1、报仇者联盟3:无限斗斗争MARVELAvengers:Infinity WarThe leader and benefactor of the Avengers,who is a self-described genius,billionaire,playboy,and philanthropist withelectromechanicalsuitsofarmorofhisownmaking.Iron ManThor is a fictional superhero appearing in American comicbookspublishedbyMarvelComics.Thechar
2、acter,basedontheNorsedeityofthesamename,istheAsgardiangodofthunderandpossessestheenchantedhammerMjolnir,whichgrantshimtheabilitytoflyandmanipulateweather.ThorA World War II veteran,he was enhanced to the peak of humanphysicality by an experimental serum and frozen in suspendedanimationbeforewakingup
3、inthemodernworld.Captain AmericaGuardians of the GalaxyThe Guardians of the Galaxy are a fictional spacefaring superhero team appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.Doctor StrangeA former neurosurgeon who,after a car accident that led to a journey of healing,discovered the hidd
4、en world of magic and alternate dimensions,and became a Master of the Mystic Arts.ThanosAn intergalactic despot from Titan who longs to collect all six of the Infinity Stones in order to impose his will on all of reality,wanting to re-balance the universe.Thanos believes the universe is becoming ove
5、r-populated,which led to the destruction of his home moon Titan and is something he vowed not to let happen again.Thanos acquired six Infinity Stones include Mind Stone,the Soul Stone,the Space Stone,the Power Stone,the Time Stone.Thor severely wounds Thanos,but Thanos activates the completed Infinity Gauntlet and teleports away.Half of all life across the universe disintegrates.