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1、精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 学习必备 欢迎下载Module 5 词组1、上一节美术课 /英语课 have art/ have a art lesson/English lesson 2、上一节数学课 /历史课 have history/have a maths lesson/history lesson 3、在 7 点半起床 get up at half past seven 4、去操场 go to the play ground 5、喜爱学校的午饭 like school lunch 6、在 3 点半回家 go home at half past three 7、和家长

2、吃晚饭 have dinner with my family 8、做家庭作业 do homework 9、上床睡觉 go to bed/go to sleep 10、去公园 go to the park 11、有繁忙的一天 bave a busy day 12、和伴侣玩 play with friends Module 5 句子1、现在几点了?What s the time. It s twenty to eleven 2、星期一我们上什么课?what are our lessons on Monday. 3、我喜爱历史课并且我善于历史;I like/love history and I m

3、good at it 4、我最爱的科目是语文,我可以与我的中国伴侣交谈;My favourite the subject is Chinese, I can talk with my Chinese friends. 5、科学是我最爱的科目;Science is my favourite subjects,because it s interesting. 6、8 点开头上课; Lessons begin at eitht 7、对贝蒂来说数学很难懂;Maths is difficult for Betty 8、你的美术课在几点?我在10 点上美术; 你喜爱美术吗?是的,我喜爱, 你呢? Wha

4、t time is your art lesson. I have art at ten. Do you like art. Yes,I do.What about you 9、我工作日去上学,但周六和周日不上;I go to school on weekdays, but not on Saturday and Sunday. 10、我们 9 点钟开头学习,我们上午有 3 节课;We start work at nine oclock, we have three lessons in the morning. 11、我们在操场上休息;We have a break in the playg

5、round and talk to your friends 12、我在早上 7 点半起床;I get up at half past seven in the morning and then have breakfast 13、我们 12 点半在餐厅里吃午饭;We have lunch in the dining hall at half past twelve. 14、我们的数学老师很好,并且她使得数学很好玩;Our maths teacher is very good and she makes it interesting. 15、每天放学后我先做数学家庭作业;I do my mat

6、hs homework first after school every day 16、孩子们在下午 3 点半放学;Children finish school at half past three in the afternoon. 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 6 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 学习必备 欢迎下载Module 6 词组 1、欢迎来到北京动物园 Welcome to Beijing Zoo 2、吃其它的动物 eat other animals 3、看这只大象 Look at this elephant eat plants an

7、d a little fruit 4、吃植物和一些水果 Module 6 句子 1、动物园里有很多种动物,例如:熊、斑马、长颈鹿和熊猫;The zoo has many kinds of animal, such as bears,giraffes, zebra and pandas. 2、它们来自很多不同的国家,吃的食物也各不相同;They come from many different countries and they eat different food 3、我们去看它们好吗?好的,咱们走吧;Shall we go and see them. Yes. Lets go. 4、她在你

8、前面;She is in front of you. 5、哪个是熊猫玲玲?那边那个黑白相间的动物;Which is Lingling the panda. She s the black and white animal over there. 6、狮子是危急的,由于它们吃肉;The lion is dangerous, because they eat meat. 7、大象生活在非洲和亚洲;The elephant lives in Africa and in Asia. 8、在中国现在大约只有1800 只熊猫,其中约有200 只生活在动物园里;There are only about 18

9、00 pandas In China and about 200 of them live in the zoos. 9、熊猫一天吃大约 30 公斤的竹子,仍有其它植物;The panda eats about 30 kilos of bamboo a day, and other plants. 10、这种黑白相间的动物是世界各地人们的最爱;The black and white animal is the favourite people all over the world. 11、斑马是一种非洲的动物;The zebra is an Africa. animal 12、老虎体形巨大通常

10、独自生活;The tiger is a very large animal usually live alone 13、它喜爱水而且善于游泳;It likes water and is good at swimming. 14、老虎体格强壮,捕获很多动物为食;The tiger is strong and catches many kinds of animals for food. 15、猴子吃肉、树叶、水果甚至是禽蛋;Monkeys eat meat, leaves, fruit and even eggs. 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 6 页精选学习资料 -

