1、14 Safety protection scheme for crossover operation交叉作业安全防护方案 1. Purpose, scope and basis of preparation1. 编制目的、范围、依据1.1. Purpose of Preparation1.1、编制目的In order to ensure the effective implementation of the Production Safety Law of the Peoples Republic of China, the Construction Law of the Peoples R
2、epublic of China and the quality, safety and technical standards and specifications relating to construction projects, strengthen the supervision and management of the quality and safety production for construction projects, and protect the safety for the lives and properties of the construction wor
3、kers, this specific construction scheme for safety of crossover operation at large area is hereby developed. 为了保证中华人民共和国安全生产法、中华人民共和国建筑法及有关建设工程质量、安全技术标准、规范的切实落实,加强建筑工程项目的质量安全生产监督管理,保障施工人员的生命财产的安全,依据建设工程安全生产管理条例要求编制大面积交叉安全专项施工方案。1.2. Applicable Scope1.2、适用范围This specific construction scheme is applic
4、able to the large area crossover operation area of the FP works of the Wuxi INTER IKEA Shopping Center project.本专项施工方案适用英特宜家无锡购物商场项目消防专业分包大面积交叉施工区域。1.3. Basis of Preparation1.3、编制依据Administrative Regulations on the Work Safety of Construction Projects建设工程安全生产管理条例2. A same project requires different
5、professional teams to complete itself and kinds and parts of construction are completed by various professional teams. This will lead to the situation that two or more units (teams) are operating simultaneously in a same operation area at a same time and the contents of the operated items may be mut
6、ually independent and interrelated. 2、同一工程需要不同的专业队伍来完成,分部分项工程由各专业队伍来完成,将导致在同一作业区域、同一时间内有两个以上的单位(班组)同时进行作业;作业内容可能相互独立、又可能相互联系。2.1. Concept of Crossover Operation: 21、交叉作业的概念:The crossover operation refers to two or more production and business units (parties) conduct the production and business activ
7、ities in a same work area. It includes three-dimensional crossover operation and two-dimensional crossover operation. 交叉作业指两个以上生产经营单位在同一作业区域内进行生产经营活动。包括立体交叉作业和平面交叉作业。2.2. Scope of Crossover Operation:2.2、交叉作业的范围:In the course of construction, the construction activities performed by one of two parti
8、es in a same work may endanger the safety of other party and interfere with the construction of the other party. According to the characteristics of this project, the crossover operations are mainly to be performed in the areas of B1, B2 and C.在建筑施工过程中,在同一作业区域内进行施工活动,都可能危及对方生产安全和干扰施工的问题。根据本项目的特点交叉作业
9、的主要区域在B1、B2和C区。2.3. Characteristics and Hazards of Crossover Operation:2.3、交叉作业的特点和危害:The construction operations performed by two or more units at a same work area will result in more operation interferences and more coordinative and cooperative operations as well as more hidden risks and more poss
10、ible consequences at the construction site, due to the restrictive working space, more working personnel, and more working procedures as well as storage and transfer of machinery and equipment there. Falling of objects from height, hitting by objects, mechanical inquiry, electric shock, and / or fir
11、e, etc. may occur.两个以上单位在同一作业区域内进行施工作业,因作业空间受限制,人员多,工序多,机械设备,物料(转移)存放;所以作业干扰多,需要配合、协调的作业多,现场的隐患多、造成的后果严重。可能发生高处坠落、物体打击、机械伤害、触电,火灾等。3. Safety Operating Procedures for Crossover Operation 3、立体交叉作业安全操作规程 3.1 In the case of the three-dimensional operation, the hazardous operation scope shall be clarifie
12、d and necessary safety warning signs are made. The safety technical disclosure shall be conducted for the people participating in the construction, making them to understand issues such as the operation scope, operating procedures and cooperation among them. 3.1立体交叉作业的情况下,应对危险作业范围予以明确,并做出必要的安全警示标志,对
13、参加施工作业的人员进行安全技术交底,使施工人员了解作业的范围、作业程序、人员配合的问题、危险点的情况及其它安全注意事项。3.2 When there are operation items such as template removal and scaffolding removal during the three-dimensional operation, the dangerous operating range is fenced to keep the non-operating personnel from entering the site. 3.2当立体交叉作业过程中出现模
14、板拆除、脚手架拆除等作业时,还应该对危险作业范围进行围圈,限制非作业人员进入现场。3. During the three-dimensional operation, a dedicated safety management person shall be assigned for on-site supervision and unified & coordinated command to eliminate the operation in violation of the operating procedures concerned and operation at risk. 3.
