1、12P rocess S tep/P art N um berP otential Failure M ode P otential Failure E ffectsSEVP otential C ausesOCCC urrent C ontrolsDETR P NA ctions R ecom m endedR esp.C O A TIN G & IM A G IN GD IR TY P H O TO M A S KM IC R O C R A C K IN G , D E LA M IN A TIO N , S TR E A K S8LO W F R E Q U E N C Y O F C
2、 LE A N IN G8S O P , V IS U A L IN S P E C TIO N7448IN C R E A S E F R E Q U E N C Y TO O N C E E V E R Y 20 P A N E LSM GIM P R O V E C LE A N IN G M E TH O DP FP U R C H A S E O F F -LIN E C LE A N IN G S Y S TE MM GTE S T O N -LIN E M A S K R E P LA C E M E N TP F3 Give a general introduction to
3、FMEA principles . Provide a step-by-step guidance in performing FMEA 为实施为实施FMEA提供指导提供指导.The objective of this Chapter is to本章节的目的是本章节的目的是FMEAFMEA4FMEA : A procedure in which each potential failure mode in every sub-item of an item is analyzed to determine its effect on other sub-items and on the req
4、uired function of the item. FMEA是一个过程,在这个过程中对每个分项目的潜在失是一个过程,在这个过程中对每个分项目的潜在失效模式进行分析,确定失效模式对于其他分项目和主项目效模式进行分析,确定失效模式对于其他分项目和主项目的功能的影响的功能的影响Taken from “The Certified Quality Engineer Handbook” ASQ5FMEA : FMEA is a structured analysis to anticipate the. FMEA 是结构化的分析方法。用它在设计或过程的失效模是结构化的分析方法。用它在设计或过程的失效模
5、式发生之前就预见潜在的失效式发生之前就预见潜在的失效. 然后全面分析失效的各方然后全面分析失效的各方面并识别最有效的预防措施面并识别最有效的预防措施.6FMEA 是用来及的系统化方法。这方法可以帮助提高工程师预知问题的能力, ,71. Identify and evaluate the potential failure modes of a product/process and the effects of that failure识别和评估一个产品或过程的潜在失效模式及其影响;识别和评估一个产品或过程的潜在失效模式及其影响;2. List down the actions which c
6、ould eliminate or reduce the chance of the potential failure occurring确定能排除或减少潜在失效发生的机率的措施;确定能排除或减少潜在失效发生的机率的措施;3. Document all the elements for review and action文件化整个过程。文件化整个过程。An FMEA can be described as a systematic group of activities intended to :FMEA 是一系列系统化的活动,其目的是是一系列系统化的活动,其目的是 :8FMEA begin
7、s with a definition of all the functions a process is supposed to perform. FMEA开始于一个过程开始于一个过程所有功能的定义所有功能的定义ManufacturingEngineer制造工程师制造工程师SupplierQuality供应商质量供应商质量Design Engineer设计工程师设计工程师ProgramManagement程序管理程序管理Production产品产品ReliabilityEngineer可靠性工程师可靠性工程师9Teamwork团队力量团队力量 FMEA must be performed b
8、y a team in order to ensure its effectivenessFMEA须由小组进行须由小组进行,以确保其有效以确保其有效10To identify To identify critical characteristics and significant characteristics11To rank potential design and process deficiencies评估潜在的设计和工序不足评估潜在的设计和工序不足Reduce the product development cycle-time and hence cost减少产品开发时间和成本减少
9、产品开发时间和成本To focus on eliminating and preventing product and process problems12By late 80s, FMEA is used by automotive manufacturers and their suppliers to reduce the liability cost.到到8080年代末,汽车工业和他们年代末,汽车工业和他们的供货商也开始实施的供货商也开始实施FMEAFMEA,藉,藉此减低责任成本此减低责任成本Developed in early 60s by NASA to “fail-proof”
10、Apollo missions.6060年代初,由美国年代初,由美国太空空署在阿波罗太空空署在阿波罗任务中发展起来的。任务中发展起来的。Adopted in early 70s by US Navy to develop MIL-STD-1629 .7070年代初,被美年代初,被美国海军采用。国海军采用。13SYSTEM系统系统FMEASystem FMEA is used to analyze systems and subsystems in the early conceptual design stages. SFMEA是用来在早期构思设计阶段分析系统与子系统是用来在早期构思设计阶段分
