1、动力工程及工程热物理专业英语 Still waters run deep.流静水深流静水深,人静心深人静心深 Where there is life,there is hope。有生命必有希望。有生命必有希望课程任务及学习方法 检索本学科有关国际学术期刊,通过略读摘要获取本研究领域的重要学术论文,通过精读,词汇学习、表述方法分析、掌握写作规范。通过6-8篇论文的精读,达到能都熟练阅读及翻译本学科领域的论文,掌握1000至1500个专业词汇、学会写作,制作PPT及英文演讲。课程以检索论文及翻译、PPT制作及模拟演讲确定成绩。主要学习内容和任务o检索本学科及研究方向的重要论文10篇以上;o翻译题目
2、及摘要;o全文翻译1-2篇;o精读本学科学位论文摘要10-20篇;o掌握词汇及摘要写作方法;o归纳1000以上词汇,100种常用表达句式;o以1-2篇重要期刊论文为题材,制作PPT,模拟国际会议。重要学术期刊:oInternational Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow.oInternational Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer.oJournal of Fluids Engineering oInternational Journal of Multiphase Flow oExperiments in Fluid oFlui
3、d Dynamic Researcho.学科分类(学科分类(Discipline Category)oPower Engineering and Engineering Thermo-physicslThermal engineeringlEngineering Thermo-physicslPower Machinery and EngineeringlFluid Machinery and EngineeringlFreezing and Low Temperature EngineeringlFluid mechanicslChemical Process Equipment概论专业英语
4、属于科技英语,English for Science and Technology,简称 EST,是一种用英文阐述科学技术中的理论、技术、实验和现象等的英语体系,它在词汇、语法和文体等各方面都有自己的特点,从而形成了一门专门学科。文章的特点:结构严谨 逻辑严密 文体多样如:论文、综述、实验报告、教材、专利、说明书等。专业英语与科技英语 专业英语是结合各自专业的科技英语 各个专业文章的语法现象基本相同,他们都遵循科技英语的语法体系。科技英语的构词法 所谓构词法即词的构成方法,即词在结构上的规律。科技英语构词特点:o 外来语多(很多来自希腊语和拉丁语);o 构词法多o 除了非科技英语中常用的三种构
5、词法转化、派生及合成法外,还普遍采用压缩法、混成法,符号法和字母象形法o 有大量半科技英语词汇(semi-scientific words)annual output 年产量 produceevery year转化法(conversion)合成法(composition)o由两个或更多的词合成一个词,叫合成法。有时需加连字符。压缩法(shortening)o只取词头字母 TOEFL:Test of English as a Foreign Language 非英语国家英语水平考试 ppm:parts per million 百万分之一o 将单词删去一些字母:lab:laboratory 实验室
6、 Kilo:kilogram 千克、公斤 flu:influenza 流行性感冒混成法(blending)o两个词的一头一尾连在一起构成一个新同positron=positiveelectron 正的电子=正电子medicare=medical十care 医学的+照管=医疗保障字母形象法(letter symbolizing)oX-rayoU-pipe科技英语的语法特点o作为英语语言的一部分,科技英语以其行文庄重,结构严谨,力求客观,感情色彩少而著称。对科技英语语言特点进行分析,我们可以看出其语法结构有着不同于普通英语的特征:l 陈述句使用较多l 被动语态使用频繁l 简略表达突出 一般陈述句多
7、o科技文章中为了叙述自然现象的演变及其规律,解释公式,通常用一般陈述句。o科技英语常用现在时态来论述理论部分,也可以用此时态来说明试验的全过程o做学术报告时常用一般过去时态和现在完成时例如:1、Force applied equals mass times acceleration.所作用的力等于质量乘以加速度。F=ma2、Weakness in the metal caused it to fracture under tension这种金属的强度差使得它在张力下断裂。被动语态o首先,科技人员关心的是行为、动作、作用、事实,至于这些行为是谁做的,无关紧要,所以,在这样的句子中就没有必要出现人
8、称。o其次,主语一般位于句首,被动语句正是将“行为、活动、作用、事实”等作为主语,从而能立即引起读者对所陈述的事实的注意。o最后,在意识的表达方面被动句通常比主动句更简洁明了。o比较例句:Mathematics is used in many different fields.People use mathematics in many different fields简略表达o简化时间状语从句 After it is separated After separationp简化原因状语从句 The steam pressure falls because it condenses on the
9、 cylinder The steam pressure falls because of its condensation on the cylinderp简化名词从句 The engineer has told us where we shall drill another oil well The engineer has told us where to drill another oil wellp把形容词名词化,以简化一些以whethe,how等开头的名词从句 It is necessary to examine whether these results are accurate
10、 It is necessary to examine the accuracy of the results.科技英语的翻译标准o1.信(True)忠实 所谓信,即译文和原文是等义的,译文应当准确无误的表达原文的真实含义,使读者能确切了解原文的内容和精神,并如实领会原文的风格和文采。o2.达(smooth)流畅、通顺 所谓达,即译文应当通顺的表达原文的含义。o3.专业术语正确 进行科技英语翻译时,一定要使用术语,不能说外行话。例如:the iron and steel industry 钢铁工业 (不能译成:铁和钢工业)The fluid of electricity 电流(不能译作:电的流
11、动)Combine 化和(化学术语),一般不译成:结合例句:pForce is any push or pull that tends to produce or prevent motion.力是能产生或阻止运动的任何形式的推或拉。(错译:力是任何倾向于产生或阻止运动的推或拉。)pThe moment the circuit is completed,a current will start flowing toward the coil.电路一接通,电流就开始流向线圈。(The moment 一就.)(错译:电流被完成这一片刻,一个电流就开始流向这个线圈)例句:oThe differenc