11、- - - - - - - - 学习必备 欢迎下载Module 7 词组1、把键盘和鼠标与电脑连接起来Connect the keyboard and the mouse to the computer 2、打开电脑 turn on the computer 3、打开一个新文件 Open a new document 4、在新文件上点击鼠标 click the mouse on “new document”5、在屏幕的左边 On the left of the screen 6、储存文件 Save the document 7、为文件写个名字 Write a name for the docu

12、ment 8、打印文件 Print the document 9、把纸放进打印机里 Put the paper in the printer 10、和他和爸爸共享一个电脑Share a computer with his father 11、在电脑上与客户沟通 talk to customers. on the computer 12、查看我的电子邮件 Check my email 13、给我的伴侣发送电子邮件 14、大约的教室的 1.5 倍大Send email to my friends About one and a half times the size of the classroo

13、m 15、搜寻信息 Search for information Module 7 句子1、我怎样在电脑上写作业呢?How do I write my homework on the computer. 2、然后我做什么?What do I do next. 3、他也上网查询火车时刻,制订旅行方案,并且买票;He also goes on the Internet to check train times of trains, make travel plans, and buy tickets 4、每周五晚我在电脑上听音乐或看电影;I listen to music or watch mov

14、ies. on the computer Every Friday night 5、在我家里没有电脑;There are no computer in my home. 6、你可以用你的电脑在网络上做很多事情;You can use your computer.to do lots of things on the Internet 7、记住和你的父母一起共享电脑;Remember to share the computer.with your parents 8、咱们方案一下我们的假期;Lets plan for our holiday 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共

15、 6 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -学习必备欢迎下载Module 8 词组 1、在我家 in my house 2、做生日蛋糕 make a birthday cake 3、送生日贺卡 give birthday cards 4、收到生日礼物 get birthday presents 5、穿 T 恤衫 wear T-shirts 6、一盒巧克力 a box of chocolate 7、一张电影票 a cinema ticket 8、一张音乐会票 a concert ticket a silk dress 9、一件丝绸连衣裙 10

16、、购物 go shopping 11、买昂贵的衣服 buy expensive clothes 12、 11 条丝巾 11 silk scarves 13、阅读很多书和杂志 read lots of books and magazines 14、去电影院 go to the cinema 15、去音乐会 go to concerts 16、买她最喜爱的歌的光盘 buy CDs of her favorite songs 17、买她最喜爱的歌手的光盘 buy CDs by her favorite singers 18、踢足球 play football 19、弹钢琴 play the pian

17、o 20、听音乐 listen to the music 21、在老师节 On teachers Day Module 8 句子 1、(有礼貌地向别人提出邀请或建议)你们情愿来参与我的生日聚会吗?是的,我情愿;Would you like to come to my birthday party. Yes,I,d love to. 2、在中国的生日聚会上你们通常做什么?What do you usually do at a Chinese birthday party. 3、我妈妈通常买一个特殊的蛋糕,聚会上由我来切;My mother usually buys a special cake

18、and I cut it at. the party 4、你们用汉语仍是用英语唱“ 生日欢乐” 歌?Do you sing Happy birthday song in Chinese or in English. 5、那是个隐秘 ;Its a secret. 6、大明的祖父母喜爱保持健康,所以每天他们在家附件的一个公园锤炼;Damings grandparents like to stay healthy, so every day they get some exercise in a park near their home. 7、大明的妈妈花费很多钱在衣服上;Daming s moth

19、er spents a lot of money on clothes 8、他们通常周末时在电视上看足球;they usually watch football on television at weekends. 9、你为你的伴侣挑选哪些生日礼物?which birthday presents do you choose for your friends. 10、收到你的来信太好了;Its great to hear from you. 11、唯恐我不能来;Im afraid I cant come. 12、在周六下午我总是看我小妹妹踢足球;I always watch my little

20、sister play football on Saturday afternoon. 13、人们常常送糖果给孩子们作为生日礼物;People often give candy to the children as birthday presents. 第 4 页,共 6 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 学习必备 欢迎下载Module 9 词组 1、在进行学校旅行 On a chool trip 2、立刻、立刻 At once/right now 3、喜爱学校的旅行 enjoy the school trip 4、开车 Drive a car 5、拍一些长城的照片 Take