15、3立体交叉作业过程中应有专职安全管理人员现场监督,统一协调指挥,杜绝违章作业、冒险作业等情况发生。3.4 During the operation, if operators are operating at two layers, that is, upper layer and lower layer. They are not allowed to operate in a same vertical direction, and the operators standing at the lower layer must be in the place where it is out
16、of the radius range of the possible falling objects from the up layer. 3.4作业过程中,各层间出现上下交叉作业时,不能在同一垂直方向上进行操作,下层的作业位置必须在上层高度可能坠落的范围半径之外。3.5 If the operators standing at the lower layer are within the radius range of the possible falling objects of the upper layer, an isolation layer between the upper
17、layer and lower layer shall be set, which shall be erected using wood scaffoldings or other solid materials that can resist the falling objects from the upper layer. The isolation layer shall be erected and supported firmly in such a way that it will not collapse under the suddenly external force an
18、d its height does not affect the operating height range of the lower layer.3.5当下层作业位置在上层高度可能坠落的范围半径之内时,则应在上下作业层之间设置隔离层,隔离层应采用木脚手板或其它坚固材料搭设,必须保证上层作业面坠落的物体不能击穿此隔离层,隔离层的搭设、支护应牢靠,在外力突然作用时不至于垮塌,且其高度不影响下层作业的高度范围。3.6 Each of operators at the crossover operation layers must wear the safety helmet and fasten
19、 the helmet rope, as well as wear the safety belt if there is a risk of falling from height. 3.6各交叉作业层的作业人员必须戴好安全帽,扣紧帽绳,存在高处坠落危险的人员应系好安全带。3.7 Operators at each layer must concentrate in their minds and the command orders at various layers shall not interfere with each other and result in confusion.
20、Operators shall remain vigilant and able to make timely judgment and reaction against the unexpected conditions.3.7各层作业人员必须精力集中,各层的指挥号令不能相互影响,造成混淆,作业人员应随时保持警惕,对意外情况应能及时作出判断和反应。3.8 Operators when operating at the upper layer shall not freely discard downward sundries and members. The sundries shall b
21、e stacked in a central place and clearly delivered away timely. Operators shall carry material bags with them, so that loose items can be taken with them.3.8上层作业时,不能随意向下方丢弃杂物、构件,应在集中的地方堆放杂物,并及时清运处理,作业人员应随身携带物料袋,以便零散物件随身带走。3.9 When there is any lifting operation at the upper layer, the to-be-lifted i
22、tem must be bound firmly and securely and a rope is used to secure and tract the item to prevent it from swaying with the wind or colliding other fixing members. The operating procedures for the lifting must be strictly followed and the lifted item is prohibited to pass over the head of the operator
23、s at the lower layer.3.9上层有起重作业时,起吊物件必须绑扎固定,必要时以绳索予以固定牵引,防止随风摇摆,碰撞其它固定构件,严格遵守起重作业操作规程,起重物件严禁越过下层作业人员头顶。3.10 Three-dimensional crossover operation in the bad weather conditions such as big wind in Scale 6 or above, rain, snow, thick fog, or poor visibility, etc. is prohibited.3.10遇到6级以上大风、雨雪天气、浓雾、能见度
24、不良等情况时,严禁进行立体交叉作业。4. Assurance Measures to Realize Safety Objectives4、实现安全目标的保证措施4.1. Safety objectives4.1、安全目标The safety objectives committed by our project department: To prevent safety accidents caused due to the construction work, the temporary facilities for the construction and the constructio
25、n machinery and equipment, etc.; prevent accidents due to the construction work, the temporary road intersection and the construction machinery and vehicles; to prevent accidents of people and vehicle within the construction redline due to ineffective protective measures; and prevent the major fire
26、accidents and work-related employee fatal accidents; 我项目部承诺的安全目标为:杜绝因施工作业、施工临时设施和施工机械设备等引起的安全事故;杜绝因施工作业、施工临时道口和施工机械车辆引起的事故;杜绝因防护措施不利引起的施工红线范围内行人、行车事故;杜绝责任重大火灾事故和职工因工死亡事故; 4.2. Organizational Assurance Measures4.2、组织保证措施4.2.1 Establish and improve the responsibility system for production safety, with
