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1、精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - and ur ban me dical rescue work, socia l welfare service, constak, consci entiously stre ntly improve the fivee ngthe-guaranten leader shi p, sound system. County Gover e system. Impleme nting reg ulations of the rnment was set up by the magistrate as head of the Gover ural

2、five-guarante e work, furt her increase the intensity of day-tnment, civ y-tiv il affairs, finance o-day management a, healt ah, labour a nd se rvices tnd ot her related departme nts mainly responsi o the five objects, ensure that the five should ble as members of the lea do, a ccordi ng to Shi ding

3、 group for rural cooperative medi cal care. Formed a Government Bao on the basis of further perfecting rural five-guarantee system, raise t, the home of the County supervisors, operation mechani sm of colla he level of support. S o far, fundi ng for any County 89 wubaohu 524,700. Meaboration. T his

4、year, nwhile, as a regithe County started impleme nting Me on -wide severe di sabilities aged dicaid one-st op real time servi ce, medi care subsi dies t his year pi lot counties, our County cal assi stance, ba sic medi y has been seriously didi cal insura sablence, Effective converge nce of insura

5、d elderly nur sing all owance pilot prnce a nd m ogram, come dical relief implementation pla pleti ng survey w ork for severely din for 2015 I countie sable d ol der pes to reconsider a opl e throughout the n amendment will County, and ibe accepte n June begad to exten d the hour n issuing subsidies

6、, up tur s of medical ai o now, the nurd on June 30, and county-wi sing all owance total 79200 Yuade poverty populati on rang e of serious disease includi ng medi cal assi stance, pr n. For a better implementation of the sy stem of fundi ng for raising, my County i r otection of agricultural a i n 2

7、015 revi sed Burnd pa storal areas i qin County of new rn 22 major disea ural cooperative mses and im edical plement home hea care program, wia lth aid secondary aid, t ll include the full scope of medio achieve a longit cal aid. udi nal and transverse to the si de of Medi Existing 149 orpha ns in o

8、ur County are scatterecaid coverage. So far, the total investment 2.8772 milli on Yuan relief 955 visits the d for the community support officer s, standard 700 Yuan/month/person, up t o nowsick poor people i , the total life subsidien urba n and rural area s for the 149 orphans, 155,000 to rescue 6

9、5 pe opl e in patie nts with s 983,400 wi nter coal subsi dies for 180,000 y serious uan. diseases. (D) efforts to the devel (E) optimize rescue, relief work streopment ngthet of ning the vagrants and beggars. Under the voluntary aided, vol untary aid bailout princi ples, furt her strengtheni nng th

10、e work of relief for vagrants and beggars, vagrants and beggars provide assista nce such as a a ccommodation, return travel by car, especially for chil dren, the elderly, and the sick , disa ble e d people and young homeless person to implement a point-to-point first aid, after clearing prote e ctiv

11、e relief, and safeguard the basic rights of bailouts. Meanwhile, coordinating public security, urban management, manipulati on, coercion against organizations such as the use of minors, begging forr the disabled and to disr upt public or der and other illegal panhandl ing. Up to now, a t otal of 31,

12、000 toRelief for vagrants and beggars of 42 passengers. (V) with a focus on safeguarding the people s livelihood, promote home projects. Adhere to the proje e ct as the starting point, positive proje cts, schedule, quality, safety, and to qui cken the construction of projects, has made a new breakth

13、rough. In 2015, two projects, Bur qin County community day care centre for the elderly in friendship peak project, Bur qin County hemu ka nnas M ongolia青岛版六年级上册期末试卷一(共三套)一、填空1、181 表示(),3 20 表示的意义是()。 2、5 日=()时。5 4 63、():16 = 10 = () ()=0.125 = ()%。804、B 的 2 相当于 A,是把()看作单位“1” 。如果 B 是 20 ,A 是()。55、甲乙两

14、数的比是 4:3,乙数是甲数的()。6、 12:2 化成最简整数比是()比值是()。37、30 的 2 相当于 48 的()。58、北京故宫国庆节的游客量比“ 五一” 节多 2 ,是把()看作单位“1” ,“ 五一” 游客量是国庆节的。79、把 2 吨煤平均分成 5 份,每份是这 2 吨煤的()。 10、 1 米的 3 等于()米的 1 。4 411、5 与()互为倒数。 12、某班男生比女生多 1 ,男生相当于女生的()。7 1013、8:2 的最简比是(),比值是()。 14、()是圆的周长和直径的比值。315、同圆内半径和直径的比是():()。 16、甲数是乙数的 5 倍,乙数是甲数的(

15、)%。417、两个圆的半径分别是 2 厘米和 3 厘米,小圆面积和大圆面积的比是()。18、父亲的岁数的 1 相当于小明的岁数。1 是以()为单位“1”。3 319、4 =():()=0.8= ():10。520、把半径 5 厘米的圆分成 16 等份,拼成一个近似的长方形后,长方形的周长比圆的周长多()厘米。21、 某种商品降价 15%出售,( )是单位“1”,现价是原价的()%。22、求出勤率就是求()占()的百分之几。23、在 3.14 、22 、31.5%、3 1 这四个数中, ()最小。 24、甲数是乙数的 4 ,乙数比甲数多()。7 6 5二、判断题。1、305 可以表示已知一个数的

