1、计算机专业学生应聘自我介绍计算机专业学生应聘自我介绍(精选16篇) 计算机专业学生应聘自我介绍 篇1 大家好,我叫,天津高校计算机应用专业硕士,20xx年6月份毕业,探讨方向。我想从三个方面介绍自己:1)学习方面。大三时保送探讨生,之后进入试验室开展项目探讨。在x年时间里,先后参加了x个项目,其中x个纵向项目,x个横向项目,纵向项目主要是关于,横向项目主要是关于。这些分别对应我简历里的项目经验(1,2,3)。我本科绩点3.8,探讨生绩点3.4。我XX年一次性通过高校英语四、六级考试,XX年通过托业英语考试,考试成果分(满分分),XX年通过软件工程师/网络工程师/系统分析师考试。2)实践方面。曾
2、在软件公司实xx年时间,曾在当过计算机讲师,主讲,另外,本科时曾参与过竞赛,并获得了奖。实习期间,我的最大收获是:学校学习与工作学问的连接,深切感悟将理论应用于实践的重要性和欢乐。3)社会工作方面。本科和探讨生都担当所在班级班长/*部长,同时也在校学生会工作过。在担当班干部的日子里我具备了肯定的组织、协调实力,并深深体会团队协作的重要性。我的性格特点是,1.性格沉稳,2.考虑问题全面、细致,3.做事有自己明确的想法和安排。我的优势是1.自己全面的综合素养;2.做事分清轻重缓急;3.喜爱总结,避开犯同样的错误。我的座右铭是:人因为幻想而宏大,机遇恒久属于那些有打算、马上行动并能坚持究竟的人! 计
3、算机专业学生应聘自我介绍 篇2 我叫,广东广州人,硕士探讨生,将于20xx年6月毕业于南开高校,专业方向是 电路与系统,20xx年加入中国共产党,我的专业特长是计算机应用程序开发和网络通信。 我想从以下三个方面介绍自己。学习方面,我的学习成果优秀,本科GPA:86.7,探讨生GPA:93.3,两次获得 校一等奖学金,并被免试保送到南开高校信息学院,我有较强的科研实力,目前正在参加一个国家自然科学基金项目:行波式微流泵的仿真与电路设计,担当项目组组长,负 责项目规划,任务安排和进度检查,目前正处于软件仿真阶段,通过仿真选择制作微流泵的最佳方案参数,设计新式的无阀压电行波式微流泵,为生化反应供应可
4、控的微量样液。另外还我还作为项目组成员,在20xx年参加国家高校生创新性试验安排:便携式无线体域网,主要负责手持终端PDA客户端程序开发,在20xx年参与国家自然科学基金项目: SPR多通道生物传感器,主要负责测控电路的C语言程序设计。实践方面,在探讨生阶段,我曾有两次实习经验。一次是20xx年暑假,在中南空 管局通信网络有限公司网络工程部,我帮助工程师维护空管局的华为6503和思科3550主 干网,做好主干网的网络监控和数据备份,定期提交网络平安报告,确保网络通畅和信 息平安,并给空管局用户供应网络技术支持服务。另一次是20xx年暑假,在广州共享网讯 科技有限公司运营部,我帮助部门经理进行网
5、站的推广,运营和客服工作,并从事网站美化设计的协助工作。学生工作方面,在以学习为主的同时,我也主动参与学校课余实践活动。曾担当过信息学院探讨生会主席,信息学院团委副书记,学生职业发展协会实践部部长,多隆电子协会财务部长等职务,曾多次获得优秀学生干部和三好学生荣誉称号, 组织了包括:信息学院信息会客厅讲座、新生杯足球赛,篮球争霸赛,乒乓球友情赛, 迎新晚会,联谊舞会,南开高校第一届模拟聘请大赛等大中型活动;还曾作为信息 学院羽毛球队的选手,帮助院羽毛球队获得南开高校校长杯羽毛球团体赛亚军。这些活 动培育了我的领导组织协调实力,和团队协作的意识。我信任,这对我以后的工作也会 有很大的帮助。最终,我
6、想总结一下我的工作特点。第一是团队协作意识强,擅长与人沟通和沟通;其次是动手实力和学习实力突出;第三是做事稳健,看法仔细,有肯定的组织协调 实力;第四是考虑问题全面、细致,做事有自己明确的想法和安排。我想在走上工作岗 位之后,我可以以最快的速度适应工作环境,不断挖掘自己的实力,完善自己,为企业 创建效益。我想加入XX公司是因为我喜爱我的专业,也很看好XX公司的将来发展,在这里我可以学以致用,这让我有很大的成就感和华蜜感。同时我也很观赏 XX公司的企业文化,很喜爱XX公司的工作环境。我情愿成为企业一员,为企业的发展贡献自己的一份力气。 我的职业生涯目标是,做一个既懂技术,又懂业务的复合型人才。
7、计算机专业学生应聘自我介绍 篇3 考官好,我是计算机专业的面试者,我此次应聘的职位是IT行业的软件工程师,这份工作不仅与我的专业对口,同时也是我的特长与爱好所在。现在我就从以下三个方面介绍自己:1)学习实力:我有较强的科研实力,能娴熟的进行Windows20xx和LINUX操作,并能运用VB,DELPHI等语言编程。能运用网页三剑客Photoshop软件进行相关工作。2)实践实力:我的专长是软件开发,我希望能从事这方面的工作阅历,并且我曾经发过多个系统,如人事档案管理系统,工资管理系统等等。3)交际实力:我的性格沉稳,能坐得住,对IT行业的工作,具有特别好的适应实力,而且为人谦和,具有很强的组
8、织和协调实力 ,富有的事业心和责任感使我能够面对任何困难和挑战。从以上的简洁自我介绍,我希望公司能给我一个展示自己实力的机会,让我我可以学以致用,同时我也很观赏XX公司的企业文化与工作环境。我情愿成为企业一员,为企业的发展贡献自己的一份力气。 我的职业生涯目标是,做一个既懂技术,又懂业务的复合型人才。 计算机专业学生应聘自我介绍 篇4 I am , I am a realistic, not exaggerated. Love to participate in collective activities. Team work and personal quality.The solid fo
9、undation of software development, with a passion for programming, learning ability, can quickly grasp the new technologyDuring the period of school, won at 20xx - 20xx school year outstanding members, 20xx - 20xx school year C scholarship, 20xx September was the director of military training outstan
10、ding person. Students will, in cooperation with other officers, mainly on the student dormitory dormitory culture, public health, home etc. supervision and management, evaluation of outstanding dormitory, regularly organize student activities (dormitory basketball, flea cultural market etc.)During t
