1、海纳百川,有容乃大;壁立千仞,无欲则刚。林则徐人之为学,不日进则日退,独学无友,则孤陋而难成;久处一方,则习染而不自觉。顾炎武克服拖延症的 5 种有效方法 5 Effective Ways to Overcome Procrastination 克服拖延症的 5 种有效方法 1.Focus on your priorities 1.集中于你优先要做的事情 If you want to succeed in managing your tasks and fighting procrastination,you are to focus on the things which are prior
2、.Analyze your activities that lead to a problem and exclude all the factors causing procrastination.The main thing is to be well motivated to reach all your goals.如果你想成功管理你的任务,战胜拖延症,你应该集中于优先要做的事情。分析导致问题的活动,排除一切导致拖延症的因素。主要的事情就是要动机充分地去实现你的所有目标。2.Visual board 2.视觉板 Visual board is considered to be the
3、most efficient way to motivate you in arduous situations.Write down your plans on small pieces of paper and put them on the board of your needs.This way,youll be able to observe this set of dreams hundred times a day.视觉板被认为是在艰难的情况下激发你的最有效的方法。在小纸上面写下你的计划,贴在你的需求板上面。这样,你就能每天观察你既定的梦想数百次。3.Start doing sm
4、aller tasks 3.开始做较小的任务 Sometimes we engage ourselves with challenging tasks and feel upset if something is wrong.Not to get in such a trap,start doing small things and then move to the next level and deal with more challenging ones.Bit by bit you will manage procrastination.有时候我们总是忙碌于有挑战的任务,如果出错的话,就
5、会感觉郁闷。为了避免陷入这一陷阱,可以开始先从小事做起,然后再进入下一个阶段,处理更加有挑战的任务。你就能一点点克服拖延症。非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。诸葛亮我尽一杯,与君发三愿:一愿世清平,二愿身强健,三愿临老头,数与君相见。白居易4.Plan your day 4.计划你的每一天 All successful people plan their day in advance.As a result,they have a possibility to do more tasks,making their casual days more profitable.When having a
6、 plan,the main thing is to follow it and be sure that nothing would slip out your schedule.Try to concentrate directly on the task you need and dont let anything distract you.所有成功的人都是提前计划他们的一天。因此,他们就有可能去做更多的任务,让他们悠闲的一天获利更多。当你有一个计划,主要的事情就是按照计划进行,要确保你的日程表上没有漏掉任务。尝试直接集中注意力在你需要做的任务上面,不要让任何事情分散你的注意力。5.Ge
7、t up early 5.早起 Get up earlier and youll be able to increase your chances in the battle with procrastination.An early riser is sure to be in luck and its usually so.If you have difficulties with getting up early in the morning,you should motivate yourself to do it by all means.In 21 days youll get u
8、sed to such a schedule.早起的话,你就能提高你在与拖延症的战斗中胜出的机会。起床早的人,一定会有好运,事情往往如此。如果你在早上很难早起,你务必应该激励自己早起床。在 21 天的时间里,你就能适应这一日程规律。-on 集中于 Next,we turn from the disk subsystem to focus on the processors.接下来,我们要将焦点从磁盘子系统转移到处理器上。considered to be 被认为是 Although there is no one theory of strategy,there is what might be
9、 considered to be mainstream approaches to strategy.尽管还没有一个战略的“理论”,但却有一些可能会被接受的“主流的”战略研究方法。耽搁,拖延;拖延症 Your first child,your son,showed you that despite doubt,fear and procrastination,when he arrived he was immediately your deepest and most profound love.穷则独善其身,达则兼善天下。孟子以家为家,以乡为乡,以国为国,以天下为天下。管子牧民你的第一个孩子,你的儿子,向你显示出,尽管怀疑、恐惧和拖延,当他到来时,他立刻是你的最深最深的爱。used to 习惯于 Yes I know,dubbing is horrible,but you get used to it after a while.是的,我知道,配音的东西会让人有厌烦感,但时间一长你就习惯了。