。而其实你还爱着他,你一点也不好。2、有天当你想起我,时间已摆平全部的错,也学会不再问为什么。直到有一天,面对爱情起先吝啬,会不会怀念当时的炙热?一路上经过各自曲折,直到有一天,选某个人相濡以沫。3、当看破一切的时候,才知道,原来失去比拥有更踏实。4、有一个人,教会你怎样去爱
7、了,但是,他却不爱你了。5、没有他我不会不习惯,因为我从来没有习惯拥有他。6、我再也不会奋不顾身的去爱一个人了,哪怕是你。7、我心里始终有你,只是比例变了而已。8、现在最终到了要分别的时候,他比我先走,我反而觉得有点欣慰。这样的哀痛,迟早会让我们其中一个人单独体会,就让我来担当好了。9、望着你离开的背影,我告知自己要坚毅,不哭,是因为爱你,更是因为懂你。10、我赢了全部人,却输掉了你。 写给男挚友分手信 篇5 :我不知道你会看得到或者看不到我所写的信,只希望你可以还记得我,那个让你曾经真的伤了心的人,多年来,直到我确认我自己已成长及真的懂得珍惜,才知道我所失去的,只有你让我留下永生难以磨灭的内
8、疚,对你有说不出的万分愧疚,很想问候你这些年你过得好吗?虽然我知道你不行能再回到我身边,但我希望你能有个世界上最好的女人来爱你,我没有什么资格对你说些什么话,我只想告知你,我很懊悔让你离开我,很懊悔放弃你,假如你有看到这一段留言,希望你能宽恕我,宽恕我那时的无知,诚意的告白,只希望你能宽恕我,因为我已没有资格向你再施舍什么了. 写给男挚友分手信 篇6 :你发烧的前天我打电话让你盖好,记得吧?那会我刚从医院回来,难过得我在床上翻了N此,去三院检查说我肠子里有个不明细胞,除了我都很担忧!假如死了你就恒久记住我了!今日撕得那个本上写了这事。那天我自己在KFC店,在我们的位置上写的!那天我买了天下无贼
10、有权利把责任推给别人!怪只怪我没有让你爱上我的实力! 写给男挚友分手信 篇7 第一天始终不想起床 只想始终这样睡着感觉自己只是一个躯壳一个没有魂魄没有思想的躯壳却还要始终假装坚毅 因为不能流露昨晚一个人在KTV唱了好久好久没这么放纵了直到没有力气才拖着乏累的身体回家不知道自己是怎么走回家的大脑一片空白 身边的一切与我无关眼里已经看不到事和物 看到的只有回忆低头不语眼泪放纵的流淌着 我已经没用到连它都限制不住有些事自己没有经验就恒久体会不了它的苦痛或者快乐结束或许是解脱 或许是新的起先可是 许多事说到可未必能做到就像那些誓言一样都是过眼云烟我们的爱 很可笑的爱不是不爱 只因太爱 爱的体无完肤可却
11、又有太多的无可奈何最终只能在自己无助叹息下结束我会如你所愿 过的比现在好傻瓜 我很坚毅 所以 请放心某些人某些事照旧清楚可见只因离开的第一天x年xx月xx日 写给男挚友分手信 篇8 Baby:please allow me the last time so call you! When you see this letter I've been on a trip back home because I know I never has no chance to say these two words with you, this is the last letter I wrote
12、to you, at this moment my heart ached, but for the sake of your choice, I still want to write this letter brimming with tears. In you leave me these two days I thought a lot also understand a lot, I find you just want to keep you mean there is no other hope you don't want to wrong, as you said i
13、n the monitor our family you I can assure you that there is absolutely no, right now I will never in bother you.I wish you would give me the last time we have the opportunity to, until the morning, and I said you let me understand the lost love, many people know that the lost love is hard to turn ba
14、ck! But even in together also can't be like before, because I love you, I still choose no longer entwine you, maybe I just a traveler in your life! I hope the afterlife I door will continue to this period of bitter love! Perhaps this love should be sweet, then think about it. Many things are all
15、 my own ignorance of mistakes. but I really don't want to break up with you, I know I am a bad temper. Countless times and quarrel with you, in order to little things can be a little absurd, looking back now forget it, all over now everything in the past with the wind. Forget may be a good thing
16、! Hope everyone happy even break up will break up, I know this is easier said than done. It's hard to do! When I think about being with you together happy tears can strike down. Let it gone, lost love heart let time slowly wound it forget perhaps very difficult, but I will learn to slowly try! I
17、 hope one day, I really can really learn, instead of sad. Meeting you was fate of traction, leave you may be hit the doomed, perhaps the fate will become more! The past sweet aftertaste now can only use crying instead, everything can only cause destruction in miss yourself!With all my happiness and
18、hope to be with you is nearly eight months, many others did not experience the pain. We have learned. Again the injustice of the deepest heart, tears of failure, is a very simple word love to over. Maybe I have to break up to you to say, maybe I don't believe that we have come to an end; But you
19、r rude words made me sad, maybe everybody is sad, but I think it's time we say break up to you. Today we finally have the courage to face the regret of the past, I have the courage to face you should be, in addition to regret in the face of such result can only say that I don't know about yo
20、u. I think with you together of days is happy and happy, is you let me know what call love? How to care about a person, love a person? How to be a good boyfriend? How to make a girlfriend happy? All this is all you taught me, thank you for let me know the many, many I did not know and done before, i
