1、武汉科技大学中南分校宣传文稿(宣传片PPT解说词)基本情况A Brief Introduction武汉科技大学中南分校是一所普通本科高等学校,学校创建于1997年,经过10余年超常规跨越式发展,已成为一所以管理学、工学为主,多学科协调发展的私立大学。Wuhan University of Science and Technology Zhongnan Branch is a common college founded in 1997. Through more than 10 years great-leap-forward development, it has already becom
2、e multi-disciplinary in harmonious development taking management and engineering as the core.学校在中国私立大学历次排名中稳居前列,两次位列中国最受媒体关注排行榜第一名,是中国私立大学中唯一连续两年成为最受媒体关注和连续两年综合声誉为满分100分的院校。The college often tops independent institutes in China in previous rankings, the only one ranked first with the most media atte
3、ntion for two consecutive years.武汉市位于中国的中部,学校位于武汉市中心中国政府命名的“中国光谷”腹地。占地181英亩,建筑面积40余万平方米,现设有商学院、文法学院、外语学院、艺术学院、信息工程学院、城市建设学院、生命科学学院等10个学院,设有53个本(专)科专业,在校学生12500余人,已毕业学生19888人。Located at Optics Valley of China, the centre of Wuhan in Central Chinas Hubei province, the college covers an area of 181 acr
4、es with a construction area of over 400,000 square meters (about 76.5 acres). It has 10 schools including School of Business, School of Literature and Law, School of Foreign Languages, School of Arts, School of Information Engineering, School of Urban Construction, School of Life Science, and 49 spe
5、cialties (4-year program or 3-year program). At present, there are over 13,000 undergraduates and 19888 graduates. 学校现有教师1000余人,具有副高以上职称的300余人,其中教授67人,副教授235人,国家级专家12人。Now there are more than 1000 teachers in the college, over 300 of whom are entitled with associate professor or above - 67 professor
6、s, 235 associate professors, and 12 state-level experts. 学校现有各种实验室95个,可以开设674个实验项目,校内外实习基地103个。建有面积3.52万平方米的现代化图书馆,纸质藏书130余万册,电子图书40万册。There are 95 laboratories of various kinds in the college, which can offer 674 experiment items. There are 103 practice bases inside and outside the college. The mod
7、ernized library, with an area of 32,000 square meters, has more than 1,300,000 volumes and more than 400,000 volumes of e-books.学校依山傍水,环境优美,建有包括全塑大型运动场在内的多种体育设施,学术交流中心、教工俱乐部、大学生活动中心、师生公寓、食堂、澡堂、医院、超市等一应俱全。Near the mountain and by the lake, the college enjoys a beautiful environment. Available are man
8、y kinds of facilities including a large-scale synthetic-rubber stadium, an academic centre, a staff club, a student activity centre, a hospital, dining halls, teachers and students apartments, bathhouses, and supermarkets. 创新办学 Innovation in Education学校坚持以人为本,以“笃志、博学、崇实、拓新”为校训,笃志博学中南文化是绵延不绝的根脉,崇实拓新是
9、中南精神持久不衰的动力。在办学过程中突破传统高等教育模式,探索全面推进素质教育、培养高素质人才的新路子,在中国高校中首创“成功素质教育”这一全新的高等教育理念和人才培养模式。The school motto is “Ambition, Knowledge, Truth, and Originality”. Here, ambition and knowledge are the long-standing roots of Zhongnan culture, and Truth and originality are enduring power of Zhongnan spirit. The
10、 college has made a breakthrough in the traditional higher education mode, explored a new pathway of advancing all-round caliber-oriented education and cultivating high-quality talents, and originated Caliber-oriented Education to Success, a distinctive education philosophy and student training mode
11、. 成功素质教育是以促进大学生成功为根本目的,专业素质教育与非专业素质教育同步推进,全面发展和个性发展同步推进,通过实施“素质学分制”、“素质导师制”等一系列配套制度,培养学生的成功素质,实现学生学业成功与就业成功,并为其创业成功和事业成功奠定素质基础的教育理念和人才培养模式。Caliber-oriented Education to Success, with the aim of promoting college students success, puts forward both specialized caliber-oriented education and non-speci
12、alized caliber-oriented education so as to bring at once students all-round development and individual development. In the process of carrying out Caliber-oriented Credit System, Tutor System and a series of supporting systems, the college tries to cultivate the students caliber to success, help the
13、m achieve academic success and employment success, and thus to pave the way for their business success and career success.成功素质教育的实施,有效地促进了学校教育质量和办学水平的提高,在培养高素质人才方面取得一系列重大突破,产生了广泛的社会影响,获国家级教学成果二等奖,是中国唯一获此殊荣的私立大学。学校被国务院批准为“国家教育体制改革试点高校”,承担起“创新中国私立大学高素质人才培养模式,创建高水平私立大学”的试点任务,成为中国私立大学中唯一的试点单位。人民日报、光明日报、
14、中国教育报等媒体进行了多次专题报道。在百度等网站中输入“成功素质教育”条目,网页信息已达数千万条。The implementation of Caliber-oriented Education to Success in the college has effectively promoted the education quality as well as the management level and produced an extensive influence in society. It has won The Second Prize of National Teaching
15、Achievement, the only independent college among the winners. Last year, it was approved by the State Council as an experimental institute of educational system reform, the only private college in China. Many main media in China such as Peoples Daily, Guangming Daily and Chinese Education Daily have
