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1、新世纪大学英语阅读教程答案Unit oneText The Graduation Advice GotBut Wish I HadExercises IDCBABCII 1.今天你们将离开培育你们的学术环境,直面真实的世界。 2.你们即将离开学校,终于可以开始接受教育了。 3.想找到一位保守的教授,那比找到一个雪人还难。若想挑战一些有关政治正确性的正统观点,那你将会被冠以难听的名号。 4.如果你不相信我的话,那不妨去问一问那些因追随网络公司是通往财富这一理论而破产的人们。现实击碎了他们的梦想。 5.因此,欢迎你来到我们生活的这个理性的世界。一旦你把那些不切实际的幻想拒之门外,你就会发现这个世界

2、并不太糟。III 1 emerge from face the real world go about mitment to benefit from 3. the enjoyment of reading was associated with 4.reality theory realist in theory 5.wishful thinking go for wind up with twists and turnsText For College Beans, Crisis at Any secondExercises IIFFTTF TextUnit TwoText Is Love

3、 an ArtExercises IBADCBDII.爱是在简单不过的事,这一观点至今仍十分盛行,尽管大量事实对此予以否认。几乎找不到任何一种活动任何一项像爱情这样慢买希望的开始,有频繁地以失败为告终。如果换了别的事情,人们一定急于知晓失败的原因,思量如何才能做得更好,或干脆放弃。既让人们永远不可能放弃爱情,要么要战胜失败,似乎只有一个方法可行,要么是探究失败的原因,进而领悟爱的真义。III 1.a matter of chance learned about 2. is based on primarily how to be love 3.assumption state the righ

4、t object 4.leading to initial excitement permanent state 5.theoretical knowledge the mastery of the artText In Sickness and HealthExercises II FFTFFTFFTTUnit ThreeText Sunday in the part ExercisesI BABDCCII 1.莫顿把纽约时报杂志小心地放在腿上,转过那张精致而清瘦的脸对着那人,脸上带着腼腆歉意的笑脸,像在指点学生的错误一般对着那男人讲道理。 2他那傲慢的话音里透着威胁。 3.拉里顿时回过神来

5、,他脸上没了那呆愣的表情,开始又哭又闹。 4.但她内心深处有种感觉,即沉重又无法回避。她感觉这不仅仅是一次不愉快的遭遇,也不仅仅是理性败于武力。 5.她感觉就像他们三人边走边留下了一路的泥脚印。 6.“如果你管不了孩子,我来管,”莫顿一边愤怒地说,一边向着儿子迈了一步。III 1.in a park late-afternoon sun 2.contentedly times Magazine sandbox 3.about Larry age enjoying themselves 4.spadeful 5.fight his own battles stop it punishing 6.

6、public 7.rarely reasonableness proved had a fight 8.pull out of 9.irritated ashamed of Text Night WalkerExercisesI.1Because it seemed to her that the author, who was too menacingly close to her and made her feel nervous. 2. It means the way in which people express their fear .In most cases, it is no

7、t a verbal express, but an action such as hammering down the door locks of the car . Crossing to other side of the street rather than passing the author in a deserted street. 3. Because in the place where he grew up , there were a lot of gang warfare ,street knifings ,and murders ,and he was not one

8、 of bad boy . 4. He gradually learns to smother the rage and make himself seem less threatening. 5. He believes that whistling melodies from famous composers like Beethoven and Vivaldi can reduce the tension, because people know that mugger will not do that.Unit FourText The Perfect FamilyExercisesI

9、 DABCDAII.1.我们忽略了绝望的婚姻以及那钻心的孤独感。 2.她那样做着,数年如一日,在入夜之后,在她已记号的账目支付了账单,照顾好发疼的嗓子,并确保我们吃过晚饭之后。 3.实际上,这是对爱的本质进行判断。 4.我们营造了安全,有受困这种安全。 5.假如作为一个孩子我觉得被剥夺了什么,那仅仅是在用一个家应该如何的标准对我们家进行衡量的时候。而事实上,我们什么都缺。III1.perfect family lovely children 2.stayed married made a bargain in any way 3.got divorced uncommon 4.somethin

10、g different trash cans neighborhood 5.the Department of social services rules apple 6.counseled make their own choices 7.neglect 8. judged a fit mother a clean floor an unbalanced meal standards 9.locked for 10.manage their families loveText Female Mea CulpaExercises1. To women, courtship is not a p

