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1、1/6 开放英语3期末复习题及作业答案(三)IV 阅读理解1 选择题阅读理解I Once the king of India fell ill and sent for his doctor.Thedoctor came,examined him and said,“You will be well again ina few days if you take bull s milk.”The king was verysurprised,for he had never heard of a bull that gave milk.“How is it possible?”he asked.

2、“Order Gulbo,the scholar,to get it for you.He can doanything.”The doctor was an enemy to Gulbo,and thought thiswould be a way of making him suffer.When the king told Gulbowhat the doctor had said and ordered him to get bull s milk,Gulbo immediately understood what the doctor was trying to do.When he

3、 got home he sat thinking how to get out of thedifficulties.His daughter,seeing him worried,asked what wasthe matter.On hearing what the king had asked for,she said,“Don t worry,father,I ll help you.”The next day she took some old clothes,went to the bank ofthe river near the palace,and chose a plac

4、e below the king sbedroom window.In the middle of the night,when everyone wasin bed,she started to do her washing.She made so much noisethat the king could not sleep.The king got very angry and seta guard to find out what was the matter.The soldier found thegirl,and led her to the king.“Why do you w

5、ash your clotheshere at night?”asked the king.Thegirl pretended to be afraid and said,“I had to washclothes at night.This afternoon my father had a baby.I wasbusy all day because of that.Then I found there were no cleanclothes for the baby,so I had to come and wash them now.”“What!”cried the king,“A

6、re you trying to make a fool of me?Who ever heard of a man having a baby?”“Well,if the king himself orders someone to get bull s milkfor him,why can t a man have a baby?”The king smiled and said,“You must be Gulbo s daughter.Goand tell your father that he may keep the bull s milk for hisbaby.”1.Acco

7、rding to the doctor in the story,the king s illnesscan be cured by _.B.drinking bull s milk2.The doctor told the king to ask Gulbo to find bull s milkbecause he _.B.hated Gulbo very much3.How did Gulbo feel after getting the king s order?A.He was upset.4.Why did Gulbo s daughter wash clothes below t

8、he king sbedroom window at night?D.Because she wanted the king to notice her.5.From the dialogue between the king and the girl,we knowthat after hearing the girl s story,the king _.D.understood the girl s meaning阅读理解II People all over the world today are beginning to hear andlearn more and more abou

9、t the problem of pollution.Pollution is caused either by man s release of completely new and oftenartificial(人造的)substances into the environment,or byreleasing greatly increased amounts of a natural substance(物质),such as oil from oil tankers into the sea.Whatever its underlying reasons,there is no d

10、oubt that muchof the pollution caused could be controlled if only companies,individuals and governments would make more efforts.In thehome there is an obvious need to control litter and waste.Food comes wrapped up three of four times in packages that allhave to be disposed of。drinks are increasingly

11、 sold inbottles or tins which can t be reused.This not only causes alitter problem,but also is a great waste of resources,interms of glass,metal and paper.Advertising has helped thisprocess by persuading many of us not only to buy things weneither want nor need,but also to throw away much of what we

12、do buy.Pollution and waste combine to be a problem everyonecan help to solve by cutting out unnecessary buying,excess use and careless disposal(处理)of the products we use in ourdaily lives.1.The main cause of pollution is _A.the release of artificial or natural substancesinto the environment2.Much of

13、 the pollution could be controlled if only C.all sides concerned would make more efforts3.Food packages,bottles and tins for drinks can causeB.both a4.Which of the following can not help solving the problem ofpollution?B.Eating.5.What does the underlined word“litter”mean in paragraph 2?C.bits of was

14、te things阅读理解III Thousands of years ago,in the middle of an ocean,miles fromthe nearest island,an undersea volcano broke out.The hot liquid piled higher and higher and spread wider and wider.Inthis way,an island rose up in the sea.As time went on,hot sun and cool rains made the rock splitand break t

15、o pieces.Sea waves dashed against the rock.Inthis way,soil and sand came into being.Nothing lived on the naked soil.And then the wind and birdsbrought plant seeds,spiders and other little creatures there.Only plants could grow first.Only they,in sunlight,couldproduce food from the minerals of the so