16、reported it for many times. In Baidu and other searching web sites, information about Caliber-oriented Education to Success has already amounted to tens of millions of items.规范办学,学校被评为“全国学校规范化管理示范单位”。Standardization in EducationThe college has been granted the title of National Model Organization of
17、 Standardized Management.开放办学 Being Open in Education学校充分发挥学术委员会在学科建设、学术评价、学术发展中的重要作用。探索教授治学的有效途径,充分发挥教授在教学、学术研究和学校管理中的作用。加强教职工代表大会、学生代表大会建设,发挥群众团体的作用。The college has made full use of the academic committee in discipline construction, academic evaluation, and academic development. It has explored ef
18、fective ways to give full play to the role of professors in teaching, academic research and the school management. And it also strengthened the function of mass organizations such as the Faculty Representatives and the Student Representatives. 学校坚持开放办学战略,加强国际交流与合作,进一步拓展办学空间,致力于培养大批具有国际视野、通晓国际规则、能够参与
19、国际事务与国际竞争的国际化人才。学校已先后与美国、日本、韩国、新加坡、法国等几十个国家和地区的高校建立了校际合作关系,为学生出国留学(专升本、攻读硕士、博士研究生)、海外带薪实习提供全方位的服务。The college emphasizes the opening up strategy of education, strengthens international cooperation and further expands school running space. It is committed to developing a large number of talents with
20、an international outlook, knowledge of international rules, and ability to participate in international competition and affairs. With dozens of countries like Japan, Korea, Singapore, France, and the United States, it has established close collaborative relationship to provide full directional servi
21、ces to the students paid internship as well as study abroad (undergraduate, masters and doctoral students).办学成就Achievements学校专业设置与市场需求和经济社会发展相适应,并与国际接轨。开设国际贸易、金融证券、生物工程、制药工程、软件工程、电子信息工程、公共事业管理、旅游管理、酒店管理、环境艺术设计、动画设计、建筑工程等53个本专科专业。The curriculum is designed to meet the market demand and social develop
22、ment as well as international standards. At present there exist 53 specialities including international trade, finance and securities, biotechnology, pharmaceutical engineering, software engineering, electronic information engineering, public utilities management, tourism management, hotel managemen
23、t, environmental design, animation design, and construction engineering.学生的综合素质普遍提高,不断涌现出受到省内外各种表彰的优秀团体和优秀学子。The college is successful in a general increase in the the overall quality of its students. There often emerge outstanding associations and students. 2005级工商管理实验班获评“全国先进班集体”;自强不息的贫困学子宫晓芳获“全国三
24、好学生”荣誉称号;学生马昱荣获“中国青年志愿者优秀个人奖”。The 2005 MBA experimental class in School of Business was awarded the title “National Advanced Class”. Gong Xiaofang, one of its students, was awarded “Excellent Student”. Another student Ma Yi was given YVP Outstanding Individual. 学生在各类竞赛中获国家、省、市级奖700余项。学生获19项国家专利,16项成
25、果获湖北省大学生科研成果奖,是湖北省首次获一等奖的私立大学,也是湖北省唯一连续两年获一等奖的私立大学。在全国高校算量大赛和全国大学生电子设计竞大赛中,学生各获2项一等奖,居私立大学之首。Students won nearly 700 national, provincial and municipal awards, 19 national patents and 16 Scientific Achievements by Students in Hubei. In both the National College Competition of Calculation and the Nat
26、ional Undergraduate Electronic Design Contest, the students won the first prizes.学校就业形势良好,连续多年毕业生就业率超过92%,超过湖北省高校毕业生总就业率5-10个百分点,就业率高出私立大学就业率平均值23.64%,居全省高校前列,位列私立大学前三甲,再创就业率新高。近千名毕业生考取公务员或研究生,数百名毕业生成为企业高管,毕业生自主创业蔚然成风,资产百万元以上的十余人。The employment is quite promising. Over the past years, the employment
27、 rate of its graduates was more than 92%, 5 to 10 points higher than the total rate in Hubei province and 23.64% than the average rate in the colleges of its kind. Nearly a thousand graduates have become civil servants or graduate students. More than 200 graduates have become business executives. A
28、lot of graduates of the college have started their own business, several of whom have possessed assets worth over RMB 10 million yuan. 学校三次被评为“全国品牌私立大学十强第一名”;三次荣获“中国品牌私立大学20强第一名”;被评为“中国私立大学最具竞争力著名品牌”、“综合实力20强私立大学”、“中国一流高等私立大学”、“全国高校毕业生就业竞争力100强”、“21世纪亚洲最具发展潜力的教育机构”、“湖北诚信建设荣誉单位”、“湖北省自律与诚信建设活动先进单位”等荣誉
29、称号。The college have been honoredthrice asNumber One of ChinasTopTen Independent Institutes, thrice as Number One of Chinas Top 20 Independent Institutes. There are many other titles the college has been awarded, such as the title of Chinas Most Competitive Brand in Independent Institutes, Chinas Top 20 Independent Institutes in Comprehensive Strength, Chinas Top 100 Universities in Graduates Employment Competitiveness, Most Potential Asian Educational Institute in the 21st Century, Hubei Organizations of Credibility, and Hubei Outstanding Organizations of Self-discipline and Credibility.