11、析系统与子系统DESIGN设计设计FMEADesign FMEA is used to analyze products before they are released to productionDFMEA是用来在生产发布前分析产品。是用来在生产发布前分析产品。PROCESS过程过程FMEAProcess FMEA is used to analyze manufacturing, assembly and administrative processesPFMEA用来分析制造、装配和管理过程用来分析制造、装配和管理过程1415 SYSTEM 系统系统DESIGN 设计设计PROCESS过程
12、过程START开始开始After system functions are defined, before specific hardware is selected当系统功能定义后,在特殊硬件选定前。After product functions and design concepts are defined but before the design is completed当产品功能和设计概念定义后,在设计完成前When preliminary drawings are available but before tooling design is completed当初始图纸已应用,但在
13、工装设计完成前END结束结束When the project is turned over to design当项目转化成设计时When final drawings are released当最终图纸发布前。When the product reaches end of life or is removed from production当该产品寿命终止或不再生产16PROCESS FMEAplao mNACTIONo bpr i TfN dPRIORITYplao mN17产品::FMEA 编号:过程过程FMEA过程/操作;第 页共 页计划编制参考::日期:编制:城市过程描述潜在失效模式S
14、潜在失效的起因O现行控制D RPN优先措施责任人和完成日期采取的措施措施结果措施结果潜在失效后果功能SOD RPN探测度频度数严重度RPN = S x O x D纠正措施18q It is the manner in which the process could fail to perform its intended function. 潜在失效模式是过程可能发生的不满足潜在失效模式是过程可能发生的不满足其原有功能的形式其原有功能的形式q The failure mode of a particular process step could be a cause to a subseque
15、nt step or an effect of the failure in a previous operation. 某一工序的失效模式可能是后续操作某一工序的失效模式可能是后续操作(下道工序)的起因,或前期操作(前(下道工序)的起因,或前期操作(前道工序)相关的潜在失效的后果。道工序)相关的潜在失效的后果。 19PREVIOUSOPERATION前道工序NEXTOPERATION下道工序EFFECT后果后果FAILURE MODE失效模式失效模式CAUSE原因原因20Process FMEA considers process variability due to:5M+E过程过程FME
16、A考虑是由于如下原因造成的过程变异性考虑是由于如下原因造成的过程变异性: 5M+EMACHINE机器机器ENVIRONMENT环境环境MEASUREMENT测量测量MAN人员人员METHOD方法方法MATERIAL物料物料21q Current Process Controls are descriptions of the controls that现行控制是对以下控制的描述现行控制是对以下控制的描述 either prevent to the extent possible the failure mode from occurring 尽可能的防止失效模式的发生尽可能的防止失效模式的发生
17、or detect the failure mode should it occur或当失效模式发生时能够查觉它或当失效模式发生时能够查觉它22q Assessment of the ability to detect the failure before move to the next process or shipped to the customer. 在产品制移交下道工序前在产品制移交下道工序前或交付给客户前,对查觉或交付给客户前,对查觉失效能力的评估失效能力的评估23q Capability of all controls in the process to prevent esc
18、apes过程中预防坏品流出的所有控制能力过程中预防坏品流出的所有控制能力Testing检测检测SPC统计过程控制统计过程控制Gauge R&R量化重复性和再现性量化重复性和再现性Process Capability Study过程能力分析过程能力分析Sample Inspection抽样检验抽样检验Process Audit过程审核过程审核24q Scores are assigned to the following 3 categories: 对以下对以下3类进行评分:类进行评分:SEVERITY (S)严重度严重度The seriousness of the potential fail
19、ure mode to the customer. The customer includes local system, next level and end user. Severity applies to the effect only. 潜在失效模式对客户的严重度。这里所指的客户包括系统,潜在失效模式对客户的严重度。这里所指的客户包括系统,下个工序和最终用户。严重度只适用于结果下个工序和最终用户。严重度只适用于结果OCCURRENCE (O)发生频率发生频率How frequent a specific cause will occur and result in a specifi
20、c failure mode. The occurrence ranking number has a meaning rather than a value. 造成某种失效模式的某个原因多长时间发生一次。发生频率造成某种失效模式的某个原因多长时间发生一次。发生频率的重点并不在于它的得分,而是它的意义的重点并不在于它的得分,而是它的意义DETECTION (D)可探测度可探测度Probability of the current / proposed control mechanism to detect and identify the failure mode是指当前或将要用来探测或鉴别失
