1、|CRTCRT显示器显示器|液晶显示器(液晶显示器(LCDLCD)|等离子显示器(等离子显示器(PDPPDP)|投影显示器投影显示器等离子体(等离子体(PDPPDP)显示技术显示技术ABCD?日光灯的发光特性对等离子体显示器件具有重要意义日光灯的发光特性对等离子体显示器件具有重要意义等离子的发光原理w 等离子显示器是一种利用气体放电的显示装置,这种屏幕采用了等离子管作为发光元件。w 大量的等离子管排列在一起构成屏幕。每个等离子对应的每个小室内部充有氖氙气体。在等离子管电极间加上高压后,封在两层玻璃之间的等离子管小室中的气体会产生紫外光,从而激励平板显示器上的红绿蓝三基色荧光粉发出可见光。w 每
2、个离子管作为一个像素,由这些像素的明暗和颜色变化组合,产生各种灰度和色彩的图像,与显像管发光相似 PDP分为直流(DC)驱动型和交流(AC)驱动型两种不同方式。 直流型电极与放电气体直接接触,紫外线的产生效率高,但显示屏的结构比较复杂,在目前商用彩色PDP中已很少用。 交流型的电极表面涂敷一层介质层,使其结构类似于一个电容器。交流型PDP又分对向放电和表面放电两种。 目前的主流彩色PDP为三电极表面交流放电型 表面放电型表面放电型l表面放电型ACPDP的扫描电极和维持电极Z(统称显示电极)位于放电介质的同一侧,使放电在前表面进行,减少了带电粒子对荧光粉的轰击。l表面放电型ACPDP的地址电极D
3、位于放电介质和惰性气体的另一侧,显示电极的对面。l在显示驱动时,首先在D和Y之间产生一个较高的电压,击穿惰性气体产生放电,然后在Y和Z之间产生一个较低的电压维持气体放电。PDP结构示意图PDP结构示意图等离子显示像素结构示意图Discharge ElectrodesFront GlassDielectric (MgO)Inert GasChamberColorSpecificSub-PixelPhosphorsRear GlassData Electrode等离子显示彩色像素单元结构示意图RGBA discharge arc is generated when a potential is d
4、rivenacross the electrodes.How the Plasma Display Sub-pixel Works Cross Sectional ViewThe arc flashes the inert gas to plasma causing it to emit(invisible) ultraviolet radiation.How the Plasma Display Sub-pixel Works Cross Sectional ViewThe UV radiation in turn excites the color phosphors(green, in
5、our example)How the Plasma Display Sub-pixel Works Cross Sectional Viewwhich in turn emit a pulse of light (again, green in thisexample, but red and blue work the same).How the Plasma Display Sub-pixel Works Cross Sectional View.which exits the display through the front glass paneland proceeds to th
6、e viewer.How the Plasma Display Sub-pixel Works Cross Sectional View.which exits the display through the front glass paneland proceeds to the viewer.How the Plasma Display Sub-pixel Works Cross Sectional View.which exits the display through the front glass paneland proceeds to the viewer.How the Pla
7、sma Display Sub-pixel Works Cross Sectional View.which exits the display through the front glass paneland proceeds to the viewer.How the Plasma Display Sub-pixel Works Cross Sectional View.which exits the display through the front glass paneland proceeds to the viewer.How the Plasma Display Sub-pixe
8、l Works Cross Sectional View.which exits the display through the front glass paneland proceeds to the viewer.How the Plasma Display Sub-pixel Works Cross Sectional View.which exits the display through the front glass paneland proceeds to the viewer.How the Plasma Display Sub-pixel Works Cross Sectio
9、nal View.which exits the display through the front glass paneland proceeds to the viewer.How the Plasma Display Sub-pixel Works Cross Sectional View 等离子放电发出的紫外线除了轰击荧光物质外,还有部分辐射到了显示屏之外等离子显示发光过程示意图How the Plasma RGB Pixel Works Cross Sectional ViewRGBEach sub-pixel is driven to its appropriate value.H
