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1、精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - actions using rule as the timing and retroa s, and in t he pr ocess of the concentration of disci oa ctive, and so on. 11 (three) learni ng understa plinary ruling a ndi ng Ordi, not convergence, not pull na nce need grasp of several focus back as heavy or heavier problem fi

2、rst a problpunishme em-on vint. Discipli ne focuse d discipli ne pr oce ss at least 18 si olation political discipli ne be havior new Or dinasi nce the five-yea nce sixth chapter r, five years is to pay put political discipli close attention to the ne as six big di scipline Central impl ementation e

3、ight pr of first, is main on opposition of led aovisi ons and anti nd opposition ti -four wi nds. Fourth cha pter to suspected illegal party di of basi c theor y, a nd line, and ba sic pr ogramme of, and badi sic esciplinary a ctions a nd disting uish betwee n five different circumstances, x perienc

4、e, a nd basi c requirements of di sci plinary behavi or made provides for specific dispositi on provides, espe provisi ons respectivel y, effective cohesi pe cially will 18 big yilai Central pr oposed d on t o achieve party di strict political disciplisci pline and State ne and political re Law 9. u

5、les of reOne i s the 27t h article quirement s and practi of the Ordi na nc ti ce results into for e provide disciplis that party members found in t ne provisions, Added jump t he di sci on the central plinary revie w of corr upti poli cy, clique, fight reviewon br iber y, der s, wit hout pri elicti

6、 on of duty and other a ri nci ples a nd disregard tlleged offences under criminal law he di sciplinary provisi ons. Thew se are the should be give n to withdraw party posts, ex e partys 18 since the compre hensive pra ctpelled from or pla ctice of strictly adminiced on pr obati stering the on wit h

7、in the party di party in the process of comsciplinary a ction. Second, articl e 28th of the regulati bini ng the rich content. (1) jump on the central policy vions i n t he discipl ine olate the partys of the party organization . Di centr ali zed a nd unified thisci plinary s issue is mapunishment a

8、gainst life , Chapter 6. de under provisi ons of the party 3, annex Annex part of supplementary pr Constitution. Party Constitution stipulated iovisi ons, such a n master uphold dema s the permissi ocratisi c ceon, inter pretation of the regulations, as we ntralism is the party buildi ng must adhere

9、 to one of the four basic re quirements. T his items principles is party of fundamental Organization principles, is mass line in party of life in the of using, it requirements must full develop party democratic, respect members of subject status, guarantees members of democratic right, full play lev

10、el el s party and members of enthusiasm and creative, while, also must implemente e d right of concentrated, guarantee party of solidarity unified and action consistent, guarantee party of decided get quickly and effective of implementation. Central in developed major approach policy Shi, thr ououg

11、h different of channel and way, full heard about party and members of views recommends, but 12 is some people face to face not said, and be hind blather will Shang not said, and w ill Hou blather stage not said, and aiwan Xia blather, actually not only disrupt has people thought, some caused seri ou

12、s conseque nce s, damage has party of concentrated unified, , hamper has central approach policy of implement implementation, also serious violation ha s dem ocratic centrali sm of principles. No doubt, shall, inaccordance wit hh the regulations stipulated in the 46th of appropriate e sanctions. Wit

13、hout serious consequences, the criticism should be given education or the appropriate organization. (2) violate the partys soli darity and unity to the ne w section 48thll (人教版)五年级数学下册期中复习卷班级 _ _ 姓名 _ _ 分数 _ _一、想一想,填一填。1. 艺术家们利用几何学中的()、()和()变换,设计出许多美丽的图案。2. ()立方米 =98立方分米 =()升 。3. 填上合适的单位: 一瓶矿泉水约 500

14、();)三类。)。 一瓶眼药水约 10(): 运货集装箱的容积约5()。4. 自然数( 0除外),按照因数的个数可分为()、()和(5.20 以内的素数有()个。)。最小三位数是 (6. 用最小的质数, 合数和 0,写出同时被 2,3,5整除的最大三位数是(7. 一个三位数,十位上的数字是最小的质数,个位上的数字是十位上的的数字大 2,这个三位数是()。8. 正方体棱长和是 48厘米,它的体积是()立方厘米。3倍,百位上的数字比个位上9. 一个长方体水池,长 6米,宽 3米,深 3米,占地面积是(),它的容积是()。10. 把两个同样大小的长方体拼成一个正方体,这个正方体的棱长是 10厘米,

15、原来长方体的表面积是()平方厘米,体积是()立方厘米。11. 长方体的体积(),用字母表示为()。正方体的体积(),用字母表示为()。12. 一个正方体水池占地平方米,切成两个相等的长方体,表面积增加了()平方分米。13. a 3表示的意义是(), a 2表示的意义是()。14. 有一根长方体木料体积是 540立方分米,它的截面面积是 20平方分米,这根木料的长应是 ()。to 52nd of the Ordina nce, to violate the party s soli darity and unity, such as punishment of violati ons of po

