1、The British Welfare SystemThe British Welfare SystemWhat does welfare mean?What is the welfare state like?Health,comfort and freedom from wanta“safety net,”which is designed to help the most vulnerableprotection against the unexpected hazards of life(for example,losing a job,becoming sick,having an
2、accident)The welfare state provides education,housing,sustenance,healthcare,pensions,unemployment insurance,sick leave or time off due to injury,etc.Health and Social Services1.Britain is regarded as a welfare state.The welfare state is a system of government by which the state provides the economic
3、 and social security of its citizens through its organization of health services,pensions and other facilities.This system is funded out of national insurance contributions and taxation.The system applies mainly to the National Health Service(NHS),national insurance and social security.2.The Nationa
4、l Health Service(NHS)The National Health Service provides for every resident a full range of medical services.It was based at first on Acts of Parliament,one for England and Wales passed in 1946 and one forScotland passed Who started the idea?William Beveridge(1879-1963)a British economist and socia
5、l reformer,closely associated with the development of the welfare state.pBeveridge Report 1)to establish the National Health Service with free medical treatment for all;2)to provide social security so that the population would be protected from the cradle to the grave The operation of the welfare st
6、ateFour main parts:The system of national insurance unemployed,old,sick,etcThe national health service free medical care for allSupplementary benefits low income(for basic standard living)Family allowance or children benefit National InsuranceEverybody who is working,either for himself or for an emp
7、loyer,is obliged to contribute a fixed amount each week to the national insurance fundIt is like an immense insurance company with which every single citizen is compulsorily insured.Contributory benefits e.g.retirement pension,widows benefit,jobseekers allowance,maternity allowance,incapacity benefi
8、t,etc.NHS(National Health Service)In order to obtain the benefits of the national Health Service a person must normally be registered on a general practitioners list.first go to see the GP(gives treatment or prescribes medicine)go to hospital if necessary written prescription a chemists shopThe heal
9、th service funds pay for the cost of each“prescription”above the patients contribution,but for small children and people with low incomes there is no charge at all.Question:Only the people with British citizenship can receive free medical attention in the UK?Family allowance or child benefitHow much
10、 is child benefit?Who can receive it?How many parents claim it?Where does the money come from?National insurance fund Social security benefits (paying out benefits to people who are unemployed,or unable to earn because they are old or sick)General taxation NHS (80%of the costs of the NHS are paid fo
11、r out of general taxation,the remainder out of national insurance contributions.)ProblemsDifferent Attitudes:Some people criticize the welfare state for being too generous.Others claim that it is not generous enough.Need a bit more healthy competition and a bit more healthy fear of unemployment “I c
12、ame to office with one deliberate intent:to change Britain from a dependent to a self-reliant society;from a give-it-to-me to a do-it-yourself nation;a get-up-and-go instead of a sit-back-and-wait Britain.”-Margaret Thatcher Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a welfare state.Comprehensive W