21、效模式的控是指当前或将要用来探测或鉴别失效模式的控制设备能多探测出失效模式的制设备能多探测出失效模式的 概率概率25 RPN = O x S x D/ EWhere: 其中其中 O - Occurrence x发生频率发生频率 S - Severity x 严重性严重性 D- Detection 可探测性可探测性 or E Effectiveness有效性有效性26A 8 4 5 160B 4 8 5 160SAME RESULT!相同的结果相同的结果Failure Mode失效失效模式模式S严重度严重度O发生频度发生频度D/E有效性有效性RPN风险优风险优先指数先指数27ABCDOver 2
22、00100-19926-991-25PRIORITY 优先级别优先级别RPN RANGERPN范围范围This is for reference only仅供参考仅供参考28There is a change from previous version 同以前相比有变化的同以前相比有变化的Process control is highly operator dependent 过程控制主要依赖于操作员过程控制主要依赖于操作员New technology introduced 包含新技术包含新技术 变异较多的变异较多的There is a chronically problem长期存在问题的长期
23、存在问题的FMEA is best applied for the following design or processes . . .FMEA 最适合应用于以下设计或过程最适合应用于以下设计或过程29n FMEA input is the process flowchart FMEA的输入是的输入是 流程图。流程图。Input 输入输入Process Flowchart流程图流程图Process 过程过程FMEAOutput 输出输出High Priority Failure Modes &Causes of Failure高优先级失效模式及失效原因高优先级失效模式及失效原因n FMEA
24、is an analytical process. FMEA是一个分是一个分 析的过程。析的过程。n FMEA output is prioritized key process input variables. FMEA的输出是一的输出是一 个有优先级的失个有优先级的失 效模式和失效原因。效模式和失效原因。301. Fill in the header information 填写标题信息填写标题信息SIX SIG M A - Failure M ode & Effects A nalysis (FM EA )Process D escription:FM EA N um ber:B lac
25、N B elt:Page:ofTeam M em bers:Prepared by:FM EA D ate:R evision D ate:ProcessStep R eTuirem entsPotentialFailureM odePotentialEffect(s)of Failure SeverityPotentialC ause(s)/M echanism (s)of Failure OccurrenceC urrentProcessC ontrols Detection RPNR ecom m endedA ction(s)R esponsibility& TargetC om pl
26、etion D ateA ctionsTaNen Sev Occ Det RPNA ction R esults(1). Describe the process 流程描述 (2). Number the FMEA 编号(3). Identify the BB/GB 确定人选 (4). Identify page numbers 确定页数(5). List team members 列出小组成员 (6). Name the prepared填表人(7). Enter the FMEA date 输入FMEA日期 (8). Enter the revision date 输入改版日期( 1 )(
27、 3 )( 5 )( 2 )( 4 )( 6 )( 7 )( 8 )312. Write down the process steps. 填写流程步骤填写流程步骤Add all value added process steps from the process map to the FMEA form.把所有增值流程步骤填入FMEA表格Start开始End结束Step 2AStep 2BStep 2CStep 1Application of Wax inside doorGood?Rework返工YesNoApplication ofwax insidedoorProcess stepReq
28、uirements323. Write down the functions for each process step4.对每个流程步骤,列出功能对每个流程步骤,列出功能Functions are statements of what the process step should accomplish. It can also be specifications if possible.功能可以是规格(如果可行),功能可以是规格(如果可行),或者是流程步骤所要完成工作的描述或者是流程步骤所要完成工作的描述Application ofwax inside doorTo coverinner
29、door atminimumthicknessProcess stepRequirements334.1. Write down the potential failure mode for each function. 对每个功能,列出潜在失对每个功能,列出潜在失 效模式效模式Application ofwax inside doorTo coverinner door atminimumthicknessInsufficientwaxcoverageProcess stepRequirementsPotentialFailureMode34Key points about Step 4.1
30、 : 步骤步骤4.1中的重点中的重点:Failure modes are statements of deficiency of functions.失效模式是对功能的负面描述失效模式是对功能的负面描述Failure modes are not causes. 失效模式不是原因失效模式不是原因.Do not discuss the causes. Leave the causes to step 4.4不要在此阶段讨论原因,在步骤不要在此阶段讨论原因,在步骤4.4中才讨论原因中才讨论原因4.1. Write down the potential failure mode for each fu