16、l itical disci pline as specifie d. The 52nd new missions Gang gang , cli que, cliques wit hin t he part y, cultivating private power i nterests or by Excha nge, creating a mome ntum for their a ctivities, such as fishing for political capital , punishment impose d seri ous w arni ngs or wit hdr awa

17、l of party posts in serious cases, punishment impose d or pla ced on probation withi n the ex pelled. (3) on the rival groups revi ew pr ovisions of the party Constit ution, must comply wit h the obligati ons of the party faithful are party members. Party members must obey decided shall not contrave

18、 ne the Organizati on decided t o have pr obl ems to find organizati ons, relying on t he Organi zation, a de ce ption organizati on, against the organi zation. For example . Female country (territory) outside , such a s em ployment, i ncome, pr operty a nd inve stment matters, for failing to re por

19、t, not truthf ully report, unde clared, a nd so on, depe ndi ng o n the seriousness, give critici sm and e ducation, within a time limit, shall beordered t o make checks a nd commands hi s conversati on, criticize d or a djustment of status, removal and so on, constitute s a discipli nary offence, d

20、i sci plinary a ction in a ccorda nce wit h the releva nt provi sions. But since the original wa s not a ppr opriate i n the spe cific provi sions of the regulations, for violat ions of the provisi ons do not re port, report the matters related t o the personal behavi or doe s not corre spond to the

21、 discipli ne of sa nction, i n practi ce it is difficult to operate. On thi s, for sol ution not report, a nd not trut hfully report persona l about matters 15 aske d blame d of problem, ne w Ordina nce incre ased has 67t h article , on violation per sonal about matters report prov des, not re port,

22、 a nd not truthful ly report of behavi or proposed has clear of di sposition accor ding to, makes t his cla ss disci plinary be havior no longer ha s empty ca n drill , for carried out personal a bout matters checks verifie d, and ca dres supervi sion, an d di sci pline revie w , w ork provi des has

23、 powerful of discipli ne guara ntees. (2) with regard t o illegal orga nizations, w ill parti cipate i n the fellow a nd al umni, t o comrades 名师归纳总结 68th of the reg ulations pr opportunity to weave netwovides t hat the party cadres vi ork, Pro-cl ose drain, Gaolating releva nt regulati ons, partici

24、 ng gang, but not the Alliance, Jin LApation in spontane ous fellow, alumni, frie N sw orn, and so on. Third, there no organds, etc, to be puni nization was estani she d accordi ng to the blished wit h the participatiseriousness of it. Of particular note here is t on of fellow clubs, al umni, a nd f

25、riends. hree thi Breaki ngngs: first, this article is merely cadres, reflects the high requirements for leading party cadres; the ot t her is i n violation of the 2002 Central Commission for discipline i e i nspecti on, the Ce ntral Organizati i on Department a and t he general political Department

26、jointly issued the circular on leading cadres should not participate in the voluntary establishment of villagers and alumni and ally organization noti ce of the relevant provisions. T hat is organized, villagers participating in the established clubs, alumni, comrades will constitute a di i sciplina

27、ry offence is contrary to the premi mi se of this rule. Specified in the noti ce, leading ca a dres should not participate in the ups compatriot, alumni, vari ri ous organizations such as the association between comrades, sponsors and organizers of the exclusion of such association shall in such ass

28、ociation i i n corresponding positions; not the第 1 页,共 5 页- - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - actions using rule s, and in t he pr ocess of the concentration of disci plinary ruling , not convergence, not pull back a s heavy or heavier punishme nt. Disc ipli ne focuse d discipli ne pr oce ss at le

29、ast 18 si nce the five-yea r, five years is to pay close attention to the Central impl ementation eight pr ovisi ons and anti-four wi nds. Fourth cha pter to suspected illegal party di sciplinary a ctions a nd disting uish betwee n five different circumstances, provides for specific provisi ons resp

30、ectivel y, effective cohesi on t o achieve party di sci pline and State Law 9. One i s the 27t h article of the Ordi na nce provide s that party members found in t he di sci plinary revie w of corr upti on br iber y, der elicti on of duty and other a lleged offences under criminal law should be give

31、 n to withdraw party posts, ex pelled from or pla ced on pr obati on wit hin the party di sciplinary a ction. Second, articl e 28th of the regulati ons i n t he discipl ine of the party organization . Di sci plinary punishment against life , Chapter 6. 3, annex Annex part of supplementary pr ovisi o

32、ns, such a s the permissi on, inter pretation of the regulations, as we ll as the timing and retroa ctive, and so on. 11 (three) learni ng understa ndi ng Ordi na nce need grasp of several focus problem first a probl em-on vi olation political discipli ne be havior new Or dina nce sixth chapter put

