1、欢迎来到英语课堂欢迎来到英语课堂Lesson 2唱一唱介绍新教师 学对话练对话听听做做画一画小组活动 练一练小结PPT模板下载: Do you have Do you have new teachers?new teachers?Yes,we have a new Yes,we have a new math teacher.Hes tall math teacher.Hes tall and strong.and strong.Lets talk1.Who is Amys math teacher?2.Whats he like?Mr.Zhao Hes thin and short.And
2、he is kind.说一说说一说 Whos your teacher?Whos your teacher?Mr.Mr.Whats he like?Whats he like?Hes.Hes.Lets tryLets tryTask timeTask timeListen and matchTalk about your teachers with your partner A:Whos your teacher?A:Whos your teacher?B:Mr/MissB:Mr/Miss .A:Whats he/she like?A:Whats he/she like?B:Hes/Shes and.B:Hes/Shes and.Whos your teacher?Mr/Miss.Whats he/she like?Hes/Shes and.Lets talk小小小小结结结结GOOD BYE