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1、精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - Accor serviceding to Office Party of mass line i nnovation of Marxist partys major education pra de ploymenctice t, i a ctivities le d group of s the important measure to advaunified arrangements, units main le nce t he great cae use of socid to for ca dres w orkers Shang a

2、times lism with Chi nese characteris party lect stics. First, carry ure, due to himself level limited, only put t out the partys mass li ne i n education praoplhis stage ctice, wa conce ntrated lear s carryi ng 18 of the ning of ex party spirperience today and everyo ne common it, summon a powerful

3、force for realizing twith lear he gar ning exchange, reat rejuvenation of the pur pose is let w e further dee p understa Chi nese nation the Chinese drendi ng mass li am of urgent neli ne of connotati eds. Partys 18 ton, i nsiste o promote d party of mass line, strategic de ploymedo ma sses w nt to

4、buildiork, foll ng socialiowing mai sm with Chinen from four a aspe se characteristicts tol d: a, a nd full awarene cs, prese nts two 100-year gss party of mass line educati oal, namel y, by 2020 Chinas gros on practice activities of major mea domesti c pr oduct and per ning Partys 18 major capita i

5、 ncome of ur ban disti nct pr opose a nd rural re sided to focus on the nts in 2010 on tpartys adva nce d nat ure and purity, i he ba sis of double complete the buildin the party, ng of a well, with pragmatic a-off society; the mind clea n for the people as the main conte ddle of this century i nto

6、a pr osperousnt of the , democratie partys mass li ne a c, civi lized a nd harmonind educational pra ous Socialist modern ctice. country, aThis is comrade XI Ji nd on t his bai npi ng as party General Secretary a nd a dher sis, the Chinese dream of realizi ng the great rejuvenatie to strictly a on o

7、f the Chidministeri nese ng the party, strengthe n the partys major de nation. 18 Congress of the part y, Comrade XI Jide cisi on i s in li npi ng repeatene wit h the public expectations a dly expo unded t he Chinend strengthe se dream. T he baning t he constructi on of learni ng-oriente sic connota

8、tion of the Chinese dream, is td he national prosperity, nati onal revitalization, the ha ppppi ness of the peopl e, China important to follow is to keep China Road, carry forward the spirit and cohesion strength of China, dream dreams of the pee of China, but determined confidence, enhance self-awa

9、reness, a chieve self-relia ia nce, to build a stronger r Chi na, civilization, harmony, bea uty, China, China, China. Strategic conce ce ption of China was 18 the sspirit of the enrichment and development of the party, conscientiously study the Chinese dream, leading people t o hard to realize the

10、Chinese dream, mass education activities in depth t t he fundamental starting point and ending point. Strengthen the education of the partys mass line , helps to train the collective consciousness of the unity of the party and the people, playing the Chinese dream ideological bases. Comrade Ma a o Z

11、edong stressed that parties should have common language socialist countries must have unity of will. . History has A)55 B)56 C)57 D)58 39.ASCII 码表中的字符 “ a” 为十进制数 51,数字字符 9的ASCII 码的十进制数值是(_)A)45 B)65 C)102 D)100 40. 下列叙述中,正确的一条是()B R进制数相邻两位数相差 R倍C 所以十进制小数能准确地转换为有限的二进制小数E 存储器中存储的信息即使断点也不会丢失F 汉字的机内码就是汉

12、字的输人码41. 在计算机内部,无论是数据还是指令均以二进制数的形式存储,人们在表示存储地址时采用()进制数表示。A)二 B) 八 C) 十 D) 十六42.16 个二进制数可表示整数的范围是()。A)065535 B)-32768-32767 C)-3276832768 D)-3276832767 或065535 43. 存储一个汉字的内码所需的字节数是()。A)1 个 B)8 个 C)4 个 D)2 个 44. 每个图形汉字的交换码均用两个字节的低位二进制码表示,( )表示。A) 0 ,0 B)0,1 C) 1 ,0 D)1,1 每个字节的最高位分别用45. 使用智能全拼汉字输入法输入汉字

13、时,汉字的编码应该是()输入。A)大写英文字母 B) 数字或字母C)小写英文字母 D) 大小英文字母均可46. 汉字 “东”的十六进制的国标码是 362BH,那么它的机内码应该是()A)160BH B)B6ABH C)05ABH D)150BH 47. 汉字 “中”的十六进制的国标码是362BH,那么它的国标码是()A)5650H B)B6ABH C)5750H D)C750H 48. 存放 16个16 16点阵的汉字字模,需占存储空间为()A)64B B)128B C)320B D)512B 49. 存放 10个32 32点阵的汉字字模信息的字节数是()。A)640B B)1280B C)2

14、560B D)5120B 50. 计算机中数据编码最小单位是()。A)字节 B) 位 C) 字 D) 字长51. 在计算机中用多少个二进制位组成一个字节()A)4 位 B)8 位 C)16 位 D)32 位52. 某汉字的常用机内码是B6ABH,则它的国标码的第一字节是()A)2BH B)00H C)36H D)11H 53. 计算机的一条指令一般由()组成。A)地址和数据 B) 操作码和操作数C)国标码和机内码 D)ASC 码和国标码54. 目前使用的防病毒软件的作用是()A)清除已感染的任何病毒 B) 查出已知名的病毒,清除部分病毒C)清除任何已感染的病毒 D) 查出并清除任何病毒55.

