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1、精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - a month to arra view of the worlnge a party activitie d and major political is, hel d a general meeti deas, major policiei ng of the bra nch, to carry s. From the five big level tout the activities o understa nd a of the Party grou p; Z hiwei, le ctures, quarterly at lea a n

2、d grasp the general programme first paragraph ta st arrange a half day time, i he pr ovisions of the partys natn case ure, the of an emergency, highe st ideal ay, held at a ny time Zhiwei or nd ultimate goal. Ge neral prparty organi zation T ogramme of the second to the he cr eed of two-thir ds of e

3、ducati on. Personnel in pla ce: Day a ctivities included i eighth paragraph of the provi sions of the partys guidi ng ide olog y, tn the la bor discipli he Party of Marxism Lei ne and attenda nce of apprai sal system, in nini sm and attitudes, re spe ctively expounds Mprinciple shoul d be to ao Zedo

4、ng thougbe absent, ht, De ng Xiaspe cial sit uation shoul d ask for leave in a dvance, but partici opi ng The ory and Three Represents important thought, the scipants shall not be less than to the num entific development concept scieber of content i ntific connotation pla ce: the higher the pr ovisi

5、 ons of the three cla n and histori cal status, and the reform and openia ss conte nt must be im ng up since we obtain all tm tplemente d to impleme nt, and t o give the a he achievement s and progress of the fundamectual unit to carry ntal reason out a good day activities. The effect in place: each

6、 time the three class to solve pra makes a summar y. Ge neral programme of the Nint h Article 18 paragraph the pr ovisi ctical problems, to a i ons of the party in Tchieve t he stage goahe de sired purpose, a l and t he ba sic lichi eve hig h qua lity to implement the three cla ne, in-depth a nalysi

7、 s of Chi na is i n and will remain ss system. How to grasp t so for a long time on the const he basis of itution of the basi c conte the primary stage of socialint of Chi nese Communist Partys constitution by the sm the ba sic nat onal conditi ons, determined compreparty and the party hensively pro

8、m constit ution parts. (1) The master is on the partys pr ote economi c constr ucti on, political construction, cultural ogram, it sets theTo clarify: construction, social constrdescribe d the partys ucti on, construction of ecological l civilization, one of the five of the cause of socialism with C

9、hinese characteristics oof the general layout, expounds the scientific connotati oon of the partys basic li ne and basic re quireme nnts. General programme of the 19th to t t he twenty second paragraph of the provisions of the partys lea ea dership over the army, the partys ethnic p p oli ccy and t

10、he basic pr inciple of religious work, the partys united front, the partys foreig g n policy and ot t her major claims. General programme of the 23 to 28 paragraph provides a party build Procedures for the condition of the base of the backbone of the e composition. The main conte e nts of the basic

11、re quir eements and the partys leadership. (2) the constitution of the first chapter to the Chapter 11 is the partys constitution. Each chapter is independe nt of the content, but also from five large level topromotion of employment, form a reasonable and orderly pattern of income distributi on, bui

12、ld a more fair and sustaina a ble social security systems, medi ccal and health system reform. The plenar y, innovation of social governance, must focus on the maintenance of fundamental i peoples army, a str ong arnterests of the my under the new sit overwuation of thelming majority he party Goalof

13、 the pe s, restrictiople, maximize factors, enhance socing the deve lopme nt of nati onal dal devel efense aopment d army buil, improving di ng is sosocial gover lved outer nance, the ista ndi ng contradicti nterests of nati ti ons and problems, i onal security, e ns, i nnovationsure that the n a nd

14、 depeople live a velopment of militarynd w theork, social sta ory, e nhbility and order. a nce military strategic guiTo improve social g dance, improvoverna e the militarnce , stimulating social y strategy in the new organizati operiod, buildin, i nnovative and effective system of prevng a modern mi

15、litary force syventing a stem with Chinesnd resolving se characteristisocial conflicts, im cs. To deepeproving t n the ahe publi djustmec security system, set nt of personnel systemup the National Security Council, reform in the army, military l, national sepoli cy and syscurity systems a tem reform

16、, promo a nd national sete t he develcurity strategy to ensure opme nt of military and e national send civilia n integcurity. Ple ration dept nary session, the t h. Pl enary seconstructi ssi on stre sson of ecologi ed that comprcal civ ehe nv ilization, you must estasive reform must be to strengthen

17、 blish sy astems nof ecologi nd impr ove tcal system, using the he party s leadershsystem to prote ip, give full play to e ct the e col ogical ethe core r ole of nvironme the party cont. mmands to improve natural resource he overall sit uation ace s asset nd coordi natproperty right system and natin

18、g all parties, imprus oving the e control, red lipartys leadine of delimitati ng water . Margin. on of e col ogical pr Challenged t he leotec adersti on, resour hi p of ur ces paid use system and ecological comthe Communi st Party of China, M arxismpensation system in ecologi-Leni nism and Ma o Zedo

19、ncal e g thoughnvironme t by Dent prote g Xiao-pction management system reform. Pli ngs flag, replace d by three reenary se prese ntativesssi on, and the , centeriharmong on buildi ni c societng a listeni y. Thng party command, The former Communican wi st Partyi n and havi spirit avi ng a fine style