27、 tasks clearly defined and responsibility assigned to each person.建立健全安全生产责任制,做到分工明确,责任到人。4.2.2 Deepen education and strengthen safety awareness. Construction workers must have the pre-job safety education and training and are only assigned to job positions after passing examinations concerned and g
28、etting the Job Safety Certificate. Persons without training or failed in training is not allowed to give commands (for officers) or are not allowed to be assigned to job positions (for workers). Operators for special operations such as electricians, scaffolders, quality inspectors, and safety techni
29、cians must be trained and certified by the local competent authorities such as the local labor bureau before assigned to their positions. If a person is transferred to another job type, he must be retrained for safety. 深化教育,强化安全意识。施工人员上岗前必须进行安全教育和培训,并经考试合格后发给安全上岗证方准上岗,未经培训或培训考试不合格人员,干部不许指挥生产,工人不准上岗作
30、业。电工、架子工、质检员、安全员等特殊作业人员,必须经地方劳动局等有关部门培训合格后持证上岗。调换工种人员,必须重新进行安全培训。4.2.3 Establishment and improvement of various safety operating systems and preventive measures. Establish various rules, regulations and systems featuring the safety operating procedures, safety reward and punishment rules, safety edu
31、cation system, safety inspection & rectification system, and safety technical disclosure for various persons (posts), and truly implement them, so that all construction personnel can follow them.建立和完善各项安全作业制度和防护措施。建立以各类人员(岗位)安全操作规程,安全奖罚细则,安全教育制度,安全检查整改制度,安全技术交底制度为主要内容的各项规章制度,并狠抓落实,使全体施工人员有章可循,有法可依。4
32、.2.4 Conscientiously implement the standardized operations, and carry out the site building with the safety and quality standards, as well as do a good job in civilized construction. Seriously apply the construction work disciplines and labor disciplines in the construction, eliminate commands and o
33、perations in violation of the operating procedures, and ensure the safety protection facilities in place at the construction site, making the production safety establish on the scientific management, advanced technology and reliable protection.认真实施标准化作业,开展安全质量标准工地建设,搞好文明施工。施工中严肃施工作业纪律和劳动纪律,杜绝违章指挥与违章
34、作业,保证施工现场安全防护设施的投入,使安全生产建立在科学的管理、先进的技术、可靠的防护设施上,做到文明施工,有条不紊。4.3. Management Requirements of Crossover Operation:4.3、交叉作业的管理要求:In order to ensure two or more parties construction safety and to avoid the occurrence of accidents in production, Article 40 of the Production Safety Law specifies: “Two or
35、more production and business operation units that conduct production and business operation activities in a same area and may endanger the production safety of each other shall enter into an agreement concerning the administration of production safety so as to specify the duties and functions of eac
36、h other in the administration of production safety as well as the safety measures to be taken, and shall arrange for a dedicated person in charge of the administration of production safety to conduction safety inspection and coordination.” 为保证双方或多方的施工安全,避免安全生产事故的发生。安全生产法第四十条之规定:“两个以上生产经营单位在同一作业区域内进行
37、生产经营活动,可能危及对方生产安全,应当签订安全生产管理协议,明确各自的安全生产管理职责和应当采取的安全措施,并指定专职安全生产管理人员进行安全检查与协调”。 4.4. Management Way of Crossover Operation:4.4、交叉作业的管理方式:Two or more production and business operation units that conduct production and business operation activities in a same area and may endanger the production safety
