1、中英亲属称谓语对比及翻译亲属称谓亲属称谓社交称谓社交称谓依据现代汉依据现代汉语词典的解语词典的解释释,“称谓称谓”是是指指“人们由于人们由于亲属和别的亲属和别的方面的相互方面的相互关系关系,以及由以及由于身份、职于身份、职业等而得来业等而得来的名称。的名称。”一一般说来般说来,称谓可称谓可分为分为称谓语的功能等值称谓语的功能等值包惠兰认为称谓语的功能等值体现在四个方面:(1)表达称谓者的感情(2)传达称谓者的语气(3)体现交际者的身份(4)反映交际场合的特点 英汉英汉亲属称谓亲属称谓对比对比 在在现代汉语现代汉语中中,亲属称谓大都能把其身亲属称谓大都能把其身份表明一览无余份表明一览无余如辈份如
5、互叫名字。很多人而说英语的国家则习惯于互叫名字。很多人甚至干脆用名来称呼父母的兄弟姐妹。甚至干脆用名来称呼父母的兄弟姐妹。汉语称谓语介绍汉语称谓语介绍汉语父系汉语父系/母系称谓语归类表母系称谓语归类表父方 母方 姑 姨 叔(伯)舅 姑父 姨丈 婶 舅妈 侄 甥英语中称谓语介绍 (great)Grandfather (great)grandmother father uncle aunt mothercousins sister brother:Son(-in-low)/daughter(-in-low)niece/nephew Grandson/granddaughterGrandfather
6、:祖父,外祖父 GrandmotlIer:祖母,外祖母Father:父亲 father-in-law:公公;岳父Mother:母亲 Mother-inlaw:婆婆;岳母Sister:姬姐,妹妹Sister-inlaw;嫂子弟妹,小姑子。小姨手Brother:哥哥,弟弟 Niece:侄女外甥女Brother-in-law:姐夫,妹夫,小叔予,小舅子Uncle:伯父,叔父,舅父,姑父,姨父Nephew:侄子,外甥Aunt:伯母,婶母,姑妈,姨妈,舅妈Cousin:堂哥,堂弟。表哥,表弟堂姐,堂妹,表姐表妹汉英对比点主要在三个方面进行对比:(1)长幼辈分上的差别:英语不分长幼(2)血亲和姻亲(3)泛
7、化差别排行+亲属词 译为序数词+亲属词这样翻译,虽然词汇上对应,但语义上并非完全对等,汉语排行称谓所反映的民族风情,译语读者仍是很难感受。由于两个民族的社会和民族心理不同,汉语中习惯用排行称谓,英语习惯用姓名称谓,翻译时可以把排行称谓干脆译为姓名称谓,那么这种翻译方法就是归化法,也可以接受异化的翻译方法,即序数词+亲属词1)一天,邻居王二婶不当心把钥匙锁在家里,很多热心人都前来帮忙,但都无济于事。One day,through carelessness,Wang Ers wife,one of the elderly neighbors,locked herself out.2)王二婶感谢万分
8、,特意买来一盒过滤嘴香烟,非要塞给他。To express her gratitude,Mrs.Wang bought a pack of filter cigarettes and insisted that he accept it.3)前不久,王嫂又给他介绍一位叫蓉蓉的姑娘。Not long ago,Mrs.Wang introduced him to another girl,called Rongrong.5)第一要算我们老栓叔运气;其次是夏三爷赏了25两洁白的银子,独自落腰包,一文不花。Our Old Shuan was luckiest,and after him Third U
9、ncle Xia.He pocketed the whole reward-twenty-five taels of bright silver-and didnt have to spend a cent.6)村人望见赵七爷到村,都抓紧吃完饭,聚在七斤家饭桌的四周。Seventh Master Zhaos arrival in the village made all the villagers finish their supper quickly and gather round Sevenpounders table.7)我孩子时候,在斜对门的豆腐店里确乎终日坐着一个杨二嫂杨二嫂,人都
10、叫伊“豆腐西豆腐西施施”。When I was a child there was a Mrs.Yang who used to sit nearly all day long in the beancurd shop across the road,and everybody used to call her Beancurd Beauty.8)他的看法最终敬重起来了,分明的叫道:“老爷!”Finally,assuming a respectful attitude,he said clearly:“Master!”9)虽说家乡,然而已没有家,所以只得暂寓在鲁四老爷的宅子里。他是我的本家,比
11、我长一辈,应当称之曰“四叔”。I call it my hometown,but I put up at the house of a Fourth Uncle since he belongs to the generation before mine in my clan.10)四妹四妹,时间不早了,要逛动物园就得赶快走。Huifang!Its getting late.Well have to get a move on if you want to see the zoo.讲礼貌、尚谦让是中华民族的传统美德,人们在说话时总是尽量谦卑,于人生怕礼数不周,于是在社交称谓中产生了谦称和敬称。