11、he internship work in financial business department, the Department of rural credit cooperatives in the core business system involved in the business over a number of provincial, city commercial bank payment system and assistant service system. I have been in Guangdong city of the four rural credit
12、cooperatives to do software development. Has participated in the Guangdong province city of the four bank card system, card the transformation of comprehensive business system, telephone banking system, the development and implementation of self-service terminal system. I believe that your trust and
13、 my strength will bring the common success! I hope I can contribute to your own strength! 计算机专业学生应聘自我介绍 篇5 各位评委大家好,我是一名即将毕业的计算机系本科生。高校的四年,给我奠定了扎实的专业理论基础,良好的组织实力,团队协作精神,务实的工作作风还有良好的为人处世实力。理论学习上,我仔细学习专业学问理论,在学好专业必修课的同时,我还阅读了大量计算机书籍。同时对于法律、文学等方面的非专业学问我也有深厚的爱好。在校期间,在专业考试中屡次获得单科第一。获得院设奖学金一次,院三等奖学金五次。是个成果
14、优秀的学生,一样受到老师和同学的好评。在专业学问上,我除了精通Visual Basic、SQL Server、ASP,娴熟运用Linux、Windows 9x/Me/NT/20xx/XP等操作系统,娴熟运用Office、WPS办公自动化软件。还自学HTML 、Frontpage 、Dreamweaver 、Fireworks 、Flash等网页制作相关软件。对于常用软件都能娴熟运用。运用自如。工作上,曾担当院学生会成员、副班长等职,现任计算机系团总支组织部部长。多次组织系部、班级联欢会、春游等活动,受到老师、同学们的一样好评。思想修养上,我品质优秀,思想进步,笃守诚、信、礼、智的做人原则。在社
15、会实践上,四年的高校生活,我对自己严格要求,注意实力的培育,尤其是实践动手实力更是我的强项。曾多次参与社会实践活动,具有肯定的实践阅历和动手实力。无论今后从事什么样的工作,我都会把新的工作当做一个新的起点,不断学习和加强专业技能,以我孜孜不倦的学习看法和踏实负责的作风把每一项工作做好。 计算机专业学生应聘自我介绍 篇6 my name is zhao wanjun. wanjun is my given name. wan means sweet and jun means person, so my name means a sweet-tempered girl. i actually a
16、m! but you can call me june, for your convenience, j-u-n-e, IT's similar to my chinese name jun. i am from enping, a small cITy in the southwest of guangdong province, near hongkong and macao. maybe you have never been there before, IT's well known for the hot springs there.in 20xx, i got th
17、e highest score in the college entrance examinations in my cITy and entered zhongshan universITy. my major is computer science. my gpa ranks in the top 40% among all students, but i have stronger c+ programming skills than many others. also, i was the first one to learn java in my class.i was chosen
18、 by a teacher of mine to participate in his project. the project was about a lan chat room, and i developed the instant messaging system in IT. i was the only female student in this project team.besides study and the project, i worked in the student union for two years, first year as a member, next
19、year promoted to be the general secretary. my colleagues describe me as a reliable and considerate person.ibm is top on my job hunting list for of the reasons you hear every day. i look forward to joining a famous company as IT means good training, good pay, and good people to work wITh, just like y
20、ou gentlemen!technical support engineer is my ideal job because i have both a technical background and the abilITy to deal wITh clients. also, traveling isn’t a problem although i am a woman. 计算机专业学生应聘自我介绍 篇7 大家好,我叫,天津高校计算机应用专业硕士,20xx年6月份毕业,探讨方向,我想从三个方面介绍自己:(1)学习方面。大三时保送探讨生,之后进入试验室开展项目探讨。在x年时间
22、当班干部的日子里我具备了肯定的组织、协调实力,并深深体会团队协作的重要性。我的性格特点是,1.性格沉稳,2.考虑问题全面、细致,3.做事有自己明确的想法和安排。我的优势是1.自己全面的综合素养;2.做事分清轻重缓急;3.喜爱总结,避开犯同样的错误。我的座右铭是:人因为幻想而宏大,机遇恒久属于那些有打算、马上行动并能坚持究竟的人!我的职业生涯目标是,将来有一天能带领一个团队,做出亿万网民宠爱和敬重的软件!做一个既懂技术,又懂业务的复合型人才。 计算机专业学生应聘自我介绍 篇8 good morning.I call/, come from shandong province.this year