15、下列选项不属于计算机病毒特征的是()A)潜伏性 B) 激发性 C) 传播性 D) 免疫性名师归纳总结 proved that a people and a nation, if it does not have its own spiritual pilla r, there is no unity of spiritual support, it m eans that no soul, will lose cohesion and vitality. Figuratively speaking, a sa ck of potatoes, quantity cannot be too a t

16、eam, form a joint force; only like granite, so closely United to form invincible , o difficult means of strength. National rejuvenation of Chinese dream, not only embodie t he common interests and pur suits, and covers a variety of groups and classe s, ha s a wide applicability and inclusive, with a

17、 strong integrating force and lead the force. She embodies the aspirations of several generations of Chinese, reflecting today . Into sex and purity, e of our and the inevital e requirement of constantly improving the partys governing capacity. Strengthening the construction of the adva nce d nat ur

18、e and purity, t he core problem is always maintainiover practing the partys flesh-and-bl ood ties with the masses, so that our party will always be t he most wholehearted support of the masses. nd 第 3 页,共 25 页Must take the fundame ntal interest other politica l parties. Marxist political s of the ov

19、erwhelming majority party ha s a clear politi cal poof the pe iti on aopl e as the party all the starting nd histori cal missi on: for the ipoint a nd ending point, t he party has alway s bee n a common fate with t nterests of the vast majority of people, committed to the fundamental interesthe mass

20、es, thi s is t he magic wea s of the overwhelming majority pon for our party to al of the pe opl e. From the ways maintai day of the n the a dvanced nature a stablishment of the Chine nd purity. Stre e se Communist ngthe t Pni ng the constructi on ar ty, always a dhere t of partys adva nce d nat o b

21、asic pri nci ples of historiure and purity and enhancing t cal materialism, for t t he interest he partys r uling a st s of the most pebility ople a w ill event a s their gually be im oal, always plemente serving ad to realize s its fundamental , safeguar d and devel al pur pose and valueop t he fun

22、damental i nterests s. Fully tr ust the masses, clof the overw helming majority of the closely rely on the masses mai people. Al l the w ntain flesh-a nd-bl ood ties wit ork merits thi s is a measure of the wit h the masses is always the partys fundame ntal standards, i source of our party full of v

23、igor and vitality, is s a measure of the s always the mpartys adva ost determince d nat ned iure and purity standards. Be n the development lieve who, depe party and oupe r counndi ng on who, w tr y. w ho, sta Conscientindi ng on the positi on of the over whelmi ng majority of the ously accept supe

24、rvision by t he masse s, pay attenti on tope ople ar e always, alway l isten to t he masses assessmes realize, nt, whisafeguard a nd de ch it self was the de velop the fundamental intere partys a dvanced natsts of the ure and purity into w tihelming majority of the pe cal acti on t o re alize the fu

25、ndameople, it is a touchstone of the ntal interests of the overMarxist party of judgeme whelmi ng majority of the pent, is al l so sig n of Marxist ople. At prese nt, the party is different from party committees aleading ca a dres a nd the Government generally value the close relations with the mass

26、es, do a lot of productive work, but there are still ll some- - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - Accor serviceding to Office Party of mass line i nnovation of Marxist partys major education pra de ploymenctice t, i a ctivities le d group of s the important measure to advaunified arrangements, units

27、 main le nce t he great cae use of socid to for ca dres w orkers Shang a times lism with Chi nese characteris party lect stics. First, carry ure, due to himself level limited, only put t out the partys mass li ne i n education praoplhis stage ctice, wa conce ntrated lear s carryi ng 18 of the ning o

28、f ex party spirperience today and everyone common it, summon a powerful force for realizing t eve self-relia with lear he gar ning exchange, reat rejuvenation of the pur pose is let w e further dee p understa Chi nese nation the Chinese drendi ng mass li am of urgent neli ne of connotati eds. Partys

29、 18 ton, i nsiste o promote d party of mass line, strategic de ploymedo ma sses w nt to buildiork, foll ng socialiowing mai sm with Chinen from four a aspe se characteristicts tol d: a, a nd full awarene cs, prese nts two 100-year gss party of mass line educati oal, namel y, by 2020 Chinas gros on p

30、ractice activities of major mea domesti c pr oduct and per ning Partys 18 major capita i ncome of ur ban disti nct pr opose a nd rural re sided to focus on the nts in 2010 on tpartys adva nce d nat ure and purity, i he ba sis of double complete the buildin the party, ng of a well, with pragmatic a-o

31、ff society; the mind clea n for the people as the main conte ddle of this century i nto a pr osperousnt of the , democratie partys mass li ne a c, civi lized a nd harmonind educational pra ous Socialist modern ctice. country, aThis is comrade XI Ji nd on t his bai npi ng as party General Secretary a