12、比如先生-晚生,贤弟-愚弟,夫人-贱内,令郎-犬子,大人-下官汉语中的自称称谓语有很多,朕、孤、微臣、下官、奴才、小的、弟子、妾、奴家、贫道、贫僧、鄙人。英语里面自称称谓语一般只有第一人称代词,所以在汉译英中一般把那些自称称谓词译为英语的第一人称代词11)雨村起身也让道:“老先生老先生请便。晚生晚生乃常造之客,稍候何妨。”“Dont stand on ceremony,sir”said Yu-tsun,rising.“I am a regular guest here,I dont mind waiting.”称呼别人用尊称是汉语的习惯,老太太、老太爷、世翁、恩师、令郎、千金。英语中的对称语只
13、有其次人称代词 陛下。Your/his/her Majesty your/his/her/honor your/his/her lordship 汉语中的尊称可以译为对应的英语的尊称 或在指称名词前加上honorable respected worthy 等词,以使称谓语的语义相当。12)小人告了一年的状,竟无人作主;求大老爷拘拿凶犯,以扶和善,存殁感谢不尽。I lodged a charge a year ago,but nothing came of it.I beg Your Honor to arrest the criminals,punish the evil-doers and
14、help the widow and the orphan.Then both the living and the dead will be ever-lastingly grateful.13)“这就是尊夫人尊夫人了?”张医生问道。“Is this your worthy wife?”asked Dr.Chang.凤姐儿想一想,笑道:凤姐儿想一想,笑道:“一家子也是过正月一家子也是过正月节,合家赏灯吃酒,真真的热闹非凡。祖婆婆,节,合家赏灯吃酒,真真的热闹非凡。祖婆婆,太婆婆,媳妇,孙子媳妇,重孙媳妇,亲孙子媳太婆婆,媳妇,孙子媳妇,重孙媳妇,亲孙子媳妇,侄孙子,重孙子,灰孙子,滴滴答答的
15、孙子,妇,侄孙子,重孙子,灰孙子,滴滴答答的孙子,孙女儿,外孙女儿,姨表孙女儿,姑表孙女孙女儿,外孙女儿,姨表孙女儿,姑表孙女哎哎呦呦!真好热闹!呦呦!真好热闹!(54)Xifeng drained her cup and thought for a second.“In the middle of the first month,”she began,“during the Lantern Festival a family was having a fine lively time,enjoying lanterns and drinking together.There were the
16、 great grandmother,grandmother,grandmothers-in-law,daughter-in-law,grand-nephews and a pack of grea-great-grandsons,as well as grand-daughters and grand-nieces on the paternal and maternal sides,and grand-nieces on the brothers and sisters sidesAiya,it was really lively”宝玉笑道:“你倒比先更加出息了,倒像我的儿子。”贾琏笑道:
17、“好不害臊!人家比你大四五岁呢,就替你做儿子了?”宝玉笑道:“你今年十几岁了?”贾芸道:“十八岁。”原来这贾芸最凌厉乖觉,听宝玉这样说,便笑道:“俗话说的,摇车里的爷爷,拄拐的孙子。虽然岁数大,山高高不过太阳。自从父亲没了,这几年也无人照管教化。如若宝书不嫌侄儿蠢笨,认作儿子,就是我的造化了。”(24)Jia Yun had all his wits about him.He seized this chance to add:“As the proverb says,A grandfather in the cradle may have a grandson who leans on a
18、stick.(Being a sharp-witted young man who knew how to make the most of an opportunity-David Hawkes)I may be older than you but The highest mountain cant shut out the sun.These last few years since my father died Ive had no one to instruct me properly.If you dont think me too stupid to be your adopte