16、 65 是 30,求这个数是多少。6()qin County non-Muslim funeral home works, so far the project ha s completed the project site, is for the early pr pr oce dures. (VII) working steadily among ot ot hers, the full implementation of the e spe cial care and placement policy. 2、9 平方厘米可以写成9平方分米,也可以写成9%平方米。()1003、在 60 的

17、后面添上百分号,这个数就缩小100 倍。()4、如果两个数的比是4:5,前后项同时扩大8 倍,比值是4 。(5)5、1 23 51 。2() 6、0 的倒数还是0。(7、从家到学校,小刚用national rural home for the project. According to the Countys general plan, integration of resources, in 2014, new Burqin County Senior Ce nter project, the current project has been completed, internal equi

18、pment purchasing and w orking culture 13 分钟,小明用e decoration is complete, start review acceptance, put into use by the end. My County is base d on the basic livelihood needs to actively seek public servi i ce facilities, 2015 to declare mutual assistance in building rural 18 分钟,他们的速度比是old happiness i

19、n Bur qin County 8 projects, invested 400,000 yuan lottery ticket equipment purcha sed during the year for the rural mutual happiness. While actively works with development and reform Department, fighting for construction project of Burqin County disaster relief material reserves, at pre13: 18。(sent

20、 the proje ct ha s completed feasibility study proce dures, feasibility study a pproval. In 2015, the County investe)d 500,000 yuan, perfect Muslim funeral home facilities, upgrading service s and project acceptance. Meanwhile, seeking Buro further im prove th autonomous region, contie quality of ac

21、tivities among other nue d this year to compls as the g ete the scope Stack oal, cl ose t o military practi Xiang Jian Z hen Xiang ce, de withdrawaepe ning the County among others. During the Spring Festival, l of declarations, while completi ng yili State Governmehe Eid al-Adha perio nt approval, r

22、eported to t with condol he Home nces resi dent was Office for approval. Mepaid 125,000 yua et the ne eds of Burn forces a nd the sol diers qin Countys economic aback, spe cial care a nd socia l develnd a ctivities, w hile i ncreasing w ork of dem opm ent, a ddre ss some villages due to the large ob

23、ilized sta populatibility control, reg ular or irre on ba se and wide distri bug ular visit condole nce a ti on, is not ea sy to manage, a ctivities, understand the i a s well as the jurisdictdeo on ogical tr of the new e nds, solve difficulti pastoral settlemee s in life, increase nt from villages

24、far, massehe spear Shiel d troubleshooting to resolve and impleme s of inconve nience probl em. I Board thint a poli s year and all towcy, effectively safeguardi nships a nd organizational Deng social sta bility. partment jointly orgaAs of now, 148 of the nized, on t he part of tCounty issued livi n

25、g allowa nce s 1.0648 million Yua n, 4 retired vetera he tow nship (town) villages (communitie s) splits a nd re organizatin cadre on, a chievis to pay health insura ng ne w villages thrnce premiums 10,770 oug hout t he Count, pay healt h insurance premi ums for the 3 families of retired veteran cad

26、r y, 11 communities 1. After adjustment, the County ha s juri sdi ction over 7 towe s 7,800 Yuan, 70 rural veterans aged over 60 issued livi nships (tow ns) 74 villages, 7 community. ng subs This year, the re-idies of 176,000 yuan, issue d for 27 vetera nspecti on w ork for peace throughout the ns a

27、 one-time em ployment County the county seat, I wconomi c benefit of 1.286 mil ork closely with t he cami on Yuan. paigns i n villages a(H) strengthen measures, promoti nd towns bor der the unit complete 5 2 t ng divisio t own wit names a nd basic pow er. Division name: it hin t he admini strative a

28、rea of the County Plana ccordin t o the a utonomous regions ur ning, 12 and 5 pi llars of joi nt inspebanization devel opment ction of the border. Grassplans County fin-roots demshe d Wo yimoke Xiang t ocracy : one is to promote grassown, Xiang t o withdraw mont-roots hly, has passed the Home Office

29、 review of the 第 1 页,共 6 页名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 8 、1 a = 31 31 ( a 为非 0 自然数)。a()9 、a 是 b 的1 ,a 和 b 的比是 1:3。 (3)10、甲数比乙数多10%,则乙数比甲数少10%。 (三、选择1、世界上第一个把圆周率的值的计算精确到 6 位小数的人是我国古代数学家()A 、华罗庚 B、陈景润 C、祖冲之2、a 是 b 的 3 , a 与 b 的比是() A、4:3 B、3:4 C1:4 43、环形有()条对称轴。 A 、1 条 B、2 条 C、3 条 D、4