21、n my memory, you also once many times said broke up with me, how many times we are through the tears, in retrospect, also many times with you quarrel, I am really sorry you, let you involvement, let every time you are very pain, also let your character became mania and throw things, I know in your e
22、yes I was a child grow up is not mature, because of my ignorance and immaturity for heart and tired.Maybe I said promise, for you never not achieve them, but for me I have to go to do, but not a commitment to achieve two or three days, after all, the relationship to the future happiness, and may als
23、o be because our personality are caused by the impatient, has already passed, however, will not start again from today, because you are tired, tired you should let go, have a word, love you will make you happy, you and I can't find happiness together, only leave you let you find happiness in the
24、 heart, this is also one of the biggest cost love, though you find happiness is no longer I, but I still want to bless you, hope you later life happy happy, also wish you good health! If love a person is so silently selfless dedication, whether spiritual or material, all I want, that is why I will c
25、hange my position, for the sake of your happiness, I will accept, because the reality is cruel, love is selfish!Damage is inevitable. I am a boy, don't want to liabilities more reluctant to carry debt, so I don't want to see you sacrifice their all stay with me, do you think is in love me, b
26、ut you forget that I love you too, don't want to see you more sacrifice. Leave only heard silence, in addition to silence to leave you I still have what choice? There is a love called to give up in the world and fall in love with you is a wrong, but I have no regret. It is good to have memories
27、with you my life. I will be happy, so you rest assured, because my life's biggest sorrow is away from you, again sad again difficult?Take good care of yourself, if you forget me you will happy, so forget me, don't blame you, you always like a child let me love and chi, now that I can't g
28、ive you happiness, so I have to let go hold your hand, my can let you go looking for happiness. Baby, again say to you that the two profound words, it could also be the last time I have ever told you so, I'm gone. 写给男挚友分手信 篇9 :你深深伤了我的心在七个月前.我仍是你的情人.但在七个月后我曾了你的生疏人.心有点痛.总以为自己七个月了.不会再让你干扰我.我的心仍旧很安静
30、利刃一般刺入我的心中知道你在等我说掰掰但你知道吗好难真的好难我说不出口只好点了点头让你最终的背影消逝在我的眼前我走了或许真的走了我好想大哭一场我没有真的没有可是为什么现在我的泪水却停不下来让我最终一次说我爱你真的爱你虽然我从来没听你这么跟我说过找寻大哥哥的娃感谢你的爱 写给男挚友分手信 篇10 My dear:This is a dear John letter.Not all break up, because love disappear or transfer.Dear, just two days ago, you break up with me again, just becaus
31、e I didn't hear what you repeated twice.Do you know? Whenever you say break up, what I see in your eyes is not for the life tired, more is not devoid of light of hope, on the contrary, I see a desire, a few times in your eyes even beaming thrilled and excited. I know that you are looking forward
32、 to me for losing your burst of sorrow and hysteria, rubbing their hands inside of you to wait for the arrival of this moment, to let you believe how much I love you.So, break up, for you, is not even boring trick, but in between you and me will regularly on love drama, is a make you enjoy and satis
33、fy feeling feast.Dear, I'm really tired, for you endless questions and test, to give you endless love problem.Every time when I face difficult or tired, and you will say I already do not love you, or I am old, have love.I am willing to give everything for you, but not in this way.I love you. But
34、 we have different understanding of love and pursuit. You worship that agitate paranoid love, so always hopes to love go twists and turns, go is blurred, with a series of earth-shattering story, with overdraw the life consumption and pay, with incomparable sadness to prove that love, interprets the
