1、u nit 7重唯点词汇ft5折与练习1 .open, turn on两者虽然都是动词表示“开”之意,但它们在用法上又有区别:open通常用来表示“开门”、“开窗”、“开盒子”、“睁开眼”等,其反义词为close0 例如:Its hot inside. Why not open the windows?里面热,为什么不把窗户翻开呢?Please dont open your eyes and guess: Whats in the bag?请不要睁开眼,猜一猜:袋子里有什么?She couldnt wait to open the box.她迫不及待地翻开了盒子。open还可用作形容词,意为“
2、开着的”、“敞开的”,表示的是状态,其反义词 为closed。例如:1 think the shop is closed at this time of day.我认为这家商店白天这个时候不开门。No, I think its open.不,我认为开门了。turn on习惯上用来表示“开电视”、“开收音机”、“开灯”等一些电器设备,其 反义词为tu rn off。例如:Mother is asleep. Youd better not turn on the TV set.母亲睡觉了。你最好别开电视。I turned on the light and saw a cat on the floo
3、r.我翻开灯看见地板上有只猫。turn on是个由“动词+副词”构成的短语动词,其后接名词作宾语时位于副词 前或后均可,其后假设接代词作宾语只能位于副词之前。例如:Please turn on the radio. (=Please turn the radio on.)请翻开收音机。Please turn it on.请把它翻开。请选用以上词语的适当形式填空: Who the radio just now? Please your books and look at page 108. Dont say that before we the color TV set. Look! All t
4、he doors are.(Key:turned on open turn on open)2.in, intoin意为“在内”,是表示静态的介词。into意为“进里”,是表示动态的 复合介词。例如:She is walking in the room.她正在房间里踱来踱去。She is walking into the room.她正在进房间。John works in a factory about ten kilometers from his home.约翰在离家10公里远的一家工厂工作。He gets into the lift and goes up to the twelfth
5、floor.他走进电梯,上第十二楼。在put, throw, break, lay, fall等动词之后,既可用in,也可用into,这时in也表示动态,常含有into的意思。例如:He put all the books in/into the bag.他把所有的书都放进书包里。特别提醒in可用作副词,into那么不能。例如:Come in!进来!请选用以上词语的适当形式填空: Fish live the water. The teacher came the classroom. There are many people the bus. Mike fell the hole. Wed
6、better go.(Key:in into in in/into in)3.cup, glass这两个名词都可指“杯子、区别在于:cup一般指用玻璃以外的材料制成的杯子,体积小,且常带有把柄,多用来 喝可乐、咖啡、茶等。cup还可以指比赛时作为奖品的“奖杯”。例如:Would you have a cup of tea?请来一杯茶好吗?Who won the cup?谁获优胜?glass一般指用玻璃制成的杯子,常用来饮酒。例如:There are two glasses of wine on the table.桌上有两杯酒。Lets have a glass of beer.我们喝杯啤酒吧
7、。止匕外,glass作可数名词用时还有“镜子”、“眼镜”等意思,作不可数名词用时 意为“玻璃”。例如:Look at yourself in the glass.用镜子照你自己。I need a piece of glass.我需要一块玻璃。请选用以上词语的适当形式填空: I have five tea. Please give me a of water. Is any coffee in that blue? He is drinking a of beer.(Key:cups glass cup glass)4.add.to, add to, add up, add up to这几个词组
8、都有“加”的意思,它们在用法上有区别,表示的程度也不一样。1)add.to意思是“把加到上去”。例如:In order to get harvest, the farmers usually add fertilizer to the soil.为了获得丰收,农民通常往地里追(加)肥。If you add 15 to 85, you will get 100. 15 力口 85 等于 1000这里的add是及物动词。如果to的宾语在上文已经提到,那么宾语连同to均 可省略。例如:This soup is too salty; add some hot water (to the soup).这
9、汤太咸了,加点热水。2)add to意为“增加、add是不及物动词,add to后面通常接抽象名词。例如:Your company adds to the enjoyment of our visit.有你们陪同,我们这次访问更加愉快了。I dont want to add to his difficulties.我不想增加他的困难。add to之间还可以有修饰成分。例如:The newly constructed buildings add greatly to the beauty of this city.新建的大楼大大地增加了这个城市的美观。3)addup意思是“把加起来”,“加起来”
10、,add是及物动词。例如:Add up 6, 8 and 18 and youll get 32.把6、8和18相力口,总数是32。Take care to add these figures up correctly.注意把这些数字加准确。4)add up to意思是加起来共计”,“总和”,例如:The bills add up to exactly 100 dollars.这些账单加起来正好100美元。His whole school education added up to nearly fifteen years.他受的学校教育总共近15年。请选用以上词语的适当形式填空: If yo
11、u 25 15, you will get 40. I dont want to his trouble.1,3 and 5 and youll get 9. The bills exactly 300 Yuan.(Key:add, to add to Add up add up to)5. finally, at last, in the end(1)finally 一般指一系列事物或论点的顺序的最后一项内容,或用在动词前, 表示等了好久才,没有感情色彩。例如:Finally, lets do some exercises.最后我们来做一些练习吧。The question was final
12、ly settled.这个问题最终得以解决。(2)at last往往表示经过一番努力或曲折的过程之后的意思,常常有较浓厚的 感情色彩。例如:The sixth blind man went forward to feel the elephant. He was old and slow and it took him quite some time to find the elephant at all. At last he got hold of the beasts tail.第六个瞎子走上前去摸大象。他年纪大,行动缓慢,费 了相当长的时间才找到大象。最后他抓住了大象的尾巴。(3)in
13、 the end 可与 finally 和 at last 通用。例如:The war lasted four years before the North won in the end.这场战争持续了四年,最后北方取得了胜利。但in the end可预卜将来。例如:When a piece of ice is taken to a warm room, it becomes smaller and smaller, until in the end it disappears completely.当一块冰被带进暖和的屋子,冰就会变得越来越小,直到最后完全消失。请选用以上词语的适当形式填空:
14、my brother joined the army. The king waited and waited., after a year he could not wait any longer.we will arrive at the top of the mountain. The war had been long and hard, but now there was peace.(Key:Finally/ln the end At last At last in the end)6.up, down正如我们汉语里把去北方说成“北上”,去南方说成“南下”一样,英语也常用 up和do
15、wn这一组对立的词(作副词或介词)来表达不同的去向。它们的使用 与区别如下:(1)去北方用up,去南方用down。例如:Some birds fly up north in spring and down south in autumn.一些鸟春天飞向北方,秋天又飞向南方。(2)去内地用up,去沿海用down。例如:The explorers traveled up to the country,探险者至U 内地旅行。Then he made his way down to the shore.然后他朝每边走去。去河的上游用up,下游用down。例如:I swam up the river y
16、esterday.昨天我游泳逆江而上。A box is floating down the river. 一只箱子顺水漂去。(4)进城用up,下乡用down。例如:Years ago, many students went down to the countryside, and now they have some up to the cities again.许多年前很多学生下乡,现在又回城了。(5)到城市的住宅用up,商业区用down。例如:He traveled up in the suburbs on his bike.他骑自行车到郊区去。I was down Nanjing Road doing some shopping.我去南京路买些东西。