33、political discipli ne as six big di scipline of first, is main on opposition of led a nd opposition of basi c theor y, a nd line, and ba sic pr ogramme of, and ba sic ex perience, a nd basi c requirements of di sci plinary behavi or made dispositi on provides, espe cially will 18 big yilai Central p

34、r oposed strict political discipli ne and political r ules of re quirement s and practi ce results into for discipli ne provisions, Added jump on the central poli cy, clique, fight review s, without pri nciples a nd disregard t he di sciplinary provisi ons. The se are the partys 18 since the compre

35、hensive pra ctice of strictly admini stering the party in the process of com bini ng the rich content. (1) jump on the central policy vi olate the partys centrali zed a nd unified thi s issue is ma de under provisi ons of the party Constitution. Party Constitution stipulated i n master uphold democr

36、ati c centralism is the party buildi ng must adhere to one of the four ba sic re quireme nts. T his items pri nciples i s party of fundamental Organizati on principle s, is mass line i n party of life in the of usi ng, it requirements m ust full dev elop party dem ocratic, respe ct members of subjec

37、t stat us, guarantees members of dem ocratic rig ht, full play level s part y and members of enthusia sm and cr eative, w hile, al so must implemente d right of concentrated, g uarantee party of soli darity unified and a ction consiste nt, guara ntee party of deci ded get quickly a nd effective of i

38、mplementation. Central in developed major approa ch poli cy Shi, thr oug h different of cha nnel a nd wa y, full heard a bout party and members of view s recommends, but 12 is some people face to face not sai d, and be hind blat her will Sha ng not said, a nd w ill Hou blat her stage not sa id, a nd

39、 aiwan Xia blather, act ually not only disr upt has people thought, some cause d seri ous conse que nce s, damage has party of conce ntrated unified, hamper has ce ntral approa ch poli cy of implement implementation, also seri ous violati on ha s dem ocratic centrali sm of principle s. No doubt, sha

40、ll, in accordance wit h the regul ations stipulated i n the 46t h of appropriate sanctions. Without serious consequences, t he criti cism should be given educati on or the appropriate organi zation. (2) violate the partys soli darity and unity to t he ne w se ction 48th15. 一个正方体水池占地平方米,切成两个相等的长方体,表面

41、积增加了()平方分米。16. 用12米长的铁丝围成一个正方形铁丝框,3边长度是总长度的(),每边长是()米。17. 分数 x,当x= ()时,它是这个分数的分数单位;5当 X=()时,它是最大的真分数;当 x =()时,它是最小的假分数;当x=()时,它是最小的带分数。18. 5 的分数单位是(),再添上()个这样的单 12位,就是 1。19. 五年一班有学生48人,其中有女生28人,男生占全班总人数()。二、慎重选择。(把正确答案的字母填在括号里。 )1. 旋转和平移都只是改变图形的()。A. 大小 B. 形状 C. 位置 D. a 方向b 2. ()个棱长厘米的小正方体可以拼成一个大正方体

42、。. . . 3. 正方形的边长是质数,它的面积一定是()。A. 质数 B. 合数 C. 偶数 D. 奇数4. 同时是 2、 3、5倍数的最大三位数是()。A.120 B.990 C.960 D.930 5. 把一块棱长是 4分米正方体大面包切成棱长是10厘米的正方体小面包,最多可以切()块。A.4 B.16 C.32 D.64 三、判断正误。(在括号里,正确的画“ ”,错误的画“ ” 。)名师归纳总结 1. 正方体有两条对称轴。-()r operty and investmend cadres supervisi on, a nt matters, for failing to report

43、, a nd disci pline review , w ork pr ovides not trut has hfully report, unde powerful of discipliclared, a ne guaraa nd so on, depentees. (2) with regard to i ndi ng on the seri to i llegal organi ousness, give criti ni zations, will cism and educati partici pate in theon, wit fellow and ahin a time

44、 limit, shall be lum ni, to comrades he 第 2 页,共 5 页2. 长方体的各个面一定是长方形。-()3. 任何一个非零自然数的因数至少有两个。-()4. 棱长为 6厘米的正方体,它的表面积与它的体积一样大。()5. 大于 1的自然数,不是质数就是合数。- -()to 52nd ordered tof the Or o make che dinance , to violate the partys solidarity ae cks a nd commands hi s conversation, criti nd unity, such as rit

45、i cized or adjustment punishment of violati nt of status, removal aons al a of politind so ocal di scipline a n, constit utess specified. The 52nd a di sci plinary offence, disci new missi sci plinary aons Gang gang, cli ction in acli que, cliques witccorda nce wit h the relevahin the party, cultiva

46、ti nt provi sions. ng private power interest But si nce t he origi nal was s or by Exchange s not appropriate in the specific , creating a mome fic provisntum for their a i ons of the regulactivities, ti ons, for such as fishi violations of the ng for political capital, pr ovisions punishme do not report, re nt impose


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