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2、查同义词和近义词辨析;词语辨析类:考查形近词辨析;考查同义词和近义词辨析;考查常用词辨析;考查常用词辨析;3.3.背景常识类:背景常识类:完形填空是独立的语篇,完形填空是独立的语篇,往往渗透着浓厚的风土人情、往往渗透着浓厚的风土人情、历史地理、历史地理、科学等知识;科学等知识;4.4.惯用固定搭配:以动词、名词和形容词为中心所构成的短语,通常为考查的重点。惯用固定搭配:以动词、名词和形容词为中心所构成的短语,通常为考查的重点。【考纲要求考纲要求】考纲把完形填空归于英语知识运用题,对它的具体要求为:在一篇】考纲把完形填空归于英语知识运用题,对它的具体要求为:在一篇250-300250-300 词

3、(或词(或 200-250200-250 词)的词)的短文中留出短文中留出 2020 个空,个空,要求考生从每小题所给的要求考生从每小题所给的 4 4 个选项中选出最佳选项,个选项中选出最佳选项,使补足后的短文意思通顺、使补足后的短文意思通顺、前后连贯、前后连贯、结构完整。考纲仍然遵循突出语篇、强调运用、注重交际的原则,强调对学生综合运用能力的考查以及语言知结构完整。考纲仍然遵循突出语篇、强调运用、注重交际的原则,强调对学生综合运用能力的考查以及语言知识的积累和复习。新课标要求,英语教学的总体目标是培养学生的综合运用能力,而语言技能(听、说、读、识的积累和复习。新课标要求,英语教学的总体目标是


5、在引导学生突破完形填空时一个是做题方法的指导,另外要把握考纲的要求:即基础另外要把握考纲的要求:即基础+能力,在平时的复习备考中要抓住这两点,不能一味地进行完形填空的专项训能力,在平时的复习备考中要抓住这两点,不能一味地进行完形填空的专项训练。通过对近几年来高考完形填空的分析可知,这个题型主要考查考生如下几方面的能力:练。通过对近几年来高考完形填空的分析可知,这个题型主要考查考生如下几方面的能力:1 1熟练运用英语语法短语和惯用法。考生的语法知识越丰富,阅读速度就越快,对文章的理解就会越深刻、全熟练运用英语语法短语和惯用法。考生的语法知识越丰富,阅读速度就越快,对文章的理解就会越深刻、全面。近

6、些年来,情境意义的考查代替了明显的语法知识的考查,但是仍然会间接地考查语法,这就需要考生平面。近些年来,情境意义的考查代替了明显的语法知识的考查,但是仍然会间接地考查语法,这就需要考生平时要不断锤炼自身的辨析能力。时要不断锤炼自身的辨析能力。2 2丰富的词汇知识和扎实的辨析能力。丰富的词汇知识和扎实的辨析能力。要有一定的词汇量,要有一定的词汇量,一个单词可能有几个词义,一个单词可能有几个词义,对常用的词义都应掌握,对常用的词义都应掌握,要掌握其不同的词性,否则,只知词义不知词性仍然无法进行正确的把握。要掌握常用的词语搭配和词语辨析。要掌握其不同的词性,否则,只知词义不知词性仍然无法进行正确的把

7、握。要掌握常用的词语搭配和词语辨析。3 3掌握阅读技巧,提高语篇理解能力。掌握阅读技巧,提高语篇理解能力。虽然所给的文章被抽去了虽然所给的文章被抽去了 2020 个词,但是整篇文章的内容仍是可以理解的。如果考生不能理解文章内容,就难以个词,但是整篇文章的内容仍是可以理解的。如果考生不能理解文章内容,就难以将正确的词填人文中。这也就是完形填空题与以单句形式考核词汇和语法的试题的根本区别。由此可见,考生将正确的词填人文中。这也就是完形填空题与以单句形式考核词汇和语法的试题的根本区别。由此可见,考生在做题时必须时刻从上下文考虑,不应该只看到所填的词在句子内是否可行。在做题时必须时刻从上下文考虑,不应

8、该只看到所填的词在句子内是否可行。4 4学会正确的逻辑推断方法,锐化自己的思维。逻辑思维能力有助于对文章深层次含义的理解和把握,从而选学会正确的逻辑推断方法,锐化自己的思维。逻辑思维能力有助于对文章深层次含义的理解和把握,从而选择早佳答案,完成“完形”。总之,可以看出完形填空作为一种综合性语言测试题,它检查的是考生对英语的择早佳答案,完成“完形”。总之,可以看出完形填空作为一种综合性语言测试题,它检查的是考生对英语的综合运用能力,包括考生在词汇、句型、语法等方面的语言知识综合运用能力以及阅读理解、英语思维、英语综合运用能力,包括考生在词汇、句型、语法等方面的语言知识综合运用能力以及阅读理解、英

