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1、此材料由网络搜集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。材料共分享,我们负责传递知识。学会感恩英语演讲稿the grateful heartgratitude is an attraction that no one can resist it. we can not have big love, but we can have small love to make big thing. when the words of te geisha appear, i know that we must have a grateful heart.we live in a world full of g

2、ratitude, i think there are four main kinds of people we should be grateful.first, wed better be grateful for our parents. we are the apples of their eyes. they spend lots of time developing us with all of the energy left in their souls. my parents take great care of me, just like gardeners taking c

3、are of their flowers. when i was a child, mother often told me that, study hard, and you will make something of yourself. now i grow up, i thank the love of my parents.second, we ought to be grateful for our teachers. they let me fly leisurely in the sky of knowledge. never be a quitter in face of h

4、ard problem! it is often been by my teacher. they help me to free from ignorance and develop my moral sense, and becoming a qualified and knowledgeable builder of our motherland. at no time of the year are thank-you notes are more obvious than june, the months of graduation. last but one, we shall b

5、e grateful for our friends. a friend indeed is a friend in need. as you sow, so shall you reap. we share happiness and reserve together. they need not be concerned about us, but they did, so we shall be grateful for them. like helping them buying something,inviting them to have a dinner, etc.last bu

6、t not least, be grateful for yourself! after studying hard for 12 years, we become an outstanding student ofanhuiuniversity of technology. listen closely to your thoughts, be honest with yourself, and take quiet time to listen to your inner voice.at the thought of so many peoples love around us, we

7、must be grateful. give others roses, and the sweet smell will leave in your hands. if everyone makes a contribution to the gratitude, the world will become much more beautiful! i believe that if we can show our gratitude more clearly to our beloved ones, we are sure to bring about more happiness and joy. now, let us see your grateful heart as soon as possible!thank you again for listening!


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