1、Why Six Sigma StarwoodWe Think Were Different !13246578910Today, if 2.5 (84% yield) then 10 dissatisfied customers every day, every property!Why Six SigmaComplex, multi-step processStarwood = 25 Million Guests AnnuallyIf 99%, then 90% yield 9 dissatisfied per property every dayIf 99.9997% then, 99.9
2、97% yield 10 dissatisfied per property every year99% x99% x99% x99% x99% x99% x99% x 99% x 99% x99% = 90%Wide variability of performance to customer expectations in core processes across business: Major opportunity Major riskNo common method for sustaining, leveraging and transferring innovation acr
3、oss Starwood Lack of robust processes to sustain above average EBITDA growth rates: Internal view that Starwood doesnt systematically support collaboration, process improvement, people development, and best practice sharing.“Case for Change”The Case for Change:Guest Satisfaction - 25 Million GuestsG
4、lobal GSI Composite“Highly Satisfied” = 3 - 6 xmore staysvs. “satisfied”OpportunitySatisfied customers= $2bn+ RevenueBillions of revenue from increased satisfaction“Dissatisfied customers” tell 8 - 10 people. “internet” allows dissatisfied customers to broadcast to thousands of people20,250,000 peop
5、le aware of dissatisfactionBillions of potentially negative impressions Zagats Expedia Travelocity EThreatSatisfied41%Highly Satisfied50%Dissatis.9%If not “highly satisfied”, then customers defect for price or location.12,500,000 “at risk” customersProvide Customers Compelling Reason To ReturnWhat I
6、s Six Sigma?Six Sigma: Whats not to like? The FoundationSix Sigma is -Voice of the Customer - Measure: - Goal:-System of management:To Benefit the Business & its Customers, Associates and Owners How well we are meeting the Customers requirements Critical to Quality MeasuresDefine the capability of a
7、 processImprovement that reaches near-perfectionAchieve lasting business leadership and top performanceCustomer is any person or organizationthat receives a product or service (Output) from our work activities (Process)Process is Series of Activities that: Take Inputs, Adds Value, Produces OutputSix
8、 Sigma: Process FocusedSix Sigma Approach & Projects Everyone including: customers (Internal & External)Even VendorsSix Sigma CouncilPropertyAreaDivisionalDMAIC Projects: BB & TeamQuick Hits Process ownerDesignate best practice Six Sigma Council (Division, Global)iDMAIC“Import” projects Process owne
9、r W H O a r e t h e s e in d iv id u a ls w e c a ll M a s t e r B la c k B e lt s & B la c k B e lt s MM a a s s t t e e r r B B l l a a c c k k B B e e l l t t s s : : GG e e n n e e r r a a l l MM a a n n a a g g e e r r o o r r A A r r e e a a MM a a n n a a g g i i n n g g DD i i r r e e c c t
10、t o o r r s s L L o o c c a a t t i i o o n n s s : : B B a a n n g g k k o o k k , , S S y y d d n n e e y y , , S S h h a a n n g g h h a a i i / / B B e e i i j j i i n n g g & S S i i n n g g a a p p o o r r e e 1 . A d iv e r s e b a c k g r o u n d th a t c o m p r is e s e x p e r ie n c e s
11、in o p e r a tio n s , s a le s & m a r k e tin g , F & B a n d s u p p o r t a r e a s c r it ic a l fo r b e in g a b le to le a d p r o je c t s a n d c o n fir m th e d a ta a n d V O C e le m e n ts 2 . E x tr e m e ly in tu itiv e , y e t a c r itic a l th in k e r 3 . L e a d e r , p a tie n
12、c e , p e r s e v e r a n c e , te a c h e r , c o a c h 4 . R e s o u r c e fu l a n d o r o b ta in in g r e s o u r c e s 5 . A n a b ility to s e e b e y o n d th e n u m b e r s 6 . A n a p titu d e fo r d r a w in g r e la tio n s h ip s w h e n in te r p r e t in g d a ta le a d in g p r o je