16、il,water and air.While many animals landed on the island,they could find nofood.A spider spun its web in vain,because there were noinsects for its web to catch.Insects couldn t stay untilthere were plants for them to eat.So plants had to be thepioneer life on this new island.1.The passage centers on

17、 _.D.how lifebegan on a volcano-produced island2.According to the passage,the island got its first soil from_ C.its own rock 3.The word“naked”(in para.3)could be replaced by which ofthe following?D.bare4.The order of coming into being on the island is _.A.soil,plants and animals5.According to the pa

18、ssage,which of the following is TRUE?C.Insects could not live on the island without plants.阅读理解IV In the last 500 years,nothing about people not theirclothes,ideas,or languages has changed as much as what they eat.The original chocolate drink was made from the seedsof the cocoa tree by South America

19、n Indians.The Spanish introduced it to the rest of the world during the 1500 s.Andalthough it was very expensive,it quickly became fashionable.In London shops where chocolate drinks were served becameimportant meeting places.Some still exist today.The potato is also from the New World.Around 1600,th

20、eSpanish brought it from Peru to Europe,where it soon waswidely grown.Ireland became so dependent on it that thousandsof Irish people starved when the crop failed during the“PotatoFamine”of 1845-6,and thousands more were forced to emigrateto America.There are many other foods that have traveled from

21、 SouthAmerica to the Old World.But some others went in the oppositedirection.Brazil is now the World s largest grower of coffee,and coffee is an important crop in Colombia and other SouthAmerican countries.But it is native to Ethiopia.It was firstmade into a drink by Arabs during the 1400 s.Accordin

22、g to an Arabic legend,2/6 coffee was discovered when agoatherd name Kaldi noticed that his goats were attracted tothe red berries on a coffee bush.He tried one and experiencedthe“wide-awake”feeling that one-third of the world spopulation now starts the day with.1.According to the passage,which of th

23、e following haschanged the most in the last 500 years?A.Food2.“Some”in“Some still exist today”means _.C.some shops3.Thousands of Irish people starved during the“PotatoFamine”because D.the potato harvest was bad4.Coffee originally came from_C.Ethiopia5.The Arabic legend is used to prove that _ D.coff

24、ee drinks were first made by Arabs阅读理解V Crime Prevention InitiativesThe chances that you will be a victim of violent crime arelow.But you can avoid risk in the following ways.A T HOME You should make sure your house or flat is secure.Always lock the door from the inside at night,but you must keep th

25、e key nearby,so that you can use it to get out quickly if there is a fire.You must never give keys to workmen as they can easily make copies.If you wake up and hear a burglar,stay quietly in bed.Pretend you are asleep.If you feel more confident,switch on the light and make a lot of noise。even if you

26、 are on your own you should call out loudly to an imaginary companion,so that the burglar thinks you are not alone and runs away.You should have a phone or a mobile in your bedroom to alert the police immediately.If you come home and think you see signs of a break-in,you shouldn t go in,the burglar

27、may be inside.You should go to a neighbour and call the police.ON THE STREET At night:Always walk facing the traffic,so that a car cannot pull up behind you.You mustn t go through parks or woods.If you think someone is following you,cross the road one or two times.If he or she continues to follow yo

28、u,go to a pub or other public place.Always carry your bag close to you,but carry your house keys in your pocket so that you can open the door quickly.If someone attacks you-remember your safety is more important than your property.1.This passage mainly focuses on A.how to avoid the crimes both at ho

29、me and in the street2.If you want to guarantee you are secure at home,you shouldB.never leave the keys to workmen since they can easily makecopies 3.Based on the passage,if you notice someone following you,its better for you to B.go to publicplaces4.Why should you have a telephone in the bedroom?C.B

30、ecause it s convenient fo r us to report to the police incase there is a burglary.5.From the passage,we can infer that we might be victims if_.A.we cannot part with the money when being attacked阅读理解VI An Extraordinary Change of DirectionMolly Wilson had been a dancer and a mother for many yearswhen

31、she decided to sail round the world to raise money forcharity.As a child she had trained as a ballet dancer,but at 15 shehad grown too tall for classical ballet,so she became amember of a pop dance team.She got married,and after she had children she retired fromshow business to bring them up.They gr