10、ow the Plasma RGB Pixel Works Cross Sectional ViewRGBThe corresponding RGB light intensity for the pixel isemitted from the display.How the Plasma RGB Pixel Works Cross Sectional ViewRGBEyeThese colors blend on the way to the users eye and areperceived as a combined color.等离子显示如何控制发光强度?LowIntensityH
11、ighIntensityR?Intensity is Controlled by Pulsing the Output Cross Sectional ViewLowIntensityHighIntensityIntensity is Controlled by Pulsing the Output Cross Sectional ViewLowIntensityHighIntensityIntensity is Controlled by Pulsing the Output Cross Sectional ViewLowIntensityHighIntensityIntensity is
12、Controlled by Pulsing the Output Cross Sectional ViewLowIntensityHighIntensityIntensity is Controlled by Pulsing the Output Cross Sectional ViewLowIntensityHighIntensityIntensity is Controlled by Pulsing the Output Cross Sectional ViewLowIntensityHighIntensityIntensity is Controlled by Pulsing the O
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14、owIntensityHighIntensityIntensity is Controlled by Pulsing the Output Cross Sectional ViewLowIntensityHighIntensityIntensity is Controlled by Pulsing the Output Cross Sectional ViewLowIntensityHighIntensityIntensity is Controlled by Pulsing the Output Cross Sectional ViewLowIntensityHighIntensityInt
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16、sing the Output Cross Sectional ViewLowIntensityHighIntensityIntensity is Controlled by Pulsing the Output Cross Sectional ViewLowIntensityHighIntensityIntensity is Controlled by Pulsing the Output Cross Sectional ViewLowIntensityHighIntensityIntensity is Controlled by Pulsing the Output Cross Secti
17、onal ViewLowIntensityHighIntensityIntensity is Controlled by Pulsing the Output Cross Sectional ViewLowIntensityHighIntensityIntensity is Controlled by Pulsing the Output Cross Sectional ViewLowIntensityHighIntensityIntensity is Controlled by Pulsing the Output Cross Sectional ViewLowIntensityHighIn
18、tensityIntensity is Controlled by Pulsing the Output Cross Sectional ViewLowIntensityHighIntensity?PDP显示屏灰度等级的控制辉光放电的电流(对应于发光强度)不容易控制, PDP利用的是其亮与不亮的两态特性,以改变发光时间的长短来实现灰度等级的控制,所以PDP是一种数字显示器件。 PDP发光时间的控制(即灰度)由子场驱动技术实现,每场周期被分为八个子场(或更多)。在常用的寻址显示分离驱动法中,每个子场又分为启动期、寻址期和维持期。启动期和寻址期在各子场中时间长短相同,期间全屏不发光,只是激活应发光
19、的象元。维持期的长短则各不相同,正比于其中包含的脉冲数(采用二进制编码时各子场内放电脉冲的比值),期间被激活的象元同时点亮。某象元的灰度等级由一帧期间加在其上的总的放电脉冲数决定,当采用子场驱动时,二进制编码一共可以获得个灰度等级 ACPDP驱动方式的优势驱动方式的优势ACPDP的特性使得显示电极与地址电极交叉点形成的小放电管不仅是一个可控发光元件,而且是一个可控存储单元,整屏既是发光单元的二维阵列,又是一个矩阵存储器,每个发光元件也只有发光和不发光两个状态。ACPDP实际上是一个数字器件,可以大量采用数字图象处理技术,且数字图象信号无须经过D/A变换,可直接用于驱动显示屏 ACPDP驱动方式
23、电器件研究所合作,已开发出具有自主和知识产权的40英寸彩色PDP产品,彩虹集团公司在北京已建成一条40英寸以上的彩色PDP试验线。TCL、海信和创维等先后推出了各自的PDP产品,创维新近推出的高清等离子彩电以及50寸、60寸的等离子产品,表明中国在等离子显示器制造技术方面已经跨上了一个新的台阶。海信与北京国美、大中等大型商家签了3亿元的42时数字等离子电视定货意向书。典型的PDP显示器结构框图AnalogVideo A/DConverter- 1394- USB 2.0- Ethernet- TMDS- LVDS- PCI- Etc. ImageProcessing OptionalDigitalDecodeRGBVideo VideoDecoderOptionalFrame BufferRAMDigital RGBAnalog RGBuC PHY Technology Specific Display Driver DigitaluP or uC Mixed SignalProgrammableMemoryIP Block