9、语思维、英语文化背景知识和逻辑推理能力。它是一种考查学生语言能力,特别是语篇层次上交际能力的较难题型。它覆盖文化背景知识和逻辑推理能力。它是一种考查学生语言能力,特别是语篇层次上交际能力的较难题型。它覆盖的面非常广,是考查考生英语综合水平的重要手段。教师只有明白了这种题型考查学生学生哪方面的能力和要的面非常广,是考查考生英语综合水平的重要手段。教师只有明白了这种题型考查学生学生哪方面的能力和要求在复习备考中严格训练就能提高学生的完形填空题的应试能力。求在复习备考中严格训练就能提高学生的完形填空题的应试能力。完形填空专题训练完形填空专题训练【专题考案专题考案】(1 1)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,

10、然后从阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 1 12020 各题所给的四个选项各题所给的四个选项(A(A、B B、C C 和和 D D)中,选出最佳选项。)中,选出最佳选项。“Down“Down-to-to-earth”means someone orearth”means someone or something that is honest,practical and easy to deal with.It issomething that is honest,practical and easy to deal with.It is1 1totofind someone who is do

11、wn-to-earth.A person who is down-to-earth is easy to talk to andfind someone who is down-to-earth.A person who is down-to-earth is easy to talk to and2 2other people asother people asequals.A down-to-earth person is just theequals.A down-to-earth person is just the3 3of someone who acts important an

12、d proud.of someone who acts important and proud.Down-to-earth personsDown-to-earth persons4 4be important members of society,of course.be important members of society,of course.5 5they do notthey do notlet their importance“go to their heads”.They do notlet their importance“go to their heads”.They do

13、 not6 6themselves to be better persons than others of lessthemselves to be better persons than others of lessimportance.Someone who is filled with his own importance and pride,often without cause,isimportance.Someone who is filled with his own importance and pride,often without cause,is7 7to have“hi

14、sto have“hisnose in the air”.There isnose in the air”.There is8 8way a person with his nose in the air can be down-to-earth.way a person with his nose in the air can be down-to-earth.AmericansAmericans9 9anotheranother expressionexpression thatthat meansmeans almostalmost thethe samesame asas“down“d

15、own-to-to-earth”.earth”.TheThe e expressionxpression is is“both“both-feet-on-the-feet-on-the-ground”.Someone withground”.Someone withboth-feet-on-the-ground is a person with a goodboth-feet-on-the-ground is a person with a good1010of reality.Heof reality.He1111what is called“common sense”.what is ca

16、lled“common sense”.He may haveHe may have1212,but he does not allow them to,but he does not allow them to1313his knowledge of what is real.his knowledge of what is real.The opposite kind ofThe opposite kind of1414is one who has his“headis one who has his“head-in-the-in-the-clouds”.A man with hisclou

17、ds”.A man with his-head-in-the-clouds is-head-in-the-clouds isa dreamer whosea dreamer whose1515is not in the real world.is not in the real world.1616,suchsuch a a dreamerdreamer cancan bebe broughtbrought backback toto earth.earth.1717wordswords fromfrom a a teacherteacher cancan usuallyusually bri

18、ngbring a aday-dreaming student down-to-earth.day-dreaming student down-to-earth.Usually,the person who is down-to-earth is veryUsually,the person who is down-to-earth is very1818to have both feet on-theto have both feet on-the ground.ground.1919wewe havehave bothboth ourour feetfeet on-theon-the gr

19、ound,ground,whenwhen wewe areare down-to-earth,down-to-earth,wewe actact honestlyhonestly andand openlyopenly2020others.Our lives are like the ground below us,solid and strong.others.Our lives are like the ground below us,solid and strong.1 1A ApleasantpleasantB BsadsadC CcommoncommonD Dsurprisingsu

20、rprising2 2A AmeetsmeetsB BwelcomeswelcomesC CreceivesreceivesD Dacceptsaccepts3 3A AcasecaseB BkindkindC CoppositeoppositeD Dexampleexample4 4A AmustmustB BmaymayC CshouldshouldD Dwillwill5 5A AButButB BSoSoC CForForD DAndAnd6 6A AwishwishB BexpectexpectC CdesiredesireD Dconsiderconsider7 7A Asaids

21、aidB BtoldtoldC CaskedaskedD Dmademade8 8A AsomesomeB Ba aC CnonoD Deveryevery9 9A AdiscoverdiscoverB BfindfindC CmakemakeD Duseuse1010A AunderstandingunderstandingB BwishwishC CreasonreasonD Dexpectationexpectation1111A AdemandsdemandsB BlackslacksC ChashasD Dlikeslikes1212A AfortunesfortunesB Bdre