35、love.But for me, love is not the case. Love is not between life and death, not emotion and reason of the problem, not for a person to give up all other valuable thing in the world the courage of life. Love, is just a simple idea, is want to and a person together, is a little caring to separate a few
36、 days later, is to think of each other heart light faint scent, that's all.Yes, love should be a kind of additive, it should be because it give everything, and should not deprive the rest of the life for it's right to exist. Love, should be a kind, generous, good luck. And should not be hars
37、h, domineering, bad luck.A small example. And I together of the time, you always want to do something, and I see a movie together, or play games, if I want to a person to do something, you will not happy. But I think, love, not to let each other to become the leading role of you all the time in your
38、 life, instead, is to let each other become indispensable background - not in their life together what to do, but as long as there is you, I can be at ease to do anything more.I think love is light, transparent and simple.And what do you think of love, is heavy, obscure and complex.I never want to t
39、est you, because I trust you, but because I think love is a common thing in the world, even if you make a mistake, or at some point temperature down to my love, I can accept it. Because I want to understand love of the imperfect.But you always alert, and even set up artificial barriers to test me, s
40、ometimes I think love beyond the love you love me, you just want to put my refined into a perfect love story.Dear, I'm sorry, in you mentioned several times after break up, this time it's my turn to break up. I am not anger, nor retaliation. I just love is minimalist, the perfection of socia
41、list don't match with you. I am not old, is not love, in fact I than you more eager to love, so I need more like oasis crystal clear love to moisten my throat and heart quickly, and you need is a fruit juice, need that kind of sweet greasy, gorgeous drinks to decorate your life, unfortunately, f
42、ruit juice for me, already not quench thirst.Dear, I want to insipid love, don't need a moment rink hijinks tao lung, teary-eyed. Maybe some love like a storm, and some love is like the drizzle, if can only choose a, I would choose the latter, because the storm will destroy everything, after a s
43、torm, everything will disappear. And rain can run things in silence, this is the dark forces. Perhaps many years later, I have no grand or poignant love story to tell, but every time I felt the love, that's enough. About the astounding, sentimental love story, when I had an audience.I will remem
44、ber for you through the tears, I will remember you brilliant smiling face. Please forgive me, it's not that I don't want to wait you grew up or change slowly, but I don't want to change, would you like I don't want to give up the simple love, maybe you will also have been reluctant t
45、o give up simply make the gods cry of love. After all, our life will be a lot of people love, not everyone is used to go all my life. We accompany each other for a long, leave some memories, leaving some comprehension, that is the whole of the existence and you'll find it.So, my dear, here, this
46、 letter, and our love. 写给男挚友分手信 篇11 敬爱的,世界上诸多事情走到最终都不能回到初时的漂亮,我只能退到你看不见的角落,听说你很华蜜,安稳微笑。死别是无能为力的难受, 而我此刻的转身天际,却是甘心而为。敬爱的,要简简洁单的做许多许多的事,学会疼惜自己,不能消逝。若是有天遇见,只须要,微笑就好。敬爱的睿,对不起,不是我不想挽留你!只是我发觉我全部挽留的词句都显得苍白无力.你选择缄默躲避或许是有你自己的缘由,再次感谢你曾带给我的欢乐!感谢你曾给过我的关切!泪水又一次沉没了我.这次却是因为你.没想到几个月前你说以后再也不许我一个难受一个人哭.这么快就又重演了.因为我爱的心碎.不知道该怎么去僞裝坚毅!假如酒真的能消愁的话,我真的希望可以喝到忘了自己也忘了你.不让你再在梦里出现.或许是我太傻了,不过是自己骗自己而已!但我知道我没有懊悔!闭着眼睛,含着泪水想着我们曾经有过的欢乐,或许我可以删除写的日记,删除你的照片,删除我们曾经的闲聊记录.可是我却怎么也删不掉我们曾有过的欢乐,怎么也删不