13、 c ts 7 . S u c c e s s fu l a t w e a v in g th e fib e r in to o f t h is n e w fa b r ic in to o u r H o te ls a n d th e ir te a m s 8 . E x a m p le s o f le a d in g c h a n g e a n d in s tillin g a c u ltu r e B B l l a a c c k k B B e e l l t t s s : : E E x x e e c c u u t t i iv v e e C C
14、 o o mm mm i it t t t e e e e L L e e v v e e l l a a n n d d o o r r D D e e p p a a r r t t mm e e n n t t H H e e a a d d s s L L o o c c a a t t i io o n n s s : : D D e e s s i ig g n n a a t t e e d d P P r r o o p p e e r r t t i ie e s s 1 . G o o d s tu d e n t s 2 . C r itic a l th in k e
15、r s 3 . C u r io u s - - - 5 w h y s 4 . S p u r s c r e a tiv ity - - le a d s a n o r g a n iz a tio n to g e ttin g o u t o f th e b o x 5 . R e s o u r c e fu l 6 . T a k e n o th in g fo r g r a n te d 7 . L e s s o n s le a r n e d fr o m th e p a s t- - - n o t in f lu e n c e d in to th e fu
16、 t u r e 8 . O b je c tiv e a n d o p e n m in d e d 9 . I n te r p r e t in fo r m a tio n a n d d a ta a b ility t o d r a w r e la tio n s h ip s ( fin a n c ia l & n o n - fin a n c ia l) 1 0 . I m p a c t th e fib e r o f t h e o r g a n iz a tio n 1 1 . D r iv e th e c u ltu r e 1 2 . G o o d
17、L is te n e r d o y o u h e a r 1 3 . I n te r p r e t d a ta 1 4 . I n flu e n tia l 1 5 . W o r k s I n d e p e n d e n tly Six Sigma Roles: Black Belts1.Work with property leadership to identify opportunities 2.Mobilize the team members and others in the property3.Coach/train team members in Six
18、Sigma methods “just-in-time”4.Identify implementation success barriers & work with others to overcome5.Recommend & Pilot with the team innovative business process improvements6.Achieve and capture measurable financial & guest loyalty results; complete 3 to 8 projects annually, depending on size, com
19、plexity & resourcesBB Does the Work & Drives the team !1.“A+” talent; your associate who you can least afford to lose!2. Analytical “horsepower”, intellectual curiosity & problem solving skills3. Leadership & influence skills4. Future business leadersSix Sigma Roles: Master Black Belt“Portfolio Mana
20、ger” Power Point Mini Tab Excel Visio & ProjectOther Important Six Sigma RolesSix Sigma APD RolloutAPD TimetablePreliminary timetable to implement 1Q03 SepOctNovDecJanFebAprJulAugMarMBB & BB “Wave 1” training & training projects$Property council training (SSC) 3 to 4 Properties perFirst BB projects
21、startOwner “road shows”Design APD architecture & rolloutGM training (LSS)BB “Wave 2” training & training projectsFirst “Quick Hits”2$12Property “billing” iDMAICNov 02BeyondHR ASSESSMENT TOOL1$MBBs Start Jan 1APD Six Sigma Summary45+ full-time resources, globally10,000 training daysProjects600 + DMAI
22、C, Transfer & QH projects into Control3 to 5 Year Goals Guests : Exceed expectations with less variability Owners : Substantial Financial Benefit Associates : Tools to cost effectively transfer innovation & improve core processes2003 Targets: At least Full Breakeven$600,000 +BBs , MBBs etc“Black Bel
23、t” (40-45 +/-): Full-time leadership & execution of property, area, or division-level projectsAssociates: Work on project teams“Master Black Belt”(3-4): Support AMDs via diagnostics, manage the project portfolio, and coach BBs within a geographyDivision Management,Area VP, GM:Project, process and bu
