1、2022年考研作文预测-好的开始是成功的一半猴哥解析:这种图片属于父母和孩子的对话,和2021年考题相似,在2021年的话题中, 我们发挥成自信,也可以发挥成坚持主见,我觉得深度思考传统文化的传承也是可以的。 我们回到这幅图片,有几个方面值得我们认真思考,首先是好的开始是成功的一半,可以 围绕这句谚语去展开,当然可以从数学学习延展,如何去克服困难,当然写成行动力或尝 试挑战都可以。考研作文具有扩散性和答案的外延性,只要你合乎逻辑,自圆其说都可 以,再说考研英语作文的重心在于语言本身,如果考你的内容,那是语文的事情了。参考范文:这幅漫画描述了学生生活中的一个普遍现象。我们看到一个学生向其母亲抱怨
2、:妈妈,数 学太难了,我一开始就想放弃了。”母亲鼓励他说:“好的开始是成功的一半。”确实,我们都遇到类似的问题。作者希望我们应该注意打基础的作用,也就是我们做事开 好头的重要性。一方面,良好的开端有助于我们学好新事物。例如,在学习一门新语言 时,先学习基础知识,例如字母表、发音和基本语法,这些可能会非常枯燥。但是在认真 学习了这些重要基础知识之后,令人不愉快的局部就能完成。这样为我们学习新语言奠定 了良好的基础。另一方面,这句谚语也有其重要的道德应用价值。如果我们有坚强的意志 和决心去克服某种坏习惯,比方暴饮暴食或经常吃垃圾食品,那么一开始就需要我们付出 巨大的努力来克服这些诱惑。在我们第一次
3、战胜诱惑之后,坏习惯就会被取而代之了,在 以后对付相同或相似的问题就会容易得多。总之,我们做事情开头局部的好与坏,决定了我们今后学习和工作的基础。如果我们要建 造一座建筑,我们应该尽最大的努力确保地基的稳定性。This cartoon shows a common phenomenon in students life. We see that a student complained to his mother, Mom, mathematics is too difficult, and I want to give up even at the beginning, His mother
4、 encouraged him, saying a good beginning is half done.It is true that we all encounter the similar problems. The author hopes that we should pay attention to the role of foundation, that is, the importance of the beginning of things we do. On the one hand, a good start helps us learn new things well
5、. For example, while learning a new language, it may become very boring to study the basics first, such as alphabets, pronunciations and initial grammar. After these important basics of a language are carefully learnt, the most unpleasant part of the task is finished. Thus, a good foundation is laid
6、 in the beginning to learn a new language. On the other hand, this proverb also has its importance in moral application. If we are strong-minded and determined to overcome a certain bad habit like overeating or having regular junk food, initially it w川 require great efforts to conquer our temptation
7、. After our first victory over the temptation, the dominance of the bad habit is destroyed and resistance to future temptations of the same kind will be relatively easy.In a word, what we are to do at the beginning determines the basis of our future study and work. If we want to construct a building, we should apply our greatest attention to secure the stability of the foundation.