1、意 向 书 LETTER OF INTENT本意向书于二零零七年_月_日由下列双方签订:(1) 烟台福山天府房地产开发有限公司,一家根据中华人民共和国(“中国”)法律正式成立并有效存续的有限责任公司,其法定地址在中国 省 市 (“业主”);及(2) 沃尔玛深国投百货有限公司,一家依据中国法律正式成立并有效存续的有限责任公司,其法定地址在中国广东省深圳市罗湖区洪湖路湖景花园一至三层(“沃尔玛”)(业主与沃尔玛合称时为“双方”)鉴于:(a) 沃尔玛欲承租业主位于中国山东省烟台市福山区天府街北电新路东的富豪青年国际广场(“大厦”)地下一层及地上一层的部分面积的房屋 (“房屋”);(b) 业主亦欲将房
2、屋出租给沃尔玛;(c) 沃尔玛和业主愿按照本意向书列明的条款和条件,寻求双方达成有关房屋的租赁协议的可能性。现双方达成下列意向条款和条件并在此基础上就有关房屋租赁事宜作进一步协商和谈判以期达成正式的房屋租赁协议。THIS LETTER OF INTENT is made on _, 2007 by and between:1) Co., Ltd., a limited liability company established and existing under the laws of the Peoples Republic of China (“China”), with its leg
3、al address at City, Province, China (hereinafter referred to as the “LANDLORD”); and2) Wal-Mart SZITIC Stores Co., Ltd., a limited liability company established and existing under the laws of China, with its legal address at F/13 Lakeview Garden, Honghu Road, Luohu District Shenzhen Municipality, Gu
4、angdong Province, China (hereinafter referred to as “WAL-MART”) (LANDLORD and WAL-MART shall be collectively referred to as “Parties”).WHEREASa) WAL-MART wishes to lease from LANDLORD a portion of the area on_(the “Premises“) of the Building Lot.No._ (the “Building”) located at _ City,_ Province Chi
5、na; b) LANDLORD seeks to lease to WAL-MART the Premises;c) WAL-MART and LANDLORD seek to explore the possibility of entering into a lease agreement for the Premises pursuant to the terms and conditions specified herein.Both Parties hereby reach the intent as below and, based on such intent, shall fu
6、rther negotiate and discuss with regard to the lease of the Premises with a view to concluding a formal Premises Lease Agreement.Unless otherwise provided in this Letter of Intent, this Letter of Intent sets forth only the preliminary views of both Parties towards the 除本意向书另有约定外,本意向书仅列明双方对意向中的房屋租赁协议
7、条款和条件的初步意见,并无法律约束力。本意向书和任何确定文件中叙述的条款和条件均须经沃尔玛百货有限公司(沃尔玛总部)房产委员会审阅并得到其批准。(1) 租赁协议 双方欲在下列条款和条件的基础上,进行有关房屋租赁协议的谈判(“租赁协议”)。(a) 租用面积 房屋内沃尔玛的租用面积约为_平方米(_m2)(“租用面积”),其中,_层的租用面积为_平方米(_m 2),_层的租用面积为_平方米(_m 2),_层的租用面积为_平方米(_m 2)。房屋的租金应根据租用面积计算。租用面积平面图参见附件一房屋总平面图和各层平面图。(b) 免租施工期业主同意,自进场日(如本意向书第(1)条(e)款所定义)起至房屋
8、内沃尔玛购物广场开业之日的前一日止的期间,为业主授予沃尔玛的免租施工期(“免租施工期”)。免租施工期内,包括沃尔玛、沃尔玛的子公司、供货商、工程总包和分包公司无须支付租金和/或任何管理费以及其它根据中国法律法规中所规定的业主作为租赁标的物所有人应承担的任何税费。terms and conditions of the proposed Premises Lease Agreement and is legally non-binding. The terms and conditions outlined in this Letter of Intent and any definitive d
9、ocuments shall be subject to the review and final approval of the Real Estate Committee of Wal-Mart Stores Incorporation (home office of WAL-MART).(1) Lease Agreement The Parties propose to proceed with negotiation of a Lease Agreement for the Premises based on the following terms and conditions (th
10、e “Lease Agreement”).(a) Leased Area The overall area leased by WAL-MART within the Premises is about _square meters (_m2) (“Leased Area”), with _square meters (_m2) on the _, _ square meters (_m2) on the _, _square meters (_m2) on the _. The Leased Area shall be the basis for computing the Rent for