32、ew up,and when theywere 18 they left home.She says,“When I decided to do the round-the-world race,myhusband thought I was bored because the children had lefthome.He was also worried because I had never sailed before.Iwas not bored,but I had met some people who told me about therace.They had taken pa

33、rt in it,but they had only done one section,say,from New Zealand to Australia.I wanted to do the whole ten-month journey.”Before Molly left she did a lot of training,but it hadn tprepared her for the worst weather which they experienced.Shetells one story.“One night the sea was very rough and it was

34、very cold.I had gone downstairs when a huge wave smashed intothe boat and injured two men on the deck.One of the mencouldn t move because he had broken his leg.They were takento hospital by helicopter.That was the worst time.”By the end of October last year,she had raised more than?50,000 for charit

35、y.She says,“Sometimes I ask myself,what did I do?How did I doit?But then I think,it s the same as being a dancer.BeforeI left on the trip,I had trained hard.I had got very fit andhad prepared myself completely.Then on the trip I was simplya good team member.”1.What does the word“extraordinary”mean i

36、n the title?B.very unusual and surprising2.The sentence“my husband thought I was bored”in Para.4meantthat my husband thought I felt A.dissatisfied because I had nothing better to do at home 3.The word“section”in Para.4 most probably means hereC.part ofthe route of sail4.Which of the following is nea

37、rest(closest)in meaning to“rough”in the sentence“One night the sea was very rough”in Para.5?C.not smooth because ofhuge waves5.The last paragraph suggests that _A.the qualities she needed for the trip were the same asthose for a dancer阅读理解VII There have been changes in all sorts of different areas o

38、fBritish society.In recent years in the UK we have had a very large increase in the number of couples who get divorced.After 1969 and the Divorce Law Reform Act we had a very rapidincrease in the number of divorces.The rate increasedsteadily and in recent years has increased much more rapidly.But th

39、ere are also quite a lot of people who do actually getmarried.At present the marriage rate in the UK is about 70per cent,which has gone down since the number of people whomarry has gone down quite a lot in the last 20 years,but moresignificantly in the last 10 years.Quite high proportions ofpeople n

40、ow live together without marrying,and,for example,40 per cent of children born in the UK are born to couples whoarent married or are born to lone parents.There are quite alarge number of lone parent families,90 per cent of these areheaded by a woman rather than a man.The average family size now in t

41、he UK is 1.8 children percouple,which means that theres been quite a decline in thebirth rate in the UK along with other European countries.1.What does the passage mainly discuss?C.The increasing divorce rate 文档编码:CM3B2M6R6E2 HS3Y5H2R3F3 ZV8F6L3I1Q6文档编码:CM3B2M6R6E2 HS3Y5H2R3F3 ZV8F6L3I1Q6文档编码:CM3B2M

42、6R6E2 HS3Y5H2R3F3 ZV8F6L3I1Q6文档编码:CM3B2M6R6E2 HS3Y5H2R3F3 ZV8F6L3I1Q6文档编码:CM3B2M6R6E2 HS3Y5H2R3F3 ZV8F6L3I1Q6文档编码:CM3B2M6R6E2 HS3Y5H2R3F3 ZV8F6L3I1Q6文档编码:CM3B2M6R6E2 HS3Y5H2R3F3 ZV8F6L3I1Q6文档编码:CM3B2M6R6E2 HS3Y5H2R3F3 ZV8F6L3I1Q6文档编码:CM3B2M6R6E2 HS3Y5H2R3F3 ZV8F6L3I1Q6文档编码:CM3B2M6R6E2 HS3Y5H2R3F3 ZV

43、8F6L3I1Q6文档编码:CM3B2M6R6E2 HS3Y5H2R3F3 ZV8F6L3I1Q6文档编码:CM3B2M6R6E2 HS3Y5H2R3F3 ZV8F6L3I1Q6文档编码:CM3B2M6R6E2 HS3Y5H2R3F3 ZV8F6L3I1Q6文档编码:CM3B2M6R6E2 HS3Y5H2R3F3 ZV8F6L3I1Q6文档编码:CM3B2M6R6E2 HS3Y5H2R3F3 ZV8F6L3I1Q6文档编码:CM3B2M6R6E2 HS3Y5H2R3F3 ZV8F6L3I1Q6文档编码:CM3B2M6R6E2 HS3Y5H2R3F3 ZV8F6L3I1Q6文档编码:CM3B2M