31、nction. 对每个功能,列出潜在失对每个功能,列出潜在失 效模式效模式354.2. For each failure mode, list the effect of failure 对每个失效模对每个失效模 式,列出失效的式,列出失效的 后果后果Application ofwax inside doorTo coverinner door atminimumthicknessInsufficientwaxcoverageDeteriorated life ofdoorProcess stepRequirementsPotentialFailureModePotentialEffect(s
32、) offailure36Key points about Step 4.2 :步骤步骤4.2中的重点中的重点 List only “worst case” effects of failure. 只列出最坏的失效后果只列出最坏的失效后果 Describe what actually happens when the failure mode occurs, rather than using general statement like “Part Failed” or “Rejected by Customer” 抓住失效模式发生时实际的情形,避免概抓住失效模式发生时实际的情形,避免概括性
33、描述,如括性描述,如“部件不合格部件不合格”或或“客户投诉客户投诉”。 The more specific is the description in this column, the easier will be the later steps (estimating severity & listing causes). 通过本节的具体描述,使后面的步骤(估通过本节的具体描述,使后面的步骤(估计严重性和找出原因)变的容易。计严重性和找出原因)变的容易。4.2. For each failure mode, list the effect of failure 对每个失效模对每个失效模 式,
34、列出失效的式,列出失效的 后果后果374.3. Write down the severity for each effect of failure 对每个失效的后对每个失效的后 果,评估严重性果,评估严重性Application ofwax inside doorTo coverinner door atminimumthicknessInsufficientwaxcoverageDeteriorated life ofdoor7Process stepRequirementsPotentialFailureModePotentialEffect(s) offailureSeverity38
35、EFFECTCRITERIA: SEVERITY OF EFFECTRANKINGHazardous - without warningMay endanger machine or assembly operator. Very high severity ranking when a potential failure mode affects safe vehicle operation and/or involves noncompliance with government regulation. Failure will occur without warning.10Hazard
36、ous - with warningMay endanger machine or assembly operator. Very high severity ranking when a potential failure mode affects safe vehicle operation and/or involves noncompliance with government regulation. Failure will occur with warning.9Very HighMajor disruption to production line. 100% of produc
37、t may have to be scrapped. Vehicle/item inoperable, loss of primary function. Customer very dissatisfied.8HighMinor disruption to production line. Product may have to be sorted and a portion (less than 100%) scrapped. Vehicle operable, but at a reduced level of performance. Customer dissatisfied.7Mo
38、derateMinor disruption to production line. A portion (less than 100%) of the product may have to be scrapped (no sorting). Vehicle/item operable, but some Comfort/Convenience item(s) inoperable. Customers experience discomfort.6LowMinor disruption to production line. 100% of the product may have to
39、be reworked. Vehicle/item operable, but some Comfort/Convenience item(s) operable at reduced level of performance. Customer experiences some dissatisfaction.5Very LowMinor disruption to production line. The product may have to be sorted and a portion (less than 100%) reworked. Fit & Finish/Squeak &
40、Rattle item does not conform. Defect noticed by most customers.4MinorMinor disruption to production line. The product may have to be sorted and a portion (less than 100%) reworked. Fit & Finish/Squeak & Rattle item does not conform. Defect noticed by average customers.3Very MinorMinor disruption to
