1、剑桥雅思1-6阅读真题全接触 凯哥凯哥花了点时间把到目前为止的剑桥雅思系列A类试题的标题及其内容做了以下总结希望对大家有用处!剑桥雅思1Reading Passage 1Reading Passage 2Reading Passage 3Test 1A spark, a flint: How fire leapt to lifeZoo conservation programmesARCHITECTUREreaching for the skyTest 2Right and left-handedness in humansMIGRATORY BEEKEEPINGTOURISMTest 3SP
2、OKEN CORPUS COMES TO LIFEMoles happy as homes go undergroundA Workaholic EconomyTest 4GLASSCAPTURING THE DANCE OF LIGHTWhy some women cross the finish line ahead of menPopulation viability analysis剑桥雅思2Reading Passage 1Reading Passage 2Reading Passage 3Test 1AIRPORTS ON WATERChanging our Understandi
3、ng of HealthCHILDRENS THINKINGTest 2Implementing the cycle of success: a case studyNO TITLE(Language barriers)What is a Port CityTest 3Absenteeism in nursing: a longitudinal studyTHE MOTOR CARTHE KEYLESS SOCIETYTest 4Green Wave Washes Over Mainstream ShoppingNO TITLE(The harm that picture books can
4、cause)IN SEARCH OF THE HOLY GRAIL剑桥雅思3Reading Passage 1Reading Passage 2Reading Passage 3Test 1THE ROCKETFROM EAST TO WESTThe Risk of Cigarette SmokeTHE SCIENTIFIC METHODTest 2A Remarkable BeetleNO TITLE(Environmental management)THE CONCEPT OF ROLE THEORYTest 3THE DEPARTMENT OF ETHNOGRAPHYSecrets of
5、 the ForestHighs and lowsTest 4NO TITLE(Air pollution and motor vehicles)VOTES FOR WOMENMEASURING ORGANISATIONAL PERFORMANCE剑桥雅思4Reading Passage 1Reading Passage 2Reading Passage 3Test 1NO TITLE(Childrens ideasrainforests)What Do Whales FeelVisual Symbols and the BlindTest 2Lost for Words(Endangered
6、 languages)ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE IN AUSTRALIAPLAY IS A SERIOUS BUSINESSTest 3Micro-enterprise Credit for Street YouthVolcanoesearth-shattering newsObtaining Linguistic DataTest 4How much higher How much fasterThe nature and aims of archaeologyThe Problem of Scarce Resources剑桥雅思5Reading Passage 1Readi
7、ng Passage 2Reading Passage 3Test 1Johnsons DictionaryNature or NurtureThe Truth about the EnvironmentTest 2BAKELITEThe birth of modern plasticsWhats so Funny(On humour)The Birth of Scientific EnglishTest 3Early Child EducationDisappearing DeltaThe Return of Artificial intelligenceTest 4The Impact o
8、f Wilderness TourismFlawed Beauty: the problem with toughened glassThe effects of light on plant and animal species剑桥雅思6Reading Passage 1Reading Passage 2Reading Passage 3Test 1Australias Sporting SuccessDelivering the GoodsClimate Change and the InuitTest 2Advantages of Public TransportGreying Population Stays in the PinkNumerationTest 3NO TITLE(Cinematography)Motivating Employees under Adverse ConditionsThe Search for the Anti-aging PillTest 4Doctoring SalesDo literate women make better mothersNO TITLE(School bullying)