44、6R6E2 HS3Y5H2R3F3 ZV8F6L3I1Q6文档编码:CM3B2M6R6E2 HS3Y5H2R3F3 ZV8F6L3I1Q6文档编码:CM3B2M6R6E2 HS3Y5H2R3F3 ZV8F6L3I1Q6文档编码:CM3B2M6R6E2 HS3Y5H2R3F3 ZV8F6L3I1Q6文档编码:CM3B2M6R6E2 HS3Y5H2R3F3 ZV8F6L3I1Q6文档编码:CM3B2M6R6E2 HS3Y5H2R3F3 ZV8F6L3I1Q6文档编码:CM3B2M6R6E2 HS3Y5H2R3F3 ZV8F6L3I1Q6文档编码:CM3B2M6R6E2 HS3Y5H2R3F3 ZV

45、8F6L3I1Q6文档编码:CM3B2M6R6E2 HS3Y5H2R3F3 ZV8F6L3I1Q6文档编码:CM3B2M6R6E2 HS3Y5H2R3F3 ZV8F6L3I1Q6文档编码:CM3B2M6R6E2 HS3Y5H2R3F3 ZV8F6L3I1Q6文档编码:CM3B2M6R6E2 HS3Y5H2R3F3 ZV8F6L3I1Q6文档编码:CM3B2M6R6E2 HS3Y5H2R3F3 ZV8F6L3I1Q6文档编码:CM3B2M6R6E2 HS3Y5H2R3F3 ZV8F6L3I1Q6文档编码:CM3B2M6R6E2 HS3Y5H2R3F3 ZV8F6L3I1Q6文档编码:CM3B2M

46、6R6E2 HS3Y5H2R3F3 ZV8F6L3I1Q6文档编码:CM3B2M6R6E2 HS3Y5H2R3F3 ZV8F6L3I1Q6文档编码:CM3B2M6R6E2 HS3Y5H2R3F3 ZV8F6L3I1Q6文档编码:CM3B2M6R6E2 HS3Y5H2R3F3 ZV8F6L3I1Q6文档编码:CM3B2M6R6E2 HS3Y5H2R3F3 ZV8F6L3I1Q6文档编码:CM3B2M6R6E2 HS3Y5H2R3F3 ZV8F6L3I1Q6文档编码:CM3B2M6R6E2 HS3Y5H2R3F3 ZV8F6L3I1Q6文档编码:CM3B2M6R6E2 HS3Y5H2R3F3 ZV

47、8F6L3I1Q6文档编码:CM3B2M6R6E2 HS3Y5H2R3F3 ZV8F6L3I1Q6文档编码:CM3B2M6R6E2 HS3Y5H2R3F3 ZV8F6L3I1Q6文档编码:CM3B2M6R6E2 HS3Y5H2R3F3 ZV8F6L3I1Q6文档编码:CM3B2M6R6E2 HS3Y5H2R3F3 ZV8F6L3I1Q6文档编码:CM3B2M6R6E2 HS3Y5H2R3F3 ZV8F6L3I1Q6文档编码:CM3B2M6R6E2 HS3Y5H2R3F3 ZV8F6L3I1Q6文档编码:CM3B2M6R6E2 HS3Y5H2R3F3 ZV8F6L3I1Q6文档编码:CM3B2M

48、6R6E2 HS3Y5H2R3F3 ZV8F6L3I1Q63/6 in the UK.2.During the last ten years,A.the marriage rate has gone down more rapidly in the UK3.According to the passage,the cohabitation rate in the UKtends to B.soar(急剧上升)4.According to the passage,which of the following statementsis NOT true?A.The highest divorce

49、rate was around 1969.5.The last paragraph tells us D.the birth rate in the UK is decreasing rapidly now 阅读理解 VIII Some people think they have an answer to the troubles ofautomobile crowding and dirty air in large cities.Their answer is the bicycle,or“bike”.In a great many cities,hundreds of people r

50、ide bicycles towork every day.In New York City,some bike riders have evenformed a group called Bike for a BetterCity.They claim thatif more people rode bicycles to work there would be fewerautomobiles in the downtown section of the city and thereforeless dirty air from car engines.For several years


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