20、 of the nd socia l cohesi on poi nt of almost all political makeover. Characteristics of socialism public oownership is shifting to private ownershi p, pla nne d regulation and market regulation, the proletarian regime controlled by the elite. Of universal equality, fairness and basic princi ples of

21、 distribution system is socialist society, however after economic monopolized by powerful, vested interests grow, employers do not have the same status, har r dly seem s fair social distri ri bution. . State key protection of capital interests rather than the interests of citizens, had been hits the

22、 bottom of the proletariat高中生物必修一知识点1、生命系统的结构层次:细胞组织器官系统(植物没有系统)个体种群群落生态系统生物圈细 胞:是生物体结构和功能的基本单位。除了病毒以外,所有生物都是由细胞构成的。细胞是地球上最基本的生命系统2、光学显微镜的操作步骤:对光低倍物镜观察移动视野中央(偏哪移哪)高倍物镜观察:只能调节细准焦螺旋;调节大光圈、凹面镜3、细胞种类:根据细胞内有无以核膜为界限的细胞核,把细胞分为原核细胞和真核细胞注、原核细胞和真核细胞的比较:、原核细胞:细胞较小,无核膜、无核仁,没有成形的细胞核;遗传物质(一个环状 DNA 分子)集中的区域称为拟核; 没

23、有染色体, DNA 不与蛋白质结合, ;细胞器只有核糖体; 有细胞壁 (主要成分是肽聚糖) ,成分与真核细胞不同。、真核细胞:细胞较大,有核膜、有核仁、有真正的细胞核;有一定数目的染色体(DNA 与蛋白质结合而成) ;一般有多种细胞器。、原核生物:由原核细胞构成的生物。如:蓝藻、细菌(如硝化细菌、乳酸菌、大肠杆菌、肺炎双球菌)、放线菌、支原体等都属于原核生物。、真核生物:由真核细胞构成的生物。如动物(草履虫、变形虫)、植物、真菌(酵母菌、霉菌、粘菌)等。补:病毒的相关知识:1、病毒( Virus)是一类没有细胞结构的生物体,病毒既不是真核也不是原核生物。主要特征:、个体微小,一般在 1030n

24、m 之间,大多数必须用电子显微镜才能看见;、仅具有一种类型的核酸,、专营细胞内寄生生活;、结构简单,一般由核酸(DNA 或 RNA,没有含两种核酸的病毒;DNA 或 RNA)和蛋白质外壳所构成。2、根据寄生的宿主不同,病毒可分为动物病毒、植物病毒和细菌病毒(即噬菌体)三大类。根据病毒所含核酸种类的不同分为 DNA 病毒和 RNA病毒。3、常见的病毒有: 人类流感病毒 (引起流行性感冒) 、SARS病毒、人类免疫缺陷病毒 ( HIV)引起艾滋病 ( AIDS)、禽流感病毒、乙肝病毒、人类天花病毒、狂犬病毒、烟草花叶病毒等。4、蓝藻是原核生物,自养生物5、真核细胞与原核细胞统一性体现在二者均有细胞

25、膜和细胞质6、虎克既是细胞的发现者也是细胞的命名者;细胞学说建立者是施莱登和施旺,细胞学说内容:1、一切动植物都是由细胞构成的。2、细胞是一个相对独立的单位 3、新细胞可以从老细胞产生。细胞学说建立揭示了细胞的统一性和生物体结构的统一性。细胞学说建立过程,是一个在科学探究中开拓、继承、修正和发展的过程,充满耐人寻味的曲折7、组成细胞(生物界)和无机自然界的化学元素种类大体相同,含量不同 8、组成细胞的元素:大量无素: C、H、O、 N、 P、S、 K、Ca、 Mg微量无素: Fe、 Mn、 B、 Zn、 Mo、 Cu 主要元素: C、 H、 O、N、P、 S 基本元素: C 细胞干重中,含量最

26、多元素为 C,鲜重中含最最多元素为 O 统一性:构成生物体的元素在无机自然界都可以找到,没有一种是生物所特有的。差异性:组成生物体的元素在生物体体内和无机自然界中的含量相差很大。 9、生物(如沙漠中仙人掌)鲜重中,含量最多化合物为水,干重中含量最多的化合物为蛋白质。10、(1)还原糖 (葡萄糖、 果糖、 麦芽糖) 可与斐林试剂反应生成砖红色沉淀;脂肪可与苏丹III 染成橘黄色 (或被苏丹 IV 染成红色);淀粉(多糖)遇碘变蓝色;蛋白质与双缩脲试剂产生紫色反应。( 2)还原糖鉴定材料不能选用甘蔗( 3)斐林试剂必须现配现用(与双缩脲试剂不同,双缩脲试剂先加 A 液,再加 B 液)11、蛋白质

27、由 C、H、O、 N 元素构成,有些含有 P、S 名师归纳总结 understand and grasp t centralism of the he conte six basi c pri nnt: the first chnci ples a nd pr ovcha pter and the ovisions of the partys sixth chapter i ys Congrs the Party of cell the e ss system is t he basic orga provisi ons of the a nization system and som par