11、 the Premises. The plan of the Leased Area is referred to Exhibit I Site Plan and Floor Plan.(b) Rent-free Construction PeriodLANDLORD agrees to grant WAL-MART a Rent-free Construction Period from the Starting Date of Construction (defined in Section (1) Subsection (e) of this Letter of Intent) to t
12、he date before the Grand Opening Day of Wal-MARTs supercenter within the Premises (the “Rent-free Construction Period”). During the Rent-Free Construction Period, WAL-MART including WAL-MARTs subsidiaries, suppliers, contractors, or subcontractors, will not be obligated to pay any Rent and/or any ma
13、nagement fee and/or any taxation and/or fee owed to LANDLORD as the owner of the Leasehold Property in accordance with the relevant PRC laws, regulations.(c) 租 期初始租期为十五(15)年,自免租施工期届满后的次日开始计算。沃尔玛可单方面酌情行使续约权五(5)次,每次续约期的最长期限为五(5)年。(d) 租 金房屋的租金已包括租金、管理费(备注:管理费为租用面积每月每平方米人民币_元RMB_/月/m 2)、空调系统及其它设施使用费以及依照
14、中国法律应由业主承担的房屋所涉及的任何其它费用和支出。沃尔玛租用面积内的水费(包括空调用水)、电费(包括空调用电)、燃气费、暖气费,按沃尔玛实际用量,单独计量,由沃尔玛自行向相关公用设施服务部门缴纳。一个租约年系指连续十二(12)个月的租赁期间。免租施工期届满后的次日为第一(1)个租约年和租期的开始日。初始租期内房屋的租金按如下标准计算:第_()个租约年至第_()个租约年的租金为每月每平方米人民币_(RMB_/m 2/month);第_()个租约年至第_()个租约年的租金为每月每平方米人民币_(RMB_/m 2/month);第_()个租约年至第_()个租约年的租金为每(c) TermThe
15、Initial Lease Term shall be Fifteen (15) years beginning on next day following end of Rent-free Construction Period. WAL-MART shall be granted the option, exercisable at its sole discretion, to renew the lease term for Five (5) consecutive periods of up to Five (5) years each. (d) RentThe Rent for t
16、he Premises includes rental, management fees (Note: management fee for the Leased Area shall be RMB _ Yuan per square meter per month RMB_/month /m2), charges for use of air-conditioning system and other utilities, and any other costs and expenses related to the Premises that shall be borne by the L
17、ANDLORD under the laws of China. Charges for water (including water for A/C), electricity (including electricity for A/C), gas and heat consumed by WAL-MART within the Leased Area shall be separately calculated and directly paid to relevant utility service suppliers by WAL-MART upon its actual consu
18、mption.A Lease Year shall mean a consecutive Twelve (12)-month lease period. The day following the end of Rent-free Construction Period shall be the date of commencement for Lease Year One and the Lease Term.The Rent for the Premises during the Initial Lease Term shall be calculated as follows: Leas
19、e Year _through Lease Year _: RMB _Yuan per square meter per month (RMB_/m2/month);Lease Year_ through Lease Year_: RMB Yuan per square meter per month (RMB_/m2/ month);Lease Year through Lease Year : RMB _Yuan per square meter per month (RMB_/m2/ month);月每平方米人民币_(RMB_/m 2/month).自第_()个租约年起,初始租期内的租金
20、在上一个租约年的基础上每_()年递增百分之_ (_%)。初始租期届满后,若沃尔玛决定续约,则自第()个租约年起,续约期内的租金在上一个租约年的基础上每 ()年递增百分之 (%)。(e) 进场日在符合下列条件的前提下且沃尔玛可以进场施工的日期为“ 进场日” ( “进场日”):(i) 市城市商业规划已获得中国商务部的批准;(ii)沃尔玛在房屋内开设沃尔玛购物广场符合前述中国商务部批准的 市城市商业规划;(iii) 市商务主管部门举行的有关沃尔玛在房屋内开设沃尔玛购物广场的听证已完成,且听证结果是同意沃尔玛在房屋内开设沃尔玛购物广场(若适用);(iv) 业主已完成租赁协议附件中所约定的沃尔玛进场施工