41、production line. The product may have to be sorted and a portion (less than 100%) reworked. Fit & Finish/Squeak & Rattle item does not conform. Defect noticed by discriminating customers.2LowNo effect.1Note: AIAG is the Automotive Industry Action Group, which currently compiles the FMEA standards fo
42、r the North American Auto Industry.备注:备注:AIAG是汽车工是汽车工业行动集团缩写,为业行动集团缩写,为目前美国汽车工业目前美国汽车工业FMEA编写者编写者39Key points about Step 4.3 :步骤步骤4.3的重点:的重点: Some users adopt a 1 to 5 system.有些用户采用有些用户采用1-5分的系统分的系统 Whatever guidelines are used无论使用那种指南无论使用那种指南 Keep a copy with your FMEA. 保存保存FMEA的附件的附件 Always make t
43、he highest number most severe, the lowest least severe. 始终让最高严重性为最高分,始终让最高严重性为最高分,最低最低 严重性为最低分严重性为最低分404.4. Write down the causes for each failure mode对每个失效模对每个失效模式,列出原因式,列出原因Application ofwax inside doorTo coverinner door atminimumthicknessInsufficientwaxcoverageDeteriorated life ofdoor7 Manuallyin
44、serted sprayhead notinserted farenoughSpray headscloggedSpray timeinsufficientPotentialCause(s)/Mechanism(s)of FailureProcess stepRequirementsPotentialFailureModePotentialEffect(s) offailureSeverity41Key points about Step 4.4 : 步骤步骤4.4的重点的重点 Use Cause and Effect Diagrams to do a thorough investigati
45、on of causes for tough failure modes.对主要失效模式用因果图作一次对主要失效模式用因果图作一次彻底的原因分析彻底的原因分析 Sometimes hypothesis testing can be useful in demonstrating whether a cause is strong. 有时假设检验能有助于证明一个原有时假设检验能有助于证明一个原因是否强弱因是否强弱4.4. Write down the causes for each failure mode. 对每个失效模式,列出原因对每个失效模式,列出原因 Verify the importa
46、nce of causes to reduce the list of causes.通过验证列出原因的重要性,防通过验证列出原因的重要性,防止有太多的原因止有太多的原因 If the causes are already known to everyone, you may not come to the real root cause.如果你列出那些是大家都知道的如果你列出那些是大家都知道的原因,你可能仍未找到根本原因原因,你可能仍未找到根本原因424.5 Assess the likelihood of occurrence. 评估发生频率评估发生频率Application ofwax
47、inside doorTo coverinner door atminimumthicknessInsufficientwaxcoverageDeteriorated life ofdoor7 Manuallyinserted sprayhead notinserted farenough8Spray headsclogged5Spray timeinsufficient8PotentialCause(s)/Mechanism(s)of FailureOccurrenceProcess stepRequirementsPotentialFailureModePotentialEffect(s)
48、 offailureSeverity43Note: AIAG is the Automotive Industry Action Group, which currently compiles the FMEA standards for the North American Auto Industry.备注:备注:AIAG是汽车工是汽车工业行动集团的缩写,目业行动集团的缩写,目前北美汽车工业前北美汽车工业FMEA标准编写者标准编写者PossibleFailureProbability of FailureRatesCpkRankingVery High: 1 in 2 0.339High:
49、Generally associated with pro-1 in 8 0.518cesses similar to previous processes that have often failed1 in 20 0.677Moderate: Generally associated with1 in 80 0.836processes similar to previous pro-cesses which have experienced1 in 400 1.005occasional failures, but not in major proportions1 in 2,000 1
50、.174Low: Isolated failures associated with similar processes1 in 15,000 1.333Very Low: Only isolated failures associated with almost identical processes1 in 150,000 1.502Remote: Failure is unlikely. No failures ever associated with almost 1.671identical processes44Key points about Step 4.5 :步骤步骤4.5的