12、e in energy lever between the substrates and products is termed the change in Gibbs free energy.底物与产物之间的能极差叫做吉布斯自由能的变化。(错译:在底物和产物之间能量水平的差异称为吉布斯自由能的变化)pModern scientific and technical books,especially textbooks,require revision at short intervals if their authors wish to keep pace with new ideas,obse
13、rvations and discoveries.对于现代科技书籍,特别是教科书来说,要是作者希望自己书中的内容能与新概念,新观察到的事实和新发现同步发展的话,那么就需要每隔较短的时间,将书中的内容重新修改。(不准确的翻译:现代科技书籍,特别是教科书要求作者不定时地修改内容,如果他们希望与新概念,观察到的事实和发现同步发展的话(照搬原文,逐字死译)翻译技巧和方法-词汇的翻译o 根据上下文语境来确定词义 科技翻译涉及到的领域较广,一个词在不同领域中的运用,意义可能大相径庭。如end的常用意为“末端,结束”,但是在科技英语中有着更多的专业意义,如soluble end“溶解范围”,variable
14、 short end“可变短路器”,the overseas end of Bell telephone Corp.“美国贝尔电话公司的海外业务部”。p词汇翻译中的变通手段l 转化法:各类词汇如名词、动词、形容词、副词、介词等都可以在双语语义对应的要求下互相转换词性,从而改变原文的句子结构,使译文的表达更趋向自然。例如:The theory greatly facilitated the interpretation and prediction of properties of organic compounds.这一理论,在很大程度上有助于解释和预测有机化合物的性质。翻译技巧和方法-词汇的
15、翻译p省译法 为提高译文的可读性,翻译时可以将原文中的冠词,代词,介词,连词,动词等进行省译。例如:The expenditure of energy of one kind in any process involves the production of an equivalent amount of energy of other kinds.任何过程中,一种形式的能量损耗都会产生其他形式的相等的能量。l增补法 指的是补充语义上和修辞上需要的词,使原文中的省略部分和隐含部分在译文中清楚的表达出来。The temperature needed for this processing is
16、lower than that needed to melt the metal 这种加工方法所需要的温度低于融化该金属的温度。翻译技巧和方法-句子的翻译o长句的翻译l顺译法:有些科技英语长句在结构的表达次序和方式上与汉语基本一致,这时可以按照原文直译。l分译法:按照汉语的习惯,将长句中的从句或者短语化为若干短句,分开叙述。例如:Each cylinder is encased in a water jacket,which forms part of a circuit through which water is pumped continually,and cooled by means
17、 of air drawn in from the outside atmosphere by large rotary fans worked by motors.每一个气缸都用一个水套围着,水套构成了回路的一部分。水泵驱使水在回路中不停的流动,并由外面鼓进空气使水冷却。鼓风用的大型旋转风扇由电机带动的。l变序法 指的是按照译语的表达习惯重新组织和排列句子的语序。例如:The construction of such a satellite is now believed to be quite realizable,its realization being supported with
18、all the achievements of contemporary science,which have brought into being not only materials capable of withstanding severe stresses involved and high temperature developed,but new technological processes as well.现代科学的一切成就不仅提供了能足够承受高温高压的材料,而且也提供了新的工艺过程。依靠现代科学的这些成就,我们相信完全可以制造出这样的人造卫星。o被动结构的翻译l 译成汉语被
19、动句 When a wire is pulled,its length increases with a corresponding reduction in its area.金属丝被拉长,其长度变长,但横截面积相应减少。The laws of motion will be discussed in the next article.运动定律将在下一章中予以(加以)讨论。Currently most solar cells are made from crystals of high-purity silicon 目前,绝大多数太阳能电池是用高纯度的硅晶体制成的被动结构翻译l译成汉语主动句
20、When the rust is formed,a chemical change has taken place.当铁生锈时,就发生了化学变化。Friction can be reduced and the life of the machine prolonged by lubrication.润滑能减少摩擦,延长机器寿命。It is said that据说.It is believed that.人们相信.It is noted that.人们注意到.有人指出 It is taken/though that.人们认为.It is sometime asked that.人们有时会问 It
21、 is found that.据发现.It is illustrated that.据图示(说明).翻译过程 翻译过程一般需经过三个阶段:理解、表达、校对。1.理解阶段 在理解原文时,首先应把全篇文章阅读一遍,领略大意。2.表达阶段 表达就是选择恰当的汉语,把已经理解了的原作内容叙述出来。3.校对阶段 该阶段是对上两个阶段的内容进行校对,检查译文是否能准确无误地转述原作内容;译文的语言表达是否规范,是否符合汉语习惯。了解国际期刊的投稿周期第二篇 国际学术交流英语English for international academic exchange第一讲 国际会议前期准备o会议时间及地点o会议主
22、题o会议日程o参加会议人员o组委会o会务费o联系方式o。会议发言 Oral presentation at a conference会议发言开头oThank you for the warm introduction.It is a great pleasure to be here with you today.oGood morning.Let me start by saying just a few words about my own background.oGood morning,I am XX,from Jiangsu university.Today i will intro
23、duce our new research about XX.o.阐明发言主题oThis presentation will focus on oIt is a pleasure for me to be here this afternoon and to address you on the subject of.oI would like to talk to you aboutoI am happy to have the opportunity to share information with you about o.发言内容提要 oI have divided my presen