23、is 21 years old, , is a student who will soon graduate.passes the foundation knowledge that the teachers guidance controled a calculator with personal effort firmly in the school.mainly studied c language at the software aspect. c#. java etc. plait the distance language, the data structure, vf. acce
24、ss etc. database is applied, calculator operate system.studied the dreamweaver web page manufacture and the asp network to weave a distance also.studied the calculator network at the hardware aspect, the calculator construction with many times to attend to pack machine, set the fulfillment of the ne
25、t operation lesson, make me control the work principle of the calculator and the set of the calculator network net process.in addition, i attend various activities of the school organization to come to the oneself of actively and do various part-time to increase social experience.the teacher is divi
26、ded into the group to us in the experiment and practice of the lesson remaining to complete mission, make we the deep comprehension arrive the importance of the team.the and the rise time acquires the school scholarship during the period of school, three staffs.however necessarily limited at the kno
27、wledge that the school learn, therefore i would ready to take advice study in the later work, the backlog working experience, the exaltation work ability.hope your company to give me a displays an own opportunity!this with the result thatsalute 计算机专业学生应聘自我介绍 篇9 我诞生在农村,在甘肃的大山里,印象中最深的就是看不到头的山,走不完的山路。但
30、0号球衣。 计算机专业学生应聘自我介绍 篇10 my name is zhao wanjun. wanjun is my given name. wan means sweet and jun means person, so my name means a sweet-tempered girl. i actually am! but you can call me june, for your convenience, j-u-n-e, IT's similar to my chinese name jun. i am from enping, a small cITy in th
31、e southwest of guangdong province, near hongkong and macao. maybe you have never been there before, IT's well known for the hot springs there.in 20xx, i got the highest score in the college entrance examinations in my cITy and entered zhongshan universITy. my major is computer science. my gpa ra
32、nks in the top 40% among all students, but i have stronger c+ programming skills than many others. also, i was the first one to learn java in my class.i was chosen by a teacher of mine to participate in his project. the project was about a lan chat room, and i developed the instant messaging system
33、in IT. i was the only female student in this project team.besides study and the project, i worked in the student union for two years, first year as a member, next year promoted to be the general secretary. my colleagues describe me as a reliable and considerate person.ibm is top on my job hunting li
34、st for of the reasons you hear every day. i look forward to joining a famous company as IT means good training, good pay, and good people to work wITh, just like you gentlemen!technical support engineer is my ideal job because i have both a technical background and the abilITy to deal wITh clients.