19、d son,Uncle Bao,that would be my great good fortune.”宝玉退出,来至后面,进入上房。宝玉退出,来至后面,进入上房。邢夫人邢夫人见了他来,先倒站了起来,请过见了他来,先倒站了起来,请过贾母贾母的安,宝的安,宝玉方请安。(玉方请安。(24)Bayou went to the back,to Lady Xings apartment,and when she had risen to convey her respects to his grandmother he bowed on his own account.况且这通身的气派竟不像况且这通身
20、的气派竟不像老祖宗老祖宗的外孙女儿,的外孙女儿,竟是嫡亲的孙女似的。竟是嫡亲的孙女似的。Her whole air is so distinguished.She doesnt take after her father,son-in-law of our old Ancestress,but looks more like a Jia.宝玉听了,忙上来静静地说道:“你这么个明白人,莫非连亲不见疏,先不僭后也不知道?我虽糊涂,却明白这两句话。头一件,咱们是姑舅姊妹,宝姐姐是两姨姊妹,论亲戚,他比你疏。其次件,你先来,咱们两个一桌吃,一床睡,长得这么大了,他是才来的,岂有个为他疏你的?”(20)
21、Bayou stepped to her side and said softly,“Someone of your intelligence should know that distant relatives cant come between close ones,and new friends cant take the place of old.Dense as I am,I know that.Look,youre the daughter of my fathers sister,while Baochais a cousin on my mothers side-youre m
22、ore closely related to me than she is.Besides,you came here first,weve eaten at the same table,slept in the same bed and grown up together,while she has only recently arrived.How could I be less closer to you because of her?(Yang)贾环道:“我拿什么比宝玉呢。你们怕他,都和他好,都欺压我不是太太养的。”说罢,便哭了。宝钗忙劝导:“好兄弟,快别说这话,人家笑话你。”(20
23、)“How can I compare with Baoyu?”whined Jia Huan.“You keep in with him because youre afraid of him,but you bully me because Im a concubines son.”He started to snivel.”“Dont talk like that,dear cousin,or people will laugh at you.”Baochai advised him.她从贫苦的她从贫苦的姑家姑家,又转到更贫苦的,又转到更贫苦的姨家姨家。(萧红(萧红王阿嫂的死王阿嫂的死)
24、She had lived for a while with some impoverished paternal relatives,then had been bundled off to some maternal relatives who were,if anything,even worse off.子曰:君子之教以孝也,非家至而日见之也;教以子曰:君子之教以孝也,非家至而日见之也;教以孝,所以敬天下之为人父者也。教以悌,所以敬天下之孝,所以敬天下之为人父者也。教以悌,所以敬天下之为人兄者也。教以臣,所以敬天下之为人君者也。为人兄者也。教以臣,所以敬天下之为人君者也。孝经孝经 Th
25、e reason why the gentleman teaches filial piety is not because it is to be seen in the home and everyday life.He teaches filial piety in order that man may respect all those who are father in the world.He teaches brotherliness in the young brother,in order that man may respect all those who are elde
26、r brothers in the world.He teaches the duty of the subject,in order that man may respect all who are rulers in the world.”爱亲者,不敢恶于人;敬亲者,不敢慢于人。爱亲者,不敢恶于人;敬亲者,不敢慢于人。Those who love their parents dare not show hatred to others.Those who respect their parents dare not show rudeness to others.贾政见他母亲来了,又急又痛