24、tation into five parts:first.second.oTo address these questions,I would like to divide my talk into five parts:oMy talk is organized into four parts:o.分步讨论问题oLet us look at the slit wall effect on Taylor-Couette flowoThe first thing I want to talk about is the slit wall effect on Taylor-Couette flow
25、pNow to the second part of my talk:p A second point,that also needs to be stressed,is that:pAnother point I would like to make related top转向下一个话题oSo far,I have presented you with.And now I would to present you with oWe have talked here about.There are some relevant questions that need to be addresse
26、d again.oNow I am going to talk aboutoBefore concluding,I would like to touch on one other important phenomenon 引用及例证oA complete proof of this fact can be found in Fig.a.oI can even give another example.oI take just one of his figures to illustrate my point.o.结束语pThank you for your attention.I would
27、 be pleased to address your questions at this time.pThat is all that I want to talk about this morning.Please do not hesitate to ask me if you have any question.pThat concludes my talks.Thank you very much.So,now I am very interested to hear your comments.p.科技英语论文写作科技英语论文写作o英语写作一般知识简介英语写作一般知识简介 o写作的
28、基本理论和技巧写作的基本理论和技巧科技英语论文的组成部分科技英语论文的组成部分o标题(标题(Title 或或Topic)o作者的姓名(作者的姓名(Authors Name)o论文作者的工作单位(论文作者的工作单位(Institution)o论文摘要(论文摘要(Abstract 或或Summary)o论文的内容目录(论文的内容目录(Contents)o论文内容本身(论文内容本身(Text)引言(引言(Introduction)正文正文 结论或结束语(结论或结束语(Conclusion(s))及建议等)及建议等 附录(附录(Appendix)致谢(致谢(Acknowledgement(s))作者简
29、介(作者简介(Biography)对他人研究成果、观点的评估:对他人研究成果、观点的评估:pBy the late 1980s,researchers has started scientific work on pSomebody(1990)gave a theoretical overview of,but oHowever,these studies were limited to 近期进展情况分析:近期进展情况分析:oThe method worked well at oThe models of has recently received considerable attention
30、.oIn the last decade,several approaches of were independently proposed.oThe study of was in vogue for several years until 标题标题 使用名词短语或非限定动词短语作为论文的标题使用名词短语或非限定动词短语作为论文的标题oComputer Imitation System for oInvestigation of the Feasibilities of o Primary Study on o Mathematical Model of oStudy on Torsiona
31、l Vibration Analysis of ICE Crankshaft.oDevelopment of Automobile Electronics and Domestic Application.oA Simulation Optimization Method for Automotive Cooling System oMicroprocessors in Transport摘要的特点:摘要的特点:o篇幅短小篇幅短小o语言精炼语言精炼 o用词规范用词规范 o概括完整概括完整 o内容具体内容具体 o独立成文独立成文 摘要 文文摘摘包包括括:研研究究目目的的、研研究究对对象象、研研究
32、究方方法法、研研究究结结果果、所所得得结结论论、结论的使用范围等。结论的使用范围等。This paper presents/discusses/studies/deals with/investigates The effect of the presence of slits in the wall of the outer one of two concentric cylinders involved in creating a TaylorCouette flow is experimentally investigated.Three models with different nu
33、mbers of slits(6,9 and 18)are used and the radius ratio and aspect ratio of the models are 0.825 and 48,respectively.The velocity fields are measured by using the digital particle image velocimetry method,and the refractive index matching technique is applied to remove image distortion.The flow regime in the TaylorCouette flow is studied by increasing the Reynolds number.The results show that the presence of slits does not affect the laminar transition process and that the transition to turbulent Taylor vortex is accelerated as the number of slits increases.