2、决定哺乳类:哺乳类:根据胚胎内细胞团(根据胚胎内细胞团(inner cell massinner cell mass)分隔的)分隔的 位置决定背腹面,头尾可能是在排卵时被决定,位置决定背腹面,头尾可能是在排卵时被决定,还不完全清楚哺乳类是如何决定左右。还不完全清楚哺乳类是如何决定左右。第十二章 脊椎动物的胚轴形成 -CATENIN-CATENIN和和TGF-TGF-蛋白相互作用蛋白相互作用 形成组织者和诱导中胚层产生形成组织者和诱导中胚层产生Model of the mechanism by which the Disheveled protein stabilizes-catenin in
3、the dorsal portion of the amphibian egg.(A)Disheveled(Dsh)associates with a particular set of proteins at the vegetal pole of the unfertilized egg.(B)Upon fertilization,these protein vesicles are translocated dorsally along subcortical microtubule tracks.(C)Disheveled is then released from its vesic
4、les and is distributed in the future dorsal third of the 1-cell embryo.(D)Disheveled binds to and blocks the action of GSK-3,thereby preventing the degradation of-catenin on the dorsal side of the embryo.(E)The nuclei of the blastomeres in the dorsal region of the embryo receive-catenin,while the nuclei of those in the ventral region do not.-catenin在胚胎背部的定位在胚胎背部的定位斑马鱼组织者胚轴形成鸡由重力产生的前-后轴特化鸡胚盘的调节鸡来自胚胎后端Kollers镰的原结形成鸡原结为鸟类的组织者鸡左-右侧分化鸡左侧信号向右侧信号的传递哺乳动物卵轴和最初的椭圆形早期胚胎的形成哺乳动物小鼠和鸡沿前-后轴腹部模式的表达哺乳动物人类器官的左右不对称发育哺乳动物小鼠胚胎基因表达的对成性哺乳动物小鼠左-右分化的调控