27、,连忙迎接出来,只见贾母扶着丫头,喘吁吁的走来,贾政上前躬身陪笑道:“大暑热天,母亲有何生气亲自走来?有话只该叫了儿子进去叮嘱。”贾母听说,便止住步喘息一回,厉声说道:“你原来是和我说话!我倒有话叮嘱,只是可怜我一生没养个好儿子,却叫我和谁说去!”贾政听这话不象,忙跪下含泪说道:“为儿的教训儿子,也为的是光宗耀祖。母亲这话,我做儿的如何禁得起?”雨村拍案笑道:“怪到这女学生读至凡书中有敏字,皆念作密字,每每如是;写字遇着敏字,又减一二笔,我心中就有些怀疑。今听你说的,是为此无疑矣。”(2)Yucun pounded the table with a laugh.No wonder my pup
28、il always pronounces min as mi and writes it with one or two strokes missing.That puzzled me,but now youve explained the reason.”*One or two strokes missing:a parents name was taboo and had to be used in an altered form.(Yang)那宝玉甚至连晨昏定省都愈发随他的变了。礼:凡为人之子,冬温而夏凊,昏定而晨省。Baoyu even grew lax about asking af
29、ter the health of his seniors each morning and evening.一早出门,也不来请个安,目无尊长,成什么规则!(围城)He leaves early in the morning without so much as a word of greeting.No respect for his elders.What kind of behavior do you call that?子兴道:子兴道:“不然。只因现今大小姐是正月初不然。只因现今大小姐是正月初一所生,故名元春,余者方从了一所生,故名元春,余者方从了春春字,上一字,上一辈的,却也是从弟兄
30、而来。现有对证:你贵东家辈的,却也是从弟兄而来。现有对证:你贵东家林公之夫人,即荣府中赦政二公之胞妹,在家时林公之夫人,即荣府中赦政二公之胞妹,在家时名唤贾敏。(名唤贾敏。(2)Y:“You dont understand,”said Zixing.“They named the eldest girl Yuanchun because she was born on New Years Day,and so the others have“chun”in their names too.But all the girls of the last generation had names li
31、ke those of boys.For proof,look at the wife of your respected employer Mr.Lin,the sister of Jia She and Jia Zheng in the Rong Mansion.Her name,before she married,was Jia Min.If you dont believe me,check up when you go back.”*Yuanchun:Cardinal Spring*Min has the same radical as She and Zheng.雨村起身也让道:
32、雨村起身也让道:“老先生请便。晚生乃常老先生请便。晚生乃常造之客,稍候何妨。造之客,稍候何妨。”(1)“Dont stand on ceremony,sir”said Yu-tsun,rising.“I am a regular guest here.I dont mind waiting.”刘东部的妹妹是汪处厚的百门学生,也时常到师母家来谈谈。(围城)Liu Dongfangs sister,a former student of Wang Chuhou,also dropped in sometimes to see her,calling her“Teachers Wife.”在特定的社
33、交语境中,各种称谓语除了表示对交际对象的干脆称呼或他称称谓外,还往往隐含亲昵,威逼,警告,戏弄,讽刺等言外之意,或表示敬重,提出恳求,传达喜恶等话中之情。如海道:“天缘凑巧,因贱荆去世,都中家岳母念及小女无人依傍教化,前已遣了男女船只来接,因小女未曾大痊,故未及此行。”(3)“What a lucky coincidence!”exclaimed Ruhai.“Since my wifes death,my mother-in-law in the capital has been worried because my daughter has no one to bring her up.S
34、he has sent two boats with male and femanl attendants to fetch the child,but I delayed her departure while she was unwell.”(Y)贾珍感谢不尽,只说:贾珍感谢不尽,只说:“待服满后,亲带小待服满后,亲带小犬到府叩谢犬到府叩谢”。于是作别。(。于是作别。(13)Jia Zhen thanked him warmly and promised,“When the mourning is over I shall bring my worthless son to kowtow
