1、国旗下的演讲健康生活,快乐成长敬爱的老师、亲爱的同学们:大家早上好!今天我国旗下演讲的主题是健康生活,快乐成长。一年一度的“儿童节”很快就要到了。这是一个充满幸福和鲜花的节日,也是我们儿童最快乐的时刻。我首先祝福同学们有一个快乐的儿童节。同学们,你们知道吗?我们就像是栽种在温室里的一株可爱的小树 苗,在父母和老师的关爱呵护中一点一点地长大。他们教会我们老实 和正直,使我们长得更加笔直挺拔;教会我们知识和胆略,为了让我 们更加枝繁茁壮,长大了好去领略、经受人生的追求和风雨。一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴,同学们,我们要珍惜光阴,珍惜 幸福美满的童年生活,珍惜读书的机会,遵守学校的规范,尊重老师
2、的教诲,从身边做起,从身边的小事做起,文明礼貌、老实守信、团 结同学、热爱学习,努力把自己锤炼成为社会的有用之才。The annual “childrens day is coming soon! It is a festival full of happiness and flowers, and it is a wonderful time for all children.Firstly, I want to wish all students a happy childrens day.When you think about it, we are just like a lovely
3、 sapling planted in the greenhouse, growing up little by little under the care of parents and teachers. They teach us honesty and integrity and make us grow up to be good people. They give us knowledge and courage so that we can flourish.An inch of time an inch of gold, an inch of gold will not buy
4、an inch of time. This is why we should cherish time, cherish the happiness of childhood life, cherish the opportunity to study and observe the school regulations. We should respect our teachers teaching, and use their support to become polite, honest and trustworthy. We should unite classmates with a love of learning and make efforts to temper ourselves and become talented, kind members of society.