28、ty is the party orgasom e spe cific system. T nization of the T he sevebasi nth chapter c unit is t ter of thhe Party of cell, a e party di sci pline, the prnd t prhe partys covisi ons ocadre f the pas is not only the rtys discipli nacell in a ry acti onn or . Ruledinary member, a s pipe type nd i s

29、 the partys ca program. The partys use i s cells i organization sysn the vit tem and Pat al few. The first chapter Party mrty discipli ne is wit hin tember pr he party the rulovisions of the a es, the party orppli ganizacation t ti ons, o joi each mn the party, ember must Party members, be one to fo

30、lloParty members w the norms of be obligatihaons a havior. In tnd rig he thhts of Party members, the devel ir d cha pter, t he fourtel opmh cha pter and the nt of Party members e fifth chapte r, s Minority car, the eig hth chapter a dres, party organizatir a nd t he ni nth chapter on a r nd so of th

31、e partyon. T he sixth chapter i s orga nization. Ts the party is t he partys central ohe first chapter rga nization, t provide t he partys the organizatibasis of the Party cadre on, Party orga nizs of the ations at the graparty key to make special proviss-r oots level, t he partys sions, t he pr dis

32、cipli ne insper eovisions ction organsof the ca and pardres are m ty all belore stringe ong t o thent tha party n the ordi organizatinary Party members on and the partys ce of the e ntr basic conditial organi zations and ca zation, the party dre work orgak norm setting. Tizati on, the partys grassr

33、he se cond cha rassr oots pter and the organizati ons a ndsevent partyh chapter is t is the partyhe Party s di sci plinof the rules e i nspecti on orgaprov rgav isions. T ns. T T he se cond he third cha ptercha pter elaborates the partys sha ll be the Party Ce ntorganizati ral Committee Orgati onal

34、sy stem, the ni zation agencies, a provisi ons of the a uthority and democratic centralism is basic work rul es. Tour he fourth partys ba Cha pter prsic roviorganizati des t heon sy stem and l establi shmed l eadership nt of the partys l system, determis l ocal organizati ne the democratic ti ons, i

35、nstit utions, 第 1 页,共 6 页generation, functions and basic worki ng rules and so on. FifthSince the provisions of the relationshi i p between each cha a pter and stipulates the partys grassroots organizations set up instituti ons, functions and basic worki ng rules. The eighth chapter provide e s for

36、the partys di i sci pline inspection n organs to o produce, authority a a nd basic work rules. The ninth chapter provides the party set, authority and basic w orking rules. The five chapter, is t he party organizati on of the basic norms of be havior, and is also the partys s organizati ti on relati

37、onship norms of behavior. The tenth cha pter of the party and the assistant. T he Chinese Communist Youth League is the partys assi si stant and reserve force, different from other mass organizations, eight previous constitution of the party and the Communi sst Youth In t he divi i sion of the progr

38、am is theObviously, face Chinas Socialist system, t , t he Com munist Party is not the party. In that c c ase, political chaos has bee n very tight. Is remodeling or reconstruction, is a corre ction or a st t ove. Whether to turn right or left, is back to the source or put forwar r d newpolitical id

39、eas. This is to determine t he road problems in China, is also t he key out of the dee p water of the reform of the economic sy y stem. After 18, the new Central collective leadership attaches great importance t t o political al orientation. First, the Central eight articles as a a starting point, s

40、tarting from the Central Governments self -restraint, which preaches a nd pro-image, broug ht fresh feeling t t o the community. Secondly, before reform and opening up and reform and opening two periods after non-negative, untyi i ng the tangle of the society a long time on t his issue. Third, a ne

41、e w generation of party leaders on various cca sions to Mao Ze-Dong and Mao Zee-Dongs t t hought of evaluation has r oom for manoeuvre, through to the ruling ideology of Mao Zedong thought, is t t he call of the soul to the Socialist Revolution and construction. Empty talks jeopardize national inter

42、ests and try again, is an affirmation of Deng Xiao-pings reform ideas. These strong political signal showing a new generati ati on of political leaders is still keeping to the Socialist road. Four is revisiti ng tdeny ea ch ot her. Comrades: today e talking to M ao Bot h advocate dem brings t ogethe

43、r memberZe -Dongs hi storica l cyocracy and rel ease seve s, mainly in order to le of high pr ofile anti-corrupti on an does not spe ak of files of politi provi de a platform to Exchange and the importa nce of the Constit ution, reorgani zation is ba d style of official dom, was t o civilcal constra

44、i nts. Ne ither deny the history of the CPC Ce ntral Committee on several issues . nd lear n from each other i n order t o facilitate our work. Just now, we focus on taxation, plaze pe opl e ob nni ng and stabilit y t he law, t y, safety, hil e improvi nproje ct constr the color uction, typicha nge of t cal topics e regime such as of vigilance. private facts preseFive is to reform ntation and interactiinto dee per waters a nd stre on, and towns currently exist in the inssed t hat top -lev-de pth a l design, this is a rea nalysis of the problems to iew


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