24、siness resultsDivision Six Sigma Leader:Driving the Six Sigma initiative within the divisionDivision Six Sigma Analyst (1):Financial tracking, reporting & analysis of projects and resultsKey Role AccountabilityFTE = 45 +/-APD Six Sigma OrganizationEVP Six SigmaExec CteeBlack BeltGeneralManagersMaste
25、rBlack BeltsAMDDivision SixSigma LeaderDivisionPresident10 BBMBB #110 BBMBB #2 10 BBMBB #3VP Six Sigma & MBB IndonesiaSix Sigma LeadershipMBB #4 10 BBVERY PRELIMINARYDivision Six Sigma AnalystTrainingProject List1-2 Months agoLSSOverview of Six Sigma tools and SSC processPre-work(GM, BB, ExComm)SSC3
26、 day courseDMAIC 1Training projectDMAIC 2General Manager & Property Training SSC Workshop Simulation PDF review / critique Council Meeting Action Plans1 Day GM-led session3 Day Facilitator led Training event$BB Project #1BB Project #2Today Brainstorming Prioritization Selection of 3-5 project ideas
27、PDF assignmentPDFPDFRevised PDFsPDFPDFSSC4x / year$1-2 weeksPDFPDFPDFBlack Belt Training TrackSix Sigma Training InvestmentTraining Days54510 to 151 to 25 1/5FULL-TIME SIX SIGMABlack Belts (Green Belts)26XXXXXXMaster BlackBelts30XXXXXVP Six Sigma & Global25XXXXCORP & DIVISION LEADERSHIPSOC through D
28、irector5XAddl Proj Team Members2XXPROPERTIESGM10XXXXExec Comm 5XXAddl Proj. Team Members1XAssociates1+XXInnovation Transfer iDMAIC (web)Associate Intro.Second Year TrainingLeading Six SigmaLeading TeamsCouncil TrainingDMAIC: D1, D2, D310,000+ Days of TrainingiDMAIC Training is intended for all on Pr
29、operty Managers and will be done thru the Development Center on line in Starwood OneDetailed description of the terms used can be found hereGeneral 6 Sigma InformationSix Sigma Information1. E TOOL2. INNOVATION TRANSFER3. LESSONS LEARNED4. CURRENT GLOBAL, DIVISIONAL & CORPORATE PROJECTS5. THE DMAIC
30、PROCESS01 02 03 04 05 06 07 00 . 0 00 . 0 10 . 0 2Ob s e r v a t i o n Nu mb e rIndividual ValueI Ch a r t f o r T o t a l Cy11X = 0 . 0 0 2 0 5 73 . 0 S L = 0 . 0 0 6 9 3 2L B = 0 . 0 0 00 . 0 00 . 0 10 . 0 201 02 03 04 0T o t a l CyFrequencyHi s t o g r a m o f To t a l Cy , wi t h No r ma l Cu r
31、v e7 06 05 04 03 02 01 000 .0 0 7 50 .0 0 5 00 .0 0 2 50 .0 0 0 0O b s e rv a tio n N u m b e rIndividual ValueI C h a rt fo r T o ta l C y1X = 0 .0 0 1 4 0 53 .0 S L = 0 .0 0 3 8 8 2-3 .0 S L = -1 .1 E -0 33 0 02 0 01 0 001 0 08 06 04 02 00B A D C E FBAr=.7Cause BEffectr=.5Cause AEffectDefectsSigma
32、2 4 6Process BaselineDefectsSigma2 4 6Process EntitlementA g e n t We l c o me s G u e s tP a y A c c e p t e dA g t . R Q S T S F o r m o f P a yA g t S h o w s K e y P a c k e t t o G u e s tA g t . C o n f i r ms R a t e / S i g n .C u s t o me r G o e s t o R o o mC u s t o me r L e a v e sC u s
33、 t o me r Wa l k s t o D e s kA g e n t A g t . c o n f i r ms I n f o o n R e s e r v a t i o nB e l l S t a t i o n A s s i s tS e a r c h e s f o r R o o mG u e s t N e e d s L u g g a g e A s s i t sA g e n t F i n d s R e s e r v a t i o nA g e n t C r e a t e s R e s e r v a t i o nC u s t o m
34、e r G o e s t o R o o mC u s t o me r L e a v e sC u s to m e r G o e s t o R o o mC u s to m e r G o e s to R o o mC u s to m e r W a lk s InProcess RedesignS I Process O C FriendlyResponseSpeedCTQVoice of the CustomerProject CharterReduce cycle time and variability of Check-In.Choice 3 Choice 2Cho
35、ice 1SolutionsDecision Matrix CriteriaImplementationActivitiesDefineMeasureAnalyzeImproveControlDMAICProcess Improvement Methodology The Statistical Tools used Tools in D1 and D2XStrength of applicabilityDescribe ProcessIdentify Sources of VariationExpand ListReduce ListPredict OutcomesControl Proce