30、条 E、无数条4、40 比 50 少()% A 、 80% B、25 % C、20% 5、把 25 克盐溶于水中,盐水的含盐率是() A、 20 % B、20 % C、33.3% 6、修一条长 2 千米的水渠,已经修了 3 千米,还剩多少千米没修,列式是()5 A、2 ( 13 ) B、23 C、23 D、 2 ( 13 )5 5 5 57、某班男生人数的 4 正好是女生人数。4 是以()为单位“1” 。5 5 A、男生 B、女生 C、全班8、一份稿件,全部由甲抄需要 10 小时,全部由乙抄需要 15 小时,甲和乙工作效率的比是()。A、2: 3 B、3:2 C、10:15 9、用边长 20

31、厘米的正方形片剪成一个最大的圆,它的直径是()A、 5 厘米 B、 10 厘米 C 、20 厘米10、甲数和乙数的比是 4: 5,甲数比乙数少()%。 A、 80 B、20 C、25 D、75 11、化简比的依据是() A 、比的意义 B、比的基本性质 C、分数基本性质12、a 千克增加 10%后再减少 10%,现在的结果()A、比 a 大 B、比 a 小 C、不变四、直接写得数1 77 = 123 45 = 62 10 = 51 21 = 42 31 = 1 62 = 52 = 38 = 211 8 = 93 45 = 6(1 83 ) 24= 43 53 = 41 21 = 44 7352

32、 = 74 51 = 24 43 = 25 45 = 75 73 5= 43 4.8 20 0.8 = 200 80%= 25 138 = 135 75 62 71 = 65 81 94 = 53 42 53 43 = 51 89五、计算101 4221 (152 31 )51 131 77 85 1 733 41 75 149 7 141 355833 210 217 912 52 952 (53 + 41 )22 (52 )52 35 87128名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 6 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - and ur ban me dic

33、al rescue work, socia l welfare service, constak, consci entiously stre ntly improve the fivee ngthe-guaranten leader shi p, sound system. County Gover e system. Impleme nting reg ulations of the r nment was set up by the magistrate as head of the Gover r ural five-guarante e work, furt her increase

34、 the intensity of day-tnment, civ y-tiv il affairs, finance o-day management a, healt ah, labour a nd se rvices tnd ot her related departme nts mainly responsi o the five objects, ensure that the five should ble as members of the lea do, a ccordi ng to Shi Bao ding group for rural cooperative medi c

35、al care. Formed a Government on the basis of further perfecting rural five-guarantee system, raise t, the home of the County supervisors, operation mechani sm of colla he level of support. S o far, fundi ng for any County 89 wubaohu 524,700. Meaboration. T his year, the County started impleme nwhile

36、, as a regi on -wide severe dinting Me sabilities aged dicai d one-st op real time servi ce, medi care subsi dies t his year pi lot counties, our County cal assi stance, ba sic medi y has been seriously didi cal insura sablence, Effective converge nce of insura d elderly nur sing all owance pilot pr

37、nce a nd m ogram, come dical relief implementation pla pleti ng survey w ork for severely din for 2015 I countie sable d ol der pes to reconsider a n amendment will opl e through out the County, a ndbe accepte i n June begad to extend the hour n issuing subsidies, up t s of medical ai t o now, the n

38、ururd on June 30, and county-wi sing all owance total 79200 Yuade poverty populati on rang e of serious disease includi ng medi cal assi stance, pr n. For a better implementation of the sy stem of fundi ng for raising, my County i r otection of agricultural a i n 2015 revi sed Burnd pa storal areas

39、i qin County of new rn 22 major disea ural cooperative mses and im edical plement home hea care program , wilth aid secondary aid, t ll include the full scope of medio achieve a longit cal aid. udi nal and transverse to the si de of Medi Existing 149 orpha ns in our County are scatterecaid coverage.

40、 So far, the total investment 2.8772 milli on Yuan relief 955 visits the d for the community support officer s, standard 700 Yuan/month/person, up t o nowsick poor people i , the total life subsidien urba n and rural area s, 155,000 to rescue 65 pe opl e in patie nts with s for the 149 orphans 983,4

41、00 wi nter coal subsi dies for 180,000 y serious uan. diseases. (D) efforts to the devel (E) optimize rescue, relief work streopment ngthet of ning the vagrants and beggars. Under the voluntary aided, voluntary ai i d bailout princi ples, furt her strengtheni n the work of relief for vagrants and be

42、ggars, vagrants and beggars provide assista nce such as a a ccommodation, return travel by car, especially for chil dren, the elderly, and the sick , disa ble e d people and young homeless person to implement a point-to-point first aid, after clearing protective relief, and safeguard the basic right

43、s of bailouts. Meanwhile, coordinating public security, urban management, manipulati on, coercion against organizations such as the use of minors, begging forr the disabled and to disr upt publinhic or der and other illegal paa ndl ing. Up to now w , a t otal of 31,000 toRelief for vagrants and beggars of 42 passengers. (V) with a focus on safeguarding the people s livelihood, promote home projects. Adhere to the proje e ct as the starting point, positive proje cts, schedule, quality, safe


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