35、his thanks.”And so they parted.(Y)怨不得他们嗜钱如命。多少仕宦大家出身的,若怨不得他们嗜钱如命。多少仕宦大家出身的,若提起提起“钱势钱势”二字,连骨肉都不认了。老贤甥,二字,连骨肉都不认了。老贤甥,昨日我和你那边的令伯母赌气,你可知道否?昨日我和你那边的令伯母赌气,你可知道否?(75)We cant blame these boys,my worthy nephew,for being so grasping.Why,where money and power are concerned,many people from big official family
36、 will forget even their own flesh and blood.Did you hear about the row I had yesterday with your respected aunt?(Y)雨村起身也让道:雨村起身也让道:“老先生请便。晚生乃常老先生请便。晚生乃常造之客,稍候何妨。造之客,稍候何妨。”(1)“Dont stand on ceremony,sir”said Yu-tsun,rising.“I am a regular guest here,I dont mind waiting.”Liz.Elizabeth.Elizabeth.Elizab
37、eth Anne Warner!宝玉忙笑道(对袭人):宝玉忙笑道(对袭人):“好姐姐,好亲姐好姐姐,好亲姐姐,别说两三件,就是两三百件我也依的姐,别说两三件,就是两三百件我也依的”。(19)Y:I agree to them all,dear sister,good kind sister.I agree to three hundred conditions,let alone three.H:He said impetuously,“I promise to obey you.Dearest Aroma!Sweetest Aroma!Never mind two and three.”宝玉
38、又不解,在窗外只是低声叫:“好妹妹,好妹妹!”(22)Totally at a loss to understand her behavior,he called to her softly through the window:“Dai,dear!Dai”.忽见素云进来说;“我们奶奶请二位姑娘协商要紧的事呢。二姑娘,三姑娘,四姑娘,史姑娘,宝二爷,都等着呢。Just then Su-yun came in to announce:“Our mistress wants you both to go and discuss important business.All the other yo
39、ung ladies are there with Master Bao.”你再亲自到西府去请老太太,大太太,二太你再亲自到西府去请老太太,大太太,二太太和你琏二婶子来逛逛。(太和你琏二婶子来逛逛。(10)You can go to the West Mansion to deliver invitation in person to the old lady,Lady Xing,Lady Wang and Xiifeng.黛玉虽不曾识面,听见他母亲说过黛玉虽不曾识面,听见他母亲说过:大舅贾大舅贾赦之子贾琏,娶得就是二舅母王氏的内侄女赦之子贾琏,娶得就是二舅母王氏的内侄女:自自幼假充男儿教养,
40、学名叫做王熙凤。黛玉忙陪笑幼假充男儿教养,学名叫做王熙凤。黛玉忙陪笑见礼,以见礼,以“嫂嫂”呼之。呼之。Though Taiyu had never met her,she knew from her mother that Chia Lien,the son of her first uncle Chian Sheh,had married the niece of Lady Wang,her second uncles wife.She had been educated like a boy and given the school-room name His-feng.Tai-yu l
41、ost no time in greeting her with a smile as“cousin”.六亲六亲(six kin folks/kindred):父子,兄弟,夫:父子,兄弟,夫妇;妇;九族九族(nine degrees of kinship):父族四,母族:父族四,母族三,妻族二。三,妻族二。三从三从(three obedience):未嫁从父;即嫁从夫,:未嫁从父;即嫁从夫,夫死从子;夫死从子;四德:妇德,妇言,妇容,妇功四德:妇德,妇言,妇容,妇功(four virtues:morality,proper speech,modest manner,diligent work)。女子无才便是德:女子无才便是德:An unaccomplished woman is a virtuous woman.