32、 nd a dher sis, the Chinese dream of realizi ng the great rejuvenatie to strictly a on of the Chidministeri nese ng the party, strengthe n the partys major de nation. 18 Congress of the part y, Comrade XI Jide cisi on i s in li npi ng repeatene wit h the public expectations a dly expo unded t he Chi

33、nend strengthe se dream. T he baning t he constructi on of learni ng-oriente sic connotation of the Chinese dream, is td he national prosperity, nati onal revitalization, the ha ppppi ness of the peopl e, China important to follow is to keep China Road, carry forward the spirit and cohesion strength

34、 of China, dream dreams of the pee of China, but determined confidence, enhance self-awareness, a chiia nce, to build a stronger r Chi na, civilization, harmony, bea uty, China, China, China. Strategic conce ce ption of China was 18 the sspirit of the enrichment and development of the party, conscie

35、ntiously study the Chinese dream, leading people t o hard to realize the Chinese dream, mass education activities in depth t t he fundamental starting point and ending point. Strengthen the education of the partys mass line , helps to train the collective consciousness of the unity of the party and

36、the people, playing the Chinese dream ideological bases. Comrade Ma a o Zedong stressed that parties should have common language socialist countries must have unity of will. . History has A)255KB B)75KB C)375KB D)28800KB 73. 下列属于计算机病毒特征的是 (_) A)模糊性 B) 高速性 C) 传染性 D) 危急性74. 为了防止计算机病毒的传染 , 应该做到 (_) A)

37、不要复制来历不明的软盘上的程序E) 对长期不用的软盘要经常格式化G) 对软盘上的文件要经常重新拷贝H) 不要把无病毒的软盘与来历不明的软盘放在一起75. 存储容量常用 KB表示 ,4KB表示存储单元有 ( ) A)4000 个字节 B)4000 个字 C)4096 个字 D)4096 个字节76. 对于 ASCII 码在机器中的表示 , 下列说法正确 (_) A) 使用 8位二进制代码 , 最右边一位是 0 B) 使用 8位二进制代码 , 最右边一位是 1 C) 使用 8位二进制代码 , 最左边一位是 0 D) 使用 8位二进制代码 , 最左边一位是 1 77. 影响个人计算机系统功能的因素除

38、了系统使用多少位的处理器外 , 还有 (_) A)CPU 的时钟频率 B)CPU 所能提供的指令集C)CPU 主存容量 D) 以上都是78. 十进制整数 100 转换为二进制数是 ( ) 。A)B B)B C)B D)B 79. 微型计算机中使用的数据库属于()。A)科学计算方面的计算机应用 B) 过程控制方面的计算机应用C)数据处理方面的计算机应用 D) 辅助设计方面的计算机应用80. 与十进制数 254 等值的二进制数是() A)B B)B C)B D)B 81. 下列 4条叙述中,正确的一条是()A)二进制正数原码的补码就是原码本身B)所有十进制小数都能准确的转换为有限为的二进制小数C)

39、存储器中存储的信息即使断电也不会丢失D)汉字的机内码就是汉字的输入码82. 卫型计算机中 1K 字节表示的二进制位数是()A)1000 B)8 X 1000 C)1024 D)8 X 1024 83. 与十进制数 4625等值的十六进制数为() A)1211H B)1121H C)1122H D)1221H 84. 下列 4个无符号十进制整数中,能用8个二进制为表示的是()A)257 B)201 C)313 D)296 85. 在下列叙述中,正确的一条是()B 在计算机中,汉字的区位码就是机内码E 在汉字国际标码 GB2310 80 的字符集中,共收集了 6763个常用汉字F 英文小写字母“e

40、” DSCLL码为 101, 英文小写字母“ h ” 的ASCLL码为 103 G 存放 80个42 X24 点阵的汉字字模信息需要占用 2560节86. 下列叙述中 , 正确的一条是 ( ) A)显示器即使输入设备又是输出设备 B) 使用杀毒软件可以清楚一切病毒名师归纳总结 proved that a people and a nation, if it does not have its own spiritual pilla r, there is no unity of spiritual support, it m eans that no soul, will lose cohes

41、ion and vitality. Figuratively speaking, a sa ck of potatoes, quantity cannot be too a team, form a joint force; only like granite, so closely United to form invincible , o difficult means of strength. National rejuvenation of Chinese dream, not only embodie t he common interests and pur suits, and

42、covers a variety of groups and classe s, ha s a wide applicability and inclusive, with a strong integrating force and lead the force. She embodies the aspirations of several generations of Chinese, reflecting today . Into sex and purity, e of our and the inevital e requirement of constantly improvin

43、g the partys governing capacity. Strengthening the construction of the adva nce d nat ure and purity, t he core problem is always maintainioverw practing the partys flesh-and-bl ood ties with the masses, so that our party will always be t he most wholehearted support of the masses. nd 第 5 页,共 25 页Mu

44、st take the fundame ntal interest other politica l parties. Marxist political s of the overwhelming majority party ha s a clear politi cal poof the pe iti on aopl e as the party all the starting nd histori cal missi on: for the ipoint a nd ending point, t he party has alway s bee n a common fate with t nterests of the vast


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