21、条件;和,(v) 沃尔玛根据租赁协议附件对沃尔玛进场施工条件验收合格。(f) 停车区业主应在附件一所示位置向沃尔玛提供最少 ()个免费汽车停车位,()个免费摩托车停车位,和 ()个免费自行车停车位(以上合称“停车区”)。在租期内,业主不得就其提供的停车区向沃尔玛,沃尔玛员工及沃尔玛的供应商收取任何费用。业主不得就其提供的摩托车和自行车停车位向沃尔玛顾客收取From Lease Year, the Rent in the Initial Lease Term shall increase _ percent (%) every () year on the basis of the Rent f
22、or the preceding Lease Year.In the event that WAL-MART decides to renew the Lease Agreement upon expiration of the Initial Lease Term, from Lease Year (), the Rent in the Extension Period shall increase percent (%) every _ () year on the basis of the Rent for the preceding Lease Year.(e) Starting Da
23、te of ConstructionThe “Starting Date of Construction” is the date on which the following conditions are satisfied and WAL-MART may enter the Premises for construction (the “Starting Date of Construction.”): (i) the city commercial planning of City has been approved by the Ministry of Commerce of Chi
24、na (the “MOC”); (ii) WAL-MARTs opening of Supercenter within the Premises is in conformity with the aforesaid city commercial planning of City approved by MOC; (iii) WAL-MART is granted to open its Supercenter within the Premises (if applicable) during a completed hearing process which is held by th
25、e commercial authority of City for examining WAL-MARTs opening its Supercenter within the Premise; (iv) the conditions before WAL-MARTs starting construction set forth in Exhibit of the Lease Agreement are satisfied by LANDLORD; and, (v) WAL-MART has inspected and accepted the conditions before WAL-
26、MARTs starting construction according to Exhibit of the Lease Agreement. (f) Parking AreaLANDLORD shall provide a minimum of ( ) free car parking spaces, ( ) free motorcycle parking spaces, and ( ) free bicycle parking spaces for WAL-MART (collectively as the “Parking Lot”) in the place as specified
27、 in Exhibit I. During the Term, WAL-MART, WAL-MARTs employees and WAL-MARTs suppliers shall not be levied any fee by the 任何费用;及,沃尔玛顾客可以在沃尔玛购物广场的营业时间内免费汽车停车一百二十(120)分钟。若停车时间超过一百二十(120)分钟,或无有效小票停车,则业主有权按_市物价部门核准的收费标准向沃尔玛顾客收取停车费用。 (g) 分租或转租业主同意,经书面通知业主,沃尔玛有权随时将部分或全部房屋分租或转租给任何第三方。分租户或受转租人在遵守租赁协议约定的前提下可将
28、房屋用于合法的经营用途。(h) 机密情报 沃尔玛无需向业主提供有关销售或其它方面的机密情报或有关资产方面的信息。(i) 竞争信息 业主承诺在房屋和大厦内无其它与沃尔玛购物广场、山姆会员商店或沃尔玛社区店形式相同或相似的沃尔玛的直接或间接竞争者。(j) 终止权 自第_()个租约年起,沃尔玛有权以任何理由提前_()个月以书面形式通知业主终止租赁协议,沃尔玛无需为此承担任何责任。如自租赁协议签订之日起十(10)个月内,若沃尔玛或其合资方无法从_市工商行政管理局取得在该房屋内从事经营活动的营业执照,LANDLORD for using of the Parking Area. WAL-MARTs cu
29、stomers shall not be charged for any fee for using the motorcycle and bicycle parking spaces within the Parking Lot; furthermore, WAL-MARTs customers shall have the right to park car for One Hundred and Twenty (120) minutes free of charge during business hour of WAL-MARTs supercenter. If the parking
30、 time surpasses One Hundred and Twenty (120) minutes, or the customer can not present valid shopping receipt, LANDLORD shall have the right to charge the customers according to the standard approved by office price stabilization in _ City. (g) Sub-leasing or AssigningLANDLORD agrees that, upon writt