22、amsdreamsC CachievementsachievementsD Ddisadvantagesdisadvantages1313A AblockblockB BprotectprotectC CownownD Dgaingain1414A AideaideaB BpeoplepeopleC CattitudeattitudeD Dpersonperson1515A AmindmindB BlifelifeC CbodybodyD Dheadhead1616A AAlwaysAlwaysB BThereforeThereforeC CHoweverHoweverD DSometimes

23、Sometimes1717A ASharpSharpB BAllAllC CNoNoD DBadBad1818A ApossiblepossibleB BprobableprobableC ClikelylikelyD Dableable1919A AThoughThoughB BSinceSinceC CWhenWhenD DUnlessUnless2020A AtowardtowardB BforforC CoveroverD Dontoonto(2 2)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 1 12020 各题所给的四个选项各题所给的四个选项(A(A、B B、

24、C C 和和 D D)中,选出最佳选项。)中,选出最佳选项。Dear Dio,Dear Dio,Thank you for your note.I like yourThank you for your note.I like your1 1between death and failure.I had not thought of these two in thebetween death and failure.I had not thought of these two in the2 2way that you describe.I thank you for bringing thi

25、s to myway that you describe.I thank you for bringing this to my3 3.Your insights are very deep.Your insights are very deep.4 4you say,“death is only a(n)you say,“death is only a(n)5 5but failure can change someonesbut failure can change someoneswhole life.”whole life.”Yes,death is final.Failure is

26、temporary.Death leaves us withYes,death is final.Failure is temporary.Death leaves us with 6 6.But failure can leave us with lessons which will.But failure can leave us with lessons which will7 7our lives.our lives.I hope that your failure to pass thatI hope that your failure to pass that8 8English

27、test will help youEnglish test will help you9 9it will hurt you.Please rememberit will hurt you.Please rememberthat it is not beingthat it is not being1010down that is important.It is the inability to get up that isdown that is important.It is the inability to get up that is1111.Y.You will have to l

28、earnou will have to learnto get up,and to get gointo get up,and to get going.Failure is the“staying down.”It is not the“falling down.”g.Failure is the“staying down.”It is not the“falling down.”From reading your letter,IFrom reading your letter,I1212your English to be very good.You write better thany

29、our English to be very good.You write better than1313of my Americanof my Americanfriends.I do not know the reason forfriends.I do not know the reason for1414your English test.Maybe you were distracted that day.It isyour English test.Maybe you were distracted that day.It is1515thatthatpersons are jud

30、ged on the basis of a single test.persons are judged on the basis of a single test.You write well,youYou write well,you1616your feelings with excellence,and you thinkyour feelings with excellence,and you think1717.These characteristics should.These characteristics should1818you move toward a bright

31、a bright career.Just dont let yourself“stay down.”Get up andyou move toward a bright a bright career.Just dont let yourself“stay down.”Get up and1919them allthem allknow that you are talented and you areknow that you are talented and you are2020to succeed.I think you will.to succeed.I think you will

32、.With best wishes for a fine career.With best wishes for a fine career.BobBob1 1A AideaideaB BcomparisoncomparisonC CthoughtthoughtD Dreasonreason2 2A AsamesameB BwrongwrongC CcorrectcorrectD Drightright3 3A AattentionattentionB BheartheartC CheadheadD Dhomehome4 4A AWhichWhichB BWhenWhenC CWhatWhat

33、D DAsAs5 5A AendendB BresultresultC CfactfactD Dthingthing6 6A AsomethingsomethingB BnothingnothingC CanythinganythingD Dthinkingthinking7 7A AincreaseincreaseB BimproveimproveC ChonorhonorD Dtreasuretreasure8 8A AeasyeasyB BsimplesimpleC CterribleterribleD Dordinaryordinary9 9A Aas good asas good a

34、sB Bas well asas well asC Cmore thanmore thanD Dmuch thanmuch than1010A AfallenfallenB BstayedstayedC CknockedknockedD Dfeltfelt1111A AimpossibleimpossibleB BpossiblepossibleC CnecessarynecessaryD Dimportantimportant1212A AjudgejudgeB BacceptacceptC CpreferpreferD Dexpectexpect1313A AallallB Banyany

35、C ConeoneD Dsomesome1414A AsucceedingsucceedingB BpassingpassingC CfinishingfinishingD Dfailingfailing1515A AlikelylikelyB BreasonablereasonableC Ca shamea shameD Dfairfair1616A AfindfindB BexpressexpressC CspeakspeakD Dtelltell1717A AdeeplydeeplyB BthoroughlythoroughlyC CcarefullycarefullyD Dwidely