37、sesXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXControl Charts (Run Charts)Continuous Data: Xbar-R; I-MRAttribute Data: p, np, c, uOther: EWMA, CUSUM, etc.Descriptive StatisticsBox PlotsDot PlotsHistogramsProbability PlotsExperimentationMulti-Vari (Nested, Crossed)Design of Experiments (Factorial, Taguchi, etc.)Fail
41、XXXXXXXXXXXTollgate Checklist DefineFor our project, we have :1. Confirmed that our project is a worthwhile improvement priority and is supported by the Quality Council.2. Been given (or written) a brief business case explaining the potential impact of our project on customers, profits, and its rela
42、tionship on business strategies.3. Composed and agreed to a two to three sentence description of the problem as we see it the Problem Statement focusing on symptoms only (not causes or solutions).4. Prepared a Goal Statement defining the results were seeking from our project, with a measurable targe
43、t (or placeholder to add one). No solutions are proposed in the Goal Statement5. Prepared other key elements of an DMAIC team charter, including a list of constraints and assumptions, a review of players and roles, a preliminary plan and schedule, and (if needed) a process scope. 6. Reviewed your Ch
44、arter with your sponsor for this project and confirmed his/her support.7. Identified the primary customer and key requirements of the process being improved and created a SIPOC diagram of the areas of concern.8. Prepared a detailed process map of areas of the process where we expect to focus our ini
45、tial measurement.YES NOYES NOYES NOYES NOYES NOYES NOYES NOYES NOEvery Stage of the DMAIC Process will have a tollgate checklistEvery Stage will require Six Council and MBB review and approvalProject Search CriteriaProjects by Master Black Belt or a variety of other search methodsA Projects P&L Summ
46、ary Monthly ViewProject Financial Benefit SummaryP&L Summary, Total, Property, Project- People trained, processes mapped & measured- “Best Practice” innovations transfer- Dashboards in place- Clear sigma improvement against customer “CTQs”.- Dramatic process improvement against stretch targets to “C
47、TQs” - Core processes redesigned- Six Sigma delivers material net income. - The way we run the business, day to day.Multi-Year Change Program:Deliver Compelling Guest Satisfaction2-3 20012002-32004-6What Our “Roadmap” Looks Like- Program launched & right resources allocated- Organization believes we
48、re serious - Projects launched & improvement tracked;- Great talent: BBs/MBBs- Delivers to the P+L3-4 4-5 Innovation Transfer Creates Strategic AdvantageTactical Advantage2001-2: Project BenefitsProjects deliver value at the property, for the property:Projects improve property processesStrategic Adv
49、antage2002-3+ : Innovation TransferProjects deliver value & improve Starwood-wide processesInnovations rapidly transferred to all applicable Starwood properties:Innovation TransferSPEEDLess Investment (Dont reinvent the wheel)Less Risk (Do what works somewhere else)Faster Implementation faster benef
50、itsFaster recovery from errors - experimentationR O I3 Years 6 MonthsSix Sigma iDMAIC CourseCompletedStartedTotal1: Your Field Guide6,257 837 7,094 2: Introduction to Innovation Transfer5,294 310 5,604 3: Getting Started with Innovation4,561 286 4,847 4: iDMAIC3,544 456 4,000 Total Modules19,656 1,8