31、en notification to LANDLORD, WAL-MART has the absolute right to sub-lease or assign any part or up to 100% of the Premises to any third party. The sub-lessee or assignee can use the Premises for lawful purpose on the pre-condition of complying with the Lease Agreement. (h) Confidential InformationTh
32、ere is no requirement for WAL-MART to provide sales information or other confidential and proprietary information to the LANDLORD.(i) Competition Information LANDLORD shall warrant that there shall be no other stores being identical or similar in the format to Wal-Mart supercenter, Sams club or Wal-
33、Mart neighborhood market, nor business operators being directly or indirectly in competition with the business of WAL-MART within the Premises and Building.(j) Right to Terminate 沃尔玛有权在书面通知业主后立即解除租赁协议而无需为此承担任何责任。(k) 无持续运营沃尔玛购物广场的义务双方同意,在本意向书第(1)条(c)款所述租期内,在沃尔玛根据与业主日后签订的房屋租赁协议的条件和条款履行其支付租金的义务的条件下,沃尔玛
34、没有义务在房屋内持续不断地运营沃尔玛购物广场。(l) 业主负责之工程项目 沃尔玛购物广场的设计和建筑应遵循沃尔玛向业主提供的附件二中所定义的规格与要求。附件二规格与要求将明确规定双方在有关大厦建设工程中的职责。(m) 沃尔玛进场装修条件 业主应在租赁协议规定的房屋进场日或之前完成附件三中所列的沃尔玛进场装修条件。(2) 条 件 本意向书第(1)条所定条款的完成必须具备以下的条件:(i)业主需在本意向书签署之日或之前提供业主为房屋所涉用地的土地使用权人且房屋所涉用地可作商业用途的国有土地使用证;(ii)业主提供其有权出租房屋、大楼、用地及改进措施的证明;(iii)双方已签署有效完成本交易的全部必
35、要的文件;(iv)沃尔玛百货有限公司房地产委员会已审核和批准本项交易;和(v)其它行政规章规From Lease Year _, WAL-MART shall have the right to terminate the Lease Agreement without any liabilities for any reason(s) upon giving _ () months prior written notice to the LANDLORD.In the event that WAL-MART and /or its joint venture partner fails to
36、 obtain the business license for its operation within the Premises from the Industrial and Commercial Bureau of _ City within Ten (10) months from the date of execution of the Lease Agreement, WAL-MART shall have the right to terminate the Lease Agreement immediately without any liability upon givin
37、g a written notice to the LANDLORD. (k) No obligation to continuously operate WAL-MART supercenter The Parties agree that during the Term set forth in Section (1) Subsection (c) under this Letter of Intention, so long as WAL-MART pays its Rent in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Lease
38、 Agreement executed by the Parties in the future, WAL-MART shall not have the obligation to continuously operate WAL-MART supercenter in the Premises.(l) Works by LANDLORD The Design and Construction of WAL-MARTs supercenter shall follow the Requirements and Specifications as defined in Exhibit II p
39、rovided to the LANDLORD by WAL-MART. The Requirements and Specifications in Exhibit II will clearly specify the responsibilities of both Parties for the construction of the Building.(m) Handover Status The LANDLORD shall complete all the work set forth in Exhibit III as suitable for WAL-MART to cond
40、uct renovation on or before the Handover Day of the Premises set in the Lease Agreement.定的和政府的许可。(3) 其它条款及条件 本意向书中列明的仅是本项交易的主要条款和条件,但未尽全部租赁协议条款。租赁协议将会对条款和条件做更详细的规定。其余租赁协议的条款及条件将由双方经进一步协商决定。(4) 保 密 在本意向书有效期间以及本意向书期满或终止后的五(5)年内,除非中国政府主管部门和/或有管辖权的法院要求,否则,沃尔玛和业主在任何情况下均不得未经对方事先书面同意而将与双方本房屋租赁项目有关而直接或间接获得的