13、orkNext Weeks PresentationsTelevision talent show/competition:American Got Talent(英国达人)X-factor(英国偶像)Soap operas:Eastenders(东区人)Coronation Street(加冕街)Brief introduction of its historyThe present systemThe influences of the systemMeasures to solve the problems History of Welfare State History of Welf
14、are State in UKin UK(二)英国现代社会保障制度的建立1、建立背景 随着工业化的不断深化,社会冲突突出:政府举办的济贫活动杯水车薪,民间互助使的广袤贫民付不起互助金,贫富分化日益加剧等。2、思想基础 新自由主义思想(强调有限的自由,供应自由的共享性);集体主义思潮(关注公共利益、建立社会保障制度);费边主义3、建立与发展阶段 1)自由党执政前的社会保障政策 1905年英国政府通过了类似“以工代赈”的个人失业法,由于资金问题,随后贝弗里奇提出建立劳动交换所与事业保险结合,解决失业者就业与救济失业。2)英国社会保障体系的形成 1906年,自由党执政,新自由助于正式成为英国官方政策
15、的重要基础。失业问题的解决(1909年劳动介绍所法、1911年失业保险法其次部分)、老年问题的解决(1908年养老金法)、健康问题的解决(国民保险法第一部分健康保险法)3)第一次世界大战后英国社会保障制度的初步发展 a、失业保险制度等的发展:失业保险支出的增加,使得政府陷入两难境地-失业保险双轨制得建立,以1934年失业保险法使得失业保险制度与失业救济制度分别。b、养老保险制度的发展:养老金制度的免费性的局限性,使得1925年保守党提出寡妇、孤儿、老年人缴费养老保险金,1937年又颁布寡妇、孤儿及老年人自愿缴费养老金法,扩大了适用范围。4)贝弗里奇报告与福利国家的建立 其次次世界大战及战后英国
17、、英国社会救助制度的改革 1)逆境:社会救助支出不断增加、经济面临逆境、社会救助管理效率低下、高福利造成劳动主动性下降 2)改革措施 a、保守党政府(新自由主义思想)-变更社会救助的“普遍性原则”,实施“选择性原则”、干脆降低社会救助支出的标准、改革社会保障制度的一些惯例,适应社会救助支出降低的须要。保守党实行的是激进式改革,改革触犯了英国民众的既得利益,最终导致改革的失败。b、布莱尔政府(中间道路)-在救助理论上,提出“其次代福利”的观点,即给人以扶持、在失业问题上,不能只靠救济来解决失业、实行最低工资制度。2、英国养老保险制度的改革 1)逆境:人口老龄化、养老金支出增长过快,财政不堪负重、
18、政府负担过多,经济增长乏力、权利与义务的失衡。2)市场化改革的思想基础:a、新右派思潮:反对国家干预活动,作为撒切尔夫人所谓政治经济改革的思想基础。新古典学派的社会福利思想,强调个人自由的重要性,提倡私人保险;新保守主义福利观,强调福利服务的市场化,降低转移国家作用。b、“第三条道路”的福利理念:主见放弃传统的、单一的极端保守性或激进性政策选择,实行介于两者之间的选择,强调有限的国家干预和有限市场调整结合 3)英国养老保险市场化改革的进程:a、20世纪70年头国家收入关联养老金支配推出。b、20世纪80年头以社会保障法为主的改革。(推出个人养老金支配和职业养老金支配)c、20世纪90年头以来的
19、改革。(接着强调国家基本养老金基石作用和职业养老金的重要性外,国家准备对原有的收入关联型国家进行改革,提高受益水平而建立新的、主要针对低收入者的国家其次养老金。)总之,20世纪80年头以来,以撒切尔夫人为首的保守党政府和以布莱尔为首的工党政府的社会保障制度改革,虽然具体措施不同,但是其本质上都是强调国家和个人的共同责任,都要求实现社会保险制度与社会经济的协调发展。Act for the Relief of the Poor,1601济贫法济贫法Amendment of the Poor Law,1834新济贫法新济贫法Pensions Act 1908养老金法案养老金法案Act for the
20、 Unemployed,1934失业法失业法The first“welfare state”,1950 The present welfare system The present welfare system in UKHealth,Housing,Social security-The three main areas of welfare system a combination of public and private provisionpaying for private insurance schemes Health The National Health Servicecom
21、prehensive and free medical treatment for all,based upon need rather than the ability to payHousing Allowances for the low income familiesAllowances for the house-buyersProvide houses for the old,poor,disabledSocial Security for children and gravidasfor the disabled and illnessfor retirementfor wido
22、wsfor unemploymentfor low income peoplesocial fundsInfluences of the Influences of the welfare systemwelfare systempositive&negative Positive effectsstability of the whole nation “from cradle to grave”policy makes one has no worries the insurance of the lowest living standard Improvement of the mate
23、rial and cultural level every 1000 citizens has 8 private doctors the higher level of primary education the increasing number of universities and students companies put more emphases on welfare Gross Industrial ProductionNarrowing the gap between rich and poorNegative effects Low efficiency Low prod
24、uctivity of labor and poor service Loss of money and revenueNegative effects Low efficiency Low productivity of labor and poor service Loss of money and revenueIncrease the burden in government expenditureBusinesses driven away The why work attitude Measures to solve the problems The Welfare Reform Bill Simplifying the benefits system Encourage people to work Cut down welfare spending Changes to incapacity,housing benefit,tax credits