11、hase in a relationship, but a way of life.2. Guilt flowers are not worth receiving because they are proffered in lieu of a real apology.3. They provide hint suggestions instead of telling them straightforwardly.4. Talk can greatly comfort them.5. She thinks that women are simply providing men with t

12、he opportunity to become their best self.Unit FiveText The New Parent TrapExercisesI BDAACBII1.每年,我们都有很多人翻开婚姻的新篇章,追求更美好的生活。 2.每年大约有一百万起离婚,这就意味着每年大约有一百万个18岁以下的孩子成为离婚家庭的孩子。 3.其一就是以为离婚对孩子造成的危害只是暂时的,只限于离婚之时,只要父母幸福了,孩子们也会幸福这样的错误观念。 4在20世纪四十年代,在我们所生活的布朗克斯的工人社区,离婚基本是闻所未闻的事儿,是只会发生在那些有钱人或好莱坞影星身上的事儿。 5他说,“当离婚

13、发生之时,我们这些孩子就不再是父母优先考虑的对象了;那时,他们双方都开始为自己打算了。那是一个家庭的解体,非常令人难过。我要做的就是告诫父母,要做这样的决定一定要慎重,如果可能,就尽量避免离婚。”6. 既然我们的文化不愿意考虑离婚的后果,那么我希望,也要付出辛苦和努力。III1.turn to page on 2.grabs people by the collar bringing home 3.By and large radar screens 4.staggering sense of national crisis 5.truble-free self-delusion 6.for

14、the sake of exerted a tempering influence benefit 7.embeded 8.counseling hang out with takes hard workText The “Family moon”Exercises1. Because it was a second marriage for both of them, and the couple was less concerned with finding time alone than with building ties together, so their chose to tak

15、e their children on their honeymoon.2. The biggest challenge is creating an instant family.3. The website is devoted to second-marriage issues and etiquette.4. They provide people with travel-planning, send clients to family-friendly place, help organize wedding ceremonies that involve children, pro

16、vide belter services, kid-friendly food, interesting activities, and babysitting when mom and dad want privary.5. For blended families, unlike nuclear ones, conflicts of loyalty between the blood and the sexual bond underlie everything.Unit SixText How They Chose These WordsExercisesI BACCDCII 1.我定了

17、个规矩,尽可能避免担任任何会被某公众团体审阅的文件的起草人。 2.如果国王未尽其应尽之职,保护臣民的生命和财产,反而肆意破坏他们的生命或财产,那么这样的国王就不再是国王,而是暴君,臣民将不再臣效忠于他。 3.他将自己的证据建立在一种尊重人民意愿的、由政府和被统治者共同达成的协议之上,这种论证的方式可能比富兰克林还老练。 4在后来所谓的“休谟之叉”理论中,这位伟大的苏格兰哲学家提出了一种理论,对“合成型”事实和“解析型”事实进行区分。“合成型”事实对事实进行描述(如“伦敦比费城大”),“解析型”事实是经由推理和定义证明的事实(如“三角形的内角之和是180度”,“所有单生汉都是未婚”)。 5.不论

18、是有意还是无意,杰斐逊使用“神圣”一次都暗示了该原则即人人平等,造物主赋予所有人不可剥夺的权利原则是一种宗教原则。 1. got the honor of drafting a momentous task akin to 2.an attack announced revolution 3.echoed notably propounded 4.peruse alterations 5.sacred and undeniable self-evident 6.voting for independence removed large sections 7.hang together hang

19、 separatelyText “our lives ,our fortunes ,our sacred honor Exercises1. The door was shut so that loud quarreling voices could not be heard by passersby.2. They debated it and hacked away the excess.3. Fifty-six people finally signed the document, Almost half -24-were judges and lawyers .Eleven were

20、merchants,9 were landowners and farmers ,and the remaining 12 were doctors, ministers, and politicians.4. He said that he signed in enormous letters so that the British could read his name without spectacles and double the price they had put on his head.5. They mutually pledged to each other their l

21、ives ,their fortunes, and their sacred honor.Unit SevenText Filters Cant Block Out the World Exercises.C A A D D B.1.我告诉他,我不相信这样的魔法,我更相信孩子们的辨别力。 2.为了是对子女的教育变得更容易,我们做父母的往往乐意接受一些会带来很多负面影响的电子工具,这是我感到茫然。 3不让我的孩子们接触有关暴力或另类生活方式的讨论,那么他们就不会受到诱惑。 4这一承诺并未涵盖聊天室里及公告栏(BBS)上那些不受监督的观点,这正是许多家长感到害怕的。 5.我敢打赌,色情内容制作者会