36、widely1818A AleaveleaveB BdrivedriveC ChelphelpD Dstartstart1919A AgetgetB BaskaskC CshowshowD Dletlet2020A AdevoteddevotedB BdetermineddeterminedC CengagedengagedD Dsupposedsupposed(3 3)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 1 12020 各题所给的四个选项各题所给的四个选项(A(A、B B、C C 和和 D D)中,选出最佳选项。)中,选出最佳选项。It was a half-m

37、ile walk from our small house to the beach road,where theIt was a half-mile walk from our small house to the beach road,where the1 1would be waitingwould be waitingfor us.But that morning Janet was much worse.She couldnt makefor us.But that morning Janet was much worse.She couldnt make2 2walk.And I

38、couldnt carrywalk.And I couldnt carryher.The path to the beach was steep and narrow andher.The path to the beach was steep and narrow and3 3at the water s edge.at the water s edge.I was a stranger far from home.I didnt knowI was a stranger far from home.I didnt know4 4to turn for help.But I needed i

39、t badly.I hurriedto turn for help.But I needed it badly.I hurrieddown to the beach and I found help.Four fishermen were about to go out for their morningdown to the beach and I found help.Four fishermen were about to go out for their morning5 5.I told.I toldthem about my sick little sister.Could the

40、y help me get her down thethem about my sick little sister.Could they help me get her down the6 6?I hardly got the words out of my mouth?I hardly got the words out of my mouth7 7they dragged their boat back onto the sand.Theythey dragged their boat back onto the sand.Theyclimbed the hill with me.One

41、 looked at Janet and theyclimbed the hill with me.One looked at Janet and they8 8their heads.They talked softly to one another.their heads.They talked softly to one another.“9 9sick to sit in a chair,”one said.sick to sit in a chair,”one said.“Better carry her“Better carry her1010in bed,”said anothe

42、r.in bed,”said another.An iron cotAn iron cot1111along the cliff!I was frightened.How could they do it?along the cliff!I was frightened.How could they do it?1212the men told me notthe men told me notto worry.“Truly easy,trulyto worry.“Truly easy,truly1313”they said.”they said.They tied a rope to eac

43、h leg of the cot.Each of them threw a ropeThey tied a rope to each leg of the cot.Each of them threw a rope1414his shoulder and held the endhis shoulder and held the endin one hand.I understood what they meant to do.in one hand.I understood what they meant to do.1515they carried the cot down the pat

44、h,they would usethey carried the cot down the path,they would usethethe ropesropes toto keepkeep thethe cotcot1616.But.But whatwhat if if oneone ofof thethe menmen slippedslipped andand lostlost hishis balancebalance?WhatWhat wouldwouldhappen to himhappen to him to the others-toto the others-to1717?

45、The men just smiled at my alarm.“That?The men just smiled at my alarm.“That1818will make uswill make useven more careful.”They said.even more careful.”They said.The men went down the path.EveryThe men went down the path.Every1919was a careful one.Always the cot was level,with never awas a careful on

46、e.Always the cot was level,with never abump.When they reached the beach road,they quietly lifted Janet into the taxi.bump.When they reached the beach road,they quietly lifted Janet into the taxi.2020,they stretched her,they stretched herout on the back seat.out on the back seat.We made the morning t

47、rain for Tokyo.And there an ambulance was waiting to take Janet to the hospital.We made the morning train for Tokyo.And there an ambulance was waiting to take Janet to the hospital.The doctor told me that I had got my little girl there just in time.Janet would be all right soon.The doctor told me th

48、at I had got my little girl there just in time.Janet would be all right soon.1 1A AdoctorsdoctorsB BtaxitaxiC CboatboatD Dfishermenfishermen2 2A Aa aB BherherC CthisthisD Dthatthat3 3A AonlyonlyB BmuchmuchC CrightrightD Dstraightstraight4 4A AhowhowB BwhatwhatC CwherewhereD Dwhenwhen5 5A Acatchcatch

49、B BtraintrainC CexercisesexercisesD Dhelphelp6 6A AroadroadB BwaywayC CpathpathD Ddrivedrive7 7A AwhenwhenB BwhilewhileC CafterafterD Dbeforebefore8 8A AshookshookB BnoddednoddedC Cheld upheld upD Ddroppeddropped9 9A AVeryVeryB BTooTooC CSoSoD DTrulyTruly1010A AsittingsittingB BlyinglyingC Ckneeling

50、kneelingD Dstandingstanding1111A AtooktookB BbroughtbroughtC CliftedliftedD Dcarriedcarried1212A AAndAndB BButButC CThenThenD DSoSo1313A AinterestinginterestingB BexcitingexcitingC CdangerousdangerousD Dsafesafe1414A AoveroverB BononC CthroughthroughD Dacrossacross1515A AAsAsB BBecauseBecauseC CBefo


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