21、 some photos of the Great Wall 6、通过电子邮件发送给我 send me by email 7、站成一排 stand in line 8、下班回家 go home from work 9、等公共汽车 wait for buses 10、下公共汽车 get off buses 11、喝下午茶 have afternoon tea 12、喝酒 have a drink 13、在家或在餐馆里吃晚饭 have dinner at home or in restaurants 14、去歌院 go to the theatre 15、看电影 watch a film 16、开

22、头上课 start lessons 17、吃汉堡或热狗 eat hamburgers or hot dogs 18、探望伴侣 see friends 19、给家里打电话 call home 20、全世界 all over the world 21、享受阳光 enjoy the sun 22、给你写明信片 write a postcard to you 23、电影明星 movie stars 24、追逐公车 run for a bus 25、学习历史 study history Module 9 句子1、我正站在中国的长城上和你说话 I am standing in the Great Wall

23、 of China and talking to you 2、托尼正在吃一个可口的冰激凌 Tony is eating a delicious ice cream 3、玲玲正在买几件礼物和明信片,它们正在商店里出售;Ling Ling is buying a few presents and postcards, They are on sale at the shop. 4、大明正躺在阳光下吃午餐;Daming is having lunch and lying in the sun. 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -5、无论如何,现在是回学校的时间了;Anyway, It is t

24、ime to go back to school now. 6、此时此刻,世界上不同地方的人们正在做着不同的事情;At the moment, in different places of the world people are doing different things. 7、在北京,大部分人正在睡觉;In Beijing, most people are sleeping. 8、有些人依旧在工作;Some people are still working 9、感谢你从长城寄来的明信片;Thank you for your postcard from the Great Wall 10、

25、有些人开车回家;Some people are driving home. 第 5 页,共 6 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 学习必备 欢迎下载Module 10 词组1、特别繁忙 quite busy 2、制作大红灯笼 make a big red lanterns 3、努力工作 work hard 4、扫地 sweep the floor 5、在厨房里做饭 cook the meal in the kitchen 6、快点 hurry up 7、看一看他们 have a look at them 8、春节前买很多食物 buy a lot of food before

26、Spring Festival 9、如此多的美味食物 So much delicious food 10、一种面团 a kind of dumpling 11、在电视上观看一个特殊的电视节目 watch a sepecial programme on TV 12、穿新毛衣和新外套 wear new sweaters and coats 13、购物买礼物 go shopping for presents 14、在圣诞节打开礼物 open presents on Christmas Day 15、把礼物放在圣诞树邻近 put the presents next to the Christmas t

27、ree 16、预备好很多食物 get lots of food ready 17、唱圣诞歌 sing Christmas songs 18、祝家人和伴侣圣诞欢乐 say Merry Christmas to family and friends Module 10 句子1、打电话常用语(你是谁?我是托尼)Who is that.This is Tony speaking. 2、玲玲家里正在发生什么事?What is happening at Ling Lings home. 3、你们在为春节做预备吗?Are you getting ready for Spring Festival. 4、此刻

28、你在做什么?What are you doing at the moment. 5、她在打扫房子并整理东西;She is cleaning the house and putting things away 6、他们在和我爷爷一起学舞龙;They are learning a dragon dance with my grandpa. 7、我可以加入他们吗?当然可以;Can I join them. Of course. 8、托尼赶快来到玲玲家;Tony is hurrying to LingLings home and is joining them 9、春节在我国特别重要,像圣诞节一样每年

29、都过,但不是在同一天,春节通常在二 月份,但有时也在一月份;Spring Festival is very important in my country, Like Christmas, It happens every year, but not on the same day ,It usually comes in February, but sometimes also in January. I ve got some photos of it 10、那是在春节前的几天,妈妈在打扫房子,扫走坏运气;It s a few days before the Spring Festival

30、, M y mothers cleaning our house and sweeping away bad luck. 11、我们正在除夕夜吃传统的家庭大餐庆祝春节;We are celebrating Spring Festival with a traditional family dinner on the evening before sping Festival. 12、我总是会得到红包,也就是压岁钱;I always get a hongbao, It means lucky money. 13、春节在元宵节时终止,那天我们常常吃元宵;Spring Festival finishes at Lantern Festival, and we often eat yuanxiao on that day. 14、圣诞节是大多数西方国家最重要的节日;Christmas is the most important festival in most Western countries. 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 6 页


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