35、also, traveling isn’t a problem although i am a woman. 计算机专业学生应聘自我介绍 篇11 大家好,我叫,天津高校计算机应用专业硕士,20xx年6月份毕业,探讨方向,我想从三个方面介绍自己:(1)学习方面。大三时保送探讨生,之后进入试验室开展项目探讨。在x年时间里,先后参加了x个项目,其中x个纵向项目,x个横向项目,纵向项目主要是关于,横向项目主要是关于。这些分别对应我简历里的项目经验(1,2,3)。我本科绩点3.8,探讨生绩点3.4。我XX年一次性通过高校英语四、六级考试,XX年通过托业英语考试,考试成果分(满分分),XX年通
37、而宏大,机遇恒久属于那些有打算、马上行动并能坚持究竟的人!我的职业生涯目标是,将来有一天能带领一个团队,做出亿万网民宠爱和敬重的软件!做一个既懂技术,又懂业务的复合型人才。 计算机专业学生应聘自我介绍 篇12 您好,我是。毕业于xx高校。简简洁单的我,却有一颗不简洁的心。我,自信,乐观,吃苦耐劳,身体素养好,敢于迎接一切新事物的挑战;有较强的学习和社会适应实力;能很好的与他人相处,具有良好的团队合作精神。在校期间,本人还参与学校勤工俭学,主动参与学校各种活动。本人已经获得省计算机二级证书、全国一般话二级乙等。语言表达实力强、能够娴熟运用Office20xx(Word,Excel)等办公软件。我
38、的优点是敢于挑战新事物,勇于认错,严格要求自己,做事仔细。今日我要应聘的职位是,希望贵公司能给我加入你们队伍的机会,给我一个成长的空间,让我在贵公司更好的成长起来。 计算机专业学生应聘自我介绍 篇13 我喜爱篮球和乒乓球,曾担当高校校篮球队队员。在篮球队中深刻体会到在大家共同努力下击败对手的成就感!对于计算机有着狂热的宠爱,虽驾驭软件众多,但对编程情有独钟!在每一次解决了问题后都有一种成就感!我喜爱这种感觉,让我能沉迷于我的代码的世界中!爱好程序设计,喜爱开发自已的小型产品,追求技术上的满意感;稳固的架构,健壮的代码,团结的合作,是我的不懈追求。有良好的编程习惯,以及程序错误限制和解决实力,我
39、爱程序员这个岗位,当每天敲着代码,听着音乐,是很欢乐的专心工作,专心生活!我可能不是最好的,最合适的,我觉得我是最有潜力的!20xx,一起加油! 计算机专业学生应聘自我介绍 篇14 I am a graduate of Career Academy Department of Electronic Science and Technology Information * * professional computer hardware, my name is . in the three years of study and life, I firmly grasp the basic kno
40、wledge of computer hardware and electronic professional, proficient in the number of electricity and power module, skilled Office office software and Protel99se, to grasp the computer assembly and maintenance, and gained some practical skills in a variety of practice.And the Chinese language self-st
41、udy examination of the use of spare time, by half. In the period from subjects not only improves literary skills, but also cultivate my strong will.In my spare time I also widely read the books, and actively participate in various activities and social practice, expanding knowledge, cultivate team s
42、pirit, enhance organizational skills, enhance the comprehensive quality. 计算机专业学生应聘自我介绍 篇15 Good morning, my dear professors, it is my honor to be here for your interview. My Chinese name is , and my English name is Joyce, named by myself. Joyce means happy and bright, just the feelings I want to giv
43、e to other people. I come from the city of Haikou,it which is a famous tourist city. I will graduate from the law of science department of University. Now I am doing my best to obtaining the chance to attend into Jilin University of civil and commercial law.In the past 4 years, most of my time has b
44、een spent on study or campus activities, just a month ago, I have taken part in the national judicial examination. Although the result hasn’t come out, I have confidence to pait. When I was sophomore,I found Company Law very interesting, so I learnt it very hard to build up a solid foundation
45、of professional knowledge.As to my character , personally, I am very upright、honest and diligent. In my spare time, I like reading books rewarding how to be myself and how to deal with problems. Movies and music are my favorite entertainment.No pains, no gains. Diligence is the mother of success, so
46、 I always believe I should cherish my time and study hard. Because life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get.All in all, Jilin University with a highly qualified faculty and strong academic environment is the university I have long admired. I believe that I am a ve
47、ry qualified applicant for admission into your Master of civil and commercial law.That is all myself introduction. Thank you for attention. 计算机专业学生应聘自我介绍 篇16 大家好,我叫,我学习成果优良,学风端正,学习刻苦努力,奋勉向上。在仔细完成自身学业的基础上,主动参与选修课学习和各种课余活动,并取得优秀的成果,通过了计算机三级,并获得奖学金。努力汲取各方面学问,增加自身的文化修养。计算机水平较高,熟识与专业相关的各种软件的操作及网站的制作与维护等等。我主动投身社会活动,担当计算机学院科协干事 ,工作主动仔细精彩,并获 优秀学生干部 称号。有较强的社交、组织、实践和探讨分析实力,工作塌实肯干,能够吃苦耐劳,让人放心。我有年轻人的冲劲和魄力,具有很强的团队精神和集体观念。对待生活特别乐观,以诚为本,真诚待人。同时,自己还存在一些不足,但在今后会努力不断改正,提高自身素养.