41、对方的保密信息(定义如下)泄漏或披露给任何第三方,亦不得未经对方事先书面同意而为本房屋租赁项目以外的目的使用该等保密信息,但双方均有权向其因工作职责需要而需知悉保密信息的雇员、高级职员、董事、代理和/或顾问披露保密信息;双方亦有权因与本意向书有关的司法程序或按法律顾问意见根据法律要求而披露相关保密信息;沃尔玛有权向其关联公司及其雇员、高级职员、董事、代理人和/或顾问(不问其所在地)披露任何及全部保密信息。(2) ConditionsThe closing of any contemplated transaction in Section (1) under this Letter of In
42、tent will be contingent upon: (i) LANDLORD providing the Certificate for State-owned Land Use Right for WAL-MARTs intended commercial use and LANDLORD is the land use right holder for the land occupied by the Premises on or before the execution date of this Letter of Intent; (ii) LANDLORD providing
43、evidence of its legal right to lease the Premises, Land and improvements; (iii) execution by both Parties of all necessary documents to effectively close the transaction; (iv) review and approval of the proposed transaction by the Real Estate Committee of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.; and (v) any other reg
44、ulatory or other governmental approvals.(3) Other Terms and ConditionsThe above terms and conditions of this Letter of Intent are the major terms and conditions of this transaction and are not exhaustive. Terms and conditions will be set forth in greater detail in the Lease Agreement. The remaining
45、terms and conditions of the Lease Agreement shall be determined through further discussions between the Parties.(4) ConfidentialityExcept pursuant to an order of a governmental agency or a court, in both cases of competent jurisdiction, during the term of this Letter of Intent and for a period of Fi
46、ve (5) years following the termination or expiration of this Letter of Intent, WAL-MART and LANDLORD shall, under no circumstances, disclose or divulge to any third party, without the prior written consent of the other party, any Confidential Information (as defined below) of the other party hereto
47、obtained, directly or indirectly, from the other party in connection “保密信息”系指披露方因与本房屋租赁项目相关而向另一方直接或间接披露的与披露方的业务、业务计划、业务战略、销售情况、营运情况、业务关系、财产、营运模式、现有产品或拟开发产品有关的信息,而不论此信息是否由披露方制作。但是,“保密信息”不包括:(i)另一方在披露方向其披露时已经知晓的信息;(ii)在披露方向另一方披露时,已经为公众所知晓的信息;(iii)在披露方向另一方披露后,非因另一方的过失而为公众所知晓的信息;(iv)另一方从其它第三方知晓的,且第三方无保密
48、义务的信息。双方同意,与本房屋租赁项目相关的信息属于保密信息的范围。(5) 沃尔玛商标在任何情况下,非经沃尔玛每一次书面授权,业主不得使用沃尔玛百货有限公司(“沃尔玛百货”)或任何以及所有沃尔玛关联公司包括但不限于沃尔玛的商标、品牌名称、标志和设计。业主和沃尔玛双方同意在任何情况下沃尔玛授予业主使用沃尔玛百货商标、品牌名称、标志和设计的每一次书面授权,均不应视为授予业主独占的、可转让的再权限。无论沃尔玛有多少次书面授权及授权内容如何,这些使用沃尔玛百货商标、品牌名称、标志和设计的书面授权均将随着本意向with this premises lease project, and neither p
49、arty shall use any such Confidential Information, without the prior written consent of the other party, for purposes other than for the purposes of this premises lease project; provided, however, that the Parties shall have the right to disclose any Confidential Information to their respective employees, officers, directors, agents and/or advisors who need to know such Confidential Information for performance of their work and duties, that the Pa