38、 of each other shall carry out safety production collaboration. The main form of the collaboration is to sign and implement the safety production management agreement. Each unit shall inform other units of the characteristics of its production, risk factors of its workplace, and the preventive measu
39、res and emergency response measures taken by it, making other units have an overall grasp of the safety situation in this operation area. In addition, each unit shall clearly define their respective safety responsibilities and the safety measures to be taken by them in the safety production manageme
40、nt agreement, so as to realize clear definition of responsibilities and task assignments. In order to ensure the safety production management agreement truly be implemented and production safety within the work area, each construction unit shall also specify a dedicated safety management person to i
41、nspect the safety situation in the operation area and timely coordinate and solve the production safety issues found in the inspection. 两个以上施工单位在同一作业区域内进行生产经营活动,可能危及对方生产安全的,应当进行安全生产方面的协作。协作的主要形式是签订并执行安全生产管理协议。各单位应当通过安全生产管理协议互相告知本单位生产的特点、作业场所存在的危险因素、防范措施以及事故应急措施,以使各个单位对该作业区域的安全生产状况有一个整体上的把握。同时,各单位还应当
42、在安全生产管理协议中明确各自的安全职责和应当采取的安全措施,做到职责清楚,分工明确。为了使安全生产管理协议真正得到贯彻,保证作业区域内的生产安全,施工各方还应当指定专职的安全生产管理人员对作业区域内的安全生产状况进行检查,对检查中发现的安全生产问题及时进行协调、解决。4.5. Management Principle of Crossover Operation:4.5、交叉作业的管理原则:4.5.1 Each construction party operating in a same work area shall understand each other and coordinate
43、with each other and establish a liaison mechanism to solve the safety issues that may occur in a timely manner and create the safe working conditions and operating environment for other parties as far as possible. The interfering party shall provide the interfered party with its construction plan so
44、 as to allow the latter to be able to arrange its construction schedule in advance and minimize the loss caused by the interference. If two parties can not coordinate with each other to a consensus or the interfered party has to stop operation, they shall submit this to the project department for co
45、nsultation and solution. 4.51施工各方在同一区域内施工,应互相理解,互相配合,建立联系机制,及时解决可能发生的安全问题,并尽可能为对方创造安全施工条件、作业环境。干扰方应向被干扰方提供施工计划,被干扰方据此提前安排施工,以减少干扰所带来的损失;如双方无法协调一致,或被干扰方必须停工时,则应报请项目部帮助协商解决。 The crossover operation at a same operation area shall be minimized or if this is impossible, the three-dimensional operation th
46、ere shall be minimized. Where two parties are in crossover operation or interfere with each other, safety measures shall be worked out according to the specific situation of the operating surface, with respective responsibilities clearly defined.4.52在同一作业区域内施工应尽量避免交叉作业,在无法避免交叉作业时,应尽量避免立体交叉作业。双方在交叉作业
47、或发生相互干扰时,应根据该作业面的具体情况共同商讨制定安全措施,明确各自的职责。4.5.3 If one party has to enter the workplace of others as required by its construction, it must apply for this to the other party in writing (Crossover Operation Notice), stating the operation nature, time, number of persons, equipment used, scope of operatio
48、n area and matters that need other partys cooperation. 4.53因施工需要进入他人作业场所,必须以书面形式(交叉作业通知单)向对方申请;说明作业性质、时间、人数、动用设备、作业区域范围、需要配合事项。4.5.4 Both parties shall strengthen safety education and training of employees and improve their skills in operation, self-protection awareness, emergency measures for preve
49、ntion of accidents and overall adaptability, thereby realizing “not harm oneself and others, or is harmed by others.” 4.54双方应加强从业人员的安全教育和培训,提高从业人员作业的技能,自我保护意识,预防事故发生的应急措施和综合应变能力,做到“三不伤害”。4.5.5 Before performing the crossover operation, both parties shall inform each other of the contents of its construction operation and safety precautions. When the