22、很高心地公开并心安理得地发表他们手上的色情资料。 6.我认为这些是相当粗陋的工具;对于在我自己家里究竟允许看到什么,这些软件反应的是他人的判断而不是我的观点。 1.debate shield from 2.magic sensitivities 3.electronic tools eliminate access 4.demand ratings software-filtering 5.turn out block 6.reflective 7.teaching valuesText Essence of Education Exercises1. According to the aut

23、hor ,the essence of education lies in the teaching of facts and reasoning skills to children so that they learn hoe to think.2. “Socialization” is to get the student in touch with other childrens feelings rather than with the facts of history, mathematics or geography.3. “Creationism” is a claim bas

24、ed on the Bible that the Earth and all life on it were created in six days .Teaching evolution and Creationism side by side will bring about perplexity.4. If Creationism is incorporated into the curriculum ,then everything can belong in the curriculum, from flat-Earth theory to Nazis claim that the

25、descendants of Aryans are superior to other races.5. The most ominous implication of the Creationist position is its belief that ,in judging the truth of an idea ,one can simply ignore rational evidence, if it clashes with ones desire to believe otherwise. Unit EightText American Pop Penetrates Worl

26、dwide ()Exercises.A B A B D C.1.美国最主要的出口商品不再是农业产品或工业品,而是其大规模生产的流行文化产品。 2.尽管学界还在为美国流行文化一统天下之利弊争论不休,但在冷战结束后,在许多国家放弃了计划经济,转而采取自由贸易和自由市场的政策之后,美国文化在全世界的渗透已经是不争的事实。 3.多剧场影院本是美国的独特发明,而如今这种影院已遍布欧洲、亚洲和拉丁美洲。 4.直到1991年,人口近10亿的印度还只有全印电视台这家国营电视台在播放着枯燥无味的节目,而现在,卫星电视已给这片次大陆迅速增加了十几个频道。 5.古巴长期以来一直在努力根除美国影响力的“污染”,但在其

27、北方海岸,非法安装的家用卫视碟形天线已如铝制花朵般遍地绽放,接收着来自资本主义巨人美国的体育、新闻和娱乐节目。 6.全球化的消费主义和不断拓展的消费渠道也许会制造出更多的娱乐要求,但这两个原因都不能说明为什么在全球范围内,人们更喜欢美国的文化产品,而不是其他国家-比如说,委内瑞拉、日本或法国-的文化产品。 7.这必然会引出鸡和蛋谁先谁后的问题:究竟是美国流行文化占了英语的光,还是流行文化推动了英语在全世界的传播? 8.上一代人用枪炮没有打赢的战争现在正依靠电影和光碟赢回来。 9.富裕的、横跨整个大陆的市场为美国公司提供了强大的资金流,使得他们有足够的财力购买最新的电影制作技术、网罗更多的明星、

28、添置更多华丽的服饰、运用更多让观众津津乐道的特效。 10.除此之外,各主要电影公司一般都掌握在大型联合企业手中,这些企业的经营范围包括出版、主题公园和其他领域,这使得他们有能力承受制片厂拍出的烂片所造成的不可避免的损失。1.export dominance 2.intellectual property collapse 3.debate penetration beyond dispute 4.means across the border 5.worldwide virtually leisure time disposable income 6.intertwined with inva

29、sion 7.linguistic reflection racial petitive advantage entre generates 9.surprising decades 10.consistently arms race 11.home marketText American Pop Penetrates Worldwide()Exercises1. American popular culture attracts audiences overseas because it reflects many of the appealing themes and myths of t

30、he United States itself : individuality, wealth, progress, tolerance, optimism, freedom ,speed.2. Some people complain that American pop culture is noisy electronic spawn of the Great Satan, undermining traditional values and encouraging wickedness; some say it promotes mindless consumerism and emit

31、s a toxic vapor that chokes the wellspring of native creativity.3. The authors think the criticism may be an exaggeration. In many places across the world, the top-rated TV programs and films are still those home-made ones. Sometimes the spread of U.S. culture has prompted enthusiasm for home-grown

32、works as well.4. Rap and hip music has traveled across borders and become an internationally popular art form. However, the local musicians in different places add their touch of national flavor to the art form, instead of simply importing it form the U.S.5. It is true that home-grown TV programs an

33、d films are still the most popular in many countries and areas, and American pop is adapted rather than simply imported into many nations around the globe. Yet the fact that American pop culture is reaching every corner of the globe indicates that the popular culture businesses are becoming borderless.


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